InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Someone ❯ Third times a charm ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author’s note: Sorry for taking so long updating, had a little writers block. Hope this is worth the wait.

Disclaimer: I do not own any Inuyasha characters


Chapter 4: Third times a charm

“It’s just another one of those days when I feel like doing nothing,” said Sango as she unlocked the door to the shop.

“Kagome, am I going to stay here with you?” Shippo asked holding my hand.

“Yes, but you have to behave yourself.”

“I promise,” we walked and began to work. Not that there was anything to really do. I glanced at the clock on the wall behind the counter, it read 11:45 a.m.

“Sango, when is your dad coming?” Sango was sitting on the counter flipping through a magazine.

“I don’t know, he really didn’t say.”

“Kagome, will you play with me?” asked Shippo sitting in chair next to the counter.

“Sure,” I took out a deck of cards and began to play ‘Go Fish’ with him. We played ten games when customers started to pour in. I put the cards up and went behind the counter. Sango was helping some of the customers. I leaned against the counter. I wanted Eric to walk, but what would I say to him. ‘Hi, my name is Kagome and I’ve been dreaming about you.’ Yeah, he’ll think I am a totally nut case. ‘Maybe I could just say hi,’ I thought. I was in deep thought that Shippo had to tug on my pants leg to get my attention.

“Kagome, someone’s trying to talk to you.” I shook my head and focused on the person in front of me.

“I’m sorry, can I…” when I realized who was in front of me I groaned. “Hello Hojo, what brings you here?”

“I thought I should come how you are doing.” I wanted to choke him for being here, but I knew that it would never happen. I smiled at him.

“Thank you for caring, but I have work to do.”

“Are you busy tonight because I was wondering…”

“Yes,” I interrupted. “I have to take care of my brother, so I’m very busy.” I always hated turning him down, but he need to understand that we can only be friends.

“Okay than, I guess I’ll see you around.”

“Yeah bye,” with that note, he left. Sango walked over to me.

“What did he want this time?”

“The same as always,” Sango laughed shaking her head.

“Can’t take a hint can he?”

“You know it.”

“I don’t like him,” Sango and I looked down at Shippo.

“Why don’t you like him?” I asked.

“He is trying to hard to get with you,” I couldn’t believe that Shippo would say that, but now that I think about it, Hojo did try a little to hard.

“You know Kagome, he does have a point.”

“I know, let’s get back to work before you dad comes in here,” she nodded and went to help some customers. I gave Shippo a book to read and helped the customers with their purchases. ‘Maybe I’ll see him doing break.’ End of Kagome’s POV


“Inuyasha listen to me please. All you have to do is go in there and say ‘Hi my name is Inuyasha.’ That’s it and than she will introduce herself.” Miroku said with satisfactory.

“Than what? You said not to mention the dream. Am I just going to say hi?” Inuyasha was frustrated. They have been going over the plan since that morning and they still did not have any ideas of what to do.

“Okay maybe you could…”

“Maybe I could accidentally run into her,” interrupted Inuaysha (Inuyasha begin smart! I my…).

“That’s a great idea. After that you can introduce yourself. Next thing you know you have her name and number.” Miroku said with a triumphant smile. Inuyasha smiled but than dropped it.

“Do you think the dreams will stop? Could I be that I was only having dreams about her because we were meant to be? Everyday, I think about these things and I find it hard to believe that someone so beautiful could be for me.” Inuyasha sat down on the steps of his house. He placed his head in his hands sighing. Miroku sat next to him.

“I can not answer any of those questions. The only way your questions can be answered is by following the plan.”
“Okay, I can do this,” Inuyasha got up.

“That’s the spirit,” they began to walk down the street.



“I think I’m just going to talk to her. I wonder if she dreams about me,” Inuyasha put his hands behind his head and Miroku laughed.

“Inuyasha, you’re conceited,” he said between his laughs.

“No I’m not.”

“Yes you are. She has to be dreaming about you,” Miroku slowly calmed down.


“Okay, I’m sorry.”

“Whatever,” Inuyasha said as he began to run.

“Jerk wait for me!” Kagome’s POV

“Okay you girls can have an early break. Things are a little slow today,” said Mr. Takaya.

“Yes sir. Come on Shippo,” I grabbed Shippo’s hand and we went to get Sango out of the storage room.

“Sango, your dad said we can go on break,” she turned around.

“This early?”
“Yep,” Shippo said. “Because he said things are slow today.”

“Things are always slow here,” Sango said getting up. “What are we going to do now?”

“Let’s grab a bite to eat,” I said.

“Food!” I laughed at Shippo as headed for the door. Sango and I walked after him.

“Bye dad.”

“Be back in fifteen.”

“You got it,” when we stepped outside it felt like a sauna. The heat was unbearable.

“Did you know it was this hot outside,” I asked Sango as I wiped the sweat forming on my forehead.

“Kagome, can we get some ice-cream please,” I nodded in agreement.

:I could use some ice-cream.”
“Me too,” Sango said as we headed for the stand.

“What kind would you guys like?”


“Okay, you guys grab a table and I’ll get the ice-cream.”

“Okay, come on Sango let’s go find a table,” Shippo began to pull Sango by the hand. I walked over to the stand and purchased the ice-cream cones. I picked up the tray and turned around. When I did, the tray tipped over and the ice-cream was smeared on the shirt of the person that was behind me.

“I’m so sor…” I looked up and found him, Inuyasha staring down at me. I didn’t know what to do. ‘Kagome say something, anything!’ I said to myself. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know anybody was behind me.” I gazed at his long sliver head, than at his gold eyes. He was staring back at me, than he looked at his shirt. There were three big brown spots on his white shirt.

