InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My One True Love ❯ Warnings and Introductions ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 6
Warnings and Introductions

"Kaggie, I have a question to ask of you," Kaori said, looking at her younger sister nervously.
"What is it, Ko-chan?" Kagome glanced over at her sister.
"Do you think Inuyasha would mind if Koragi and I joined the group? I never got much time to spend with you when I was a pup, and I enjoyed that bath we took together before winter came." Kaori said, giving Kagome the Puppy Dog Pout. It was extra effective because of her eyes and dog ears getting into the expression. Kagome smiled.
"Inuyasha wouldn't mind! You wouldn't know this by his looks alone, but he's a big softie."
"Kagome! How much alone time do you think we'd get with the other two plus my in-laws with us?!" Inuyasha complained.
"But, Inuyasha!-" Kagome was cut off by Kaori.
"Kaggie, what does he mean by, 'the other two'?"
"He means Sango and Miroku." Kagome moved her gaze to her sister. "He's just stubborn."
"If we do join the pack, what should Koragi and I expect from Sango and Miroku?" Kagome looked over at Inuyasha, then back to Kaori.
"One word of advice, stay away from Miroku's hands. They tend to wander to a woman's behind." Kaori bristled at that thought.
"He even tries, and I'll slash his hands right off!"
"Try telling that to him, and he'll stay away as much as he can." Kagome smiled, watching as Koragi walked over to his mate.
"I'll protect you from him, koishii," he whispered, brushing his hand over her cheek. She instantly calmed at his tender gesture.
"Alright, they can come!" Inuyasha said, giving in to Kagome's pleading look. "But they had better help us kill Akago! He survived when we killed Naraku!" Kagome looked up at the sky.
"Speak of the devil..." She smiled, waving.
"Hi, Sango-chan! Miroku-sama!" Kagome called out as she saw her two friends descending from above. Kaori saw the fire-neko and drew Koishii, prepared to unleash the Cyclone Blast. Kagome's eyes widened.
"Wait! That's Kirara, Sango's neko youkai!" She looked up. "It's Sango-chan and Miroku-sama."
"Oh. Sorry." And with this, Kaori sheathed Koishii again. The minute Miroku saw the girl standing beside Kagome, a lecherous smile immediately appeared on his face. As soon as Kirara landed, Miroku immediately lept off and headed for Kaori.
Koragi growled as he smelled the monk's scent of lust and moved quickly behind the monk, capturing Miroku's arms, twisting them behind his back.
"Not another step, houshi. You keep your filthy hands off her." He growled.
"W-what?!" Miroku tried to escape the hanyou's grasp, but found it impossible. Sango blinked.
"What's going on?" Kaori stood close to Kagome, nervous about Sango. Kagome was the only human Kaori had ever trusted, and Kaori was unsure about Sango. Kagome smiled at Kaori.
"I guess Koragi smelled Miroku's intentions. Go on, Sango-chan won't hurt you." Kaori just cringed, scared stiff.
"I can smell demon blood all over her! How can I be positive?" Inuyasha snorted.
"She kills demons, like the rest of us. You'll just have to get used to blood on our scents." Kagome smiled reassuringly.
"It's okay, Ko-chan. No one here will hurt you. I promise, if anyone does, they'll get the beating of thier life." Kaori smiled and nodded.
"Ok, Kaggie. It's nice to meet you, Sango." Kaori bowed a bit nervously to Sango in welcome. Sango grinned.
"Hello, Kaori-chan. It's nice to meet you too." She bowed slightly. "You don't need to bow to me though."
"You've been in this pack longer than I have. I've only just joined." Kaori looked at Kirara nervously, as Kirara was still in her battle form. Kirara made a mewing noise, and fire exploded around her as she returned to her kitten size. She lept into Sango's arms, and the taijiya petted her cat, smiling softly. Kaori gaped and reached tenatively for Kirara.
"May I, Sango?"
"Of course, Kaori." Sango smiled, leaned down a little, letting the curious hanyou pet her companion, who purred and rubbed her face against Kaori's hand. Kaori gasped happily.
