InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Someone ❯ Revenge (part 1) ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Sorry for taking so long. I liked to thank everyone for their ideas and they helped me a lot . Also, for all u people that think I got this idea from something please let me know. I am very curious. Anyway, on with the fic!

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters.

Chapter 7: Revenge (Part 1)

“I’m listening,” Sango said following me around the store. Sango had been bugging me since we arrived at the shop. I did not feel like telling her what happened between Inuyasha and I yesterday because I would have to explain it again to Ayame.

“I’ll tell you when Ayame gets here. I don’t want to explain it twice.”

“Fine,” Mr. Takaya walked in. “Hi dad.”

“Hi,” he sighed shaking his head.

“What’s the matter dad?” Shippo was sitting on the stool next to the counter coloring.

“Things are not going to well here.”

“What so you mean,” I asked.

“I might have to close this place down. There is not enough people coming here. Because of that, we are not making enough money to keep the shop opened.” Even though I hated working there, I could not stand the fact that Mr. Takaya might sell the place.

“You cant do that! Not after the had work mom and Kohaku put in to this place!” Sango said and ran out the store.

“Sango!” Kohaku is…was Sango’s eleven year old brother. Sango’s mom was the one who started the shop in the first place. In fact, the use to be crowded with people everyday because she would tell stories about her family during the Sengoku period. She was from a line of demon exterminators. Many people would come just to hear her stories. When Sango was ten, her mother and brother got into a car accident. I don’t know much about it because Sango never told me. I know that she would tell me when she was ready.

“I’ll go get her Mr. Takaya. Could you watch Shippo for me?”

“Yeah,” Mr. Takaya looked hurt.

“Don’t worry, we’ll think of a way to keep the shop.” That said, I went after Sango. I knew she would be far. I found her sitting on the steps that led down to the beach. “Sango,” she turned around and looked at me. Her eyes were red and she was crying.

“Kagome…” I sat next to her.

“Sango, I know that the shop means a lot to you. It means a lot to me too.”

“I’m sorry for running off like that.”

“It’s okay, but your dad is worried about you.”

“I know,” she sighed. “I don’t mean to make him worry. I try to be strong, but it’s just so hard.” I put my arm around her.

“It may be hard, but you must remember that you have people who are here for you and care for you to.”

“You’re right,” she stood up and wiped her eyes. “Instead of crying, I should be thinking of a way to keep the shop.”

“That’s the spirit,” we laughed.

“I feel better now. Thank you Kagome. You’re the best.”

“I know.”

“Kagome,” I turned to see who was calling me. Inuyasha was walking down the boardwalk with Miroku beside him.

“Hey guys, how’s it going?” I said.

“Not bad, we’re ready to get started on the plan.” Inuyasha said.

“Plan?” I asked. Inuyasha grinned at me.

“To get back at Kikyou.”

“Oh, right. I don’t think this is a good idea.”

“Why no?” asked Sango.

“Two wrongs don’t make a right.”

“In my book is does.”

“Whatever,” I glanced at my watch. “I need to go get Shippo. We’ll be right back.” I grabbed Sango’s hand.

“We’ll come as well,” Inuyasha said walking next to me.


“If you are coming, then you have to but something.” Sango said.


“What? It’s a start.”

“A start of what,” asked Miroku.

“Nothing,” she walked ahead of us.

“I’ll tell you later.” I said to them. When we entered the store, Shippo ran up to me.

“What took you so long?” he asked.

“Sorry,” Mr. Takaya walked out of the storage room.

“Sango,” She walked up to him and hugged him.

“I’m sorry dad.”

“No, I’m sorry.”

“We’ll think of a way to keep the shop,” he nodded.

“We’ll close early today.”

“Okay, but we have customers.” I turned to Inuyasha and found him looking around. He picked up a necklace. It was nothing fancy, but t had a blur heart hanging form it.”

“How much is this?” he asked.

“Ten bucks,” I said.

“Okay,” we walked to the register. He gave me the money.

“Thanks,” after it was paid for we headed out the store.

“Dad, we’re going to be on the beach. Call me if you need me.” I grabbed Shippo’s hand and we walked down the boardwalk. We found a nice spot on the beach and sat down in the sand.

“Kagome, can I go play,” asked Shippo.

“Yeah, don’t go to far.”

“Okay,” he ran off.

“Let’s begin planning,” Sango said.

“You guys were going to stat without us. That’s just mean,” Ayame said as Koga were standing over us.

“Come sit,” we all sat in a circle.

“Okay, do any of you know where Kikyou lives?” asked Inuyasha.

“Yeah, why?” I asked. Okay, I could not help the fact that I was curious.

“We’re going to sneak in her house and dye her hair.”

“That’s a great idea! Kikyou loves her hair,” said Sango.

“Let’s dye it green,” Ayame said jumping into the conversation.

“We should cut her hair too.”

“That’s over doing it guys,” I said trying to talk some sense into them. “Koga, tell Ayame that this is not a good idea.”

“But it is. Kikyou should pay for what she did.” I know I should have been happy that my friends wanted to defend me. To be honest, I wasn’t at all happy.

“I don’t want to be part of this,” I got up and walked off. Inuyasha followed and grabbed my hand.

