InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Someone ❯ Meeting you in person ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own any Inuyasha characters
Chapter 2: Meeting you in person
I called for pizza and then went to the living room to turn in cartoons for Shippo.
“Shippo, I’ll be in my room so don’t have the television up loud. I need to listen for the pizza man.”
“Okay,” he sat on the couch and in less than a minute a minute he was engrossed in the television. I sighed and shook my head. I walked to my room and sat at my desk. Finally I could get started on my poem. Lately I have been inspired. I don’t have a title yet but I have some written down:
I need someone to stand by my side,
to wipe away the tears that I cry.
Someone that loves me for me,
how wonderful that would be.
Sounds good so far, don’t you think? I began to write it when I started to have the dreams about that guy. I don’t know why but after some dreams I write a line. This is a little scary but I don’t care. Maybe I should talk to Sango because she always knows what to say. Speaking of Sango, she walked into my room.
“Hey Kagome,” I turned around.
“Sango, what are you doing here?” I planned to ask her tomorrow. Sango sat on bed.
“Well your dad called my dad to ask if he could check up on you since he was going on vacation with Kim. I asked if I could stay with you and my dad said it was okay. You’re stuck with me till the end of the summer,” she said with a bright smile.
“Are you trying to kill me?” before she could answer, Shippo walked in.
“Kagome, someone is at the door,” Sango and I got walked to the door.
“That must be the pizza,” I opened the door and couldn’t help but stare at the gorgeous man standing in front of me. He look…no was the guy in my dream. But that can’t be…right?
“Kagome, I think you should pay for the pizza now,” I shook my head and glanced back at him. He was looking very impatient.
“I’m sorry, give me a second,” I quickly went to my room and grabbed the money. I made my way back. “Sorry for keeping you waiting. How much do I owe you?”
“You owe twenty dollars,” his voice was soft and wonderful even thought he was being a bit rude.
“Right,” I handed him a twenty and he handed me the pizza.
“You have a good night,” he walked off. I stood there still dazed.
“Kagome, can I eat now?” I felt Shippo’s small hands tugging on my pants leg.
“Of course,” I looked at Sango hoping that she wasn’t paying attention to me. But, when I glanced at her I knew that I would have some explaining to do. We walked in the kitchen and Sango got out the plates. I put a slice of cheese pizza on a plate and handed it to Shippo.
“Thanks you,” I turned to Sango.
“Let’s talk then,” she nodded with determination. “Shippo, make sure you wash your hands. You can watch tv for fifteen more minutes and then it is time for bed.”
“Okay,” Shippo went back to eating. Sango and stepped outside the kitchen.
“Now spill,” Sango crossed her arms and tapped her foot. “Don’t forget the details.”
“Fine, that guy looked familiar,” I muttered.
“Familiar how?”
“Let’s go upstairs and talk,” we went back to my room and sat on my bed.
“Talk,” she said bouncing up and down.
“Well, lately I have been having these strange dreams,” I sat back describing every little detail I could remember.
“‘Run, run, run,” I kept saying in my head. ‘Don’t look back!’ The trees seemed like they were trying to close around me. I tripped and fell, grimacing at the trail of blood running down my leg. I got up limping towards the tree that stood out. The rest were bunched together, but this one stood away from the rest. I sat at the base of the tree and began scrutinizing the damage of my wound. It was not as bad as if felt. I was all alone, feeling afraid that someone was going to get me. As I sat there I heard a noise coming from the cluster of trees. I pressed my back against the tree and stared at the trees. There was a white glow that was coming towards me. I waited hoping that this would be over soon. A figure stepped out; it was a man around my age. He slowly walked towards me. I looked around and realized there was no place for me to go. I gazed back at him and saw how close he was in front of me. He was about 5’10” wearing only a pair of black ripped of jeans. His hair was long and sliver with dog ears at the top. He had a smile on his face.
‘Don’t be afraid,” he said as he held out his hand. I sunk back as far as I could. My hands were over my racing heart.
“W- why should I trust you?” I stared into his golden eyes. It was mesmerizing.
“Trust me,” I hesitated but then I reached for his hand slowly. I woke up after that,” I sighed and waited for Sango’s reaction. She sat there staring at me with a dumbfound expression. “Sango say something please. I’m sorry I didn’t tell, it’s just so hard because I don’t understand why I have been having this same dream for the past couple of weeks,” I was frustrated. I looked at Sango and waited for her response. She tapped her index finger on her chin. Her face lit up in excitement.
“I know, maybe it’s a sign.”
“A sign for what?” she looked at me smiling.
“Maybe it’s a sign that he is your soul mate,” I groaned. Sango has a strong belief that everyone has a soul mate. Unfortunately, I did not think that was true.
“Sango, I really doubt that such a good looking guy can be the soul mate of an ugly girl like me.”“Kagome, you are not ugly. Besides, he came here so that must mean something.”
“I doubt it,” I said flatly.
“Fine be that way,” she got up and stretched. “By the way, if you ran into him, what would you say to him?”
“I-I don’t think I would have said anything. I would be too scared,” I pulled my legs up to m chest. Sango sat back down and patted my head.
“I’m sorry for asking.”
“Don’t be sorry, you have nothing to be sorry about,” a minute passed before she said anything back.
“I want to talk about what we are going to do. Since your dad and Kim are not here,” I was grateful that she changed the subject.
“Let’s discuss that in the morning. I needed to put Shippo to bed,” she nodded and I went to take care of Shippo. On my way downstairs, I couldn’t help but think about the dream. ‘Who is he and why am I having dreams with him in them?’ These questions keep coming into my head every time I think about those dreams. I stopped at the foot of the steps. I shook my head telling myself that I would not think about it anymore.
“Shippo, it’s time for bed.”
“Coming,” he turned the tv off and came to the steps. “I’m ready,” he was already in his pajamas.
“Okay, let’s get you in the bed,” I took his hand and together we walked up the steps.
“Kagome, is Sango staying?”
“Can we go down to the beach tomorrow?”
“Sure, I don’t have to work.” I opened his room door. Shippo ran to his bed and hopped in. I walked over and turned off the light closing the door behind me. Sango was outside waiting for me.
“Let’s go to bed now,” Sango said walking beside me down the hall.
“Sango, Shippo wants to go down to the beach tomorrow with you and me, you coming?”
“Yeah, we’re going to have so much fun!” We changed into our pajamas. Sango climbed into her sleeping bag and I climbed into my bed.
“Nite Kagome.”
“Nite Sango,” I turned the light off and laid down.
“Kagome?” I rolled over to where Sango was.
“Yes”“Well…” now I was concerned.
“What’s wrong Sango?”
“Do you think I will find someone?” I sighed shaking my head. “Sango, of course you will find someone.”“But when,” she whined.
“Kagome, I’m really sorry about earlier.”“Don’t be sorry, I kind of hoped to see him again,” I was glad it was dark because I knew I was blushing.
“I wonder what his name is?”
“Me too, well let’s get some sleep,” I closed my eyes falling into a deep sleep.
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