InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Someone ❯ Preparation ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N-The chapter is pretty short because the party needs a whole chapter. Please don’t hate me. If you have any ideas as to what should happen at the party let me know. On with the Fic
Chapter 5: Preparation
“I don’t want a babysitter,” Shippo said running to his room.
“Please Shippo, just till 10.”
“At night!” I sighed, I was not getting anywhere. The babysitter was on their way and Sango was coming to pick me up. She went home to ask her dad for the car. I’m to scared to drive, so Sango does all the driving.
“Shippo, unlock the door.”
“Shippo, please come out of there.”
“No!” I wanted to scream, but instead I took a deep breath and let it out.
“Shippo, what if I promise to bring you back something? Would you be good for me?”
“You’re going to bring something back for me?”
“Yes,” I jumped with joy. I’m such a good negotiator. Shippo opened his door.
“Do you promise?”
“Promise,” he jumped into my arms smiling.
“Okay, I’ll be good for the babysitter.”
“Thank you,” I tickled him.
“Kagome, I’m back and the babysitter is here.”
“Coming,” I walked down stairs with Shippo still in my arms. When I reached the bottom of the steps, I saw Sango standing next to an elderly woman. She look to be about fifty years old and she had long gray hair that reached to the end of her back.
“Kagome, this is Kaede, Kaede this is Kagome.”
“It’s nice to meet you Kaede.” I put Shippo down and shook her hand.
“Don’t worry child. I may be old but I’m good with kids.”
“I have no doubt about that,” I said smiling.
“Shippo this is Kaede,” Shippo stood behind me holding my leg. “Shippo say hello,” He peaked from behind my leg.
“Shippo come on,” he slowly walked from behind me. “Now introduce yourself.”
“Hi my name is Shippo and I’m five years old.”
“Well it’s nice to meet you. Would you like to make some cookies with me.”
“Cookies! Kagome, can we make cookies?” I smiled.
“Sure,” Shippo grabbed Kaede’s hand and headed fro the kitchen.
“Bye Kagome and Sango.”
“Be good,” I turned to Sango. “Okay let’s go,” we walked out to the car.
“There is this major sale today at the mall, so let’s get going.” I got in and sighed.
“Let’s get this over with.”
“Stop your whining,” I sat back.
“I think this is pointless,” Sango pulled out of the drive way and headed in the direction of the mall.
“Don’t you want to look good for Inuyasha?”
“Well of course, but I have clothes at home.”
“True, but you want something just for him,” I sighed. There was no point in arguing because she always won. We made it to the mall in half an hour. The mall wasn’t crowded so that was a good thing.
“Okay, today’s mission is to find you a cute outfit,” we walked to the entrance
“What about you?”
“What about me?”
“Don’t you want to look good for Inuyasha’s friend,” Sango stopped.
“Oh, I forgot about that,” I shook my head.
“Anyway, let’s go.” We entered the mall and it was just like any mall. There was a bunch of stores. Sango dragged me to Old Navy.
“Now you want something comfortable and sexy,” she began to look through the racks of cloths. I decided to start up a conversation.
“Sango, do you think I should tell him my dreams?”
“To be honest with you, I think you should, It looks like he has seen you before. Maybe he has dreams about you.”
“I doubt that,” I leaned against one of the racks. “But maybe…”
“Maybe what?” I shook my head.
“Nothing, did you find anything?”
“Yes,” she held up two outfits. “Okay, which outfit do you like?” The first outfit was a red halter top with black capris that had a black sash as a belt. The second outfit was a gold spaghetti strap shirt with white capris that had a gold sash. For some reason, I wanted the first one. Inuyasha wore red the two times we met face to face.
“The first one.”
“Okay and I’ll wear the other one,” we purchased out outfits and headed for the door.
“Well look who’s here Kagura, it’s the losers,” Sango and I turned around and found Kikyo and her friend Kagura standing with their hands crossed.
‘Great, just what need,’ I thought, ‘a headache.’
“Hi Kikyo, Kagura,” I said with a smile.
“I hope you’re not going to the party.”
“She is,” Sango interrupted. “In fact, we just got our outfit.”
“Someone asked you to go? I bet he’s playing a trick on you,” Kikyo and Kagura laughed. I was angry and sad.
‘Why am I treated this way?’ I thought to myself. ‘I have to say something.’ So I did the first thing that came to my mind.
“Actually, I invited someone to come with me.” Okay, Sango invited Inuyasha, but still…
“Well I’ll believe you when I see this person.” You would not believe me if I told you that Inuyasha walked up to me right after Kikyo said that, but he DID!
“Hey Kagome.”
“Hi Inuyasha,” he smiled at me. I felt my heart beat quicken.
“I guess I’ll see you at the party tonight,” I could only nod. “See you later.”
“Bye,” ‘why was our meeting so short?’ I turned to a smiling Sango and Kikyo who had her mouth wide open. I smiled, “that’s the guy I invited.” I said with pride I didn’t know I had. Kikyo and Kagura stormed off.
“Team Kagome: 1, Team Kikyo: 0,” Sango said jumping up and down with her fist in the air.
“Let’s get out of here,” we decided to head to one of our friends, Ayame, house. Ayame goes to the party every year for a certain person. His name is Koga Wolf and Ayame has had a crush on him since middle school. She has been Sango and I friend since our first year in high school. We pulled up to her house and found Koga leaving.
“I wonder why Koga came,” Sango said.
“Let’s go ask her,” as we walked to her door, Ayame was standing there with a finger to her lips.
“Hi Ayame,” she shook her head and looked at us.
“Hi guys, what are you doing here?”
“First tell us why Koga was here,” I said and Sango had a grin on her face.
“Well…” Ayame blushed.
“Come on, tell us.” I was going crazy.
“You’re not suppose to kiss and tell.” She gasped and put her hands over her mouth.
“You KISSED!” Sango and I said in unison.
“He invited me to the party. We are um…kinda going out now.”
“When were you going to tell us?” Sango demanded.
“I was going to tell you guys.” I patted Ayame on the back.
“It’s okay, we forgive you,” she smiled.
“So what brings you guys here?”
“Kagome needs help.”
“I do?”
“Yes, Kagome met this guy and…”
“What,” she asked looking innocent.
“You’re dating?” Ayame asked looking at me.
“Can we talk about this inside please?”
“Of course,” Ayame took my hand and dragged me inside. Once we were inside, we sat down on her couch. “Tell now.” I’m friends are always so demanding. I told Ayame the same thing I told Sango.. After I told her, she screamed.
“I can’t believe you never told me!”
“That’s exactly how I felt,” Sango said.
“So now we’ve met face to face. I want to know so much about him.”
“Well, we have to prepare ourselves,” Ayame said getting up.
“That why we’re here,” said Sango.
“You guys are taking it to the extreme now.” We laughed and headed to Ayame’s room, preparing ourselves for the night ahead.