InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Sex is a Killer ❯ This wasn't supposed to happen ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
I know I haven’t updated in ages, so here I go again. Consider this a belated Christmas special (and an apology); it will be one of my longest chapters! Let me know what you think!!


Screams of joy and excitement encompassed the delicious room. Sitting on the wooden countertop were two fantastic looking gingerbread houses, the steam rising softly from their doughy walls.

“Mama Look at mine isn’t it beautiful!”

Kagome’s azure eyes twinkled with merriment at the joy that was carved in the two children’s faces. Her eyes flicked over to said gingerbread house, the walls weren’t the same length, and if it weren’t for the rich vanilla icing gluing them together it surely would have collapsed. It was an assortment of colors, covered in M&M’s, Skittles, licorice, as well as a collection of hard candies sprawled sporadically along the mound of pastry.

“Kagome, daddy look at Rin’s house! Rin is going to live in a house just like this one day!”

The stoic demon tore his eyes from the love of his life, painfully of course, and stared at the intricate little building. However other than the arrangement the candies were placed in there was really no architectural difference. Although in order to please his adopted daughter he gave a slight nod of approval allowing her toothy smile to expand.

“It’s lovely Rin. Don’t you think you would eat it before you could live in it though?”

 Her voice was soft, gentle. Unlike when she first returned, how life has burdened this lovely woman. The child gave a sheepish grin, opening her mouth to answer but once again closing it after contemplation. She gave another wide smile before grabbing the fire haired child and running into the living room. His golden orbs glazed over her delicate face, her round breasts (god forbid he look at those longer than he had to, his self control has been minimal since she left), her shapely hips and long legs. He was knocked out of his stupor by a melodious note.

“Sesshomaru, are you coming?”

He noticed the children had retired to the living room playing happily in front of the warm fire. It was just the two of them in the kitchen; she gave him an apprehensive look waving her hand in front of his face.


Kagome gave him a small smile allowing a slip of her glimmering fang to peep from her lip. Her arm brushed him as she sauntered into the living room, his body was suddenly alit with flames. He wasn’t certain whether or not she meant to touch him, but he was entranced. Slowly he watched as his feet moved on their own accord into the warm orange room, he sat in a large brown armchair that faced the two children and Kagome decorating the large Christmas tree. So this is what it was like to be in a family.

Kagome’s harmonious voice called out, she turned her body to face him an awkward look gracing her face as she held a twinkling star.

“Um, can you help me put this on the top…? I can’t quite reach it?”

Swiftly and eagerly he made his way towards her grabbing the star from her slender hands and placing it onto of the tree. His hand fell down his side only to come in contact with Kagome’s, her eyes darted briefly towards his before her face was tinted an interesting cherry hue.

“Sorry…” She murmured. She still felt rather awkward being around him after everything that transpired between the two of them.

“No problem.”

His voice wasn’t as cold as it normally was, but that was because he was so shocked about everything that was actually happening. He moved back towards the plush chair making himself comfortable as Kagome moved towards the stereo system along the far wall. Christmas carols suddenly filled the room, Kagome and the kids were laughing around the fire singing to the few words they knew and dancing throughout the entire CD. Although he wouldn’t have referred to it as dancing rather than bobbing around in circles, which he was soon included in as Kagome grabbed both his hands and pulled him towards the circle, unable to deny her he participated clumsily in the festive activities. And for the first time in a long time- maybe even forever, he allowed himself to smile, a true smile. Who knew he had dimples? Kagome bumped against him and gave him a wink. They danced until the children exhausted themselves before they headed upstairs and placed them in their respected beds in Shippo’s room.

“Thanks for helping me out Sesshomaru.” She whispered to him across the room before they headed back downstairs.

“It was nothing really.” Modesty was not a color that suited Sesshomaru. “Kagome-“

Stopping in the doorway that led to the kitchen he watched as Kagome returned to him looking up at him quizzically.


His arms lifted as if to embrace her but were quickly dropped again as he realized what he was doing.

“Um, thanks for allowing me to spend the evening.”

She looked at his bashful face, things have truly changed between the two of them and it didn’t feel right.

“Anytime,” she replied smiling softly. As he began to walk away she grabbed his hand pulling him back to face her. A confused expression drawn on his face but she simply pointed upwards at the top of the door frame which graced a small festive plant. “Mistletoe.”

She stood on her toes, her lips grazed his lightly, arms’ dangling freely on the side for intimacy was something they never shared properly and she was unsure of what to do with herself. After the wave of shock blew over his strong arms wrapped themselves tightly around her waist pulling her lithe body closer to his. Their lips firmly massaging each others, Kagome pulled away after a few minutes her face lightly flushed from embarrassment and arousal. This was not supposed to happen; this was definitely not supposed to happen.

“Goodnight Sesshomaru,” after quickly flicking off the lights in the room she scurried into her room leaving the confused inu demon to sift through his thoughts. Happiness swirled around his body, he found one of the guest rooms and fell asleep with a wide dimply smile.

Kagome on the other hand lay in her bed, tears flowing heavily from her eyes; he broke her heart after she swore to herself following Inuyasha she would never love again. He had left her to die while he fucked another woman; she thought she had forgiven him for breaking her, making her think she needed a man in her life then proved to her she didn’t. God why does she keep doing this to herself?!


