InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Sex is a Killer ❯ Hello Kagome ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Ok so I’m going by what I said on my profile. I am DETERMINED to finish this before the Christmas break so here it goes. Sorry for not updating in forever ^^.


It had been two weeks, but to her it felt like years. Was this hell? Did killing those people cause her to end up here? She was told time goes by slower in hell, and whoever said that was so fucking right it killed her. Literally. So much for helping people. Her blue eyes glazed over with a burning hatred. Hatred for Wind, hatred for Sesshomaru, and hatred for Inuyasha, how could they let her rot here? Each day Mr. Wind or Kaugra would come down to the basement she was currently residing in with another torture instrument. Wind preferred the scalpel; he would occasionally put poisons on the tip and gazed as she writhed in pain cutting off pieces of flesh and skin watching the blood ooze out. Kaugra opted with a more forceful weapon, a knife. Its thick blade laughed at her suffering as it stabbed and sliced through her recklessly.

“Hello Kagome.”

Kaugra smooth voice sauntered into the dark damp room, her ruby lips glistened with malice, she was wearing long tight satin dress that was ripped and wreaked of sex. Kagome’s delicate bloody nose crinkled with disgust only to be rewarded with a greater smirk by Kaugra as she picked up the knife rusting on the metal table in the corner.

“Smells good doesn’t it.”

She took a deep breath savoring the sweet taste the smell brought her senses.

“Why didn’t you tell me Sesshomaru was such a monster in bed?”

Her tongue darted out to lick her lips sensually as she dragged the knife along Kagome’s bare stomach. Kagura’s grin spread, she loved tearing her apart watching the blood pour violently out of her body. They allowed her 12 hours every day to heal; it was the perfect amount of time. Just as the wound would close and seal as if it was never there, they would rip open a new one.

“Bitch you’re lying.”

Kagome seethed her eyes pulsating with anger. She spit blood onto Kagura’s face as she came close to her again only infuriating her further which resulted in a deep stab wound right above her right breast.

Kaugra wiped the blood away slowly knowing she hit a nerve, she wasn’t blind to the way Sesshomaru felt about this girl, and she simply despised it. Her scarlet eyes glared at Kagome with revulsion, there she was hanging from the ceiling by metal clamps dirty and bleeding, yet she still held his heart. But not for long.

“Ha! As if, I warm his bed every night and you stand here, rotting like the corpse you will soon be. All I have left is to get rid of that little kistune of yours. And then it will be like you were never there, I think I’ll kill him slowly. Make it last, make him beg.”  

Her fangy grin expanded as she watched Kagome’s eyes seep crimson her body thrashing violently against the clamps despite them shocking her violently, the smell of burnt flesh crept into their noses. She loved this; this was her euphoria, watching as Kagome tortured her own body deeming her unnecessary.

“Well you could always beg for him, perhaps I could make his death quick and painless.”

Kagome let out a deep feral snarl her body fought to break free of its barriers.

“I’ll have your family bury you together, you with your son and little piece of shit over there.”

That was it, her body burst from the shackles in a bright pink light, her original plan was to tear Kaugra into shreds but the burst of miko energy that erupted from her body simmered her as if she had been trapped in a burning building. Adrenaline continued to pump through her body, her eyes bleeding red still. She placed her bloody hands on her abdomen and howled in pain as a repressed memory came flooding back full force.


A week had passed, Kagome stood there, trapped by the iron obstacles clenching her wrists to the black wall. Small bleeding cuts covered her body. Mr. Wind walked up to her grinning wildly at her growing form.

“Kagome dearest, what is this. You aren’t meant to be fed. Who is feeding you?”

A slap echoed loudly in the barren room, he knew no one was feeding her. They wouldn’t dare, but he loved toying with her, this bitch deserved to be tortured after the obscene way she mocked him.

“Fuck.  You.” Her voice was icy and direct, angering him.

“Shut up you cheeky slut!”

The scalpel tore across her growing abdomen with a sadistic rage. It was the first and only time she screamed, begged him to stop, she cried. Naraku stared at his bloodied prize, his red eyes shined with glory. He had made her scream, and he loved it, nothing had ever turned him on so much.

“What a shame, so beautiful.”

Tears streaked down her face washing away some of the blood and stinging the cuts. The worst part of it was it sat, in a jar filled with water on the metal desk sitting in the corner so she could watch it every day and think of the most painful day of her life.

Kagome grabbed the jar that and ran, she ran even though blood was pouring from gashes in her stomach and chest, she ran even though her heart had broken. She ran even though she knew she wasn’t finished.


Inuyasha was sporting a darker tan, god he felt great! He and Kikyo had spent days on the beach at their summer house making love and going to the beach, things had turned out a lot better than he had expected. They had mated and he had come home to share the wonderful news of Kikyo’s pregnancy with his family, it was sooner than expected but he was thrilled! Kikyo however had insisted she stay back at the house due to her ‘morning sickness’, how naïve Inuyasha could be. Smiling brightly as he drove into the house only to realize that his parents had left, probably on another business trip he thought his fluffy white ears flattening slightly on his head in disappointment. He continued to saunter in his house filled with confidence with the genius idea of berating Sesshomaru for sleeping with Kaugra, that’s when he smelled blood. And death.


