InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My One True Love ❯ New Revalations ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My One True Love
By: InuYasha and Sesshomaru's mate and Inu-koi's Life Mate
Chapter 7
New Revalations

Inuyasha stopped and put hand out in front of Kagome, halting her.
"Inuyasha....?" She asked, blinking confusedly up at him.
"Kagome...I have some news for you. You'd best sit down..." Inuyasha said, blushing in embarrassment at his forgetfulness.
"..." Kagome sat down on the nearest rock, and smiled up at him. "What is it, Inuyasha?"
"Kagome, on our mating night...there's something I forgot to tell you..." As Inuyasha said this, his blush deepened. 'She's so going to sit me for this...' he thought to himself. Kagome's smile faded.
"What didn't tell me?" She looked up at him worriedly. 'Did something happen?'
"Well, I pupped you that night..." he said, flattening his ears at what he deemed was her inevitable outburst.
"...I'm with child..?" She asked quietly, looking down and fingering the top of her school uniform. He cringed.
"Hai..." Kagome smiled brightly.
"That's great!" She hugged him tightly.
"Huh? You're not mad? This means you won't be able to use your powers, it might purify our pup. From now on you can't use your miko powers. Healing, Purification, none of them..." Inu still looked frightened of Kagome.
"Sango, is it normal for Inuyasha to cringe to Kaggie?" Kaori asked in a hushed whisper. Sango smiled.
"He cringes when he thinks she's going to sit him." Kaori looked confused.
"What's that mean?" Kagome released Inuyasha, and smiled at Kaori.
"Don't you remember what happened when you first met Inuyasha?" Kaori thought back, but couldn't make the connection. She just looked more puzzled. Inuyasha rolled his eyes.
"She said sit and my back practically broke." Kagome frowned suddenly.
"No miko powers?! Sit boy!!!!" Inuyasha felt the beads activate.
"Oh, shit..." was all he could manage before his face met his best friend, Mr. Dirt. Kaori finally understood the connection, and fought hard not to laugh at her brother-in-law. Kagome stared at him.
"How do you think I can fight now, Inuyasha?" Inuyasha said something but it went unheard, as his face was still pressed firmly against the dirt. "What was that?" Kagome lifted Inuyasha from the crater, holding him up, so he wouldn't fall.
"I said, I had Totosai make you a sword from one of my fangs, that would be sharp when not transformed! He's supposed to deliver it today!"
"Oh." Kagome smiled and looked around. "What time will he be here?"
"He should have been here an hour ago!" Inuyasha said. Just then, the sound of Momo the bull's mooing was heard and Totosai arrived.
"Right on cue." Kagome smiled and tapped her foot. "Hello, Totosai." Totosai cringed.
"H-Hello Kagome."
"Yo! You're late, Totosai! What the fuck took so long, you old geezer?" Inuyasha said, raging at the swordsmith.
"I got lost on the path of life..." Totosai smiled and Kagome rolled her eyes.
"If you got lost, why don't you just say it?" Inuyasha scowled.
"Just get with giving the dang sword to her already! I don't fancy eating dirt anymore!"
"Inuyasha, why are you so mean to him?!" Kaori asked in an angry tone. Totosai shuddered and handed Kagome the sword. "Here, it's called Tenrei, the protection sword." Inuyasha snorted, and shoved his hands into his sleeves.
"The old geezer is my swordsmith, and he's a coward."
"That's no reason to be mean to him, Inuyasha!" Kaori said, bristling. Koragi sensed his mate becoming angered, and calmed her by hugging her and whispering soothing words to her.
"It's ok, calm down, Kaori-chan..." Kaori's aura stopped pulsing at hearing Koragi's voice, and she leaned into him as she calmed. Koragi stepped away and looked up at his brother in law.
"Inuyasha, why are you so violent?" Inuyasha looked down at Koragi and smiled.
"I have to keep a lid over my feelings to protect my mate." Koragi looked confused, but Inuyasha looked up at the sky. "You'll understand one day."
"Kaggie, Inuyasha's acting strange...What's wrong with him?" Kaori asked, her face showing her confusion again. Kagome smiled.
"He's just being his unpredictable self. Pay him no mind."
"Ok, Kaggie!" Kaori said, smiling and hugging her sister by blood tightly. Kagome hugged her sister, and walked up to Inuyasha.
