InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Sex is a Killer ❯ Smile. ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sorry for not updating recently I was camping in the desert then I had to work! Much more to come soon! Enjoy xx
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A loud screech echoed through the surrounding area, birds fleeted from their perches into the cloudy skies. “Watch where your going! All you children are just a waste to society!” Kaugra quickly lifted herself from the ground glaring at the fire engine red haired little boy crying on the ground.
“Kaugra.” Kagome's voice chilled her to the bone, her expressionless visage rivaled Sesshomaru's. “Refrain from speaking such crude words to my child. It is not appreciated and accentuates your basic primitive instincts.” A lean tanned hand reached down and lifted the small boy to his feet. Kagome shuffled through her bag for a tissue and handed it to the kistune, while Kaugra stood their opened mouthed. “Now if you excuse me, my 5 year old son and I must be going. We do not enjoy associating ourselves with people that have less intelligence than a child.” And with that Kagome entered her black car placing her adopted child safely in the passenger seat.
She was appalled. How dare someone speak to her like that? This was becoming a tradition that she would rather not uphold. She quickly whipped out her blackberry, “Hey daddy, I'm not so good I have a little problem. There is this new girl Kagome Higurashi who is trying to steal Bank from me! And I heard her talking to someone on the phone saying she was going to try and take over your company, she's trying to destroy our family. She`s such a slut! She even has a child she`s kept hidden from us for 5 years!” When the conversation was over Kaugra hung up the phone, an obviously smug smile sketched onto her face.
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Shippo sprinted into the shopping small as quickly as his little legs could, his eyes glued onto each of the different displays in the windows. Kagome quickly grabbed his hand in hers before he could escape again. “Shippo, where would you like to go?” Her heart clenched as shimmering green eyes searched into her azure ones. She almost smiled, almost, but realized the horror of such an event and quickly pushed the idea to the back of her head to burn. His eyes glazed over each of the stores, his mouth continued to open and close, there were so many different stores! Kagome noticed his inner conflict and began to lead him to Gap for children. She warily let go of his hand straightening a crinkle in her jeans.
“Momma can we go to the toy store next!?” Shippo's innocent voice tingled in her ears; the only visible part of him was his bobbing red head. This child was going to be the death of her she just knew it.
“Of course Shippo, one thing at a time,” she paused in thought. “We must also get you some formal clothing.” She would certainly never leave the child home alone; he would attend any party that was deemed appropriate regardless of whether children were allowed. A disgusted foreign feeling erupted from her stomach as she saw the child pout; she was smiling, what is this blasphemy? Slowly the feeling of subsided and was filled with warmth, she had forgotten smiling was a happy act. Shippo beamed once he saw his adopted mother smile, flaunting her pearly white perfect teeth and fangs. He quickly scampered over to her, arms full of clothes that he had estimated were the correct size. They really only consisted of 10 pairs of jeans, and t-shirts in every color of the rainbow. “Is there nothing else you want?”
“Nope!” would this child ever stop smiling? It was becoming contagious. Her face returned stoic as she purchased the clothes and exited the store, child in one hand, bags in the other. Unfortunately the toy store was before the designer branch of the mall and before she knew it Shippo was bounding through the different row looking at each toy. “Mama may I get this one? What about this one?” his hands touched every toy hoping to get every inch of its magnificence, I mean, it's as crucial as life and death to pick the perfect toy. Kagome placed the bags in a hideous pumpkin orange cart and wheeled it to the end of a row where there was a set of couches and chairs.
“Choose what you want, I will be here waiting.” Shippo's shining green eyes became saucers and he quickly scurried off to the first row of action figures.
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She was here, he could smell it. Why would she be in a toy store though? Perhaps a gift for a niece or nephew? She didn't have any that he knew of, although, a large chunk of her history was missing. He of course had a background check and private investigators explore this exotic demoness, but neither could find any. One of his investigators even turned up dead, it was excruciatingly peculiar.
“Sesshy-chan can I please get this?” Sesshomaru looked over at the raven haired child holding up a brunette Barbie with a vibrant pink dress. This should not be children's' role models. His silver head gave a silent nod as the small girl added the toy to the every growing pile of entertainment in the cart. He turned his curious golden orbs away from the excited adolescent and scanned the eyes in search for the mysterious female.