“Listen, I don’t know Kikyou, but what she did to you was wrong.”

“This is wrong too.”

“Not if you’re having fun,” he said with a sexy grin.

“Well, when you put it that way…”

“Please,” I sighed knowing I could not say no to him.


“Yes!” he said me up, spinning me around. My heart began to pound rapidly. He put me down and we walked back to the group.

“Everything okay now?” asked Miroku.

“Yeah, here is the deal. I get to dye her hair,” I said.

“Yeah! Operation Revenge will start tonight. We’ll meet at Kagome’s house around nine tonight,” said Sango.

“I don’t think everyone should go to Kikyou’s house,” I said after thinking about what Sango said.

“Kagome’s right. We don’t want our cover blown,” Inuyasha said nodding in agreement.

“Okay, only two people should go than.”

“You and Inuyasha should go,” Miroku said. “What do you think Kagome?” Everyone was looking at me. I pretended to think about it. I didn’t want to say yes so quickly. This was my chance to spend more time with Inuyasha.

“Okay, that sounds good.”

“We need to get out supplies together,” Inuyasha said.

“You two should go get them now,” Ayame said with Sango, Koga, and Miroku nodding in agreement.

“But what about Shippo,” I asked.

“Don’t worry, we’ll watch him,” Sango said.

“Fine, keep a eye on him please.”

“We will,” Inuyasha and I walked to the boardwalk.

“Do you think this will work?” He asked. I looked up at him.

“I don’t know. To be honest with you, I’m kinda excited. I want to know how she reacts.”

“Something tells me we’re going to need a camera,” I laughed. We got in his car and drove to Sally’s Beauty Supple Store. “We’re getting green right”

“Yeah, let’s not cut her hair.”

“You’re right. Let’s not.” We went down the aisle that had the dye. “I dyed my brother’s hair one time. It had me laughing for days.”

“You have a brother?”

“Yeah, an older brother. His name is Sesshomaru. We don’t get along to well I dyed is hair pink when I was twelve.” I covered my mouth to keep from laughing out loud.


“He eat my ramen.”

“You did that over ramen?” I was in shock.

“Yeah, I love ramen.” I shook my head laughing.

“I bet you got in trouble.”

“Sure did. I was grounded for two months. It was worth it, I even took pictures. Maybe I could show you them.”

“I’d like that,” I picked up a bottle of bright green dye. “Would this work,” I asked showing him the bottle.

“Oh yeah,” we went to the counter. After purchasing the dye, we left the store. I have to say spending time alone with Inuyasha was fun. We were similar yet different. He was outgoing and spoke his mine. I on the other was the opposite. But like the saying goes opposites attract. I think that’s how it goes. Everything was going well until…

“Hello there Kagome,” I groaned.

“Hi Hojo,” Hojo seemed to show up when you never wanted him around. He looked at Inuyasha.

“Who is this?”

“Well this is..” Inuyasha put his hands around my waist and pulled me against his chest.

“I’m Inuyasha,” I blushed at the contact.

“Oh, are you seeing each other?”

“It known of your concern Hobo.”

“It’s Hojo.”

“Yeah, whatever Homo. Now if you’ll excuse us, we have business to attend to.”

“Bye Hojo,” we walked passed him. “Don’t you think that was a little mean?”

“No, you seemed like you didn’t want to be bothered with him.”

“Well I didn’t, but…”

“No harm was done,” I knew that he was wrong. Hojo was going to tell Kikyou and things were going to get messy. We headed for my house. I decided to call Sango and the gang. When I was finish with the call, I saw Inuyasha looking around.

“You have a nice place here.”

“Thanks, they said they’ll be here in twenty minutes.”

“Okay,” I was nervous because Inuyasha was here with me ALONE. Now don’t get the wrong idea. When I say alone, I mean alone with me where I know I would do somethink stupid.

“Would you like a tour?”

“Sure,: I showed him everything. First we went to the kitchen and dinning room. Then I showed him the bathroom and guest rooms. We were on our way downstairs, when he stopped. “Is this your room?”


“Can we go in?” At that point, I was going crazy. I wondered why he wanted to go in my room.


“You never showed me.”

“Oh,” was the only smart thing I could say. I walked over to my door and opened it. “There’s nothing special about it.”

“I like it,” Inuyasha walked to my desk. “What’s this?” he picked up my journal.

“No, don’t look at it.” I ran up to him and snatched my journal out of his hands.

“What’s in it?”

“Stuff,” I didn’t want him to look at it because it contained the poem I had been writing.

“Does it have some of your poems in it?”

“Yes,” he walked up to me.

“Can you tell me one please.” Before I could answer, the door bell rung.

“That must be everyone. Let’s head back downstairs.”

“Yeah,” we went downstairs and I opened the front door.

“Kagome!” Shippo ran up to me and jumped into my arms.

“Hey Shippo, were you good?”

“Yep,” I picked him up. “Come on in you guys.” We walked to the living room. I put Shippo down. “Shippo how about you go to your room and watch TV.”

“Okay,” Shippo ran to his room.

“Did you two get the dye?” Sango asked.

“Sure did.”

“Operation Revenge starts now.”

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