InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Sex is a Killer ❯ The makeshift grave ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My loyal reviews, thank you! What can I say, you INSPIRE me  Haha how corny. I will reveal the Sesshy/ Kaugra dramaaaa in the next chapter. Keep reviewing!!


Inuyasha ran when Sesshomaru arrived to take care of Kagome, he wasn’t sure where he was going but he jumped into his silver Porsche and began to drive. Disgust overwhelmed him, it soaked his skin. Sitting in his passenger seat was the fetus of a child decaying in a jar of water, and judging by the way Kagome held it tightly to her body he could only assume it was hers. But who was the father? And why the fuck was it floating in a jar? Questions tumbled recklessly around in his mind.

“Oh Kagome, what happened to you?”

His mind flashed to the feral young miko-demoness dripping in blood holding her unborn child. He had to help her, he just had to, she still held a place in his heart despite everything that happened, Sesshomaru just has to go and fuck everything up. Huffing loudly he slammed his frustrated forehead against the steering wheel, his silver hair sprawled sporadically around him. Spinning his car around he sped towards a hardware store, he needed to get rid of the fetus first.

“Sir is there anything I can help you with?”

The young woman stared at him longingly with her brown eyes; his white t-shirt hugged him perfectly showing off his sculpted muscles. Ugh and those jeans, his ass just made her want to rip them off and take him right there. Normally he would jump at the opportunity to tease when he smelled the arousal rolling off him in waves, but he was too frustrated and married.

“Ya I need a shovel, wood, hammer, and nails. Oh and a knife.”

His bitter tone made her wince as she scrambled off to get the random objects he asked for. He sighed as he ran his hand through his thick locks; it was going to be a long day. After purchasing his items he drove speedily towards the local cemetery when his phone rang.

Incoming call: Ass wipe

“What do you want Sesshomaru?”

He really didn’t want to deal with his bastard brother right now, one thing at a time he repeated in his head.

“Where is she?”

Inuyasha’s blood ran cold, throughout his lifetime he had only seen Sesshomaru truly angry a few times and one of those being when he suspected that Inuyasha was stealing Kagome away from him. But the voice on the other side of the phone was truly primal, his beast was taking over and he was with Kagome. She must have realized her child was gone and told Sesshomaru. Well shit, if things couldn’t get worse, so he did the only thing he could think of. Play dumb.

“Who the fuck are you talking about?”

“Inuyasha you know who the fuck I’m talking about, and if you don’t tell me in the next 5 seconds I will rip out your throat and feed it to you.” He snarled, he had already lost his patience and was currently trying to maintain the best control in front of Kagome.

“Listen I’m busy, I’ll call you when I’m done.”

He sighed hanging up the phone; dark bags were growing rapidly beneath his eyes, an accumulative of stress and lack of sleep. Walking over to a large oak tree he began to dig a small but deep hole placing the small unborn child in it and covering it up. He nailed the two pieces of wood he bought using it as a makeshift cross stabbing it into the moist earth. Wiping of sweat with the shoulder of his sleeve he looked at his work, it was a beautiful day and it seemed everything was at peace. Hopefully this baby would be to. Just as he was about to turn around he heard a primitive grumble, he had sensed that Sesshomaru had arrived but thought it best to just quickly finish his work.

“Sesshomaru, I’m sorry.”

Placing a brotherly hand on his shoulder he stared at his broken half-brother, there were no words that could truly console anyone in this situation, it had dawned on him that this must be his child.

“Is this… is this her?”

His words choked as they tried to push themselves from his throat, he felt his heart grit while Inuyasha nodded sullenly. It was a feeling he had only experienced this unwelcome feeling only a few times before with Rin and Kagome but this time it was different. This time, he could have stopped it, and he didn’t. So this is what it felt like, to jump off a cliff only to find yourself falling, forever, because you just can’t seem to reach the bottom. Your stomach flying up your chest in nausea that will never end. An earth shaking growl exploded from Sesshomaru’s chest, his body convulsed with anger as he took off suddenly. This was going to end, today.


