InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Sex is a Killer ❯ In the Club ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kagome moved away from the door to allow her friend to pass through.
“Kagome, why is it so silent?” Sango asked curiously looking around at all the stunned paparazzi and guests.
“I don't know Sango.” Her brilliant azure eyes accentuated with the smoky eye make up glimmered with mischief as she looked at all the people. “You are more than welcome to continue enjoying yourself, please do not stop yourselves at my expense.” Her soft silky voice echoed through the area.
Suddenly lights started flashing ecstatically; Kagome's sequined dress sparkled excitedly while Sango's silver top shone brightly.
“Kags! Kags! Where is your dress from?!”
”Kags! Why have you been keeping a low profile!?”
Kagome turned to the paparazzi dragging her friend Sango with her and smiled brightly at the paparazzi showing her stunningly pearl white teeth and fangs. “No comment.” She said smoothly as she sauntered gracefully into the club her stunned friend close behind her.
“When did you become a demon?” Sango whispered frantically into her friend's ear.
“We will discuss this later. Follow.”
The club was magnificent; it was built in the shape of a square with several levels. The ground level being the level with the bars, the bars aligned all of the walls as if it was one excruciatingly long bar. 7 steps led down to a large square dance floor, the DJ levitated fairly high in the air above the dancers. Hanging from the high ceiling level with the DJ booth were cages, each had one woman dressed in neon colors that shone brightly as if it were only clothes dancing. The wall behind him was a large screen that allowed the guests to see other party in her other clubs around the world. A long iron semi-spiral staircase leads to the VIP area, another large lavishly furnished part of the club. Filled with blood red and midnight black leather couches and a long bar to the far left of the vicinity. The VIP's for the opening night were chosen by her celebrity coordinator Kaugra. Kaugra was hired to invite only the most elite of Japan with the biggest wallets, and she had to admit. She did a damn good job.
“Kaugra.” Kagome stated indifferently. “Everything seems in place, good job.”
Kaugra glared at Sango, how dare that girl be allowed to accompany Kagome. She wasn't below them. Turning away from her she stared back at Kagome, “I'm glad you're pleased, I must say some of the people's money in this room rivals your own.” Kaugra said smugly.
“Hm. Sango lets go get a drink. I believe there is a bottle of tequila calling our names.” After snubbing Kaugra, much to her dislike Kagome and Sango wandered to the bar ordering themselves each three shots of tequila. Ah tequila, the golden gift from the gods Kagome thought as the harsh liquid was poured down her throat.
“Sango I have to go make my announcement, it's almost 12. I think I see Miroku coming in now. I'll meet you back here.” Before Sango could protest her friend was already down the stairs making her way to the DJ booth.
Damn stilettos; make everything in this world more difficult. Kagome thought as she climbed the pole to reach the platform the DJ was placed on. She looked around; the design of the club was great. Definitely one of her better accomplishments. She forced a smile on her face as the DJ dimmed the song.
“Hello everyone, I do hope everyone is enjoying themselves.” At that moment screams of joy and excitement rang through the room. “Yes well, I would like to personally thank everyone to coming to the opening of Club Shikon and would hope that you will all return soon. With that I leave you to enjoy yourselves.” Not even a second afterwards music sprang from the speakers filling everyone with a quick dance beat. That's when they came in. Her heart clenched as she stared at them unable to pull her eyes away. Without a second thought she jumped from the 10 foot platform startling several that were dancing nearby. So they decided to show. It figures Miroku would bring him and he would bring Kikyo.
Inuyasha looked around, there was a surprisingly calm familiar scent drifting to his sensitive nose. The refreshing scent of sakura blossoms assaulted him, relaxing his body. His eyes darted frantically around the room to search for this appealing scent.
“Inu baby what's wrong?” Kikyo said pushing her large chest towards his face, her breasts and ass barely covered by her short red spaghetti strap dress.
“Nothing.” Miroku looked at him quizzically; never before had Inuyasha just dismissed Kikyo so absentmindedly.
“Well if it isn't my old `friends'.” Kagome approached them, her voice cold and seductive. “It's been a while. I see you are all well. Kikyo you haven't changed a bit, other than the um… obvious physical enhancements.” Kikyo's eyes widened considerably. That bitch. No one dare spoke to Kikyo like that; she was Inuyasha Taisho's fiancée!
“Excuse me!? Who the fuck do you think you are?!” Kikyo screeched hurting her and Inuyasha's poor demon ears. Kagome glared at her, her icy eyes seemed to penetrate through her entire body making Kikyo feel empty and cold.
“Stop that! Can't you see its making her uncomfortable! I should get the owner to throw you out.” Inuyasha was beyond furious; Kikyo kept squirming under Kagome's intense gaze. Miroku too stunned to move simply went in search of Sango, Kagome was no longer the kind innocent girl he once new. She was viscous now, out for blood.
“I'm offended, my own cousin and ex-boyfriend don't even remember me.” Kagome pouted, her sarcasm causing Inuyasha to wince. “And I couldn't very well kick myself out of the club! That's just silly Inuyasha. I see your brain has still not developed fully, don't worry I'm sure your just a late bloomer.”
“Kagome…” It was barely a whisper but she heard it clearly.
“Oh Inu you do remember me! This is so exciting! Do you remember how you cheated on me with my cousin? Or how you broke up with me my last day of senior year? I always knew you were cheating on me, just never my own cousin. I thought you had higher standards, it really is a waste.” She bit out coldly at him her blue aura flaring around her.
His dog ears were pinned flat against his head. He knew what he had done was wrong, but Kikyo was a seductress and he fell under her spell.
“Kagome I…” Inuyasha started but Kagome cut him off.
“Save it Inuyasha, you broke my heart. This conversation was not to re-instate our relationship or even friendship but simply to clear things up. Enjoy the rest of you evening.” And with that the raven haired inu demoness pivoted and stormed back to the VIP.
He had watched the entire scene from the corner. How could this have been the same boring barely attractive girl from his high school years? Not only was she beautiful, but she was clever, and witty. Shock overcame him as he watched her walk right past him, a calm cold exterior that could have beat his own. She didn't even look at him! He was appalled, he was voted sexiest man in Tokyo for the past 3 years, and she didn't even pass a glance. The horror.
“Sesshomaru, do you want something to drink?” Kaugra asked trying to be seductive batting her eyelashes and licking her lips. Normally she was good at seducing men, but Sesshomaru was tough. She loved it; she couldn't wait until he was all hers.
Sango I headed home. I hope you enjoyed yourself at the premier of my club. I'll see you tomorrow. Much love, Kagome. Kagome slid the note in her friend's wallet as she looked at her friend and her boyfriend passionately kissing on one of the leather couches. Jealousy itched under her skin but she pushed it back. I chose to be this way. I chose to be alone. She repeated this in her head until she once again believed it.
Once she reached her home she dressed in an overly large white t-shirt in climbed under her massive down feather comforter and sighed as she recalled the day's events. Oh how she hated being back, the pain she felt in her heart was almost unbearable. Being home was the only place she could relax and show her true emotions. She fell asleep that night her eyebrows furrowed with worry.