InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Sex is a Killer ❯ Let it Snow ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Thanks so much for the reviews! The more I get the longer I’ll make the chapters, sanks.


The orange flames crackled and popped brightly allowing her body to be engulfed in a warm blanket, thin fingers weaved through the fiery hair of the infant lying comfortably in her lap, and it was finally peaceful.


Her normally icy eyes softened happily at her son who had quickly fallen asleep, with little effort she scooped him up with her arms laying him softly in his fluffy green bed. She had moved into the cottage a few months earlier, after the… incident. It was only a 15 minute drive away from Inuyasha’s house, one of the main reasons she moved into the cozy home, much to Kikyo’s dismay. Rin came often on weekends, playing in the garden or in the barn with the horses; there was always a feeling of hopelessness watching the chocolate eyed schoolgirl leave. She had crawled into her heart, burrowing contently there. Sesshomaru, yes Sesshomaru, she wasn’t quite sure where they stood, they didn’t speak often other than the polite conversation when he dropped of Rin. Each time she could see his mind aging from worry and stress, she wondered if it was her fault. Of course it was, yet she wasn’t sure what to do about it, if she should do anything at all. All of this uncertainty was an uncomfortable itch. Suddenly there was a large unruly knock on her large wooden doors, eyes flicked to the train clock resting on the wall. 10:30, isn’t it a bit late for visitors?


The stoic mask that usually graced her face as she noticed the snowy golden eyed hanyou standing on her doorstep, his hands rubbing his arms furiously in an attempt to stay warm.

“Can I come in?”

A smirk shimmied on her face, a pearly fang peeping from her lip before she moved out of the way allowing him to enter the heated room. Shaking the snow off his body in a very dog like fashion he turned to her annoyance sketched into his rough features.

“What wench?”

A hearty musical laugh vibrated through the room, he loved her laugh, it was carefree and rich like a good bite of chocolate.

“I just can’t believe you just asked to come into my house? Normally you just barged in, did Inuyasha Taisho finally learn some manners?!”

Feign shock was scribbled with mockery on her face, it was their usual banter they both enjoyed thoroughly, and it lightened the mood always.

“Hmph, well just be a bit more appreciative bitch.”

Giving him a light slap on the back of the head for the degrading comment she led him into her kitchen fixing them both some hot chocolate. It was a particularly hard winter this year, not that she minded in the least bit, she loved the snow, everything was just so at peace. Peace, she learned to value it so much more.

“I always appreciate you Inuyasha, I just don’t show it because your giant ego head would just inflate more. Now to what pleasure do I owe your marvelously late visit?”

Inuyasha glared playfully at her, shaking his hands through his hair he watched a few more snow flakes fall out and melt against the stone counter top.

“I was bored, Kikyo’s at her mom’s house until tomorrow night planning some Christmas shit. I don’t know, we’re not even catholic, she just likes the idea of receiving presents.”

He didn’t notice the flash of forlorn that dashed across the young demoness face; instead he chose to stare off absentmindedly at the falling snowflakes through the window. It still hurt to hear about his relationship with Kikyo, especially now that she had gotten closer with her old lover these past few months. She always conveyed to him everything was fine, so it was her own fault she guessed, but that didn’t dull the ache pounding in her chest.

“Well, leave it to Kikyo to forget the meaning of Christmas. Have you gotten her anything yet?”

She hadn’t sipped the thick warm liquid yet; perhaps if she did she would feel better? Chocolate was said to cure almost everything. Even her broken heart?

“Nope, but I’m sure she’ll tell her mother expecting me to go to her. Which I will, that woman is never happy with what I pick out.”

Of course the stress had piled up on her poor friend here also, and they said the holidays were filled with joy. Now that’s just bull shit.


The holidays were approaching very quickly, quicker than he had hoped or even anticipated. How he despised them, despised the bright decorations that cluttered the office, the offensively strong Christmas cookies burned his nose. Soon however they would be over and he would be at peace once again. On the contrary, it was Friday, which meant as soon as he finished work promptly at 5:30 he would pick up his spunky daughter and drive her over to her best friend’s house. His old lover, current love, it was all too confusing for him. Stoic eyes glanced over at the sterile black and white office clock, as the golden orbs moved over the numbers the clock struck his favorite time of the day, the week in fact. Grabbing his long black coat he whisked his arms through the holes before swiftly leaving his office. His loud steps echoed, whenever he left the building for it was silent in fear. It wasn’t an unknown fact that the demon lord hated the holidays, just last week he violently fired a male employee who dared offer him eggnog. The horror. He allowed his body to plop gracefully in the black limousine his eyes focusing on the jumping youngster in front of him.