She had run for hours, she couldn’t see where she was going everything was getting fuzzy but her adrenaline forced her to continue. Her bloody body was covered by a loose black shirt and pair of jean shorts she had found in Kagura’s room, the colors could barely be detected under the thick bloodstains. She had run to the shrine, streaks of blood fell behind her onto the unwelcoming ground only to realize that they weren’t home, after Souta died they weren’t home often. Her heart clenched painfully as she remembered her brothers death, she held the jar tighter to her chest and began running furiously again.


The voice was distant, where did it come from? A viscous growl escaped her throat accompanied by blood dripping from her chapped lips, who dare touch her! She felt something pulling at her arms trying to pull her baby away from her, demon was out for blood. She noticed silver hair in her blurry vision and grinned.


Her voice was livid was a calm hatred, she was ready to tear his heart out of his chest as he had done to her, but she would wait and see what his excuse was first.

Inuyasha stared in shock; he had never seen Kagome filled with such brutal hatred. Her demon was out of control, her blue eyes completely clouded by the piercing red, the color of passion and abhorrence.

“It’s not Sesshomaru, it’s me Inuyasha!”

His golden orbs pleaded in a feeble attempt to calm her down, her wounds needed to be tended to; a dark puddle of blood was forming under her. Those creamy white legs he dreamt of for so long were taped with wet and crusted blood.

“Ha! You can’t fool me; I killed your bitch Kaugra just like her father tried to kill me. I hope you think of the times you fucked her when I was lying in her basement bleeding having my body ripped apart which you sated her body with your carnal desires…”

It was getting harder to speak, her words slurred and her eyes returned to their sapphire shade before she collapsed into her puddle of blood.

“Sesshomaru!” Inuyasha howled.


Kagome woke with a start, it was just a dream she sighed in relief rubbing her abdomen. Her icy eyes knitted with confusing, it felt flat, and… wet? She lifted her hand to see it covered in blood which had seeped through the bandages. Tears poured down her eyes, it wasn’t a dream, and it was real. Sprinting quickly into the bathroom she ripped off the shirt in an attempt not to soak it or the room in blood. The mirror reflected a broken girl with the same hair as her, but slightly disheveled, and she had the same eyes, but more bloodshot. And she had the same body, but she wasn’t pregnant. She placed herself on the cool tiles letting the blood pool below her, the tears stopped she was pretty sure there was no more water to cry. Sesshomaru burst through the door in a panic smelling the blood.

“Kagome what the fuck do you think you’re doing!”

His muscular arms picked up limp body placing it carefully on the bathroom counter, her eyes were an empty void. Even then she couldn’t bring her to turn the two orbs to meet his body. He carefully redressed her and placed her in the bed again trying to crawl in with her.

“No.” It was raspy and soft but he heard it, and he felt his heart break.

“Kagome I-“

“I can still smell her on you.”

She couldn’t look into his pleading eyes; it would only tear her apart more. He however complied and sat on the chair waiting. He wasn’t sure what he was waiting for, an explanation? Inuyasha’s was brief before he scurried off with something in his arms. Love? He was pretty sure he lost that when he opted to sleep with Kaugra instead of continuing to search for Kagome.


The little kistune popped his head in the door his emerald eyes wide with fear, of course he smelt the blood of his mother, while Rin stood shyly behind him for comfort.

“Shippo, Rin, not now, your mother is resting.”

It was the cold voice he used with everyone, and had once used with her. The compassionless echo caused her to wince, and her frightful son caused her to cry. Torrents of tears flowed down her face, even when she had nothing left to cry water continued to flow down her cheeks as she once again remembered that frightful day in the basement. She was eventually lulled to a sleep of fitful nightmares for 2 long hateful days.


It was a mere whisper as he noticed the miko-demoness stir, how badly he wanted to climb into bed with her, wrapping his strong arms around her murmuring the nightmares away. Blue emptiness stared at him a causing his blood to run cold.

“Kagome what happened.” The smooth baritone that was once his voice crack, wrought with worry, she noticed his eyes beg for clarification.

“They took me somewhere, they tortured me, sliced me, watched me bleed. You never came.”

His heart begged for her, he wanted to hold her tight and protect her from any other evils that lurked in the world, but he knew it was too late for that. She continued.

“Where is she?” Kagome looked frantically around the room.


Sesshomaru noticed her instant panic and tried calming her down as he searched for some female he didn’t even know what looked like.

“My daughter, she was with me!” Her raspy voice strained as she began to hyperventilate.

“Kagome you have a son, calm down its ok, your son Shippo is in the other room.” He pet her hair softly trying to calm her, it was the most she had let him touch him in the past several days.

“Sesshomaru our daughter! Where is she? Of course you wouldn’t fucking care.” Venom dripped from her teeth as she pushed past the shocked demon, he was so confused.

“Kagome we don’t have a daughter.” How was he supposed to react to her increasing insanity?

“I was pregnant Sesshomaru,” the petite woman began to shake violently as she sobbed but he couldn’t help her he just sat and waited for her to finish. “He cut her out of me, I watched as he put her in a jar for me to stare at, every day. Our daughter, he killed out daughter.”

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