InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Someone ❯ Revenge (part 2) ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Once again, I am sorry for the delay. I hope this is what you all have been waiting for. If there is anything you want me to have in the next chapter please let me know.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters.


Chapter 8: Revenge (part 2)

Inuyasha pulled up to Kikyo’s house. I sat in the passengers seat; we both looked at her house.

“Inuyasha, Kagome, are you two in position?” asked Sango on the walkie talkie.

“Yeah, we’re in position,” Inuyasha said back.

“Okay you know the deal. Get in and get out.”

“Roger,” Inuyasha turned the walkie talkie off and faced me. “Are you ready?”

I sighed, “As ready as I’m gonna be.”

“Okay,” Inuyasha got out of the car and I followed. We both were wearing all black. Inuyasha had the green dye in his pants pocket. Slowly, we began to walk up to her house.



“How are we going to get in her house?”

He turned to me and smiled. “That’s the easy part.” He placed me on his back.

“What are you doing?”

“It’s easier if I jump to Kikyo’s window.”

“Oh,” was all I could say. “Wait, how do you know what window is hers?’ He pointed to his nose.

“I’m part Inu, so I can smell her scent.”

“What does she smell like?”

“Moth balls,” I giggled.

“What do smell like?”

“You smell like a honey suckle.” I blushed. I was glad I was on his back. “Ready?”

“Yea.” Inuyasha jumped into her yard. I watched as he sniffed the air.

“Found her room.” Inuyasha jumped to Kikyo’s window and surprisingly, her window was unlocked. As we entered, I saw Kikyo in her bed. I slide off of his back.

“Does she have her own bathroom in here,” I asked whispering.

“Yep,” Inuyasha said walking towards in her bed.

“We have to be very qui…” before I could finish, I tripped over something and crashed to the floor. I looked up and saw Inuyasha’s hand.

“Kagome, are you alright?” he asked, helping me up. I looked passed him and at Kikyo. She was still sound asleep.

“I’m fine. That noise would have woke me up,” I said.

“Don’t worry about it. She took about six sleeping pills, so the loudest noise would not even wake her.” Inuyasha walked back to her bed.

“Inuyasha, what are you doing?”

“I want to show you.” as he said that, he leaned down to Kikyo’s ear. “HELLO!” he yelled in her ear. I held my breath, afraid that she was going to wake. Instead, she was still asleep. “See, what I tell ya. Doesn’t seem like anything will wake her up.” Inuyasha pulled out a whistle and blew. The loud noise had me covering my ears.

“Other people may be in the house,” I said, beginning to worry.

“No one else is here.” Inuyasha said smiling as he looked at Kikyo. She was STILL asleep. I could not help but laugh.

“Had enough yet?”

“Yea,” Inuyasha paused. “You know, maybe we should cut her hair.”

“Why?” I asked.

“Well, she loves her hair so much, right?”


“Well, dying her hair would not be permanent because she could always change the color anyway.”


“So,” he began pacing around. “If we cut her hair, then it would last longer because it has to grow back. I know we said we wouldn’t, but think about it. I am right ya know.” He was right. Kikyo had embarrassed me, so it was only fair that I return to favor.

I smiled at him. “You’re so evil.”

“I know,” he said grinning at me. We searched her drawers to find a pair of scissors.

Instead, I found something else. It was Kikyo’s diary. I found it in her drawer that was filled the shirts. I know it was an invasion of privacy, but I had to look. I flipped a couple of paged and found an interesting entry.

Dear Diary,

Today was one of the worst days of my life. There was a spider on my window. I hate spiders and their eight hairy legs. I had to call my father in here to kill it.

I stopped and laughed to myself. ‘Maybe I could use this info to my advantage.’ I thought as I turned to a recent entry.

Dear Diary,

I believe I found the love of my life. He is extremely gorgeous and he will be mine. It will be easy taking him from Kagome. After all, I look better than her. Hw will come craw….

I closed the book and put it back where it was. I was mad, no pissed that she wrote that.

“Kagome, I found the scissors,” said Inuyasha. “We need to hurry up.” I smiled and walked over to him. I took the scissors and looked at the sleeping Kikyo.

“Hope you like your new look,” I said as I began working on her hair.

Twenty minutes later, we were in Inuyasha’s car and on our way back to my house. Inuyasha turned on the walkie talkie.

“Mission complete, we are on our way back,” said Inuyasha.

“Roger,” said Sango. Inuyasha sat the walkie talkie down.

“That was fun,” he said, smiling at me.

“Yea,” I said returning the smile. Kikyo had her hair in a ponytail, so I cut it off. Than I cut her hair really short to where you could almost see her scalp. It was easy cleaning up the evidence since she took all those pills. Inuyasha made sure he took plenty of pictures. I glanced down at my lap. Kikyou’s ponytail was there. I wanted to show everyone what we did. This event was something I could never forget.

After Inuyasha pulled up to my house, I showed everyone the ponytail. Who knew I could be so evil. When I was done, Inuyasha took everyone home. Sango and I headed for my room. I was so tried, that as soon as my head was on the pillow, I was asleep.

The next day, went by slowly. I was waiting to see Kikyo, but decided to focus on something else. Sango and I discussed a way to save the shop.

“Maybe we could have a teen night?” suggested Sango.

“Or we could have a bake sell?” I said.

Just than, Mr. Takaya walked in. “Girls, I have some good news. There is a game show coming down here. The show is called ‘Know your partner.”

“I’ve heard of it. The team that wins gets ten thousand dollars plus a trip to the Bahamas for six!” Sango said jumping up and down. “Since they are coming, Kagome and I can enter. We know everything about each other. With the money, we can save the shop!”

“Let’s do it,” I said joining in.

“Are you girls sure about this?” Mr. Takaya asked warily.

“Yeah dad, I don’t care. What about you Kagome?”

“I don’t care either. Please let us do this.”

“If that’s what you girls want…”

“Thanks dad,” Sango hugged her dad. “Where do we sign up?”

“By the ice-cream stand.” That said, we headed out the shop. “Don’t worry about Shippo, I will watch him.”

“Thanks,” I said as I left. When we reached the stand, I saw Inuyasha and Miroku. “Hey guys.”

“Hey,” Inuyasha said walking up to us. “What are you guys doing here?”

“We came to sign up for the game show,” Sango said.

“We did to,” said Miroku walking up to us. “Since you guys need help with the shop, we thought that we could give the money to you if we win.”

“Well, if us four a chosen, then we will win for sure,” I said smiling at the idea.

“Okay, lets sign up,” Sango and Kagome left and went to sign up Once we were done, we headed back to the gift shop. On are way, I heard someone yell me name.

“Kagome!” I turned around and found Kikyo and Kagura walking up to me. Kikyo had a hat on her head. When she was close, Inuyasha asked her a question.\

“Why do you have a hat on your head?” he asked innocently.

“It’s because of her,” she pointed to me.

“What did I do?”

“You know what you did.”

“I really don’t.” Kikyo took the hat off her head.

“You did THIS to me!” Miroku and Sango snickered behind me and I tried to hold my laughter in.

“I never would do such a thing.” Kikyo’s face turned red with anger.

“This isn’t over. Not by a long shot.” she said as she marched off with Kagura following behind her.

“You’re right, this is WAR.” I whispered as I turned around and walked away.

A/N: Got the idea of the game show from American Dad. Please review and ideas on future chapters are welcomed!