InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Someone ❯ The decision ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I do not own any Inuyasha characters. I own Mr. Takaya
Chapter 3: The decision
“Kagome, Kagome wake up,” Sango started to shake me.
“Leave me alone,” I pulled the covers over my head.
“Kagome, get up!” I groaned and got up rubbing my eyes.
“Can’t a girl get some sleep around here?” I yawned.
“Kagome it’s 10.00 a.m. and Shippo has been up since 8:00. He wants to go to the beach,” I turned around and sighed.
“Okay, but first I need a shower. Then I need to make a late breakfast because I know Shippo is starving.”“You take your shower and I will make breakfast,” Sango headed down stairs and I went to the bathroom. I turned the shower on and stepped in. I had that dream again. Every time I would reach out for his hand, I woke up.
‘Why?’ I thought. It wasn’t fair, why does this keep happening to me? I turned the water off and got out. I headed to my room and glanced at the clock. It read 10:45 a.m. I want to the closet and picked out my best bathing suit. It was blue with a black heart on the right side. There was a black sash that went with it. I put on the bikini and shorts over the bottom and a sleeveless shirt with sandals. I placed my hair in a high ponytail and went down stairs. Shippo was done eating and was now watching tv with Sango. He was wearing his orange swim trunks and a white shirt. Sango was wearing a red sleeveless shirt with shorts. Her bikini was the same as mine but it was pink. Shipp[ turned around and looked at me.
“Kagome, can we go now, please,” I laughed at the puppy face he was giving me.
“Is your room clean?”
“ Yes!”
“Okay, I guess we can go than,” Sango helped Shippo put on his shoes and I went and got the keys.
“We’re ready!” Shippo ran to the door. “Come on, walk faster.”
“It’s been a while since he had gone to the beach,” I said to Sango.
“You can’t even tell,” she said sarcastically while grabbing the beach bag.
“Let’s go!”
“We’re coming Shippo, just hold your horses.” I opened the door and he ran down the steps. Sango and I each took one of Shippo’s hands and began our walk down to the beach. You’re maybe wondering why I am wearing a bikini and I don’t swim. Well a girl has to look her best in public.
We arrived at the beach in half an hour and looked for a nice spot to sit. The gift shop was closed today because Mr. Takaya was with his friends. We found a nice spot and laid down the large towel. Shippo took his shirt and shoes and ran towards the ocean.
“Shippo, don’t go too far,” I said as some of his friends from kindergarten came up to him.
“Don’t worry, I won’t,” he ran off. I sat next to Sango and gazed around.
“Kagome, did you have that dream again?”
“What dream,” I asked trying to play dumb.
“You know what dream I’m talking about,” I sighed; seems like I’m doing this a lot.
“Yes I did,” Sango scooted closer to me.
“Was it the same as the rest,” I looked up at the sky.
“No, it was a little different. As I was reaching out for his hand, I whispered Inuyasha. That must be his name.” I looked at Sango. “Do you think so?”
“It must be, did you grab his hand?”
“No, I woke up after that.”
“Sorry for waking you.”
“No it’s okay, you didn’t know,” I turned and smiled at her. We sat in silence watching Shippo play with his friends.
“Kagome, now that you know his name, are you going to speak to him?”
“If I even meet him again,” I put my hand to my heart. “I think I would faint or run if I tried to confront him.”
“You would at least try right?”
“I would try,” I looked at her, wondering why she would ask. She turned to me and smiled.
“Well now is your chance,” I followed her gaze and froze. It was him, Inuyasha. He was talking to some guy. Inuyasha was wearing red swim trunks. The guy next to him had on purple swim trunks. I turned to Sango and back at Inuyasha.
“Sango I can’t…”
“Yes you can!” she interrupted. “You just said…”“I know what I said. I just can’t do it. What if I make a fool out of myself?”
“Pull yourself together. If you want I could go there with you.”
“Yeah,” I nodded. Taking a deep breath and looked back in the direction Inuyasha was in. But when I looked back he was gone.
“You know third time’s a charm,” I smiled at Sango. She always knew what to say.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ End of Kagome’s POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Inuyasha, what are you looking at?” said the guy with short black hair in a rat tail ponytail. He had purple-black eyes and was wearing purple swim trunks.
