InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Rapist's Brother ❯ Apologize ( Chapter 19 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Thanks to Kouga's older woman, Ikuto'slover1112, purplemeltdown, the-real-Inu-girl, kusbana, wycked Frankie, oreogirl96, kagomechan001, Akina-chan09, watersongs, Raven2010
So far more people are voting for a girl then a boy (4 to 3) and now we're down to voting for names. The names are provided below:
Yume (girl)
Nick/Nikki (either way)
Inusessha (Boy)
Keiko (girl)
Keitaro (boy)
“You didn't stand up for me! You FAILED” I screamed, in the middle of his perfect living room in his perfect house. I was stupid to honestly believe he was going to stay with me. Daughter of a café worker and a part time nurse, where he has this rich family that spoils him with the best of the best and I'll never be a part of his life.
“Keh. You don't understand my father” Inuyasha said at me.
“I don't care about your rude father; all I care about is that you left me out to dry while he verbally attacked” I shot back at him.
“I'm here, aren't I? Obviously I want to be here for you” Inuyasha retorted.
“Well how can I be sure? Did you come because your mother sent you? Or did you come because you care about me?” I questioned. I wanted certainty.
“I'm not some lifeless Momma's boy. I came because I wanted to” Inuyasha snapped. I frowned at him and placed my hands on my hips.
“Sure had me fooled. Is everything between us a lie, Inuyasha? Did you care at all? Was our date real? Was our kiss real? Do you even like me? Or is this all because your parents have you as their trained puppet?” I hissed.
“Damn Kagome, will you listen to yourself? Do you honestly think that all that was fake?” He said, his outward demeanor was calm but I was still raging.
“I don't know what to think anymore. To me, everything is a lie. You did this because your mother, bless her soul, told you to. And being the good son you are, you obeyed blindly. Falling for me wasn't a part of that plan and that's why you never told them. It was a mistake” I stressed.
“No, the only mistake I made was not saying something to them sooner” He admitted but I wasn't hearing it.
“I need someone to take me home. I have more important things to worry about then you” I turned my back to him and crossed my arms over my swollen chest.
“I'll call a limo to take you home, but will you at least buy some stuff for the baby or something? I know you hate my family and me right now but don't let that stop you from taking this” He handed me a two hundred and fifty dollar prepaid Visa card. I took it but I didn't plan on spending it. Not now, not ever.
“I don't need your family's money or your pity. I can take care of this baby by myself, even I even keep it at all” I said firmly. The hurt look in Inuyasha's face never left but I wasn't going to be weak and let him win.
“Don't talk like that Kagome. If you want to keep the baby then go ahead. Don't let my father win “Inuyasha said, but I was already out the door, card in hand, waddling to the limo. I just wanted to go home. I was tired, hot, needed to pee, sweaty, and a little peeved at Inuyasha. How dare he just sit there like a quiet spectator while his father chewed me up and spit me out? And how dare Mr.Taisho talk to me that way like it's my fault he had a sick son that did this to me? I'm the victim, not the attacker.
But what a position Inuyasha is in. I went from a project, to a girlfriend…while his parents were oblivious to everything that we had together. He meant more to me then a lot of other people, he was almost like family but he couldn't share that with his. How could I be so selfish? To expect him to choose between his new girlfriend and his family and their lifestyle. He'd be giving up a lot to be with me. More than he should have to. I'm not worth losing his fancy house, fancy car, and unlimited money supply.
And this baby…this unborn little girl or boy inside of me. They'll constantly be a problem even if the Taishos do accept it. Inuyasha is far from ready to be a father, as I am far from ready to be a mother and a wife. How weird is that to ask him to be a father to his nephew. Do I even tell my child what their biological father did to me? I don't want them to be as scarred as I was; especially an innocent child.
“Miss, we're here” the driver announced and I didn't realize that I was lost in my thoughts the whole time. I got out, no thanks said to him, and waddled into the house. I was more pissed than anything else.
“Where were you Kagome? I needed you home right after school” Mom asked.
“I got stuck at Inuyasha's house, but we're done now. His parents want me to kill my baby. They offered to pay and then when I didn't, Mr. Taisho got upset and started yelling at me. And Inuyasha sat there and did nothing, NOTHING” I shouted, still upset about the whole thing.
“Kagome, as upsetting as the whole situation may be. You need to calm down for your body's sake. All this stress isn't good for the baby. Inuyasha has a lot riding on his shoulders and although it was wrong for him not to stand up for you, you must understand his position. To disobey his parents could be impossible to do without putting his own livelihood at risk. He has a reputation and he has responsibilities to his family. He can't throw that away just for you” Mom said firmly.
“But after all we've been through, everything we've experienced together; I don't deserve at least a few words in my defense. His father basically ripped me a new one and he just sat there like a quiet observer” I exclaimed. I felt those earlier suppressed tears coming back but I blinked them away.
