InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Sex is a Killer ❯ A bit of history ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Thank you for the reviews, much appreciated
I'm trying to make each chapter a bit longer so bear with me. Thanks again!!
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“Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, is there something you need? I trust you had a good time at my club last night.” Her icy tone sent shivers down Inuyasha's spine. What happened to his sweet kind Kagome?
Sesshomaru was stunned; not only was she the owner of a major corporation but also the owner of several clubs around the world. She was proving to be more worthy of him each moment. He was intrigued, his golden orbs flicked up to meet hers. “Indeed, research has shown you are one of the most suitable event coordinators in the world, and my father is hosting the annual gala this year. We are in need of your services.” His voice was monotone, but what did she expect.
“Sesshomaru, I have several planners to my disposal. Please enlighten me what the purpose was for you to come and waste my time when you simply could have arranged a meeting with one of them.” Inuyasha eyes grew wide; never had a female dare question Sesshomaru unless they wanted to die.
Sesshomaru took a deep breath flexing his hand in an attempt to keep his composure. “I expect the best, which you would be.”
Kagome smirked revealing her sparkling white fangs, “Ah the great Sesshomaru Taisho needs me. I never thought this day would come, I always dreamed of it I suppose this is quite the surp…” Not a second later Sesshomaru was charging towards her, furious. She dare deceive him! He would punish her, his hand reached for her neck but it never made contact. Kagome spun around grabbing him by the neck and pushing him against the wall lifting him several feet in the air. “Do not dare touch me.” Her voice was venom, seething out of her pristine mouth. She dropped him on the floor while turning to face Inuyasha. “I will organize a meeting this week with your father regarding the details.” And with that she grabbed her coat and bag exiting her office leaving a stunned Sesshomaru and a smirking Inuyasha.
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She defeated me. A weak human female, defeated me. No, she's not longer weak, or human. She's a strong inu-demoness. Sesshomaru glared out of the window of the limo. “It would be wise to remove that ridiculous smirk from you're face half-breed.”
“Haha Sesshomaru, after what I just saw I don't think I'll ever stop smiling. That was brilliant! She's fucking sexy, that was by far the hottest thing I've ever seen in my life.” Inuyasha gazed lustfully out the window when strong clawed hangs wrapped tightly around his throat.
“Do not speak about her like that you vulgar pathetic excuse for a being.” Sesshomaru spat out his grip tightening considerably until Inuyasha fell unconscious. Much better, silence. He though peacefully, his mind wandering back to the exotic miko demoness.
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“Ok I'll see you soon, yeah the same one we went to after school. Ok bye.” Kagome hung up the phone and entered the café. Has nothing changed since I moved? Making her way towards one of the booths in the corner against a window, she looked around. There were metal chairs placed by the wooden tables with small salt and pepper shakers, you could see the bustling kitchen through the large opening where they placed the orders at. Sango burst through the door panting. Haha she always likes to make a dramatic entrance.
“Sorry I'm late Kagome! The pervert grabbed my ass right as I was leaving and I had to give him a good beating.” The words came out in short quick breaths.
“Its no problem, so you guys are living together now? I always knew it would happen I'm happy for you.” Her voice was empty like her heart.
“Yeah we are we've been living together for a year and a half now… Hey don't try and change the subject! Kagome… what happened to you after you left? How did you become a demon?” Sango's voice went from excited to sullen with a flick of a switch.
Kagome took a deep breath; she knew she couldn't avoid it forever. “I moved to New York with the money from my savings. I was excited, the big apple you know? It was rough, nothing like you would have expected. There would be days when I wouldn't eat, I slept in alleyways. Then one night after I had been living there for 2 months I got attacked. It was just a group of drunken horny guys, but I was so weak for malnutrition that I could barely fight back. That's when it happened; I just felt this surge of energy flow through me that killed all the men. They were the first people I ever murdered. I laid there for days, dying slowly; I was too weak to even move.”
Sango gasped, her poor friend had gone through so much. “Oh Kagome…”
Kagome shook her head and continued, “Kaede found me then, she's a nurse that worked at a hospital close by. She explained to me I was a miko, I wasn't even sure I knew what that was… Other than the few things we learned in class at school. She sacrificed herself and turned me into a demon; it's a very painful dangerous process. She thought I had great potential. She said she lived a full life, and wanted to save one last life before her own end. She said she was glad it was mine. I gave her a proper burial of course and began working, I got paid well and it helped me strengthen both my demon and miko powers. That's when I opened Miko Corp. I worked hard, I wasted no time with friendship, and every relationship was strictly business oriented. I made a name for myself, and so I guess that's why I'm here today. I decided to expand my company into Japan; it was a great decision, very successful.” There was silence after Kagome finished her story, she didn't pity herself. She was strong now, and she was successful overall, she was satisfied with her life. Looking over at Sango's face, her chocolate eyes were brimmed with tears. She knew her friend would have millions of questions for her, but she knew it would wait.
“Kagome I'm so sorry…” Sango whispered. She couldn't believe all this had happened to her friend, most would be traumatized but as she looked at her friend it would have seemed as nothing happened to her.
