InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Secret Mate ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 7
I woke to the sun beaming on my face. I rolled over searching for my mate but he's not there. I guess he must have woken up early. I get dress slowly still feeling the after effects of last night's activity. After I am fully dressed I walk to the dining room where I know breakfast is soon to be held. Everyone is seated in their respected spots. My mate seated at the head of the table and Lord Kouga at the other end with his wife sitting to his left. I took my respected seat to my mate's left and we all had a very quiet breakfast no one wanting to mention the noises the other heard last night at the table.
After breakfast was over Ayame and I went to her room while our mates took care of business. When we were sitting on the bed she was the first to ask the question that had been plague both of our minds. “So how was last night from the sounds of it, it must have been great.” “It was I tied him down and made him beg for it. It was great I never came so hard in my life, but enough about me what about you and Kouga I heard you guys loud and clear last night.” “well at first I didn't want to do anything because this isn't are manor and all but he just kept kissing and feeling on me and the next thing I know my legs are on his shoulder and he's riding me as hard and fast as he can. I didn't even notice I was screaming until I stopped and noticed my throat was sore.” “Wow” I said in amazement. In another part in the manor Lord Sesshomaru and Lord Kouga were just finishing business talk.
“Okay enough of this business. We know we heard each other last night so how was it.” Kouga said with an easy only he could show to Lord Sesshomaru. “I don't know how that is any of your business but It was good no better than good it was great. Now since you asked had the audacity to ask me such things you now have to apply that question to your self.” “Well if you must know it was great she didn't know what hit her. I had her screaming so loud last night that her voice was hoarse for an hour.” “Well now that we have talked about our activities last night let us find our gossiping mates.”
Back in Ayame's room
Ayame and I were finishing talking about our time with our mates when we heard a knock on the door. “Come in” Ayame said. The door open and both my mate and lord Kouga were standing on the other side. I graciously went over to my mate and greeted him with a kiss on the cheek. “I didn't know it was so late it almost time for lunch.” I said in a sweet voice as snuggle myself into my mates arms. I feel the warmth of his body heat seeps through his clothes. I practically purr with pleasure but as with everything all good things must come to an end. We finally go to the dining room for lunch.
We talk very little while we eat even though the uncomfortable silence is no longer there. Then soon after lunch I turn to lord Kouga to ask him to spar with me. “So wimpy wolf are you ready for our ritual spar or are you too scared.” “Inuyasha I don't think you should…” Kouga interrupts Lord Sesshomaru saying “Yeah listen to your mate he knows what's bests for you mutt face.” Inuyasha growls and stands up from his seat and walks over to Kouga with a determined look on his face. “I don't care what he says I am going to beat your sorry ass right now.” “Oh really is that what you think.” “Why don't we take this to the sparring room. “ “Lead the way mutt face.” Inuyasha turns around and marches down the hall with Kouga following closely behind both of the arguing back and forth the whole way as their mates follow them at a much slower pace shaking their heads as they would at children.
By the time Sesshomaru and Ayame reached the sparring room Inuyasha and Kouga had already started fighting and blows have already been dealt and, neither had any bruises or marks on them.
I was breathing hard and so was Kouga as I lunged at him. He dodged my fist and before he could do a counter attack I jumped out of the way. Kouga lunged at me but I didn't have time to move and he landed a solid punch to my face. I could feel blood leaking out the side of my mouth but I didn't care I just wanted to beat the mangy wolf. I tried my luck at punch him back but he evaded my attack and jumped all the way to the end of the room I quickly followed and tried to land an aerial attack but soon ended up with a foot in my stomach. I flew back to the other end of the room and crouched down holding my stomach as I coughed up blood.
Pain filled my entire being I couldn't focus on anything but the pain in my stomach and the thought that something must be wrong with my pup. I had tears running down my face as I thought of loosing my pup. With my thoughts on the pain and the lose of my pup I didn't hear or see the up roar going on around me.
As soon as Lord Sesshomaru saw Kouga land a solid kick to Inuyasha's stomach and him go flying across the room he was on Kouga like a killer dog on his prey. He landed two solid blows to his face and Kouga went down to the ground. Kouga stared up at Sesshomaru with a surprised look on his face but the look didn't last long for soon Sesshomaru was punching him in the face repeatedly slowly letting his poison seep out into his fist. The only thing stopping him from killing Kouga was the pitiful voice of Lady Ayame asking for help with assisting Inuyasha to the healer. Lord Sesshomaru got up from attacking Kouga to assist Ayame in helping Inuyasha to the healer. He picked up Inuyasha bridal style and carried him to lady Kaede's room. Inuyasha had lost consciousness on the way to the healer. When they finally reached the room Sesshomaru laid Inuyasha down on the bed as the healer asked but when Kaede ask him to leave he growled at her a no. So she let him stay in the room but made him sit a chair away from the bed. Ayame left when she was asked to and went to look for her mate and find out what the hell he did to Inuyasha.
AN: hope you liked this chapter I enlisted the help of a very good friend to help me get ideas for it because I was totally lost. So review please. ^_^