The snow continued to fall heavily when she woke up, so much to her dismay she could not send Sesshomaru on his way. The snow was beautiful though, it matched her icy heart. Glancing at the alarm clock lying on her wooden bedside table, 6:30 a.m., wonderful 5 hours of sleep, trudging to the bathroom she took a quick shower before applying makeup to hide the puffy red eyes that indicated she had cried all night. Crawling into a green cashmere sweater, black jeans, then finally snuggling into a pair of black Ugg’s she walked out through the back door towards the shed fiercely smoking a cigarette. No she had not quit smoking, because she would wake up nights her face wet from tears as terrible images flashed through her head of that dreadful day. The cigarette fizzled as she took a long drag; the grey ash fell lazily into the powdery snow.


The demoness whipped around in search for the sound, her raven hair flowing wildly in the wind. Turquoise eyes landed on a pair of furry white ears galloping towards her.

“Hey Inuyasha, shouldn’t you be at my aunts house?”

Inuyasha, when reaching her, stopped his hands resting on his knees as he gulped down air. His face turned up to look at her with a playful scowl.

“What a lovely greet, I’m great thanks how are you?”

Chuckling she flicked away the bud of the cigarette, hearing the sizzle of snow against the cherry as she exhaled the final drag.

“You’re such a comedian! I can’t stop laughing at your jokes, they’re so funny.” She made extreme laughing gestures in extreme sarcasm before smirking at him. “Oh Yasha you know what I mean.”

“You do love irritating me, anyway I’m on my way, and I figure it will take me a while even with the new truck so I wanted to drop off some gifts before I left.” His rough hands fiddled carelessly as he dug frantically in his pockets to reveal 3 wrapped boxes each of different sizes. Kagome, Shippo, Rin read in scrawny black letters on top of each present.

“I thought we agreed not to exchange gifts this year!”

She smiled making her angry tone completely useless. She watched as he shrugged before giving her a soft peck on the cheek instantly inflaming her body. Stupid boy can’t just let me get over him.

“Well I only said that so that you wouldn’t get me anything, Merry Christmas Kags.”

They stood there silently for a few minutes staring at the white abyss; it was truly stunning in a barren empty kind of way. Their silence was broken by Kagome’s evil grin.

“Why are you smiling like that? It’s scary…” Inuyasha’s voice was filled with apprehensiveness, that look was always followed by something bad. Always.

“Two reasons, one I did actually end up getting you something.” She smiled shrugging in an identical fashion by the surprised look on his face. “And two, your about to be pelted by a snow ball.”

“Huh-“ Inuyasha turned to the girl standing beside him completely and utterly confused until a round ball of fluff hit him in the back of the head which was soon followed by a feeling of extreme cold. Turning around he noticed a wall built by snow that was protecting two excited children. Rin looked as if she was a snowball herself, her clothes so thick and padded it made her look like an orange ball. Shippo sporting a similar look in blue grinned evilly at Inuyasha. The snowball fight had commenced.

Sesshomaru watched the scene unfold below him, he loathed his younger half brother. He got to see his child, although only a fetus it was still unfair. He was happily married, AND had Kagome’s love (although he would never notice it and thus never appreciate it). He lived in happiness while Sesshomaru lived in misery. Although Sesshomaru’s was mostly self inflicted by him involving himself with Kaugra and leaving Kagome to… suffer, he refused to believe he had left her to die. Denial was a wonderful thing. And here he was playing with his daughter, Kagome’s son, and Kagome. He sighed as he watched 4 bodies head into the house dripping wet, he decided it was time to make his appearance walking down the mahogany stairs.

“Half-breed.” The stoic silver haired demon stated coldly at the younger similar looking version of himself.

“Hey ass wipe, what are you doing here? Kagome finally forgave you for being the biggest bastard on this planet?’

Inuyasha toweled off his hair in a very dog-like fashion, Rin and Shippo stood awkwardly at the arguing brothers while Kagome stood there glaring at Sesshomaru. Things returned to normal after Sesshomaru called Kikyo a whore who didn’t deserve the Taisho name, it was meant to be a compliment on Inuyasha’s part however he only heard the insult towards Kikyo and the sibling rivalry began once again despite Kagome’s attempts to stop it.

“Refrain from using such barbaric feral language in front of the children. God forbid they end up like you.”

Sesshomaru sneered. Inuyasha growled lowly at him his eyes tinged with pink. Kagome leaned down at the startled and slightly fearful children smiling lightly and telling them to go clean off in her bathroom upstairs. Shippo gleefully accepted happy to bathe in the large Jacuzzi sized bathtub that awaited him. When the mischievous children had disappeared upstairs Kagome averted her attention to the brothers who were merely inches apart from each other, although Inuyasha was a head shorter than Sesshomaru he still firmly stood his ground. The demoness stalked angrily towards the two boy’s anger seeping from her pores, she gripped them each tightly by the neck and pulled them closely to her face.

“I never, want to see such a violent, vulgar, and pathetic excuse of masculinity and pride in my house again. I will not hesitate to rip off your mouths if necessary. Neither of you will pollute those children’s minds anymore. Am I clear?”

Her voice was quiet and still, she was seething. White hot rage encompassed her. During her speech each male tried to escape scratching in a futile attempt to be free only for her to grip tighter her purification powers burning them as they lashed out in anger. She felt their heads move up and down despite the restriction her tight grip gave and she dropped them gracelessly on the floor. Inuyasha quickly said his goodbyes, wishing her a Merry Christmas once again before exiting the house.


His voice had returned to its icy façade, his face emotionless but the curiosity burned deep inside his soul. Kagome turned towards him her fingers massaging her temples to calm herself.


She had detached herself from him once again, her voice, although still striking, was cold, her mask was in place.

“I need to know… Do you still love Inuyasha?”



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