InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Sex is a Killer ❯ The Unexpected ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Reviews would be much appreciated! Thanks x.
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“Um… excuse me?”
Inuyasha stared at her, clearly immensely confused his white ears placed tightly against his head.
“I said. Why. Did. You. Marry. Kikyo. And. Not. Tell. Me. I can't imagine you having hearing problems since you're a hanyou but you clearly do which confuses me considering the fact your supposed to have acute hearing. Maybe being half demon weakens your sense of hearing, I assumed that but I didn't presume it would be this drastic…”
Indigo continued her rant as her eyes ambled aimlessly across the different cubicles that surrounded the floor, Sesshomaru stood behind her against his door very amused at Inuyasha's confused and shocked face.
“Slow down! Jesus, you speak quickly… My hearing is fine, how do you know Kikyo?”
“Oh please, you're the `it' couple in Japan, tabloids feed off of you. Its rather bizarre actually…”
Indigo pulled out her work blackberry and looked at any important assignments her boss might have sent her knowing she had returned to Tokyo. She scrolls down and notices another chance for an encounter with Mr. Wind, apparently Kanna's current boyfriend has been doing all of Mr. Wind's dirty work for him and several bodies have turned up along the outskirts of the city.
“Are you listening to me? Indigo?”
“Hmm, no I wasn't. Can you repeat that please, but speak quickly I have somewhere I need to be.”
Inuyasha's eyes popped out, this woman got so easily distracted it amazed him!
“I said you shouldn't read tabloids as much, and that we haven't officially announced our marriage so I don't understand how you know.”
“I saw it on Fluffy's desk,”
Although she couldn't see it, she could feel Sesshomaru's anger crashing over her in waves from the horrendous nickname she had just given him. However you know daddy's rules, no fighting in the workplace and NO hitting women.
“The invitation that is. So I guess our dinner will have to be canceled, and I was rather looking forward to it. Oh well maybe a friendly lunch? We'll see, I don't particularly like to associate myself with liars. Anyway, must go darling I will see you later!”
She gave Inuyasha a quick peck on the cheek and made her way out of the office towards her apartment. Inuyasha banged his head into a wall in frustration.
“God fucking damnit.”
“Do not use such profanity in my office little brother.”
“Shut the fuck up Sesshomaru, just cause your life is perfect doesn't mean you can try and destroy others more.”
“On the contrary little brother, I may do whatever I please. Also that woman is far superior to you, although I doubt that's what Kikyo would say. Careful which toes to step on little brother.”
And with that Sesshomaru reentered his office and began cleaning up the mess he and the sexy vixen had left behind. She was quite the woman, and a very good lay, maybe he should invite her to the wedding, just for the after party in a hotel room that is. Inuyasha remained outside wondering how his love life became such a mess, did he ever really love Kikyo? He left his first love Kagome for her, but that was for the sex. It seems he never really got over Kagome, maybe this is a good second best?
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Indigo stormed through the streets speeding well over the limit reaching her glorious apartment. She wasn't sure whether or not to return to this apartment regarding Sesshomaru's continuous stalking of it but it had everything so it was the most convenient. As soon as the elevator doors opened she released the spell and her hair turned back into its midnight black and her skin tone went down a shade to a lighter tan rather than a very dark one. It required such a large amount of energy to keep the spell precise that it always drained her after the day was complete. She trudged over to her bed and collapsed in a coma-like sleep
1:45 a.m. Her bedside clock read.

Jumping out of bed in the grace only a demon could possess, followed by falling directly on her face with the grace only Kagome could possess she ran to her closet swiftly jerking on her leather tights in a very unlady like fashion along with a loose silvery tank top and her black leather biking shoes. It wasn't her normal mission attire but it was going to have to do. How does this always happen to her? Why can't she just live a normal life like everyone else? Oh yeah that's right, normal is boring, like having 300 channels with nothing to watch- god she hated that. She swirled gracefully through the streets effectively avoiding all cars and other vehicles, a shimmering blur in the eyes of its beholder. She raced back towards the empty building that currently holds underground races that she had once participated in. Ugh, it was so filthy, what horrendous people, she noticed eying familiar proud faces.
“We were waiting when you would return Indigo.”
She glided to a stop in the center of the room, she loved being the center of attention at these events, it was so invigorating. Her azure eyes shimmered coldly.
“I was hoping I would never have to return, I feel diseased simply by being in the presence of these filthy creatures.”
