InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Sister the Porn Star ❯ Pancakes and Confirmation ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha or any of it characters.

“Souta are you okay?” Asked a very concerned Kagome. She came down the stairs ready to make breakfast for her and her brother. She was greeted by the sight of a half naked Souta sprawled out on the floor next to the Sofa bed.

“Mmm whaa” was all she got for a reply.
then understood why he might be acting this way. Kagome sniffed the air and her concerned quickly turned into anger,

“God dammit Souta. I have already told not to smoke dope in this house” Kagome kick her brother in his naked ass “and put some pants on for Christ sake” She stalked towards the kitchen and left him to get dressed.

“Oh god I have a headache from hell” Souta put his hands on his face and started rubbing his eyes praying that god would take the pain away. God must have been busy because no matter how hard he prayed he was still in agony.

“Fuck, what happened last night” he asked himself quitley.


“Kagome?” Said a surprised Souta. “That can’t be her. Oh god what if it is”

‘Nah it can’t be she would never do that, your just stoned and you mind is playing tricks on you’

“But it looks just like her”

‘No no no this can’t be happening I can’t have just masturbated to my sister. My hot sister, oh man what am I thinking?

“Be cool man” Souta told his self.

‘Dude we just masturbated to our sister’ his mind yelled at him.

“Shut up, shut up, shut up.”
‘Hurry up and do something’

“ Step one clean of computer” Souta went into the kitchen to grab some paper towels. All his mind could think of was a naked Kagome on that bed and how damn good she looked tied up.
“Quit thinking about it”

‘Sorry’ He went backing into the living room and started to clean.

“Step two, turn off computer” Souta turn off the computer and tried to think of something else.
“Step three go to beea...” Souta in his hurry to lay down and forget what trip over his own feet and landed on the floor, but not before he hit his head on the side of his bed.


‘Oh well just lay there’

“Step three go to sleep and forget” as he tried to fall asleep he attempted to think of other things, but his mind would not let the image of naked sexy Kagome go until he was no longer awake.


“That didn’t happen” he told himself. “It was my mind messing with me, right?”

“Souta you really should not talk to yourself” Kagome butted in causing him to jump a little. “Did I scare you?” she asked. “Anyways like I was saying, you really shouldn’t talk to yourself it’s not healthy. Now come get some breakfast I want to talk to you”

‘oh god, she knows I know’

“Come on lets sit down” Souta followed her in to the kitchen and took at seat at the table

What am I gonna say’

Kagome came and put a plate of pancakes and bacon in front of him then took a seat right next to him.

“Look, Souta...”

“Kagome, I know...” He interrupted her.

“No I guess you don’t know. Smoking pot in this house is against the rules mister”

Good, is that all she wants to talk about’ he felt relieved, he almost started to laugh.

“Is this funny to you” Kagome almost yelled. “I’m glad you are so damn amused by this, here maybe you find this amusing as well, next time I catch you smoking anything illegal in my house I’m gonna kick you out.”
Souta sobered up very quickly.

“Oh yeah right like you never puffed a joint”

“What are you talking about?” Kagome said, trying her best to play dumb

“When I ten I remember you, Sango, Miroku, and Inuyasha all up in your room, I heard you all laughing. I peeked in because I wanted to see what was so funny and I saw ya’ll passing around a joint. So don’t sit there acting like your miss perfect.”

Kagome sat there speechless. She had no clue what to say. She didn’t think anybody knew about that.

“Thats not the point, Souta. This is my house. I have been very generous, the only rules I have given you is pay you share of the rent and no drugs. If you wanna smoke at a friends house or in your car fine do that but not in my house.” Kagome said then got up to wash her plate off.


Kagome then stood behind her brother and bent down and gave a hug. “I love you”

One good thing about thier little argument was that it got his mind off of the fact that she, his sister might be a “girl of the week” for a porn site. Now that she was hugging him he could feel her breast press into his back, it brought back his problems from before.

“Souta have to go to work now” she said after she was finished with the hug.

“Bye” Souta watched as she walked out of the kitchen. Then he heard the front door open and shut. She was gone. “Time for some investigation.”

Souta got up and put his dish in the sink and headed to the computer.

“Step one, go to website and find pictures” He went to the website and clicked on girl of the week

“Step three make sure its Kagome” Souta look at the picture to make sure they were his sister and not some chick that really looked like her. He saw a freckle on the chicks arm that confirmed his fear. “Yup this is her” he said trying to ignore the fact that his pant were becoming tighter.

“Step three look for name” most of these girls had fake names. “Found it, Carla Fox? Wow Kagome way to go on being original” He said sarcastically.

“Step four...go to work and thinks of how to deal with this new found information” Souta didn’t know what to do with this new found knowledge. He needed someone to talk to.

He took a quick shower, got dressed and headed of to work. It was going to be a long day.

Authors note: once again sorry if this story sucks. I have never written one before. I thought I might try my hand at it