“I so sorry,” it was the only thing I could think of.

“It’s okay I shouldn’t have been so close,” I watched as he took his shirt off in front of ME!

“Well…I should have been more careful,” I said staring at his well toned body.

“It’s fine okay. It was my fault. Let me pay for three new ones.” I looked down at what was left of the ice-cream cones and back at him.

“You don’t have to.”

“No I insist,” he took the tray out of my hands and dumped it in the trash can next to him. “Bye the way, my name is Inuyasha.” I was basically dancing, not literally but you get the point.

“My name is Kagome,” I held my hand out for him, but realized my hands were covered in chocolate ice-cream. “I’m sorry,” I went up to the stand and grabbed some wipes to clean my hands.

“You say sorry a lot,” I jumped, not realizing he was behind me.

“I’m sor…I mean forgive me,” he laughed. He had suck a wonderful laugh. It was the kind that would cause you to blush and your heart to skip a beat.

“I’ll get the ice-cream cones okay,” I could only nod. ‘This can’t be happening,’ I though. ‘I must be dreaming, right?. Inuyasha came back with the ice-cream cones.

“Thank you,” he smiled down at me.

“I’ll carry them for you.”

“Okay,” we headed towards the table where Sango and a angry Shippo were waiting.

“Kagome, what took you so long,” Shippo asked fuming. “I though something bad happened to you.”

“I’m sorry,” I picked him up and hugged him tightly.

“I forgive you. Did you bring the ice-cream?” Before I could answer, Sango jumped in.

“Kagome who’s this,” I turned around and glared at her.

“This is Inuyasha, we bumped into each other.”

“Okay,” she gave me that look again. The look when I have some explaining to do. I nodded and took the tray form him placing it onto the table. I turned to Inuyasha.

“Thank you again Inuyasha.”
“No problem, I have to go I hope I’ll see you around,” he began to walk away.

“Wait,” I turned to Sango wondering what she was doing.


“There is this party tomorrow night here on the beach. You should come and bring a friend. Kagome would like that, wouldn’t you,” she nudged me with her elbow.

“Sango I’m go…”

“Okay, what time?”

“8:00 sharp.”

“I’ll be there,” he jogged off and I couldn’t help but stare at his back. After he was out of site, I turned to Sango.

“Why did you do that?! You know that I do not plan to go to that party.”

“Well I forgot,” she said trying to look innocent. “Guess you have to go now.” I sat next to Shippo eating my ice-cream.

“I have to get a babysitter,” I sighed not liking the idea.

“Don’t worry, I know the perfect babysitter. Now let’s get to the point. Tell me everything that happened,” she said leaning towards me. End of Kagome’s POV

“So tell me what happened,” Miroku said with his hands crossed over his chest. Inuyasha picked out a clean red shirt from his closet and put it on.

“I already told you. Anyway, we’re going to that party.”


“Kagome will be there and besides, didn’t you say you wanted to talk with her friend?” Miroku’s eyes lit up.

“You do have a point. Did you get her number?”

“No, but it does not matter,” Inuyasha sat on his bed. “I have to let everything unfold now.” Miroku patted Inuyasha on the back.

“That’s the only thing we can do.”

“When the right time comes, I’m going to tell her about my dreams,” Miroku sighed,

“I hope you know what you’re doing.”

“Don’t worry, I do,” Inuyasha sat up. “Come on, we’re going to be late for work.” Miroku and Inuyasha headed down stairs and out the house. ‘Now I just have to wait,’ Inuyasha thought looking up at the setting sun. Kagome’s POV

“Okay Shippo, time for bed.” I picked Shippo up and walked upstairs. The last few hours at the gift shop were the same as always. Not many people came so we closed up early. Mr. Takaya said we are going to have a load of customers tomorrow because of the celebration. It’s a party that is thrown every summer. This party symbolizes the being of summer vacation. I don’t really go, but since Inuyasha was going to be there I had to. There is so much I want to talk to him about.

I opened Shippo’s door and placed him on his bed. I went to his dresser and got out a pair of his pajamas.

“But I’m not tired Kagome,” he began to rub is eyes and yawned.

“Bed time Shippo,” I helped him into his pajamas and pulled the covers over him. “Nite,” I kissed his forehead and left the room.

“So…we have to get you a new outfit,” Sango said when I turned around.

“What’s wrong with the clothes I have,” we walked to my room.

“Listen, you want something sexy but comfortable.”

“Why sexy? Why can’t it just be comfortable?” I turned the light on and sat on my bed.

“Don’t you want Inuyasha’s attention all on you?” she asked getting her sleeping back out.

“Well yes but…”

“But nothing, we’ll keep it simple. A halter top and capris.”

“Fine,” I laid down sighing. “What if he ask me to dance?”

“Say ‘I don’t feel like it.;”

“But he’ll think I’m being rude,” I rolled over to face her.

“How about you get him away from the party. Some place on the beach quiet and talk. He’ll be so into the conversation he wont care.”

“If you say so. I might not even get a chance to talk to him because he might be more interested in the party.”

“I wonder if his cute friend will be there.”


“I’m just saying. Anyway, let’s get some sleep. Don’t forget to call for a babysitter tomorrow.”

“Do we have to work tomorrow?”

“No, my dad has some other employees working there tomorrow.”

“Good,” I turned my light off. “Tomorrow…”

So what do you think. I was having a hard time with this chapter. Please review and tell me what you think.