“Did he come after you at all? Did he try to make things better before you left?” Mom asked.
“He gave me a stupid Visa gift card but I wanted him to come back with me, promise me that he'll be there, or something. Instead he just failed” I said deflated, giving Mama the gift card. She took it happily.
“Will he financially support this baby?” She questioned. I glanced up at her bewildered.
“We're not accepting money for him, or his family. We don't need it” I answered.
“Maybe you haven't realized Kagome but this family isn't made of money. Unless you want all of us to move into grandpa's old folks home and work 2 jobs, we have to have some help. The baby is going to need diapers, clothes, medical checkups, shoes, etc and we don't have any of it yet” Mom said, her tone was tired and she was rubbing at her forehead.
“I'm not sure if I want this baby anymore. It's too much. We can't afford it, how do I explain where their real father is, I can't keep a steady relationship, and it's been nothing but the root of problems for weeks. I was stupid to think I could be a mom” I said, letting those tears fall out freely. I was done trying to be strong, done trying to pretend that everything was ok.
“You will make a good mother Kagome, no matter how old you are. If you really want this baby, then you should have him or her. But you have to realize that it's stupid to refuse money, even from Inuyasha and his family. We need all we can get and this is only the beginning” Mom placed her hand on my shoulder and I leaned my head into her arm for comfort.
“It'll be ok Kagome. But I have to go to work. Please stay here and watch Souta for me” She placed a quick kiss on my forehead and left, her purse in tow. I felt emotionally exhausted but before I could lie back on the couch and close my eyes for a few minutes the doorbell rang.
“Souta, can you get that?” I yelled, I didn't feel like trying to escape the cushions on the couch. Souta came bouncing down the hall in his usual way and opened the door.
“Hello, who are you?” He asked rudely.
“Yeah my sister is home. Would you like to speak with her?” Souta asked. That caught my attention so I slowly moved to push myself from the couch and make me way to the door. I was shocked and surprised to see Ayame Wolf standing before me.
“Wow, you've gotten bigger since I've last seen you, Kagome” She smiled, that same frightening smile she had before.
“Get out of my house; after our last conversation I don't want you around me” I said, not sure what to do. My phone was not close to me and Souta had already ran upstairs.
“Have you seen the Taishos lately? As pregnant as you are, I bet they've tried to contact you” Ayame asked, ignoring what I said completely.
“No, Inuyasha's been keeping them away” I lied but Ayame wasn't buying it.
“Sure….so are you keeping the baby?” She asked.
“I'm not sure yet; I have a lot to think about right now” I replied honestly.
“Well I think you should go to the media. You're pregnant with a Taisho spawn and any news station would love to break that story out to the world. I can call the local reporter now and she can do an interview on the spot. Be sure to cry, they love when it's a sad story” Ayame cheered, she was so set on me doing it.
“I'm not going to the media, to the police, or to anyone else. I don't want any fame or any media attention. I just want this nightmare to be over” I said, scooting away from her.
“Ok….I can see where you're going with this. You can threaten to tell the media and get millions from them to keep your mouth shut and your baby hidden. I only got a couple million, but you could get bank from them” Ayame kept pressuring me.
“I don't want anything from the Taishos, I'm sick of all of them. My baby and I are just gonna be on our own” I said firmly, trying to walk away from her, but she pressed her hand into my shoulder. I spun around to face her.
“Don't be stupid Kagome, you and Inuyasha might have had a fight but there's no need to let that cloud your mind from the money his family has. Come on, think of the possibilities” She said excitedly.
“Leave me alone Ayame! I'm not going to do it. Now get out of my house” I pushed her hand off my shoulder. I stood my ground, trying not to appear afraid of her. She gave me a quick slap that left a little sting on my face and she shook me by the shoulders.
“Snap out of it Kagome, do what I say or ELSE” threatened Ayame, her entire tone and demeanor had changed to someone hostile and violent.
“Souta! Call the Police!” I screamed, now afraid that Ayame was going to snap our worse. I heard no reply from upstairs and my eyes slightly glanced in that direction.
“No one's calling the police, Kagome” Ayame whispered evilly and she began to make her way towards the stairs. She was walking, slowly but surely. I tried to keep up with her, afraid what she would do to my little brother. Although Ayame was part ways up the stairs, I caught the sleeve of her blouse and tried to pull her back down to me. She jerked her arm and the motion threw me off balance, I could feel myself freefalling down the stairs. My back, neck, and hand instantly started hurting.
“Ahhhhh” I groaned out, the pain was too much for me.
“The police are on their way, Are you ok sis?” Souta asked, I struggled to focus my eyes and look up at him.
“Sou…ta” I whispered as my eyelids grew heavy and I lost consciousness.