"Come on Inuyasha, you're confusing my sister and Koragi."
"May I remind everyone that we have to continue our search and worry about everything else later." Miroku said, tapping his staff on the ground to get everyone's attention. Kagome blushed and smiled.
"Miroku-sama's right, everyone. Let's go!" Kaori snapped out of her daze, as well.
"I hate to admit it, but the houshi's right!" With that said, Kaori started walking beside her blood sister and adopted one, so she was in the middle of Kagome and Sango. Koragi wrapped an arm around Kaori and smiled. "Koragi-kun? Can you talk with Inuyasha for a bit? I need some sister time with Kaggie and Sango. Onegai?" Kaori said with a sweet smile to her mate.
"Okay." Koragi smiled, his heart melting at the look on his mate's face. "Inuyasha?" Koragi looked up at his brother-in-law.
"Yeah, what is it?" Inuyasha said, looking back at him.
"How'd you meet Kagome?"
"Why do you wanna know?"
"Because...." Koragi blushed. "Kaori and Kagome are alike and your relationship has worked. I want to know if Kaori and I will..."
"Why worry about stuff like that? If you're supposed to be together then fine. If not there's nothing you can do about it." Koragi nodded.
"Good point. Thank you, Inuyasha-nii-san." Meanwhile, Kaori was starting a conversation about the guys with Kagome and Sango.
"So Kaggie! How did you catch Inuyasha?" Kagome smiled.
"Well, actually, it was by mistake." Kaori looked at Kagome, confused.
"How can getting the catch of the Western Royal Family be a mistake, Kaggie?" Kagome smiled wider.
"I hadn't expected to get him. I thought he loved another woman."
"You mean that clay pot, Kikyo?" Kaori asked.
"Yes....Kikyo..." The smile on Kagome's face grew sad. "I spent years crying over that."
"But I never hear about Kikyo anymore, what happened to her?"
"She was me." Kagome answered, grinning.
"Oh..." Kaori said. "Sango, how about Miroku? Is he really as bad as he's made out to be, reputation-wise?" Sango's lips quirked into a smile.
"Sometimes. But in the past few weeks, he's been good about not touching a girl's ass."
"How come?" Kaori asked, her curiosity roused.
"....We..." Sango blushed. "We kind do demons say it? Mated. We mated."
"Oh! So you two are marked mates now?" Kaori asked.
"Yes." Sango smiled. "He can't touch anyone else. Got that, Houshi-sama?"
"Yes Sango." He said, smiling awkwardly. Sango grinned.
"Good." Just then, a giant snake demon came at them, aiming for Kagome's neck.
"Look out, Kaggie!" Kaori yelled, jumping in front of her sister while unsheathing Koishii. "Inuyasha! Snake demon! We need Kaggie safe!" Kagome frowned, unsheathing Tenrei, and slashed at the demon.
"I can manage."
"Kaggie, if you don't know how to use it properly, you could end up getting killed! Just let us handle this one, then tonight we'll train you to use it!" Kaori sighed.
"Kagome! Iron Reaver, Soul Stealer!" He got the snake, who was still moving, albeit injured. Kaori took it upon herself get it away from her sister.
"Miroku! Get the damn Wind Tunnel ready, I'm herding it toward you!" With that, she chased the youkai toward Miroku by unleashing her Emerald Strike at it. It fled right towards Miroku. "Now!"
"Right!" Miroku gripped his hand, releasing the Wind Tunnel. "Kazanna!" The snake demon was sucked into oblivion and Miroku sealed the Wind Tunnel behind it. Kagome glowered and sighed.
"I could've handled that!" Kaori turned to Kagome.
"What where you thinking, Kaggie? Do you think I want the only sister I held as a baby to get herself killed?" Kaori said with tears in her eyes. Kagome's eyes saddened.
"I'm sorry, Ko-chan."
"I was just scared for you is all Kaggie. Be more careful, ok?"
"Okay. " Kagome smiled again and turned to Inuyasha, who embraced her.
"Kagome! What were you thinking? You know you don't know how to handle that sword yet!"
"Inuyasha, she's ok. That's all that matters, right?" Kaori said with a smile.
"Yeah, I guess. But...but I was so worried..." Inuyasha buried his face into her hair and nibbled her neck.
"Inuyasha, not here; you ecchi." Kagome scolded quietly, swatting at his arm.