“Rin, control yourself.”

Although the command itself held a forceful nature, his tone was polite and kind, something only one other person had witnessed. Kagome Higurashi. He had not forgotten the day he confessed his love her as he watched her pack her things thinking that perhaps he would never see her again. Something that plagued his mind for days before he had the nerve to call her regarding a play date for Rin and Shippo; however that confession was quickly pushed aside by her. Scrunched up like an unwanted paper ball and thrown down the sewer.

“Sorry father, but Kagome promised Shippo and Rin that she would help Rin and Shippo to make gingerbread houses today!”

She had completely ignored his demand and continued to convulse softly in the comfortable black leather seat. Sighing at her terrible grammar and her reference to herself in third person he opted instead to look out the window, there was a blizzard approaching. His yellow orbs glazed over watching the white topped trees pass by swiftly before stopping in front of a comfortable residence, there in the doorway stood Kagome in a red knitted sweater, jeans, and black boots. Her long raven locks blowing in the wind, small flakes of snow landed softly in them, her blue eyes shimmered in anticipation. Why was she anxious? It was a habit, they would arrive promptly at 6:30 every Friday, and he would retrieve her promptly 6:30 every Sunday.

“Hello Rin, why don’t you go and get Shippo, you two need to wash your hands before you handle the ingredients.”

Her harmonious voice sang out, with a small dazzling smile accompanying it. It was always a bittersweet feeling seeing her, knowing he could never have her.

“Rin is excited!”

The small girl scampered quickly inside throwing off her blue boots effectively knocking snow everywhere, her pink jacket thrown to the side to lay victim to wandering feet. Kagome shifted her gaze to the stoic lord who approached her with the traditional pink night bag that held Rin’s clothes.

“Hello Sesshomaru, how are you?”

She didn’t look him in the eyes, instead focusing her attention on the vibrant bag, it was always the same he thought.

“Fine thank you, and you?”

Her demonic senses told her he was lying; perhaps she should try and form at least a friendship with him. At least for the sake of their children. For the first time in the months he dropped Rin off, her lithe body moved out of the doorway allowing him to enter. He stood cautiously, his eyes gracing their customary detachment.

“Busy, thankfully it’s almost the holidays. I don’t think Shippo can handle all this commuting, would you like to come in for some hot chocolate? I feel it gets colder every day.”

The sun was beginning to set rapidly, he signaled for his driver to leave and he would call him when necessary and entered the house warily. He had never been in her new home; it was not at all like her other one. Her city apartment was calculated, modern, everything where it should be. However this house was cluttered, decorated with bright red, green, and yellow Christmas lights. There was a large tree adorning beautiful ornaments and a large golden star on top. It was bursting with Christmas spirit, stockings, red bows, the warm smell of ginger oozed from the walls. Unlike his office where he felt suffocated by the disgusting Christmas spirit, here he felt at home. He… enjoyed the exuberant Christmas vibe. He was led into a large fairly old looking kitchen that was warm from the oven baking something delicious. She handed him a steaming mug of a brown substance, sniffing it carefully he took a delicate sniff. Nothing had ever tasted so good; it was as if she melted the most delicious Belgium chocolate directly into his cup. It was thick, creamy, rich, and tasteful.

“This is… amazing.”

He did nothing to hide the amazement that flowed over his body, he was instantly thankful he did because out came her melodious laugh, richly coated with a sense of comfort he had never seen her with before. Things were finally better. In barreled the two children eager to decorate their edible tasteful homes. Rin jumped onto her fathers lap her coffee orbs widening with glee and surprise.

“Is daddy sleeping over too?”

His eyes flipped over to Kagome who was currently taking out two extravagant ginger bread houses from the oven, she simply shrugged her shoulders before turning around to collect the decorations for the children.

“Yes Rin, I believe I am.


REVIEW! Please. I feel dejected that I only have 75 reviews and this is the 20th chapter.  sad face.
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