“Don't be, everything happened for a reason and I will not question that. Why don't you come over tonight? We can watch movies and order in like we used to.” Kagome said trying to lighten the moment; she even forced a smile on her face to reassure her friend. “Oh and Sango, don't tell people about what I just told you. I don't need their pity.”
Sango sniffed and wiped her eyes nodding, “Ok. Yeah that sounds great!” The two women exited the coffee shop after paying the bill and made their way over to Kagome's home.
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Toga Taisho smirked while his youngest son told the story of his eldest defeat by a woman.
“You should have seen her! It was hilarious! I've never seen Sesshomaru so angry before,” He was laughing hysterically when Sesshomaru walked in glaring at his brother before continuing towards his father.
“Sesshomaru I do hope your crude behavior towards Ms. Higurashi will not affect her decision to work with us.” Toga stated smugly. Like the other Taisho's Toga had gleaming silver hair that framed his defined face accentuating his golden eyes, he could easily have been mistaken for a 20 year old.
“Father, I assure you my behavior was not crude in the least bit and Ms.Higurashi would be pleased to work with us.” He stressed her name to emphasize his distaste for the situation she put him in earlier. He was livid, how dare a female defy him!
Toga finding this extremely humorous continued a smirk dancing across his face, “Very well, make sure she is at the office tomorrow to discuss the details.”
“Hn.” This was going to be a very long process.
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Kagome was exhausted; she and Sango had spent the entire night laughing and telling stories of high school laughing at all the times Inuyasha made a fool of himself and Miroku got slapped for groping some poor freshman girl. She looked at her friend sleeping peacefully in the bed while slipping on a grey pencil skirt that ended a few inches above her knee but was still very conservative, a white sleeveless button down blouse, and a black jacket with matching black stilettos.
You're an accessory to murder. My life's a revolver; my sex is a killer…
“Hello?” Kagome answered quickly rushing out of the room grabbing her black bag hoping not to wake her slumbering friend.
“Kagome I have a job for you.” The voice said anxiously on the other end.
“I thought I was on vacation!” I can't even get a break for 2 weeks. She thought exasperatedly.
“I know I know but I'm desperate! Three of my good men were already killed, I need you! I'll give you 200,000 for it.”
“Fine. Send me the time, place, and person.” She hit the end button viciously, this was getting ridiculous, he really needs to hire better hit men, she was tired.
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Click. Click. Click. Click. The furious tapping of heels against the floor could be heard through the offices, an angry aura suffocating those she stormed past.
“Ms.! You can't go in there!” The secretary was petrified, Kagome stopped and turned slowly. Her glare turned the frightened secretary to stone.
“Tell Mr. Taisho that Kagome Higurashi has arrived.” Her icy tone sent chills through the poor girl's body as she rushed to her phone to deliver the message and grab a sweater. Shortly afterwards a tall man with fantastic silver hair appeared in front of her, his presence brought awe upon everyone.
“Ms. Higurashi I apologize, please follow me.” After a polite formal greeting he led her into his enormous office with a view that competed with hers. “I see you are as fierce as you are beautiful, these photos do you no justice.” He said waving his hand over several of the tabloids gracing her appearance at the opening of her club.
“You're gentleman reputation precedes you Mr.Taisho, however your ability to hire competent employees is lacking.” Her cool voice drifted smoothly through the room her eyes falling on Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, and the shaking secretary standing behind them. A soft rumble filled the room, the origin being Toga. He was laughing. Sesshomaru was appalled, never before had his father smiled in front of a client and now he's laughing?! Preposterous, this woman was going to be the death of him. “Please Mr.Taisho, tell me why I was kidnapped and brought here. You know very well where my office is.” Her petite hands crossed in her lap.
“Tell me, why did you allow them to take you?” His curiosity overwhelmed him.
“I wanted to look in the face of the person who dare think they could do such a thing to me.” There it was again, the laugh.
“Yes well, Kagome I must say you have changed quite a bit! Inuyasha really let a good one go here!” He smiled luminously. “Now boys sit down we have much to discuss.” His regal hands pointed to the two beige leather chairs placed on either side of Kagome.
“Actually sir we do not, I already have everything planned. The event will be held in the center of you harden in a large white tent with small white lights adorning the edges of it and the entrances. We will build a dark mahogany floor. There will be a pianist playing on a solid black piano on the far left of the stage. The stage will be 3 feet high with a long silk white ribbon wrapping loosely around it allowing the guests to see the contrast. The ribbon will adorn small bouquets of white roses, buttonbush, Japanese honeysuckle, and in the center one red rose. A small bouquet will be placed on each table in a fish bowl the flowers floating on top with Japanese fighting fish inside. Depending on the number of guests you intend to invite we will have round tables adorned with silver, black and white silk table cloths. Each table will have a maximum of eight people. There will be white plates for the women, black for the men. The silverware strictly silvers, nothing less. The chairs will be wooden with silk white cushioning. Now regarding the guest list, I can arrange for Kaugra Kazuna to create one for you or do you already have one?” Once finished her blue eyes darted to Toga's waiting expectantly.
