InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Sex is a Killer ❯ Indigo ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Thanks so much for the reviews!!! Xxx
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He hadn't heard from her in a week, it was the only thing that had shocked him since his mothers death. The words kept replaying like a broken cassette, no matter how much he kicked it into the back of his head they would emerge again, haunting him.
Kaugra has set a hit on me and I must take care of it.
Kaugra has set a hit on me and I must take care of it.
Kaugra has set a hit on me and I must take care of it.
Kaugra has set a hit on me and I must take care of it.
Why on earth would Kaugra set a hit on her? How was she going to take care of it? She was obviously strong, there was no doubt about it. It was one of the things that attracted him to her, other than her obvious physical attributes. This was infuriating, the beautiful stoic silver haired demon detested being confused. It was times like this he regretted that he quit smoking, a simple cigarette would relieve his stress. Each drag was a hulp of fresh air after being strangled.
“Sesshy-chan! SESSSYYYY!!!!!!!!!!”
Rin was sprinting towards him, her brown hair as disheveled as her dirty pink dress. “Does Kagome-chan come back today?! Where is she?” The questions continued to roll of her tongue, the ginger haired kistune stood beside her, his emerald eyes gleaming with confusion and curiosity. He honestly had no idea where Kagome was, he had tried her cell several times but it was always shut off and he soon came to realize she had left it at home. He had hoped bringing the children to a nearby park would allow them to release their worrisome thoughts. It had worked for a short while, but he himself knew it would not last forever.
“I am unsure Rin, I am certain she will return soon.”
Although his cool voice washed Rin with relief his golden eyes twinkled with worry. He ran a regal hand through silky silver hair and straightened out his white button up shirt. Where was the exotic miko-demoness?
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This was becoming very tiresome, she had visited several of his usual night spots but he was no where to be found. Ever since Kaugra had put a hit on her a week ago Kagome had been searching for her father, of course he would have hired simply the best assassin for the job, his little girl deserved only the best. Little did he know that the best was actually the victim, who was now seeking a fiery revenge.
“God damnit.”
She swerved between the cars in her midnight Suzuki exceeding the speed limit by a decent 30km/h. Her signature charcoal leather pants hugged her closely accentuating her perfect round bottom as well as her matching leather thick strapped top. Her body moved gracefully and sensually as she made turns, a ballerina of death seducing anyone who saw a wisp of her figure. She arrived at a large abandoned building and speedily made her way inside. How she detested racing, but a trusted source told me that Mr. Wind, Kaugra's father, would be there tonight. Quickly she came across a large group of people, it was the most cliché thing she had ever seen. Scantily clad girls were thrusting their breasts into the faces of egotistical and barley attractive racers. They stood next to overly decorated motorcycles smug smiles burning holes in their faces.
“What the hell are you doing here?”
One of the tacky racers had approached her the moment she arrived, his tramp following closely behind excited for the idea of her baby fighting. He was too muscular, clearly from spending majority of his time working out, his large biceps stretched against his skin tight white muscle shirt. Thankfully his black jeans left much to the imagination on the contrary to his shirt.
Her voice was silk, rubbing softly against the muscle mans ears. After recovering from his startle his black eyes bore into her helmet in an attempt to see who the angelic voice belonged to.
“$50,000 straight up. Cash only.”
The gruffness in his voice tingled with amusement, which was quickly dissipated when the money was tossed onto the floor by his feet.
Kagome was clever enough to change her hair to the glimmering light brown before she left on her little adventure, because her helmet was quickly removed by a relatively attractive man who approached her from behind. Her delicate tanned hand snapped up and grabbed his wrist. “It would be wise if you did not touch what was mine.” Blue eyes met red, this must be Mr. Wind.
“It would be wise if you introduced yourself.”
A low rumble emitted from his tanned muscular chest, his voice was a smooth baritone. She had the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen, they were a swirl of ice and azure, they were frosty and sent chills down his spine.
Kagome smirked, her fangs and perfect teeth gleamed as she jumped off the bike, “Indigo.” The rich husky voice licked his ear. At a second glance she noticed that he was extremely attractive. Slightly tanner than her with thick dark tresses that mounted his head in sexy scruffy look. His muscles were beautifully accentuated in his loose fitting white t-shirt and his expensive jeans emphasized his nice bottom.
He licked his lips. “Yes, um, well I apologize for Maso's rudeness. He is my daughter Kanna's current infatuation. I am very pleased you will be participating in the race tonight.”
So muscle man's name was Muso, that was a very reliable fact, as well as the tramp being Mr. Wind's daughter.
“It is no problem, however after I win the race I have a very important business matter to attend to with you.”
Before he could reply she mounted her bike once more, gliding her helmet- but not before giving him a very suggestive wink, and placed herself alongside the other racers. Kanna strutted her white figure two feet ahead of the racers holding repulsive yellow checkered flags. And to complete the cliché she raised them and let them fall, and the race began. Throughout the entire race Kagome and muscle man Muso were neck in neck, of course, she couldn't let them believe that she had done this hundreds of times before. And in one swift movement she accelerated to an invisible speed, flying past the racers and through the finish line ending with a loud screech of her tires. Mr. Wind stood smugly against a wall, his red eyes gleaming with appreciation, lust, and another emotion that Kagome could not quite decipher.
“I do hope you enjoyed the race Mr. Wind,” Kagome called out smoothly, her long wavy hair flowed down to mid back as she removed her jet black helmet.
“I was extremely please Ms.Indigo,” She felt him ripping apart her leather with his eyes, and she loved every minute of it.
