InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Sex is a Killer ❯ I (don't) love you ( Chapter 19 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
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Inuyasha could feel his anxiety climbing scratching his skin, where the fuck was Sesshomaru? He hadn’t seen Sesshomaru since he buried the… child the day before. His golden eyes were a dull yellow, he was beyond distressed. Kagome was surprisingly calm, which disturbed him to no end, Kikyo was calling him insistently demanding he return to their country home, and now with Sesshomaru missing. He simply couldn’t handle all of this.


His eyes flicked over to the object of his thoughts, she was dressed in a pair of skinny jeans, black converse and a green long sleeve shirt, and her luscious black hair hung loose blowing in the wind. She had always known this bench in their garden was his place of solace, when they would fight she would always find him here. They had shared very peaceful moments here. He was too exhausted to reply, and opted with simply grunting.

“I’m sorry… I mean you didn’t have to do all of this for me. I was, I was a mess but I will be ok. Go to Kikyo, you deserve to be with your… wife. Even if she is the wicked witch of the west.”

She grinned at him, her blue eyes flickering sympathetically at him, a slender hand wrapped around his and she brought it up to her mouth in a chaste kiss. He sighed peacefully, whenever he was mad at her she would give him this miniscule sign of affection and it melted his heart, her lips were so soft.

“Kagome I don’t want to leave you, what if something else happens… I don’t think I could live with myself, I just wouldn’t be able to handle it…”

“Oh Yasha…” Azure orbs melted at his confession, sure his voice was ragged and beaten like his personality sometimes but he had such a kind heart. Unlike his bastard brother. “Don’t worry about me any more; I want you to worry about yourself, and about Kikyo. I do not blame you for a second, you need to understand that. What happened, yes it was horrible, but its over and we need to move on.”

Her voice had chocked when she recalled the horrific memories that haunted her dreams, she rested her head softly on his muscular arm rubbing her hand on it soothingly. It was time to move on, well after she destroyed the cause of all of this. She just had to wait, until he thought nothing was going to happen to him. Then she would strike, all her wrath that coiled in her stomach exploding through her pores. Yes, all she must do is wait.

“You’re so strong Kagome, I don’t understand it.”

He looked down at his hands, shame encompassed him.

“I’m strong because of you, you taught me to be strong Inuyasha. Don’t ever forget that, you are the strongest person I know.”

Cherry lips placed a soft kiss on his strong cheek before she left the weary half demon to his thoughts.


Another rough punch to the gut, blood oozed from the lips formed in a malicious smile.

“I feel your hatred Lord Sesshomaru, yet you do not kill me. Has the woman weakened you?”

This vile comment resulted in a violent punch to the cheek, blood spewed against the beige wall which had become a mural of red streaks. The other poker players had left quickly in fear of their lives, yes Wind was not someone that you would easily frustrate, but the Lord of the western lands was someone with even more power.

“Wind, I suggest you silence yourself if you wish to live a few more seconds. No woman controls me, you will however feel the pain you inflicted on her. Nevertheless I will kill you, unlike you I don’t let my victim escape.”

His bloody black head quickly connected with the wall creating a massive boulder. True, he was too weak to fight back at this point, being only a half demon he wasn’t nearly strong enough to even attempt. He could attempt to live a bit longer though.

“Yes, yet you crawl into the bed with my power whore of a daughter.”

That was it; he dug his elongated claws into the tender flesh of the sadistic man in front of him letting his poison seep into his veins. His death would be slow and excruciatingly painful, just as it should. His ruby eyes watched with a malicious glee as the man suffered in front of him, his lips curled into a sinister smirk emphasizing his extended fangs, he had long ago let his beast take over with a vicious blood lust. This was the best 12 hours of his life.


“Ok so this one has 4 bedrooms and 4 ½ bathrooms. As you can see there is a fairly large lake in the back that your children can swim in.”

It was the 5th house she had looked at, this woman knew of her power, I mean who hadn’t. So instead of showing her the small cozier homes she had asked to see she showed her large antique mansions that were empty and cold. It was obvious through her hollow brown eyes she was to collect a fat check if she sold one of these houses to Kagome Higurashi. This of course caused the cobalt eyed demoness to get extremely impatient and demand she show her the houses she requested or she would create some… unpleasant memories for her.

“There is a stable in the back also by the lake as well as a pasture if you are an interested equestrian or have many pets.”