“That's my daddy, Sesshy-chan! He also took me shopping today! He thinks all girls should have a closet FULL of dresses. He actually doesn't think that, Auntie Izayoi does, Sesshy-chan just agrees. I love dresses, and Barbie's, and dressing Barbie's in dresses!” Rin's frantic voice could be heard from the neighboring row.
“My momma just lets me have whatever I want! She's such a nice momma I love her so much!” Shippo's voice dripped with appreciation.
Sesshomaru pushed the cart to the other row adorning the children; it was embarrassing for a man of his status and power to be partaking in such demeaning activities. “Rin, do not address me as anything other that father or Sesshomaru to others.” Shippo stared at the magnificent inu-demon in awe. “Child where is your mother?” Sesshomaru's voice was a cool breeze floating through the store. Shippo excitedly grabbed Rin's hand and dash to introduce her to his amazing mother.
“Momma! Momma! Momma!” His voice was frantic until he reached the midnight haired demoness.
“Yes Shippo?” A chilling melody rolled over the two male demons and little girl as the words rolled out of Kagome's mouth. A delicate black eyebrow lifted in interest as she saw two small children bounding towards her and one silver haired demon angrily following behind. “Hello Sesshomaru.” Her voice froze him, it was so enchanting.
“Kagome, may I ask what you are doing here?” His voice was drenched in curiosity, his golden eyes twinkled with fascination.
“Momma!” The ginger haired Kistune launched himself into her arms. “This is my friend Rin and that's her daddy Sesshy-chan! They're shopping too! Can they come to lunch with us plleeaassee!!” Those damn eyes, sparkling with want and naiveté.
“You must ask… Sesshy-chan.” Oh how she was going to enjoy this nickname for him, she had already noticed his eyes blaze with a fire so hot it could burn the devil.
“Daddy please! I promise I'll stop dressing up Jaken, I'll be a good girl forever and ever!” He felt his resolve weakening, he had mixed feelings about spending a lunch with this girl but those pouting hazel eyes were absolutely irresistible, he would have to say yes.
“Fine.” Both children jumped up and down in excitement of both their new toys and the extravagant lunch they were about to partake in.
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How he hated establishments such as these, they were a repulsive addition to the society only to increase obesity and heart problems.
“Sesshy-chan never lets me go to Wacdonald's Thanks Kagome-chan!” the brunette child munched away happily at her kiddies burger occasionally stopping to converse with the excited little boy sitting next to her.
“Ah well I am sure Sessy-chan will love to bring you more often now that he knows how much you love it here.” She was mocking him, that much was obvious, he will get his revenge this was simply not acceptable.
“I will not do such a horrendous thing.” His voice was stitched with irritation which only grew when Rin through a greasy French fry into his hair leaving a shiny streak, how repulsive. Shippo loving the idea of a food fight also threw a fry at him, which of course resulted in Rin pelting one at Shippo and so the food fight commenced. He turned to Kagome to glare, she was obviously the cause of this by suggesting such a low class restaurant to dine in, but he stopped. What his golden eyes fell upon was the most beautiful sight he has ever seen, Kagome was smiling, her pearly teeth shown brighter than the sun and her eyes shimmered with a happiness that he had never seen before. “You are smiling.” He stated simply in shock, he immediately regretted saying anything because the moment he did it vanished, it was a mirage blown away by the wind of his voice.
“Hn.” You're an accessory to murder. My life's a revolver; my sex is a killer… “Hello?” Kagome's cool voice flowed like ice water in hell. “Are you sure? Ok I'm on my way.” She sighed heavily and murmured `fuck' under her breath. She quickly relayed all her choices through her head and landed on the most suitable one. “Sesshomaru I need your help.” The demand pierced his skin, it was brilliant this was his chance to get the upper hand. “You need to take Shippo for a while.” She spoke as she gathered up her bag and cell phone while placing money on the table.

“I can not explain to you, its business.” She straightened out her flowy shirt and began to walk towards the children who had demanded they sit at a separate table but was quickly stopped by the firm grasp of Sesshomaru's strong hand.
“Tell me or I shall not care for the kit.” His voice was sharp and demanding, but also filled with curiosity bubbling over the edge.
Kagome sighed heavily, Sesshomaru would be the ideal person to trust, no one would search for Shippo there. “Kaugra has set a hit on me and I must take care of it.”