InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Savior ❯ Chapter Seven ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A strange sense of dread hung in the atmosphere as the group joined the world of the conscience. The cold air bit at their skin and Inuyasha suddenly realized it was beginning to turn into winter. It seemed like just yesterday that he and Kagome were having a quiet picnic in a flower field. He remembered it perfectly, her silky pallid skin shining like the finest gold and her ebony mane billowing softly in the cool summer breeze.

Inuyasha snapped out of his daydream as he heard his stomach growl. "Hey, fox. Go get some water for ramen," demanded the hanyou.

Shippou groaned in response. "You can't cook ramen, Inuyasha!" he protested in his whiny little child's voice.

"I can too! Kagome taught me how!"

The whole world seemed to go deafly silent at the mention of the girl's name and Inuyasha snapped his mouth shut as he realized what he'd said. The fox lowered his head in gloom and just grabbed a small pot from Kagome's old bag they had decided to bring with them in the hopes that they could give it back to her when they got the girl to come around and made his way into the forest, following a trail that led to a nearby stream. Everyone glared at the hanyou as Shippou walked away.

A few moments later, the group heard a shrill scream and their heads shot up in unison. Inuyasha, Miroku, Sango and even little Kirara looked at each other before bolting off in the direction from which the sound of distress had come, the fire-cat transforming as they went.

What they found was horrible beyond compare…

(AN: I am going to stop it here. *hit by several flying objects* Just joking! Just joking!)

Blood was splattered on the surrounding trees. Tiny organs were everywhere in the clearing and red-brown tufts of fur were scattered about, floating down the stream, also. But what was worst was Shippou's decapitated head hanging from a tree branch across the clearing.

As Inuyasha stepped farther into the clearing he stepped on something small and squishy. He quickly lifted his foot to see a little hand covered in blood, nearly retching when he caught sight of the detached appendage.

…As the group reluctantly searched the scene with just their eyes they all noticed something…

…the little boy's heart was missing as all the other's had been…

…and it was at this time that they realized just how far gone their Kagome was…


Miroku broke the overwhelming silence that had clouded the group since they had found Shippo's… body. "We… We're… going to have to kill Kagome-sama when we find her."

Inuyasha jumped up from his position at the campfire at this, outraged. "NO one will be killing Kagome!"

"Inuyasha," Sango began. She seemed to be holding back tears. "Even if we did get Kagome, our Kagome, back… she would be devastated with the knowledge of what she'd done. I know Kagome well enough to realize that she'd want to die after killing Shippo and Kaede and so many other people. She'd demand it…"

"No she wouldn't! We WILL get her back and she WILL be fine!"


No one commented on that as the hanyou jumped up into a tree to sulk in privacy.

He was in denial…