Inuyasha returned warily to his family’s mansion, dirt caked on his skin. All he wanted was a hot shower and to return to his blushing bride, but he knew Kagome needed him. She was always there for him, even when he ripped out her heart, and he would be there for her now. He slowly wandered into her room, confusion deluged him as he noticed she wasn’t in the bed but sitting in a corner rocking herself. Her eyes vacant of any emotion.

“Kagome, how are you feeling?” His voice was soft, caring, two traits Inuyasha was not well known for.

“Where is she?” It was only a hollow echo.

“I buried her, under the tree, by your father’s grave…”

Kagome’s father died when she was young of a heart attack, it tore her and her mother apart, but Inuyasha was there for her. They placed him in the most beautiful part of the cemetery, a place that was surrounded by plants and bushes, a place of nature and belonging. A weak smile etched on her face.

“Thank you Inuyasha, you didn’t have to.” There was still a raspy tone to her wounded voice, it made him wince.

“It’s the least I can do, do you need anything?”

“Just sit with me please; I don’t want to be alone.”

Those icy blue eyes he used to dream about had melted and were filled with fear. So he nodded and sat next to her on the floor wrapping his arms tightly around her.

“Kagome, what happened to you…?”

The murmur sounded like a scream even though they were close enough to count each others heart beat. She retold the story, her body shaking as she sobbed through words. He only held her tighter; this is what Sesshomaru should be doing, what he should have done instead of looking for their unborn child.

“Did he...?” The fluffy white ears plastered to his head, he wasn’t sure if he even wanted to here this.

“No he didn’t rape me, he couldn’t without untying me and I was not weak enough for him to risk that.”

The strong voice that had disappeared over the two weeks was beginning to return; she would find that bastard and kill him. Slowly, like he had tried to do with her. She would take his daughters ashes and put them in a jar and force him to stare at them just like he had done to her. Revenge surged through her body. Inuyasha let go of a huge gulp of air he hadn’t realized he had been holding.

“I’m going to take a shower quickly, will you be ok?”

He was skeptical as to if he should leave her or not, but she seemed better, but she also seemed to be scheming. Sprinting to his bathroom he took the fastest shower he had ever taken, rushing back to the room only to see her missing fear began to force itself on him as he hastily followed her scent stopping abruptly in front of Shippo and Rin’s room taking a huge sigh of relief when he burst violently through the door. He was greeted with a thoroughly amused Kagome and two giggling children when he looked down and saw that he had his boxers backwards so the crotch hole was in the back, his shirt was inside out and soaking wet with his white hair plastered sporadically on his face and back clearly not brushed.

“Shippo and Rin were just telling me about their day.”

Her voice had return to its cold harmonized monotone, but it was laced with interest and amusement at the bewildered hanyou in front of her. Loosing a child only made her want to protect hers more, she held them tightly at the memory closing her eyes to refrain from crying… again.

“Rin think Inuyasha looks silly!”

Rin happily exclaimed while Kagome patted her head approvingly and another stream of giggles escaped the ecstatic kistune’s mouth. They only increased when Inuyasha huffed and stormed out of the room, but Kagome could sense he was relieved, his aura calmed hers and she smiled. Each second she was getting stronger, her senses sharper and soon she would be restored with complete power. The idea of revenge fueling her healing process. That’s how they fell asleep, Kagome tightly clutching the children to her lithe physique ideas of vengeance streaming through her mind.


A heavy powerful aura strangled him in the musky room; he however feared nothing and continued to play high stakes poker with his ‘friends’. The smoke that engulfed the space clouded his vision but no worries; he always cheated, and always won. Seconds later the door burst open and he felt a strong pain in his throat. Magenta eyes opened only to face the true wrath of the bloody eyes boring into his soul.

“Sesshomaru,” he wheezed with amusement.


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Also check out my other stories: Happy in the Club With A Bottle of Wine, and No Tears of Regret
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