InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Rapist's Brother ❯ Going Down ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Redone June 9, 2010. Edited for grammar, spelling, and clarity.
Going Down
"Hey Babe" Inuyasha greeted me the next morning as I sat in the car. I patted my tummy lightly, I was getting so huge. I felt like a whale. I looked around in his messy car to see a calendar scratched on and used. He circled my due date, June 22nd, and I smiled.
"Is he or she moving around in there?" He asked, I felt around but there was no movement. I smiled over at him wearily. I had to pee most of the night and my back was on fire so I didn't get a lot of sleep.
"Not today, maybe it's too soon" I said surprised. I had read in my textbook that my baby could survive if it was born this early but it wouldn't really weigh much but it would have the basic brain functions down. I was taking care of myself with light exercise (if you count walking around campus), taking my prenatal vitamins, semi-regular checkups, and getting all my immunizations.
"Have you decided what you're going to do about…" Inuyasha cut himself off, he didn't know what mama and I talked about yesterday.
"I'm going to keep the baby; it's a part of me and I don't want to let some stranger raise my baby" I said firmly, resting both hands on my stomach. Inuyasha nodded slowly as if he understood and then he parked in front of our dreadful school, Shikon High.
"You ready to return to school?" Inuyasha asked. It had been awhile since both went to school because of all the problems we've had on campus. He probably still has some more things to work out then me because he fought Naraku but I know Sango and Yura are gonna be all after me too.
"Ready as you are" I said, giving his arm a squeeze. I felt stronger with him, it was almost like we gained a little of each other when we started going out. I know it's only been a few days but it feels like we've been together for way longer than that. I guess I rely on him more than I should. Once he pulled up at the school, I waited for him to open the door and then I carefully slid out of the car. I waddled with Inuyasha holding my backpack and my hand. We were going to stop by the cafeteria for breakfast before class started but we saw our two favorite people standing there by the curb.
"So sweet, look at cute couple. The freak and the pregnant 'rape' victim" taunted Yura and Sango.
"Shut the fuck up you stupid cunts" Inuyasha blurted before I even knew it. I was beyond pissed at those stupid girls irritating the hell out of us but I didn't expect him to say that. Sango's face was in an O and Yura was steaming mad. I was surprised that Naraku wasn't there by her side to add his little remarks; I guess he was still hiding out from having his face slammed in.
"Oh, defending your pregnant cow of a girlfriend now aren't you. Isn't that cute?" Yura hissed. Inuyasha narrowed his eyes at her and I gave Inuyasha's hand a little squeeze.
"Hush Yura, don't you have something better to do than tease us? Maybe you should help Naraku with his face" I screamed at her, feeling a little pride that my boyfriend messed hers up. Yura shook her head at me nastily and her face started turning a deep red.
"Your boyfriend is a PUNK. He sucker punched Naraku and now he's going around bragging about it like its some type of accomplishment. Maybe that's why Sesshomaru got you pregnant and not him, because he has no balls" Yura said, and all of Inuyasha's self control snapped. He let go of my hand and started stalking over to Yura. She tried to stay strong but I could see the fear in her eyes.
"Keh. Is that what he told you bitch?" Inuyasha yelled, getting right up in Yura's face. She started walking backwards, afraid of what he'd do to her.
"Is it?" He asked again, daring her to keep talking mess. I tried to make my way over to Inuyasha but a crowd of people made a circle around them and unfortunately I couldn't see to break in.
"Inuyasha, calm down" I tried to say but the roar of the crowd cheering Inuyasha on was too loud and I wasn't able to scream. I could only watch the damage from the outside.
"YES it is, you stupid ass. You attacked my boyfriend from behind and that's the only reason why you won. So go back to your little animal of a girlfriend and leave me alone" Yura snapped at him, finally regaining her confidence because she had a crowd of witnesses. I could see Inuyasha clenching and unclenching his fists and I thought he was gonna hit her. I wedged myself between two skinny girls who weren't paying attention and got into the circle.
"There she is now" Sango added, pointing in my direction. Suddenly it felt like everyone was watching me.
"Stay out of this slut, this is between me and your boyfriend" Yura insisted, not even giving me a sparing glance. So I waddled as quickly as I could over to her, reared my hand back and slapped her right cheek as hard as I could. Her head turned sharply away from me and then she recoiled and faced me again.
"What the fuck? You want to see what a real slap feels like…" She threatened, and I knew she was gonna get me because I couldn't run or defend myself. But the impact never came, Inuyasha grabbed her by the wrist and kept her away from me.
"Break it up!" Mrs. Kaede yelled, she came into the middle of the circle to see me standing there doe-eyed, and a pissed Inuyasha holding onto a red-cheeked Yura.
