InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Scary Halloween! ❯ My Scary Halloween~The Legend! ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Scary Halloween By Mija

Disclaimer~Dont own Inu and gang.

Chapter 1~The legend!

~~~Kagome was back in her time. She had promised Inuyasha to be back after Halloween. She wanted to spend it in her time. In her time there were no spirits and ghosts or demons and she wanted away from all that for just one night if anything. Plus she had promised her friends to participate in a slumber party post halloween get together at Yuri's house. It made her feel good to know no matter what her sick minded friends had in mind for Halloween tricks they would not get her, after all she had seen in the fuedal era??? None of the modern tricks and scares would get to her, she had battled demons and spirits and other scary things to be worried about tricks and something that might go bump in the night. She really looked foward to some normal time so to speak. That night she was at Yuri's and her other friends were there too when the fun so to speak begun.

"Does anyone know the story behind the family who used to live in the house next to me?" Yuri asked. They all frowned. As far as they could remember the house next to Yuri was abandoned and people always said it was haunted. Not that Kagome believed it, but it was your basic spooky old house with cobwebs, over grown yard, falling shutters as well as boarded up windows.

"What about it?" Eri asked.

"Well I found out just a few month ago about the house..I had always wondered about it, but my mom and dad would just ignore the question and switch the subject..but this year..well I found an old woman who was standing out by the house just looking at it..I was curious..and you know me, nosey and all I just had to ask..I asked her if she knew about the last occupants and why no one ever wanted to rent or own such a beautifull old house...thats when she told me the story.." Yuri explained as she grinned and Kagome was on to her. She was going to tell a scary story and then have them do something silly as her halloween trick.

"So what is the story?" asked Kagome.

"Well from what the woman told me, she said she was the daughter of the man and woman who used to own the old house like 5o years prior...she said that it had taken that long for her to even come back after all that had happened..then she explained the legeng so to speak..." Yuri began.

(The old woman tells a story)

~~~Ohh it was such a beautifull house in those days. I was only ten years old but I knew that we were living in an upscale area where the richer families lived back then. Our house was soo beautifull. I was happier than I ever thought I could be. It was like a fairy tale and I was a princess in the huge castle. It was so exciting so many rooms and nooks and crannies to explore. My mom and dad were very happy as well. As far as I can remember my mom and dad were soul mates, they loved each other without question, they were the happiest couple I had ever known and have known. They never argued in front of me. Then about three days after we moved in things started to change. I remember sleeping in my room one night and feeling like something was pulling the covers off of me. In my sleep I pulled it back up, but only to have it pulled vioently back down. I woke up and saw a shadow. It scared me soo much I peed in my bed and just stared at it in shock, I was so scared I couldnt even scream. I cant really explain what it was. It was a transperant sort of shadow, nothing but a black mass that you could see threw with the outline of a person. I dont know how I knew but I just knew it was male and that it didnt want me there. It was angry and wanted to hurt me. I saw the shadow reach towards my exposed legs, my night gown had gone up till it was at my thighs.

~~~The next thing I know I was screaming at the top of my lungs and pain was like fire on my legs. My mom and dad came into my room then turning on the light and grabbing me by my shoulders and asking what was wrong. I opened my eyes and cried as I told them what I saw. They thought it was all a dream. Untill they saw my legs and saw the deep scratches in it that were like claw marks. They couldnt explain it and didnt want to I think. The dismissed it as something I did in a nightmare to myself. But the wasnt the last night I saw the shadow. I was pushed down the stairs and broke my leg. I had seen the shadow right next to me before I saw him swing at me and I fell down the stairs. Alot of things happened like that. I was always getting hurt and they would never believe me when I told them it was the demon..for thats what I felt he was some sort of demon.

~~~Then not more than half a year of living there did things escalate. My mom and dad who had never argued before had begun to fight like cats and dogs. They yelled and screamed alot. My mom wanted us to move, my dad refused. They fough alot. Sometims daddy would hit mommy, something he had never done before either. I was shocked and refused to tell them anymore about the demon who was attacking me every now and then. But things didnt get better, they got worse. All I seemed to ever hear was my mom crying and my dad yelling. We never went out anymore, it was like the house didnt want us to leave it and we never did. It was scary and strange and I didnt know what to do. Then one night. The night that would change my life. I heard my mother screaming and my dad yelling, but this time was different. They werent doing it to each other, they were crying and yelling at someone else.

~~~I crawled out of my bed and went to their room. Just as I got there I saw two shadow. The demon and another. One had my mom pinned with her arms behind her back, as the other was dragging my screaming father to a sort of black hole in the wall. All I can think of now is that they were taking them to what ever place they lived, another dimension or something. I cried out as I watched my dad get swallowed by the hole, then my mother got taken as well. Then the shadows looked at me. And all I can remember is this white sort of glow, with a pinkishness around it. It was a woman. She took my hand, told me to trust her, and that I would be safe. I took her translucent hand and things went black. Next thing I remember is finding myself being held by the neighbors as cops searched my house for my parents. They never found them and I never told them what I saw. Who would believe me? I still own the house to this day. Ive been too affraid to let it go into anothers hands..affraid to let another family live threw what I ive kept it in the family..but Im scared..Im dying and Im affraid that the day will come that my hiers will sale it, but Im affraid that the evil that still dwells there is not gone and just waiting..they want me back or someone to take my place..I think they get energy from fear and when they have enough the open the portal and take their victoms...I wold love to see my mom and dad when I die, but I dont think I will..I think they are trapped there in that limbo of hell and untill the demons that took them are destroyed and the house put to rest they will never find peace.

(End of Womans tale)

~~~By this time everyone had shivers going up and down thier spines. Even Kagome who had seen and been threw much was not immune to a good ghost story. Then what Yuri had in mind totally freaked them out. She suggested that they go sleep in the haunted house next door. If anyone chickened out then they would be labeled as weaklings for the rest of thier lives. Ok Kagome knew this was stupid, she really did. But a part of her thought this story was not true, she had seen much but it was nothing like this so it must not exist. So she along with the girls agreed. Little did she know that this halloween was going to be one she never ever forgot for the rest of her life and would change everything she believed in.

A/N~okies heres the first chap of my new fic, it wont be long and I know I still have a coulple out there I need to finish, but I wanted to do this one in lue of the Halloween spirit, ya know ghost stories an all that??? there might be a lemon later but not sure I have one in mind but not sure where this is going to bare with me k?? let me know what you think, wether I should continue or not cause I just might leave it there, I know, not a good place to leave stuff but hey it might make ya a bit spooked and that is my aim..gigles anyhow let me know what ya think huggles and smiles Mija..:-)