InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Sex is a Killer ❯ Morphine ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sorry I apologize for the late update, I've been working in China and South Africa so I've been crazy busy! Enjoy xxx
Kagome woke up with a sudden start; beads of sweat pebbled and fell down her forehead burning her eyes.
She whispered, and in one fluid motion she was in the adjoining bathroom staring at herself in the mirror. Disheveled midnight hair haloed her head and azure eyes blinked icily at the reflection. There she saw the spawn of Satan, the vision of her demise, it was Kagome as a human before she turned demon. She punched the mirror, relieved when her human expression crumbled into a million pieces on the marble countertop. After several deep breaths, her anger seeping slowly out of her, she used her miko powers to repair the shattered mirror to its original state. Replacing her human reflection was one of an arctic demoness who had sacrificed everything for the power she now obtained.
“Much better.”
And with those final words she jumped into the pristine white shower staining it with the blood dripping freely from her knuckles. In the shower she reminisced of the dream she had, it was of the day Inuyasha left her, the three words just covered everything in her dream. We're over. Inuyasha. We're over. Inuyasha. We're over. Inuyasha. We're over. Inuyasha. We're over. Inuyasha. We're over. Inuyasha. We're over. Inuyasha.No matter where she looked there it was, stabbing her over and over, and as soon as she was close to death, life would be reinstated just so she could see those words and suffer more. God damn, this family had to torture her even in her sleep. Streams of water flowed freely through the valley between her breasts down her stomach, and pooled at her feet. Once she felt every emotion was washed thoroughly from her body she exited the shower and padded over to Sesshomaru's closet. The icy wooden floors melted under her feet revealing the fact that she neglected to dry herself off with a towel before exiting the shower.
“Well someone is a bit monotonous.” Sifting through the repetitive multi-colored button up business shirts she exited the room in a hopeful search for more comfortable appropriate clothing.
His head was pounding. It was determined at that moment; being shot in the head would be considerably less painful than the incessant thumping against his temples, it felt as if a rapid animal was using its claws to tear away the flesh to escape from the insides of his mind. Last night Kikyo had once again returned with several shopping bags and the smell of cock on her breath. When he confronted her about it, she openly and vibrantly denied that horrendous accusation which soon followed with several screams and a few slaps and a retreating woman. So naturally Inuyasha did the only plausible action, he got completely out of his mind and body hammered with Miroku. However God was not feeling giving today and decided instead to bestow upon him a wandering figure at…. Jesus Christ! 8 in the morning! He only arrived home four hours ago.
“Who the fuck!”
Before another vile word escaped the sailor's mouth a slender tanned hand muffled it with a beautifully forceful shut up. When his eyes focused he soon realized that God had indeed felt pity upon his pathetic story and awarded him a stark naked Kagome, C-cup mounds dangling dangerously close to his face in wonderful rounded perfection.
“I would appreciate your silence. Learn to respect the others in your house you incompetent idiot.”
Each word pricked his skin like little daggers shot directly into his pores. With those last words she released her hand from his mouth and strolled over to the closet and pulled out one of Kikyo's old bra's from before her artificial breast enhancements and a black pair of Inuyasha's sweatpants and a old wife beater that fit snugly around her breasts and rose up to emphasize her flat stomach.
“Damn Kagome…”
It was a mere whisper but with her demonic hearing the words practically screamed at her. He vastly enjoyed the little show she had given him, it gave him time to notice how she had lost her baby fat and toned her muscles leaving plentiful round breasts, a flat stomach, succulent buttocks, and mile long legs.
“Contain your perverse excitement and remember that you have seen me unclothed form before.”
Her frosty melodic voice forced many memories to rush quickly in the room effortlessly suffocating the both of them. She had lost her virginity to him, loved him wholly in this room, in that very bed. At the very same time he gave that identical love to Kikyo, in this same room, in that very bed. And it infuriated her. How could you love someone so uncontrollably and the simply did not love you back? It was the only mystery she had yet to fully solve.
“You may join me for breakfast. Make yourself decent.”
When he warmed up from her the frost her presence left, he continued to the shower to relieve another hardened problem he obtained with her in the room.
It was the most delicious waft of aroma. Sausage, bacon, eggs, French toast, buttery toast, fruit, orange juice, and coffee. You may think that some of these are not distinct smells, but by god he knew each of them perfectly. It was a smell that had not seduced his nose in 4 years. Hurriedly he rushed out of the guest room in the east wing of the mansion and dashed for the west wing that held the kitchen. It held the most painful sight that in a million years he never would believe he would ever see again. There standing above the stove was the woman of his dreams, literally. It had become quite the problem recently having to continuously change the sheets, god damn he wasn't a hormonal teenager anymore. His stomach was churning; this must be how it feels to be on the brink of death, a knife turning slowly trying to escape from his stomach.
