InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Savior ❯ Chapter Six ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The ground ran red with blood that day. Bodies lay strewn across the crimson ground. Men, women, children, the killer had missed no one. The faces of the corpses were all frozen in horror as if they had died looking like that, never expecting the attack.

As the group walked through the carnage, they all noticed something unbearably familiar….

Every one of the victims' hearts had been ripped from their chests…

Inuyasha looked up as someone completely unexpected walked into the village. Her cold russet gaze swept over the massacre with indifference.

"Kikyo-san," Miroku broke the suffocating silence, "what are you doing here?"

"I have come looking for the girl. I am responsible for her turn." Everyone gasped at this new revelation but the priestess didn't miss a beat. "And though I am incapable of feeling regret or guilt, I know that what she is doing is very wrong and I must stop her before she kills anyone else."

The group was silent. How could Kikyo have caused this?

"Um… Kikyo, how could you have caused this horrible change in Kagome?" Sango asked the question that was on everyone's mind.

"I shot her with multiple arrows. And to keep her from fighting back with her own Miko powers, I put a potion on the tip of my arrows that would leave her defenseless. I must have gotten the mixture wrong, though, because it's having side effects."

When Kikyo had finished her explanation, everyone was left speechless.

'Kikyo…how could you do this to my Kagome? You aren't the Kikyo I loved so long ago…'

"Is there anyway to reverse the potion, Kikyo-san?"

"There is a countering potion, but I prefer this way." The woman held up her bow and arrows as a way to show the group what she meant by "this way".

Everyone in the group was too shocked to stop her as Kikyo sauntered off into the woods to continue in her hunt.