"She's so soft! Oh, she's a little sweetie, huh?" Kaori commented, looking at Sango. Sango nodded.
"Yes, she's very sweet. You should try riding her sometime." She looked over at Kagome, who nodded.
"Is everything alright, Ko-chan?"
"I guess. I was just a little nervous about meeting you. Kaggie's the only human I've ever trusted before. Kaggie's told me you sorta adopted her as a sister. I'm Kagome's older sister. Would you mind me joining your family, too?" Kaori said, looking away in fear of not being accepted where her sister was. This had happened a lot, and Kaori had no reason to believe it would be any different this time. Sango smiled softly.
"Yes, of course. I'd love it if you'd join my family. Is this because you're hanyou? Your timidness? Inuyasha isn't timid at all, maybe you can use him as a role model."
"It's more a self-esteem issue, Sango. Arigato for accepting me into your family." With this, Kaori hugged Sango in gratitude, being careful not to crush Kirara.
"No problem, Kaori-chan!" Sango laughed. Just then, Miroku managed to break free Koragi's grasp, and snuck up behind Kaori. Sango noticed, and bopped him with the end of Hiraikotsu. "HENTAI! Are you completely stupid! Don't you see she's already terrified?! Don't harrass the poor girl!" Kaori turned and glared at Miroku.
"If you ever try that again, you won't have any hands to touch women with! Am I clear, Miroku?!"
"H-hai." The houshi dropped to the ground, afraid of the not-so-innocent hanyou woman behind him.
"Sango-chan, I'd like you to meet my mate. Koragi-kun! Come here please koi!" Sango walked up and looked at Koragi.
"Oh! You're that infamous hanyou, Koragi Motosuwa! What are you doing here?!" She clutched the Hiraikotsu.
"Sango-chan! He's my mate! He's strong, but he's on the side of good now! Please don't hurt him!" Kaori said, begging her new sister to calm down. Sango glared at the hanyou one last time before calming down.
"Sorry, taijiya impulse I got from Father. Nice to meet you in person, Koragi-kun." Kaori comforted her mate, nuzzling the mate mark she had given him.
"Be nice, she's family now," Kaori whispered into Koragi's ear. Koragi smirked.
"That woman was testing me! I have to fight her, whether it's today or another, I must!" Koragi challenged. Sango smiled.
"Nice try, but I'm too tough for your strength. Try to to calm down, I don't want to have to hurt you." Kaori nipped him in displeasure.
"She adopted me and Kaggie as her sisters! She is your sister-in-law, now! You be nice, or no mating until next season!" Koragi blushed. He knew his mate meant what she said. She was everything a male wanted in a sexual active and explicit mate.
"Fine, but Taijiya, I'm warning you. Don't try anything, I don't trust you."
"Koragi! Her name is Sango! Where are your manners?!" Kaori snarled, getting really riled up. Kagome stepped in between Sango and Koragi.
"Koragi-kun, please, don't start this!" Kirara growled and rubbed against Kaori, trying to calm her master's sister. Kaori calmed at the feel of Kirara's fur on her ankles.
"You're right, Kirara. This isn't the time to fight amongst ourselves." Sango blinked.
"How did you understand what she said?"
"My mother had a small amount of Neko youkai in her. I guess I just got enough of it to understand what Kirara says." Kaori said, shrugging. Kirara purred, rubbing against her again and Sango laughed.
"I guess she likes you!" Sango laughed delightedly.
"HELP!!!!!!!!" Shippo's voice rang out just then. The instincts of protecting the young were activated by that call.
"Kaggie, is that your adopted son?" Kaori asked, her muscles tensed to run to the rescue. Kagome frowned.
"Shippo-chan's in trouble?!" She began to run, leading the pack. "I'm coming, Shippo-chan!"
Kaori easily kept up with Kagome, and in moments they arrived to see Shippo trying his best to fight off a huge bear demon. Kaori unleashed the Whiplash Tsunami as Kagome shot a purification arrow at the demon. The two attacks together destroyed the demon into a pile of dust. Kaori sheathed her blade and ran to Shippo.