The house was perfect; it had a cozy sitting room with a fireplace, a decent sized kitchen with a few cute outdated appliances. It was made entirely out of wood, giving it a nice woodsy feel and smell to it. Woods surrounded it, but it also had a nice back yard with a small vegetable garden that looked out to the lake and stables. This was it, this was her house. Of course she would keep her apartment in the city, but she didn’t want Shippo and Rin to grow up in such an industrialized atmosphere. A cozy homey house was perfect for them, and it was only 45 minutes away from a very prestigious elementary school.

“There is fireplace in the 2 master bedrooms-“

God her shrill voice, she simply could not stand it anymore. Just looking at her in her short red pencil skirt that barely covered her private areas and her black blouse that was unbuttoned to show off a generous amount of cleavage, it was too much for the poor demoness.

“I’ll take it; send the papers to my office. I want everything prepared for when I move in this weekend.”

Her voice was its normal icy melody, which accompanied with her stoic face made the real estate agent extremely uncomfortable, Kagome loved it.

“Of course Ms. Higurashi! I’ll have the papers sent to you this afternoon; it was a pleasure doing business.”

She stuck out a pudgy hand which Kagome swiftly ignored when heading out to her sleek BMW. It was time to start over.


Kagome returned home and sensed that both children were still at her mother’s house, however she wasn’t home. The scent of blood sizzled her nose it was infiltrated with a deep musky scent she was very familiar with. She simply chose to ignore it, her red heels clicking furiously against the marble floor as she made her way to her room; she needed to prepare to leave.


She didn’t need to turn around, she knew who it was. And her frozen aura let him know she knew he was there.

“Kagome, I’m so sorry…”

There was no response, she was beyond furious, although she wouldn’t show it. Instead she continued to assemble to cardboard boxed which would hold her belongings, there weren’t many here but she figured it would be best to get this out of the way.

“Kagome look at me!”

Grabbing her wrist he flicked her around only to collide with the wall, his golden eyes grew at the shock that encompassed his body.

“Sesshomaru. Do not touch me, ever again or I will rip your hands off. I have nothing to say to you, you disgrace my presence.”

There were blue ice cubs instead of the warm oceans he was used to. God what had he done, slowly he got up still shaken from being thrown against the now broken wall.

“I should have come to you I know-“

She whipped around anger and… shame burned in her eyes little pink shocks burst from her body as her miko energy began to take over.

“No, you were right to leave me there. To be tortured daily, to have my child… my child cut from my body! I should never have been the damsel in distress; you only showed me how much of a fool I was to think I needed a man in my life. You Taisho boys are all the same, you just break people. But no, I will not be broken. So you can crawl back to your whore, and fuck her while you think of me bleeding to death. Think of what you could have had-“

In a millisecond she was pushed against the wall by her neck, of course she could have stopped him but she was enjoying tormenting him like he did to her.

“What? You think I didn’t know about your little whore you fucked while I was dying? While they cut out our child?”

She was wheezing trying to push each syllable out from the bottom of her squished lungs an arrogant smirk stitched painfully on her face. Yes, cut off all attachments, save yourself from being hurt again. Unconsciously her pink miko energy was burning his hand, but he didn’t care he simply squeezed harder.

“Bitch, learn your place. You were fucking him.”

His eyes had seeped blood long ago, the pristine stripes on his face jagged lines of abhorrence, but was it really?

“Wind? Ha! Your get weaker every time we meet, you would have smelled his scent on me you pathetic excuse for a daiyoukai. So what are you going to do Sesshomaru? Kill me? Fine, go ahead.”

It was a bluff that was for sure, not that she wouldn’t be able to save herself. Although she was beginning to feel light headed. His eyes flicked from red to gold, his beast wanted to show her who she belongs to, he wanted to claim her right there. He had suddenly realized he had been wrong, very wrong. Of course Kaugra would tell him that, how could he not sense she was lying? Dropping her on the ground allowing her to gasp handfuls of air he fell against the wall.

“You are pathetic Sesshomaru.”

As she was lifting herself she saw something she would witness only once in her life, and it was once more than she had ever wished. Tears rolling down prominent cheeks, smearing the blood as the wet waves barreled down his face. He was crying, his rough hands cradled his face as he sat in true misery against the cold wall.

“Kagome, I love you so much. I love you so much it hurts me, I can’t even explain in words the way you make me feel. The way I felt when I saw what happened to you. I love you so much it hurts Kagome.”

The words choked out in ragged syllables between sobs, yes Sesshomaru Taisho had broken. Something she had seen once, and it was once more than she had ever wished.

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