A frown marred her flawless tanned face as she glanced at the meaty drivers. She could feel the cautious air that surrounded the room, it was a thick fog. Of course she had not been easily forgotten, it had been a year but that was no excuse. A white ghostly figure appeared behind a man, so that must be the boyfriend… she thought excitedly. Suddenly the silence was broken by a hearty laugh that escaped Mr. Winds lips. Shocked heads turned slowly in that direction.
“Ah I see you have not lost your charm, I have rather missed you my dear. Please come, I assume you aren't here simply to race again.”
He began walking towards the grey office at the edge of the room. Sexy thoughts streamed through his mind as he thought of fucking her gorgeous body roughly on his desk, listening to her moan his name begging for more.
“I'm sorry I won't be able to join you, I'm here strictly on business.”
Indigo flashed her dazzling smile which was followed by gunshots and the image of the ghostly canvas of a girl covered in the bright red paint of her boyfriend. The silence didn't last long, and ended with the swish of a dagger flying severely close to Indigo's beautiful light brown hair.
“Now that wasn't appreciated Ms. Indigo, my employees are very important to me.”
Grabbing the dagger mid air she turns around.
“Mr. Wind, my employer is also very important to me and does not appreciate bodies appearing on the streets of Tokyo. Its rather tacky don't you agree?”
“Your commitment surprises me, I was under the impression you were independent. Of course I was mistaken, you are a beautiful woman and must be controlled by a man power. Women should always be held on a tight leash, but I can see I don't need to worry about that for…”
Before his sentence was finished a body with a dagger piercing its heart was flown towards him. Indigo quickly followed and lifted Mr. Wind up by the neck burning the areas her hand touched with her purification powers. So he was a demon, of course.
“Do not dare insult me Mr. Wind. It will be the last thing you do. Now I strongly suggest you control your men or I will do it for you.”
She was seething, venom from her nails was slowly seeping into his skin but he was laughing maliciously. What a freak. Suddenly there was a strong discomfort in her mid back. She released her victim to touch the bloody hole. She was shot, blood was seeping quickly out her body. Turning she saw Kanna standing proudly several feet away.
“Don't touch my dad you bitch!”
“You shot me.”
“Yaaaaaa, are you retard or something?”
Kanna turned towards the 5 remaining bikers who stood petrified at the scene before them and laughed violently at her own joke. Kagome removed a dagger from her boot and sent it flying towards her in a pink glow only to see it landed in her leg. Shit, she was loosing too much blood her aim was never this bad. She looked at Kanna and screeching writhing body as she watched the effects of the purification. Then it was dark.
………………………&# 8230;……........................................................ ........................................
Kagome woke up a week later in her bed. With a headache only the alcoholics can compare with.
“What the fuck happened…”
Saturday 11:00 a.m. June 24
“Oh my god!”
Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit to the mother of the outskirts of hell! My beast must have taken over. SHIT! How have I been asleep for a week? Oh my god tomorrow is Inuyasha's wedding! Ugh, I don't know why I even bother going it just upsets me. Whatever, Kinky-hoe can suck it.
After a long inner battle Kagome rose stiffly from her blood covered bed and trudged over to her answering machine. She made the effort to have all her voicemails transferred here when she moved from New York but never made the effort to discontinue it. Perhaps she secretly wished that she would have a proper reason to return, guess she was wrong.
You have 20 new messages.
My god do people have no lives, jesus stop harassing me.
“Kagome this is Inuyasha… again…”
Message deleted
“Kagome you can't…”
Inuyasha's voice appeared through the metal box again
Message deleted
“Kagome its your mother, Souta's died. I'm not sure where you are since you didn't visit the hospital, but we would appreciate if you came to the funeral, its Saturday if you can make it. We really miss you baby, please come back.”
All the messages became a blur, had it not been a little over a week ago she visited him? He seemed fine, god now what? She obviously had to go, tears streamed violently down her face as she collapsed to the ground it was as if her heart broke all over. Stabbed, torn, and left to be trampled on.
“Kags its Sango this is the 7th message I'm leaving you, where are you? I guess you've heard about Souta, we really need you here Kaggie. Please call us back.”
That was the last message
Kagome viscously picked up her house phone and speed dialed Sango's number.
“Sango, can you please come over?”
She said through sobs her body supported solely by the wall she was leaning against. Not 5 minutes later Sango burst through the elevator shock vibrated through her body as she saw her best friend lying helplessly on the ground in violent tears. Not since high school had she seen Kagome display such vibrant emotion.
“Aw Kags, shhh its ok, its ok.”
She rubbed soothing circles on her back rocking her friend until the gasping sobs ended and there was complete silence.
“Come lets get ready for the funeral.”
And the sobbing resumed.