"Three of you into my office now" She demanded, she let me go first, and then she stood between Inuyasha and Yura as we walked to her office. She grabbed an extra chair from the hallway and sat the three of us down in her office. All I could think about is how mad Mama was gonna be for another call home.
"Kagome, you may start first. Tell me what happened" Kaede said, she had her hands folded on top of her desk, her computer was flashing but she ignored it. Inuyasha sat on my right, Yura on my left.
"Well Inuyasha and I had just pulled up at school when Sango and Yura started teasing us" I started, but Kaede interrupted us.
"What time was this?" She asked.
"7:45" Inuyasha answered for me, I honestly don't even remember what time it was. All I know was we were a little early.
"Where were Yura and Sango standing, Kagome?" Kaede directed to me, I could tell she didn't want Inuyasha answering for me.
"They were on the curb in front of the cafeteria. We didn't see them until we started walking out of the parking lot" I answered.
"After they started teasing you guys, what happened Inuyasha?" Kaede asked.
"I shouted at them to shut up" Inuyasha answered, his tone low. I could tell he was just fuming to be back in the office just after getting off punishment and off suspension.
"Did you stop after Inuyasha told you to shut up, Yura?" Kaede asked.
"I said a few things back but only because he called me and Sango a bad name" Yura tried to justify herself.
"What exactly did Inuyasha call you?" questioned Kaede. She had now taken out a pad of paper and was jotting down some notes.
"He called Sango and me cunts" Yura said, a little smirk on her face. Kaede's face dropped into a frown.
"Is this true Mr. Taisho?" She said in her angry voice. He glared out of the corner of his eye and her and then nodded his head.
"They name called too" I jumped in, if Yura wanted to play that game then 2 can play.
"What did she say?" Kaede said.
"She called me a whale, a cow, teased me about being raped, and called Inuyasha a punk" I started listing it off, and Kaede scribbled down on her paper.
"I hope you both realize that these are extremely powerful and hurtful words that should not have been said. Unfortunately this didn't end here. I saw the rest of the story. Inuyasha got in Yura's face, Kagome slapped Yura, and Inuyasha was restraining Yura from attacking back, is all that correct?" Mrs. Kaede asked.
"Yes ma'am" I said, lowering my head. If only I didn't slap her…maybe I could stay out of trouble.
"Well I'm giving Yura and Inuyasha a week of afterschool detention for profanity and name-calling. But Ms. Higurashi, your punishment has to be more severe. You'll have a month of Saturday school for physical contact. I don't want any more problems between the three of you. If any of you return to my office, it'll be an automatic week of suspension no matter what you do" Kaede warned, she handed each of us a customized pink slip and a white contract form.
"Sign the contract below and then take it home and have your parents sign it. I'll be giving them a call this morning to make sure they know what's going on" Kaede handed us the forms and I felt myself pale. Mama really doesn't need any more stress than she already has, and I'm making it worse. I took mine and quickly waddled to the bathroom, the baby was going to torture me for taking so long.
I managed to sit through all my classes without a problem; Sango and Yura didn't say one thing to me today. Inuyasha and I hid in the library for lunch just in case they got some wild plan for us, but they never came.
"I gotta go home first, try and intercept that voicemail before my parents come home. Do you mind?" Inuyasha asked, I shook my head and sat back. I had never been to Inuyasha's place before, and I was excited to go. Maybe I'd meet his parents and then we wouldn't have to hide our relationship anymore. The whole school knew it, Mama probably knew, and now it's his family's turn.
There was a huge black gate that blocked us from entering his house. Inuyasha punched a code into a thing that resembled a telephone and the gate slowly rolled open. He drove through and parked right in front of this large house, I swear it looked like a mansion. We both got out and walked up a few stairs to the front door.
"Master Inuyasha, pleasure to see you home so soon. Your mother will be pleased. Your father requests your presence in his study right away" The butler said. He glanced in my direction.
"She's a guest, show her to my room" Inuyasha ordered, I didn't really want to be separated from him so quickly but he had already started jogging up this long staircase to see his father. I was taken off to the right, past a beautiful kitchen with pure marble and the latest stove top and fridge, into what I guess what Inuyasha's wing of the house.
It was wonderful; a 42" plasma screen television with a Wii and a play station three hooked up. He had DirecTV with all the channels, and a laptop sitting on a desk by his bed. His bed was so soft and comfortable, a California King by the looks of it. I plopped down on the bed and I felt like I was floating on a cloud.
"Ms. Higurashi, the master and mistress of the house would like to see you now" The butler came back. I guess I must have fallen asleep because it was starting to get dark outside. I followed the man in the black suit up the long staircase which left me almost exhausted and out of breath by the time I reached the top.