Three pairs of gold eyes stared at her in shock. Had his son not informed her of this party only yesterday? Regaining his composure quickly he nodded his head. “Yes that's perfect, and no I am not in need of a guest list. I do hope you will be attending Kagome.”
“Yes, well we'll see. Now if you will excuse me Mr. Taisho I must be going.” Her delicate hand reached over to shake his as she pivoted and headed for the large wooden doors but a voice stopped her.
“Please call me Toga, and you do not have transportation to return. Please allow Sesshomaru to take you.” He offered ignoring the invisible daggers shooting from his oldest sons eyes.
“That is not necessary, I will take the subway.”
“What!?” All three men looked at her incredulously. “Please,” Toga spoke up. “Allow Sesshomaru to take you, the subway is beneath a woman of your status.”
“I will not let something as trivial as my status keep me from taking the subway.” All of a sudden an idea burst into her head. “But if you insist, I will allow Sesshomaru to drive me back to my office.” A smirk skipped across her face. “Now Sesshomaru, turn that frown upside down! I have much to accomplish today and you're being painfully slow.”
She was mocking him. Oh how he would just love to wring that beautiful little neck of hers and make her beg for mercy. “Come.” Irritation laced within his voice. She flipped her long hair behind her and flashed the remaining two Taisho's a dazzling smile before following him out.
“She has changed a lot my son…” Toga said softly one the two had left. Inuyasha knew that it was directed towards him, he knew he was the cause of this. He looked down sullenly, would she ever forgive him?
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“Get in.”
“You are not my superior. Treat me with respect.” Kagome's eyes were ice, the brilliant blue froze Sesshomaru. He did not respond but simply held open the door of his BMW Active Hybrid 7. “Who would have thought Sesshomaru Taisho, soon to be owner of a successful oil company that destroys the planet to buy an environmentally friendly car? How ironic.”
“Do not mock me.” His patience was growing thin; he had never met such an infuriating woman before in his life.
“Hn.” Was her simple response, she chose instead to roll down the window and light a cigarette taking a long drag.
She was impossible! She was certainly a match to his cold manner, and now she was smoking in his car. “Put that out, it's disgusting.” He would never admit that he used to be a cigarette addict, but after he adopted his daughter he felt obliged to quit.
“You're disgusting, and yet you are still here. An irritation for an irritation I guess.” She saw her office building come into view. “I appreciate the lift, always a pleasure. Call my secretary if you have any questions about the gala.” Before he could reply she was gone. Exasperating woman.
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“Inu BABBBYYYYYYY!” Kikyo screeched running into his office arms full of shopping bags. Shit. This month's credit card bill is going to be colossal. “Oh I just had such a wonderful time with the girls today! We went to that new restaurant coûteux, it was so wonderful! They have the best salad…” Slowly her voice began to disappear as he thought of what Kagome had said earlier I will not let something as trivial as my status keep me from taking the subway. She hasn't changed he thought smiling. Although she may be a little rough around the edges her heart was still in the same place. How he missed her. “Inuyasha? Inuyasha? INUYASHA!” Kikyo screamed.
“What?” His focus turned to her once more, why had he chosen Kikyo again? She moved over to him and ground her hips against his licking her lips seductively. Ah yes, she was great in bed.
“Baby,” She said in her low seductive tone.
“Mmmm,” Inuyasha groaned.
“Pay attention to me!” She shrieked in his ear effectively causing them to flatten on his head. “Now if you're a good boy I have a surprise for you.” She held up the pink stripped Victoria's Secret bag and his eyes suddenly sparkled with excitement again. “See you at home sexy,” she said winking at him and turning to leave. “Oh, and I'm moving onto the MasterCard, I've maxed out the Visa,” her voice was quick as well as her feet as she left his office. So that was the point of her visit. And he slumped further in his chair, his erection still throbbing from Kikyo's ministrations.
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He couldn't remember the last time he'd been in such a good mood. He woke up that morning to the security guard ringing his doorbell relentlessly. Little shit. After dragging himself out of bed and to the front door he was presented with a large ARMANI package.
“Fuck off.” He spat to the security guard who quickly scuttled away in fear. “Now what is this that was so important I be woken up from it…” he mumbled to himself. He tore the package open ferociously resembling a child on Christmas, and angry child on Christmas. The box revealed a brand new grey Armani suit from their new line.
Sorry for ruining the other suit. Hope you like this one. Kagome. He smiled brightly, of course he never expected her to buy him a new one, it was an accident. But this was definitely a pleasant surprise.
“Baby,” A girl covered in only a large button up shirt with many of the buttons missing came and rubbed her hands across her fiancés bare chest, she looked down and saw the package. “Oh I didn't know Armani delivered. This one is marvelous, its from the new line,” she said knowingly, it was clear she enjoyed indulging herself on material objects. “This will look so sexy on you, wonderful choice.”
“They don't.” Surprise wrapped his voice.
“Don't what babe?” His half naked lover was already making her way into the kitchen preparing coffee.
“Armani doesn't deliver…” He said softly a smile crawling onto his face.