InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Rapist's Brother ❯ The Hospital ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N: I know I haven’t updated in forever, and for that I’m truly sorry. Between getting a boyfriend,
starting college, moving to a new city, and then the patches of writer’s block I experienced, I’ve just
been too busy to update. I know this one isn’t as long as everyone would want but I needed to type
something up.

The Hospital

“She’s starting to come to” The nurse said sweetly, her face almost so close to mine it was hard to
focus my eyes. The blinding white lights weren’t helping me either. I blinked a few time to clear my
vision. The nurse leaned back, and started adjusting the machinery around me.
“My baby girl, we thought we lost you” Mom said smiling at me. She had a death grip on my left hand;
she was sitting in the chair next to my hospital bed. I moved my head slowly in her direction and then I
gave her hand a squeeze.
“Do you remember what happened to you?” The nurse asked, she was messing around with the
machines and IV drips next to me.
“Ayame Wolf came to see me at my house. She wanted me to go to the…media. She was upset when I
wouldn’t do what she wanted and I tried to get her away from Souta but she pushed me down the
stairs” I answered, rubbing the side of my head. I was still in a lot of pain from everything.
“Careful, you wouldn’t want to mess with your injuries too much” The nurse warned, returning with a
tray of food. IT looked hard and plastic, except for the juice and the jello.
“Where is she? She’s my girlfriend” I heard Inuyasha’s voice traveling down the hall. I glanced over at
Mom. Her face turned into a sharp scowl.
“Momma please, I need to see him” I whispered, my throat hurt but I wanted to express myself.
Mom’s grip of my hand let go and she pat my stomach gently.
“What you need, is to worry about your baby. Thankfully the fall didn’t significantly injure you but
what if it did. All this because of him and his family. This is not what I had planned for you. Never in my
dreams for you did I see you, 16 and pregnant. I wanted you to go to college, find a nice man to marry,
have children later in life. Inuyasha and his family have been nothing more than a stress and a source
of problems. I do not like the boy; he’s no good for you. I don’t want you two together” Mom replied,
frowning at me.
“Ms. Higurashi, there is a Mr. Taisho here to see you” The nurse announced, holding the door open for
Inuyasha to come in. He came in looking somber; his hair was up in a ponytail, and a bouquet of
flowers in his hands
“Mrs. Higurashi” He bowed formally to her, then handed her the flowers. Mom took them reluctantly
and placed them on the end table beside my hospital bed.
“I’ll give you two some alone time. But Kagome, remember what I said” Mom advised, stepping
carefully and slowly passed Inuyasha and out the door. Inuyasha immediately took the seat she left
and held onto my hand.
“I’m so sorry I wasn’t here soon Kagome, what happened?” He asked, lightly brushing his hand against
my bruises.
“Ayame came to the house and was upset that I wasn’t doing what she felt I should. She wanted me
to go to the media, tell them what Sesshomaru did, blackmail money from your family, and keep the
baby. This baby has been nothing more than a nightmare for everyone. It’s ruined my life, tarnished
your family’s name, and caused a rift between you and your parents. It’d be best if I got rid of it” I
confessed, allowing my hands to cup my baby bump.
“It’s too far along for an abortion, Kagome” Inuyasha stated, and I looked up at him as if he was crazy.
“Not abortion, adoption. Let a nice family raise the baby far far away from here. If we’re lucky, the
baby will take more after me than him and we’ll give it away anonymously” I corrected. I could see
Inuyasha’s jaw clench and I knew rage would be the next thing to follow.
“You can’t let your baby float around there in the universe and not know how it’s doing. Do you want
someone else raising your pride and joy, and you may never be able to see it again. Are you ok with
that?” Inuyasha demanded, he stood up and began pacing around the room.
“I rather have my baby safe and well taken care of than living with me and suffering in this town! With
Ayame still on the loose, and your parents still freaking out, nothing is stable. There is no healthy
environment I can put my baby into. I wouldn’t allow my son or daughter to be born into this” I threw
up my hands, frustrated at the situation. Although it would kill me to part from this baby, I also didn’t
want to have it raised in this hostile situation.
“My parents are not the issue. They’ll back me if I need them to. But you and I need to work together,
Kagome. This baby is both of our responsibilities and I do not want a rash decision being made. So calm
down, get better, and then we can talk about it more” He pleaded but I was deaf to all he said.
“There is no WE! This is my baby, in my stomach. I’m the biological mother, I am the one that is going
to be staying home to raise it, waking up in the middle of the night to feed and change it, and I’ll be the
one in charge of all the medical decisions, the paperwork, the naming. This is my problem and mine
alone. You are free of all your obligations” I insisted.
“I will not leave you to make this decision alone, if you think you can scare me off with a few little
words, then you don’t know me at all. This baby is ours, even if we’re not together anymore. I
understand if you rather be single, but you have to realize that I am the baby’s uncle and one of the
male role models that’s going to be around. I have a lot invested in this baby, because this is the only
piece of my brother left. Although my parents aren’t happy with this either, they don’t want to lose
the only part of their son either. You carry something more valuable than any of our family’s money or
business; you hold something that’ll never be able to have any other way. Use that as leverage; use
that to make them stop harassing you. Once my father heard about Ayame’s assault on you, he hired
his own private force to track her down and a lawyer to make sure she is properly punished by the
legal system” Inuyasha explained but I wasn’t hearing it. All I could hear was the technical aspect. They
were keeping their little problem off the map and under the radar. But the Taishos could care less
about me and this baby; they just didn’t want the press catching word of this.
“IS everything ok in here?” Mom peeked in. I sat up, crossed my arms firmly across my chest, and
shook my head.
“Mrs. Higurashi, I’m trying to reason with Kagome. She’s talking about giving the baby up for adoption”
Inuyasha turned to my mother, as if she’d ever take his side over mine.
“Kagome’s decision is none of your business. It’s ultimately up to her. I think you should leave
Inuyasha, she needs her rest” Momma said firmly, that look in her eye daring him to disagree with her.
Inuyasha felt in a flurry and I leaned back in the hospital bed, relieved that this little conversation was
“Do you need anything, dear?” Mom asked.
“No, I just want some time to myself if that’s ok” I said softly, I was exhausted, my head still hurt, I
hated the smell of the hospital and Inuyasha just made the whole situation worse. Mom gave me a
chaste kiss on the forehead and left before the next nurse came in.