InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Sex is a Killer ❯ Cancer ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Like many normal people I am procrastinating doing proper work to write this sorry I haven't updated! Hope u guys like the chapter! Xx
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“Knock before you enter my office. Learn manners you selfish incompetent fool.”
A startled employee quickly scampered out of the office to knock on the massive mahogany doors.
“Ms. Higurashi its Robert.”
It wasn't even a coherent statement, it was filled with stutters and pauses however Kagome simply rolled her eyes.
“Come in.”
“We've received conformation for the purchase of the lot on park avenue for your new club.”
The petrified secretary stood shaking in front of his icy employer with immense anxiety that could only be treated with heavy doses of medication. The only reason he took this fucking job is because the pay was unbelievable.
“Hn. Send me the details, we will start construction next week, call the builders immediately. I want this project moved to the front of the line. It needs to be completed by next month.”
“Yes Ms.Higurashi right away!”
As the young man sprinted from the office Kagome swiveled her chair to face the city. Like in Tokyo her office was mostly windows overlooking the busy streets, she truly admired the infrastructure of the building. Of course she had designed it herself. For some unknown reason she continued to think of Tokyo, it was beyond her. The place that caused her the most pain was longing for her to go back; it was as if something was calling to her. However she shook that feeling off every time it came back and immersed herself in work. It had been 4 months since she had left and she refuses to go back.
“Ms. Higurashi, the Taisho's are on the other line again, should I tell them you're unavailable?” Jeremy stuttered.
“Yes, and please change all the numbers in the entire building. I don't want any more calls from them.”
Kagome sighed and leaned against her mahogany desk and reminded herself for the hundredth time that day that she could not get emotionally attached to the place that ruined her.
Rrrrriiiiinnnnnggggg Rrrrriiiiinnnnnggggg Rrrrriiiiinnnnnggggg
“Yes Robert what now?”
As the terrified voice babbled on the other side of the phone Kagome's face turned rock solid, her heart froze over quicker than the devil in heaven.
“Pack my bags immediately and prepare the plane.”
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“Do not test my patience. You have already postponed this meeting three times, I will not tolerate a fourth. I expect you at my office first thing in the morning, no excuses.”
And with that final word the black phone crashed against the wall successfully breaking it into pieces. Silver strands fell gracefully upon the desk as he leaned forward and rubbed the bridge of his nose in frustration. People were impossible these days; he could no longer control his anger in the slightest bit.
“What the fuck Sesshomaru! This is the third phone you've broken this week!”
Inuyasha stormed in, slightly disheveled from office sex with his new wife Kikyo. Gold eyes battled for dominance, Sesshomaru crinkled his nose in disgust at the putrid smell of sex emitting Inuyasha's body.
“Control yourself Inuyasha; I do no appreciate you having sex in my office. Regarding the phone, that is not your problem. Go cleanse yourself of that decaying stench on your body.”
“Don't be such a dick, you're the reason Kagome left. You're just going to have to accept that and stop being such an ass to everyone.”
Sharp claws wrapped around a delicate tanned neck as red seeped seductively into the eyes of the predator.
“God damn get over it Sesshomaru, she's gone…”
The hand removed itself leaving an unconscious half demon bleeding on the floor. He moved over to his desk and looked over New York headlines featuring `Kags' and her new club opening. He had never been so frustrated over a female before, he knew she didn't want them contacting her anymore. This is the only thing that stopped him from booking a ticket at that moment to the premier of her club, not that he would be allowed in regardless.
Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring
“Yes. Which hospital? Wonderful.”
His frozen voice chilled the receiver of the call. It was the most promising phone call he had received since she left.
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“Sshh Sango its ok! It will all be fine!”
Miroku clung desperately onto the love of his life in a futile attempt to have her stop crying.
“No Miroku its not! It's not ok! Nothing is ok! Everything is falling apart…”
Tears melted in black rivers down her face, the bags under her eyes were massive from lack of sleep and intensive crying. Souta was diagnosed with lung cancer, Kagome had disappeared, and Inuyasha eloped with Kikyo. They were still going to have a proper extravagant marriage, Kikyo was making sure of it, Inuyasha was just so frustrated with her constant avoidance of the entire thing.
“Can you shut up now? Yes your life is a disaster, however mine is not and you're interrupting my phone call. Control yourself weak girl. Sorry about that, Hahaha no way! That's so funny!”
Kikyo continued to babble on in her fake new valley girl accent, how everyone hated it. Miroku gave Inuyasha both a sympathetic and infuriated look.
“Come on Kikyo, we'll wait in the lobby.”
“Okay Inu-babes!”
She jumped up and pushed herself onto Inuyasha while she continued to irritate Inuyasha's sensitive fluffy ears with her consistent phone conversations. Miroku gently rubbed Sango's hand while he watched the heart monitor beep. How could Kagome not be here to support her mother and brother? And if things couldn't become any more bizarre, in walked the stripped Inuyasha was in love with.
“Excuse me miss, only family and friends are allowed to see him.”