"Are you alright, little one? I'm your Aunt Kaori."
"Thank you! You saved my life!" Shippo cried, latching himself to Kaori, trembling.
"It's alright. You're my nephew, I'll keep you safe from any enemy." With this, Kaori cradled him and handed him to Kagome. Kagome smiled, hugging her son.
"It's okay, Shippo-chan...." The kitsune stopped, and smiled.
"Thanks, Auntie! Mommy!"
"Shippo-chan, I think your Mama has something to tell you."
"What is it, Kagome-mama?" He asked curiously. Kagome blushed.
"Uh...Inuyasha is my mate, Shippo-chan. He's your father." Shippo grinned.
"I have a Mama and a Papa now, Kagome?" He bounced on her shoulder. Kaori smiled as Koragi entered the clearing and ran to her, hugging her and sniffing her over to make sure she was safe. Kaori gasped as her mate's nose brushed her upper chest, and playfully slapped his shoulder. "Later, ecchi!" This only caused Koragi to smirk lecherously.
"Aunt Kaori? Who's sniffing you? That hanyou." Shippo looked confused. Kaori smiled.
"He's my mate. This is your Uncle Koragi. Koragi, meet Kagome's adopted son, Shippo." Koragi looked up and spotted the kitsune.
"A kitsune? Shouldn't she have an inu hanyou or human?" He sneered.
"Koragi, he was orphaned by the Thunder Brothers! Kagome took him in, and in the end adopted him! He's adopted, Koragi! Be nice, or I will carry out the no mating until next season threat!" Kaori said, glaring at him angrily. Koragi sighed.
"But why do I have to be nice to these...humans? And the demons who've detested me for years."
"Shippo is your adopted nephew, for one thing. And Sango and Kagome are my sisters. We're all a big pack, as Miroku is engaged to Sango. And they are not the humans or demons that taunted you in the past. You understand, right?"
"Right." Koragi smiled. "It'll be okay, I guess. As long as you're my mate." He nuzzled her, purring, and turned to Shippo and said, "Welcome to the family, Shippo."
"Umm....thank you. So are you and Kaori going to have pups soon?"
"Shippo! That's not a polite thing to ask." Kagome scolded.
"Possibly Shippo. You never know." Koragi chuckled. Maybe he was wrong about the little guy. His hand strayed to Kaori's backside and he squeezed a cheek.
"Koragi! Can't you wait until later?!"
"Excuse me everyone. I think some one needs a time out." Kaori apologized, although her lust was starting to rise, no thanks to her mate. She led Koragi away to a new secluded spot she knew of. Miroku tried to sneak away to follow the pair, but he didn't have any luck.
"Forget it houshi." Sango growled, grabbing his ear and leading him away.
"Seems like this afternoon is going to get very steamy."

"Alright my lecherous mate, you're getting your wish." Kaori chided playfully as she turned to face her mate. She came closer and placed a searing kiss on his lips. Picking up one of his hands, she slid inside her kimono top and cupped it around her breast. Koragi growled lustfully as he brought his other hand up and inside her kimono as well, cupping the other breast. It didn't take him long to get her kimono off, almost ripping it off in the process. While he kissed, stroked and kneaded her breasts, Kaori had worked off his pants and was now tickling his manhood and carressing his butt cheeks.
Breathing heavily, he lowered them to the ground and crawled across Kaori's lap. He raised is bare bottom high as she continued to carress it. After working her magic for a few moments, she raised her hand and brought it down hard, spanking him hard, making his bottom glow hot. After five minutes of this treatment, Kaori got down on all fours in front of him and presented her bottom to him.
"Tease and ravish me my love." Kaori called out in pure lust.
Koragi did just that. He separated her butt cheeks and carefully placed his manhood in her entrance, making it wiggle. He slid in and out of her slowly at first, gradually picking up speed until he was almost pushing her across the clearing. Howling with absolute pleasure, Kaori rolled over and flung her legs around her waist and bucked with him. As he bucked with her, Koragi leaned down and suckled a breast. So far this was the best round of sex they had ever had. He released his seed in her and collapsed on top of her.