“It’s nothing,” Inuyasha said turning to face his friend. “Miroku, why are you looking at me like that?”
“You were looking at that girl over there weren’t you?” asked Miroku wiggling his eyebrows up and down.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Inuyasha began walking past Miroku.
“Wait up,” he followed Inuyasha. “You know you are a terrible liar.”
“Can we drop it please?”
“It seems to me you know her,” Inuyasha began walking faster.
“I don’t.”
“Do to.”
“Do not!”
“Fine, you can be in denial all you want. I think I’m going to say hi,” Miroku walked towards the girls. Before he reached them, he was pulled.
“Don’t go over there.”“Why not?” Miroku crossed his arms over his chest.
“Because what?”
“Because I said so,” Miroku shook his head.
“Unless you give me a better answer than I will not go over there.” Inuyasha ran his hand over his face getting irritated. He sighed giving up.
“Fine, I’ll tell but can we go somewhere else?” Miroku nodded and followed Inuyasha. They both began walking. About ten minutes later, Miroku broke the silence.
“You can tell me now,” they sat on a bench. Inuyasha looked down at his hands.
“Remember when I told you that for the past couple of weeks I couldn’t sleep?”
“Well it’s because I’ve been having dreams about that girl.”
“The one in the blue?”
“Are you sure it’s the same person?”
“Yes, I can’t forget those sad brown eyes. I met her yesterday. She was the one I delivered pizza to. When I saw her there I was a bit shocked.”
“She was looking pretty shocked in seeing me. Almost as if I was not suppose so be real. I didn’t think she was real either.”
“Did you let her see your reaction?”“No,” Miroku turned to Inuyasha looking angry.
“Why not?”
“There was no point,” Miroku go up and started pacing.
“No point, HA! This must mean something,” Inuyasha watched Miroku pace.
‘Maybe it does,’ he though.
“Why didn’t you at least say hi? You’re a guy right? If a guy sees a pretty girl they would at least try and get her number.”
“Ha ha, you think you’re pretty funny don’t you?”
“What,” Miroku said looking innocent. “I was just stating a fact.”
“Whatever,” Inuyasha got up and stretched. Miroku stopped pacing.
“So are you going to talk to her?”
“Why not?”
“What am I going to say to her? ‘Hi my name is Inuyasha and I’ve been having dreams about.’ Yeah Miroku that’ll work,” Inuyasha said sarcastically.
“You’re right,” Miroku thought about it. “If you meet her again, you could try to be and say hello. You don’t have to mention the dream.”“Sure,” Inuyasha nodded in agreement. “That is if we meet again.”
“Yeah and while you talk to her, I can get to know her cute friend,” Inuyasha hit Miroku upside his head.
“Shut-up,” he began to walk.
“I was only kidding,” Miroku said walking after him.
‘I hope I do see you again,’ thought Inuyasha.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kagome’s POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Shippo, it’s time to go,” I said as Sango and I packed are things up. The sum was beginning to set.
“A few more minutes please.”
“Shippo it’s starting to get cold so we need to go.”
“Okay,” I helped him put on his shoes and shirt. I picked him up walked back to Sango.
“Ready Sango?”“Yeah,” we began walking home. Shippo yawned and rubbed his eyes.
“It’s okay Shippo, you can go to sleep.”
“Okay,” he laid his head on my shoulder and was a sleep in seconds.” He really tired himself out.”
“Yeah, Kagome my dad won’t mind if you bring Shipp with us to the gift shop tomorrow.”“I’m glad; I don’t want to have a babysitter watching him.”
“I hope you see him tomorrow.”
“In the shop, I really doubt it,” we both laughed. “Like you said ‘Third time’s a charm.’ As long as you are there, I have nothing to fear.”
“You know his friend is kinda cute.”
“What, I’m just stating the obvious.” I shook my head smiling.
‘Tomorrow I hope to see you again…Inuyasha.’ that was my last thought as we reached the house. I woke Shippo and gave him a bath. I put him to bed and went to my room. Sango was already a sleep. I change and went to bed thinking about tomorrow.
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