Her azure eyes gleamed with seduction as she sauntered over to him, swaying her hips in a very carnal way. She placed a tan red manicured hand on his chest and whispered softly into his ear.
“Let us go someplace more… quiet.”
The sweet melody teased his ear, he could feel himself harden against his pants, unfortunately for him, so could she. Smirking she continued, “We have important business matters to discuss.” Kagome, or Indigo turned around slowly letting her leather clad bottom rub against his hardness basking in the moan he released. She returned the glares she received from the other racers, her eyes were more fierce than fire but colder than ice frightening them still. Her glare continued until she reached a fuming Kanna and an infuriated Muso, the look they received was one of a promised death. Mr. Wind led Kagome into a solitary room towards the side of the starting point.
“I assume this is the money I have won.”
She lifted a sack filled with several thousand dollars and placed it by her side. The room was simply decorated, gray walls, two maroon chairs facing a black desk with a large black leather chair behind it. There was a mahogany book case on her left and the desk was cluttered with papers, this was clearly just a room for passing through.
“Indeed, now tell me, what is a lovely lady like you doing here? Racing is not a very feminine past time.” His voice was stitched with curiosity, his red eyes blazed hotter than the pits of hell.
“Mr. Wind, I can guarantee I am not like most women. I know more things about your life than you can possibly feel comfortable with. I can kill you in more ways than there are words in a dictionary. However my goal for this evening is to inform you personally I shall not kill Kagome Higurashi, and it would be wise for both you and your family to discontinue this ominous idea. Kagome Higurashi has more power than you can even dream of, she is also under my protection.”
The words bit him, an unexpected frost bite. So this was the assassin he hired to take care of his daughters problem, how had he not noticed? He had heard the rumors, ruthless, beautiful, surprising. She was challenging him.
“Ms. Indigo, I truly do love a challenge. I would also love to see you more, I hope my perseverance for the death of Ms. Higurashi will enable me to do so. Sadly I must inform you that she will die, she has been a nuisance to my daughter and shall be no longer.” Red eyes flashing with amusement and arousal. Kagome could smell it.
“That was not a challenge, it was a threat. A warning, it would be intelligent of you to heed it.”
With her final words said Kagome lifted herself from the maroon chair and out the door. She lifted a dagger out of her black boot and flung it effortlessly at Muso piercing him slightly to the left of his heart. She always congratulated herself for her impeccable aim, muscle man was simply a warning. Mr. Wind was out of the door in a flash, but Kagome was faster and had already left the building. Soaring through the streets on her midnight baby. She wondered silently why she hadn't killed Mr. Wind. Was it because she felt pity Kaugra was his child? No, she did not feel pity. She decided she was tired of killing, it became a tedious process and it was much simpler to leave them with a heavy threat. She sighed as she made her way back into Tokyo and towards Sesshomaru's house.
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What the fuck. He looked down at the silver alarm clock adorning his bedside table, 2:00 a.m., who the hell would be calling this god damn early in the morning.
It simply would not cease, he would kill the bastard who woke him up from his blissful sleep. It was the most magnificent dream he had ever experience, he was fucking Kagome so hard her voice was hoarse screaming his name and begging for more.
“What.” He finally answered angrily. God was he pissed off.
“Sesshomaru open the door I don't want to wake up Toga and Izayoi.”
And through the phone came the melody that haunted him in his dreams every single night. He hung up the phone and hurried to the door. There she stood, the most erotic thing he had ever seen. A raven haired goddess clad in skin tight leather standing on his doorstep.
His voice was hoarse, and Kagome had not failed to notice. God was she feeling frisky from earlier tonight with Mr. Wind, was it a sin to tease? I think not.
Her eyes glowed mischievously, “Sesshomaru, do you have a sore throat?”
Her voice held mock concern as her hand trailed up his bare chest to rub his throat delicately. She had to admit he had a gorgeous body. A light tan and covered in the perfect sized muscles, a nice six pack and large pecks with medium sized biceps. This is why she detested him so much, he was perfection, and it infuriated her.
Sesshomaru was stunned to say the least, her hands were so warm and delicate. Every piece she touched burned with an intense heat he could only beg for more.
“Uh, yes.”
Shit, why didn't he think of a better thing to say?
“Oh that's too bad I'm really sorry.”
Her gentle voice stressed of the really as her hand continued to rub the side of his neck gently.
“Where does it hurt?”
It was a mere whisper, she pressed her body firmly against his. Each curve was distinct through the striking outfit she was wearing.
Her lips placed a the center of his throat in a small kiss, “Here?” she whispered and continued to kiss his neck area softly, as golden eyes rolled to the back of his head and broad regal hands began to roam her body and touch her velvet hair.
“Mmmmm,” was his only coherent response.
It would not be long before he threw her on his back and fucked her so hard she couldn't breath in his room. Then an unpleasant breeze pushed against him as she backed away and entered the house.
“Glad to see you're feeling better.”
Men were so predictable, how can you be expected to keep interest in them if they simply just fall to your whim? “I will be residing here tonight.” And with her demonic sense of smell she found Sesshomaru's bedroom and locked the door leaving Sesshomaru downstairs at the door, hard as a rock and more confused he had ever been in his life.
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HIIIIIII THIS IS KAUGRA I'M NOT HERE RIGHT NOW, OBVIOUSLY, LEAVE A MESSAGE AFTER THE TONE!! The message tone was extremely obnoxious and he would demand she change it soon, but business first.
“Kaugra dear, it is your father. We have reached a small set back, but no worries we will be back on track soon enough. I have a brilliant plan….” and with that he closed the phone, a wicked smile decorating his face as he thought of the brown haired demon he encountered earlier that night. Oh this will be fun…