“Kagome, you are cooking for Inuyasha.”
Venom dripped from his words burning holes into the pristine floor.
“Do not be simple; I have always cooked breakfast for the entire family.”
As her cold bitter words sunk in he took the opportunity to take in her attire. The white wife beater was an old piece of clothing from Inuyasha's rebel phase, the one that was extraordinarily worse than the one he is currently experiencing; it hugged her curves perfectly stressing her toned flat stomach and succulent breasts, it angered him how Inuyasha's old raggedy sweatpants made her look sexy and carefree. His fiery red aura began to rattle the kitchen.
“Sesshomaru, control your anger, your weakness makes your presence intolerable.”
Kagome placed two plates full of food in front of her and Inuyasha completely ignoring Sesshomaru's seething anger. Inuyasha on the other hand sat there, fuzzy pallid ears pasted against his head; an array of conflicting emotions flickered across his eyes. It had been too long since Kagome cooked breakfast in his house, she would always cook for him when he would ask, and she was an amazing cook. When was the last time Kikyo had cooked for him? As he thought long and hard he came up with a most disappointing answer, never, she had not once prepared a meal for him. It became a daily question for him, why did he ever leave Kagome? And every day he prayed the shallow answer that was created the day before would not resurface, but indeed it would. Kikyo was the biggest whore in the school, it was known throughout the entire student body, including the teachers. With such a reputation came experience, something Kagome lacked in bed. And wow was it an experience, sex with Kikyo was euphoric, sex with Kagome was a mission. So the decision was made, Kagome's out and Kikyo's in, it was probably the biggest mistake he had every made in his life.
“Excuse me.”
“Calm the fuck down Sesshomaru, your aura is pissing everyone off.”
How dare the hanyou think he can control him? And that damn female! It was preposterous, she was nothing but a weak female and he was the alpha male. Her confidence was getting out of hand. Suddenly his eyes blazed a molten red and he was jumping over the marble counter top charging towards her. Kagome quickly jumped in front of Inuyasha taking the brunt of the blow. She quickly regained her posture after being heavily slammed into the opposing wall. During this brief moment Sesshomaru had knocked Inuyasha unconscious with one vicious blow to the head. Once again she sprinted to block another poisoned blow from Sesshomaru, he was out for blood, and it wasn't hers.
“Sesshomaru do not challenge me.”
Her voice was unwavering, her blue eyes blazing in attempt to use her miko abilities to calm his infuriated aura as well as heal Inuyasha. It was draining her quickly. Sesshomaru could feel himself calming down slightly, but his anger still clouded any relatively decent decision he had.
“As if I need to, you simply seduce men into obtaining your goals. You speak of weakness yet you are the weakest person I know.”
And with that brutally blunt statement she charged, her energy continuously draining as she attempted to accomplish several things at once. She pushed him against the kitchen wall whispering an incantation which transported them into the secret dojo hidden deep in the taisho house. She had discovered it years ago when she was dating Inuyasha, it was the most magnificent room in the house. Walls covered with swords, bows and arrows, and several other lethal weapons.
“Your challenge to insult me is unnecessary, do not be weak, control your anger.”
She was panting, her wet hair thrashed wildly around her as she dodged his attacks. Her mouth moved swiftly as she continued to pacify his anger. Although she was a skilled fighter she was still learning and growing. Sesshomaru's sword grazed her several times and she was dripping blood on the floor. How she hated having to do this. She shot herself from him, erected a weak barrier, and shot an arrow at him. It was the last bit of energy she had. The lethal dart glowed a light pink before making contact with his right pectoral muscle paralyzing him against the wall before she collapsed accepting the darkness which engulfed her.
Inuyasha sprinted throughout the house, how could it be so hard to find someone? As he entered another corridor a metallic scent drifted to his nose. Shit Kagome! How could he have been so weak? He should have protected her, it seems no matter what he fucking does she just keeps slipping further and further away from him. He burst through doors that were uncomfortably foreign to him and found a fallen angel bleeding freely on wooden floors.