Miroku stated in an obviously confused voice. In front of him stood the woman he had fantasized once about at a perfect 5'9 height, her long light brown hair was completely straight in a high ponytail with her bangs side swiped across her forehead. Her short jean shorts emphasized her long brown hairs and the flowy pink spaghetti strap top emphasized her scrumptious breasts but lithe waist.
“I'm a good family friend.”
The melodic voice was distracted as she reached the teenage boy and touched his hand. Bright blue eyes pierced through the wires in confusion as to how this could have happened.
“Oh well um, I'm sorry I haven't ever seen you with um the Higurashi family before. Who are you exactly? Not to be rude, but er, I've known the family since I was a child and I don't recall seeing you…”
Was the only whisper that escaped the gaping mouth.
Sango finally tearing her eyes away from the dying boy looked at the young woman in front of her.
“That's because she's not a good family friend. Kagome is my best friend, well was… I guess, I don't know. And she told me about all of her family and she never mentioned an Indigo before.”
“You seem confused, is your relationship with Kagome not solid? Maybe you should confront her about it. I am not a good family friend, our families started a feud when I was young. Kagome out of respect for her family refrained from remaining in contact with me. However Souta disobeyed his family and continued to write letters to me. I apologize for this confusion.”
It amazed her how smoothly a lie could escape her mouth; it was as easy as breathing to her at this point. Inuyasha burst through the door hearing an argument arising.
His golden eyes grew three sizes as he saw the woman of his dreams stand in front of him like an angel fallen from heaven.”
“Inuyasha you know her?!”
Sango screeched.
“Oh um, no not really. Hi, I'm Inuyasha.”
That was probably the most embarrassing moment Inuyasha ever had; his face turned a scarlet hue as he awkwardly introduced himself.
“Hello Inuyasha, I'm Indigo. It's nice to see you out of… my work.”
Kagome paused midway through to contemplate the correct phrasing of her introduction to avoid more embarrassment to the poor hanyou.
“I'm sorry for the argument Sango, now if you three would please excuse me I must be off.”
And with that a tall brunette hurried out of the hospital followed by a frantic hanyou.
How did she know my name? Sango thought.
“Well that was bizarre…”
Miroku stated obviously as he returned his attention to his confused lover.
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“Indigo wait! Indigo!”
Inuyasha ran after the woman who haunted many of his fantasies. He burst through the hospital doors and ran through the parking lot his eyes searching frantically for the beauty.
Kagome stood against the hospital wall, cigarette in hand looking extremely confused.
“Fucking hell you walk fast…”
Inuyasha panted and watched her take a long drag.
She offered him her pack of Marlboro lights the lighter swinging carelessly in the packet.
“No thanks let me catch my breath first.”
Nodded as she took another long drag on the hopeless tobacco.
“So is there a reason you sprinted from the fifth floor calling my name? Or did you just miss me so much already?”
A pristine smile graced her face as she looked at his appalled face in an amused matter.
“No um, what? I mean… yeah well. I don't know.”
Then the most beautiful laugh he had ever heard escaped her mouth as he looked as embarrassed as earlier. Trying hopelessly to retain some dignity he casually leaned into his pocket grabbing a cigarette and lighter and tried to light it, effectively causing him to light a stray lock of hair on fire. Kagome quickly began patting his chest to put out the fire laughing hysterically at the frantic half demon. After the small fire was extinguished she allowed her hand to linger down his chest as her eyes were captured into his stunning golden orbs.
“Are you always this hopeless?”
She laughed removing her hand taking her last drag and leaning against the building.
“God I would hope not…”
Inuyasha muttered examining his shirt. And then it came again, that laugh. He knew at that moment he would make it his goal to make her laugh, everyone should experience that beauty.
“So anyway, I'm guessing you're new around here, Tokyo I mean. Well I guess you're not considering you work here; anyway I was hoping you'd like to grab dinner or something sometime.”
As his eyes looked up again she was standing right in front of him, her head tilted up slightly so that her magnificent blue eyes could stare straight into his. The scent radiating off of her was killing him, it was the most peaceful feeling, it was strangely familiar though.
“Yeah, I'd like that.”
She stood on her tip-toes and gave him a slight peck on the cheek and hurried off to her black Pajero and speeding away. Confused, Inuyasha reached into his pocket and found her number scrawled delicately on a torn peace of paper. Sneaky little vixen, he smirked and headed back inside to join the others.
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Days had passed and Kagome still hadn't heard from Inuyasha, she wasn't disappointed in the least bit. She knew he was married, and she knew that Sesshomaru would be working him like he was his little bitch. She could only imagine the kind of frustration that she put that heartless demon through. As she contemplated this a smile graced her features, she loved causing that bastard pain. He deserves confusion, just like the confusion he bestowed upon her.
“Pardon me; I'm here to see Sesshomaru Taisho.”
Kagome said sweetly to his sultry secretary who clearly did not approve of the tanned girl clothed in designer blue jeans and white v-neck t-shirt standing in front of her.
“Do you have an appointment?”