"Ms. Higurashi, sir" He introduced me into the room. I saw Inuyasha, with a pained look on his face, sitting beside a man that could have been his brother. Gosh he was flawless and beautiful. His face was hardened, but he looked so much like Inuyasha and Sesshomaru. I could tell he was their father. And to his right was a pretty woman with dark black hair and a soft expression, I'm guessing his mother.
"Sit" His voice boomed through the room. I eased into a chair that was thankfully large enough to accommodate my new weight.
"It's nice to finally meet the girl my son has been taking care of" The woman spoke to me; her voice was so sweet, so gentle, so almost melodic.
"It's nice to meet you both as well" I said politely, unsure of even what to call them. The woman must have read my mind because she smiled sweetly.
"My name is Izayoi, and this is my husband, Toga" She introduced herself; I smiled and nodded because I didn't know what to say.
"Let's get to the point, shall we Kagome? Our son here has been taking care of you and that unborn child for the past three months, and that's quite devotion. I've never seen Inuyasha take so well to any task before, especially one he volunteered for. But we can't continue to let him be tied to you or that thing, so we're here to offer you payment in return for ridding yourself of that problem" Toga offered.
"Ridding myself of my baby? Like kill it?" I questioned, grabbing at my stomach. I turned to Inuyasha for comfort but he was staring at a spot on the floor and I couldn't reach him.
"Abortion is one option or a closed adoption right after the birth so that you can move on with your life. Of course my wife and I will be more than willing to pay all the medical bills and fees that you need so that you can start life over debt free, and we'd also pay you for your time and suffering" He continued.
"We feel that it's best that you not let this get out. Having a Taisho child is an exclusive privilege and you are not the first girl to be knocked up by one of my children. Take this offer and be gone" Toga finished.
"Not the first one? How many have there been? Does everyone take this offer?" I demanded, all fear gone at the fact they were trying to get rid of my baby.
"Ayame was the last one to take this offer, and she made the right choice. She now has enough money to pay her way through college in cash, and she is debt free. Now you'd be unwise to pass up something as good as this. With a waitress for a mother, and a lack of a father figure, the baby would only suffer in a poor quality of life and you'd have to give up your dreams of post-secondary life" Toga answered, his voice still smooth and calm.
"I will NOT take such an incredibly rude offer. To get rid of this baby, which I did nothing to put inside of me, isn't fair. Your son raped me, your son took away my childhood and my innocence, and now I've grown attached to his life inside of me. You expect me to just throw that way for some money" I shouted, all patience and calmness gone.
"You planned on keeping this baby?" Izayoi asked. I turned to face her, tears streaming down my face.
"Yes, I told Inuyasha today that I wanted to" I then turned to face him and his eyes finally came off the floor.
"You knew about this, Inuyasha?" Toga questioned.
"Yes father" He said monotonously.
"Why didn't you mention this to your father and me? You know as her protector that you are supposed to report everything" Izayoi asked. I was confused…protector? We're dating missy.
"She and I have a closer relationship then just that. I'm not some child anymore Ma, and I don't tell you everything" Inuyasha's normal self started coming through.
"How close of a relationship?" Toga asked, his face scrunching up.
"We're dating" I answered, tired of him beating around the bush. Izayoi's eyes widened a little but Toga's did the opposite.
"Dating? That was not a part of the plan. You were to convince her to get rid of that abomination, not help her raise it. Did you think you could be a little family?" Toga hissed.
"I'm raising this baby alone. Inuyasha does not have to stay by my side. I never asked him to" I cut him but Toga ignored me.
"I'm legally grown in 4 months, and if I want to be with Kagome then I will" Inuyasha answered.
"You won't if you want your inheritance. This baby is nothing; it's a mistake and you can't ruin your life over something as insignificant as her and that thing growing inside of her" Toga said.
"My baby and I aren't insignificant. And it wasn't a mistake. It was a rape! You make it sound like this was some preventable accident, when I had no part in it. That choice was taken from me. But you can't take this baby, it's mine and I won't let you" I said, storming out of the room.
"Go after her and comfort her" I heard Izayoi tell Inuyasha, but I didn't want his comfort. He lied to me; he didn't come to me because he felt guilty about what his brother did, he came to work me over so he and his family could get rid of my baby. Then he isn't even man enough to defend me from his father. Maybe Yura was right, he has no balls.
"Kagome, wait" He shouted after me. I was trying to walk as quickly as I could down the stairs without falling or hurting the baby. But I felt his hand reach my shoulder.
"Kagome" He said softly, and I turned around….