Inuyasha ripped off the bottom of his sweatpants and tied the shredded pieces tightly against a gash across her exposed stomach followed by another on her right bicep and left tricep. No matter how hard he pushed he couldn't stop the bleeding and he could feel her blood run cold. His eyes darted around frantically for anything that could assist him in saving the collapsed beauty. That bastard, Inuyasha sprinted towards his paralyzed brother ripping the arrow out of him and watched him plummet roughly to the ground.
“Look what you fucking did to Kagome you bastard! I hope you're happy. Go and get the fucking SUV, I need you to drive us to the hospital, the ambulance won't get here in time.”
Sesshomaru stood there in shock, it seemed with this infuriating woman around it happened a lot. As a result of the high dose of morphine Kagome had given him during their battle in an attempt to calm him his reactions where slower and more relaxed than normal.
“Sesshomaru! Hurry the fuck up before she bleeds out you fucking retard!”
Inuyasha picked up Kagome's shivering body in his bare arms and sprinted through the doors into their large garage and placed himself and her in the backseat of a large black car and waited impatiently for the stoic demon.
“Inuyasha…” peach lips whispered silently. “It's so cold…” her body shook silently against his bare chest.
“Ssshhh its ok, its ok.”
He repeated these over and over again cradling her to his chest to not only ensure her but to ensure himself also, he was petrified. Sesshomaru finally arrived in the car after a painful 5 minute wait and sped towards the nearest demon hospital.
“Her heart rate is dropping!”
“Charge to 120.”
Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeep
Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep Beep Beep Beep
It was the most terrifying out of body experience she ever had. She saw herself die, and then be brought back to life. She saw her heart rate drop, and in a sense could have been declared dead for a minute or two. Was this god trying to tell her something? No she didn't believe in god. She lay in the luminescent hospital bed prying her eyes open once all the nurses and doctors left. The bright lights burned holes in her eyes forcing her to squint under pressure. Fuck how could she allow this to happen, she always had a weak spot for the Taisho's. She should have just killed him; it would have been much simpler. No, she should never have returned, as soon as she's healed she'll return to New York and work from there; it was a huge mistake returning.
Ice met fire and sparks flew.
“Inuyasha,” a raspy whisper left her mouth and he was by her side in a second.
“Shh shh its ok you don't have to speak I'm here.”
He gently caressed her midnight locks as she moved over slightly in immense pain dragging him down to lie next to her. He shifted their bodies to her head was lying on his chest and his arm was wrapped delicately around her. This was the infuriating image Sesshomaru walked in the room to see. A peaceful Kagome and Inuyasha, it was as if nothing changed between the two of them. What did he expect after what he did to her? Inuyasha saved her, he destroyed her.
It had been three days since the incident. Kagome refused to be touched by anyone other than Inuyasha; no one was sure whether this was willing or whether it was the morphine that clouded her judgment. Regardless Inuyasha loved it, and Sesshomaru and Kikyo hated it. He slept with her at night, helped her change and go to the bathroom, and when it was time for her to go, helped her into the wheel chair and wheeled her out of the hospital.
“Thank you Inuyasha.”
She allowed the rare brilliant smile to grace her face as he helped her into his car. He beamed, god how he regretted having to bring her home, it was just like in high school.
“Anything for you Kags! So I was thinking maybe I could make you dinner or something one of these days. Cause you know your hurt and you can't only eat take out and yeah…” He was brighter than a sun dried tomato.
“Hahaha, sure Inuyasha I'll give you a call.” Her laughter was more beautiful than Beethoven's symphonies. She leaned in and gave him a small peck on the cheek successfully increasing the shade of his skin several degrees. After 15 minutes of meaningless small talk they arrived at Kagome's apartment and Inuyasha again assisted her upstairs and into her bed.
“So you'll call me this week?” His voice stitched with hope.
“Yeah.” She smiled and blew him a kiss goodbye.
“Don't be such a fucking pussy, call her yourself.” Miroku ferociously punched at the buttons on the controller of the TV. in an unbelievable frustration for the lack of good television.
“Well she said she'd call me!” It had been over a week and not a word from Kagome.
“Did you grow a vagina? I thought I smelled it.”
“Shut the fuck up! Ok I'll call her!” After throwing several hard objects at Miroku's head he called Kagome's house number.
We're sorry the number you have dialed is unavailable, please check the number and try your call again.
What? After trying the number several times he called her secretary.
“Hi this is Inuyasha Taisho looking for Kagome Higurashi.”
“I'm sorry sir,” Came the slicing shrill voice, “Ms. Higurashi moved a week ago, you can try contacting her offices in New York…” The phone landed in a heavy thud on the marble floors.
She's gone?