She said in a rude uninterested manner.
“No, Kagome Higurashi sent me. From Miko Corp? Club Shikon?”
“You can't enter without an appointment.”

This girl wasn't nearly as cold and defiant as Kagome was; she would greatly enjoy tearing her apart and keeping her from the sexy Sesshomaru.
“If you don't let me in, I'll call him myself and have him escort me in.”
Kagome said in a sweet daring smile.
“What is the problem here.”
It wasn't a question. It was a demand, one that came from the ice king himself.
“Ah good Sesshomaru your not busy. Wonderful.”
And with that Kagome marched through his door and placed herself in one of the large leather chairs facing his desk. Sesshomaru at this point was filled with both anger and interest at the lovely woman in his office. Her boldness reminded him of Kagome.
“Woman. Tell me why you are here.”
Kagome ignoring him once again sniffed the room in disgust.
“Why does it reek of sex here?”
Sesshomaru, although he would not show it, was amazed at her keen sense of smell. He tried very hard to hide the stench of his brother and newly wed wife.
“You are a demon?”
She replied flashing him a smile of her dazzling white teeth and fangs.
“Well I apologize it is my day planner and his new wife. Now I will not ask again, what is your purpose of interrupting my work day?”
Kagome looked around his office in curiosity, she had never really looked at it before, it was simple grays, blacks, and whites. Her attention only partially fixed on Sesshomaru's words.
“Kagome sent me to tell you to stop calling, she doesn't appreciate your contact and dislikes changing her work number so often.”
This spiked his interest, she knew where Kagome was. He watched with curiosity as she walked around his office.
“Tell me where she is.”
She walked around the back of his desk and observed the photo's on his desk of him and his family, and giggled.
“Well wouldn't that defeat the purpose? What lovely photographs.”
Sesshomaru through with her distractions jumped from his chair and pushed her against the wall.
“I am through with your games little girl.”
Kagome laughed again as she watched the frustration etch across his face. She loved his confusion. Suddenly she realized what position they were in and tried to wriggle free with the predatorily look on his face. She smelled like her. It brought back so many memories. He leaned in to smell the crook of her neck and she moaned. That was all it took.
Kagome giggled as Sesshomaru quickly pulled off her shirt and snapped off her bra and began massaging her breasts roughly. Her small pink mouth attacked his as their tongues swirled in a rough battle for dominance. Kagome broke the kiss and roughly pulled off his shirt and tie running her hands up and down his tan toned chest. It wasn't long before Kagome's jeans and maroon lace thong were discarded to the side of the room along with Sesshomaru's black slacks and white briefs. Kagome roughly pushed him to the ground trailing kissed from his jaw, down his neck, lightly suckling and biting on his nipples. Sesshomaru lay there moaning his erection throbbing hard. He growled, despite her petite milky appearance she was strong and was able to hold him down. However he was stronger and he quickly flipped them over. In one swift movement he was on top rubbing his erection against her dripping pussy.
“Fuck, put it in. Fuck me hard.”
Kagome said breathlessly. Sesshomaru wasted no time and quickly thrust his throbbing member into her tight wet cavern. Kagome wrapped her legs around his waist closing the space between them, rocking her body to match his movements. The warm feeling coiled into her stomach as it grew tighter and tighter she moaned into the ravishing kiss he gave her. A wave of ecstasy rolled over her as she came her pussy clenching around his member inducing his orgasm. He collapsed on top of her, panting, sweat dripping down their bodies. Kagome maneuvered herself from under him and looked at the massive mess they made. All the papers had fallen from the desk, the picture frames tumbled over, and the chair a surprising two meters away. Kagome picked up a stray paper, and looked at the happy couple on the front.
“This is your brother and his wife's wedding?”
Sesshomaru sat up and looked at the wedding invitation and then collapsed back on the floor.
Kagome observed it again frowning.
“You'll take me.”
With this last demand she got up and began to put on her clothes again.
“I will not.”
“You have no date, I'm sure your father will not be pleased. And since I have no plans and this interest me you'll take me.”
“Just because I slept with you does not mean that I will take you to my brothers wedding.”
It was definitely an insult; however she chose to ignore it and continue to dress.
“Well then Mr. Taisho I'll just see you there then won't I. Or perhaps you won't, because I only slept with you.”
And with that final indifferent remark she left a confused naked Sesshomaru on the floor behind his desk. That was odd. Why did she smell like Kagome? Can you have such a strong scent if she works for her? Or is Kagome here with her? Impossible of would have known. Damn this.
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“Indigo what are you doing here?!”
An excited Inuyasha ran towards the exiting beauty in a happy craze.
“Oh I just had to visit your brother.”
She continued to walk, not truly acknowledging him or continuing conversation.
“Oh really? Why?”
“I had to tell him to stop calling Kagome.”
She wouldn't look him in the eye just continued to walk while lighting a cigarette.
“Oh…. Wait, why do you smell like Sesshomaru?”
Kagome spun to face him.
“Why did you marry Kikyo and not tell me!?”