InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Someone ❯ Too Far ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Sorry 4 taking so long. Hope you like it!

Chapter 9: Too Far

Back at the shop, we all sat around looking bored. There was nothing to do. I sighed for the hundredth time. I decided it was the perfect time for me to write some more of my poem. As I placed my notebook on the counter top, I could not help but think about Inuyasha. I glanced at where he was. He was playing cards with Miroku and Shippo. Shippo was having a lot of fun. I opened my notebook and wrote four more lines to my poem. I closed my notebook, and Inuyasha walked up to me.

“I’m so bored.” he said leaning against the table.

“Me too,” I said, once again sighing.

“Let’s go to the mall,” Sango suggested.

“I got it,” Inuyasha said smiling. “How about the new water park that just opened up? I can get us in.” I paled at the idea.

“Yea! Kagome, can we go please.” Shippo said. Ever since the water park opened, he wanted to go.

“I don’t know,” I said. You know how I feel about pools. I didn’t know what to do. Shippo didn’t know about my secret.

“Come on Kagome, it will be fun.” Inuyasha said. I glanced at Shippo. He never really ask for anything. ‘He deserves to go.’ I thought.

“Ok, we can go.”

“Thank you Kagome,” Shippo said. He ran up to me and gave me a hug. “You’re the best.” I couldn’t help but smile.

“Good thing I got my dad’s truck today.” Inuyasha said walking to the door. “Let’s head out.” Inuyasha, Miroku, and Shippo walked the door. Sango walked up to me.

“Are you sure about this?” she asked.

“Yea, no one said I had to get in the water. Besides, Shippo deserves to have fun.”

“But what if something happens?”

“Then lets hope I don’t die of embarrassment.” We arrived at the water park in no more than a hour after we left the shop. The water park was no different than you average water park. It was crowed with adults and kids walking around. Inuyasha took us all to out houses to get out bathing suits. We got out of the truck and walked up to the entrance. The line there was very long.

“Inuyasha, how do you expect us to get in with the line this long?” I asked.

“Just follow me, ok?”

“Ok,” I said following everyone to the entrance.

“Hey Inuyasha, what’s up?” said a guy by the entrance. I guess he was the one letting people through.

“Nothing much. Thought my friends and I would come and check this place out.” The guy stepped aside.

“You kids have fun.” he said. We walked inside.

“We will.” we said in unison. When we were out of hearing range, I turned to Inuyasha.

“How did you do that?” I asked. He smiled at me.

“It’s a secret.” We went to the bathrooms to change in to our swim suits. After we changed, we found some lockers and put are clothes in them.

“Let’s go on the water slides first.” Miroku said.

“Ok.” said Shippo. He pulled my hand. “Let’s go Kagome.”

“Alright.” Once we were there, Shippo ran to one of the lines.

“We’ll go with him.” Sango said as pulled Miroku along.

“Are you coming?” Inuyasha asked turning to me.

“No, I prefer to watch.”

“Oh,” I couldn’t help but notice the sound of disappointment in his voice. I was scared to tell him my secret. ‘What if he thinks I am a lose?’ I thought. I knew I could not risk telling him. Inuyasha cleared his throat. “Well we wont be able to see them form here. We have to go to the front.”

“Ok.” He took my hand and together we walked to the front of the slide. Every time I am with Inuyasha, I feel at peace. That was what I was feeling at that moment.

“It will be awhile before we see them.” I could only nod. He let go of my hand. “Kagome, can I ask you something?”

“Sure.” Inuyasha hesitated. “Is something wrong?”

“No, nothing is wrong.” He cleared his throat once again. “A friend of mine-”


“No, not Miroku. A different friend.”


“Yea, anyway, he’s been having dreams about this girl.”

“Does he know her?”

“Well no. He never met her.”

“But he’s been having dreams about her?”

“Yea.” My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach. I could not help but wonder if he was talking about himself. ‘Is he really having dreams about me? Should I tell him that I’m having dreams about him too?’ I thought quietly to myself.

“Did he tell you what he say in his dreams?” I knew that I was pushing it, but I had to know.

“Yea, he said he saw her sitting at a base of a tree. He held his hand out.” I was shocked. I knew deep down that Inuyasha was talking about himself. I wondered what it meant for two people to have the same dream and meet face to face in reality.

“Kagome, are you alright?” Inuyasha asked, full of concern. I didn’t know what to do.

“Inuyasha I -”

“Kagome, look up!” I looked up to see who was calling me. It was Shippo calling me with Sango and Miroku. They all were about to go down the slide.

“Be careful you guys!” I called out.

“We will!” Inuyasha and I watched them go down the slide. I couldn’t help but smile as I saw Shippo laugh. I wish that I was able to be with him. ‘If only I could over come my fear.’ I thought. I knew there was a slim chance of that happening. Inuyasha and I walked over to them. As we did, Sango slapped Miroku.

“You Pervert!”

“I’m sorry Sango, but my hand slipped.”

“Yea right!” I laughed.

“Did you have fun Shippo?” I asked.

“Yea! Let’s go on another one.”

“Ok.” I took his hand. “Whatever you want.” For the rest of day, Inuyasha, Miroku, Sango, and Shippo went on water rides while I watched. The conversation Inuyasha and I had was never brought up again. Our last stop was at the pool. Not many people where there now since it was around five o’clock. Shippo was splashing around with Inuyasha and Miroku. Sango was talking to me.

“Shippo sure looks happy.” she said. I nodded in agreement.

“I’m glad I decided to come. Everything worked out well.”

“If only….,” I look away from the boys and looked in the direction Sango was looking. It was Kikyo and Kagura. Kikyo had on a white bathing suit that was two sizes to small. She also had on a wig, of course she was going to have one. The guys that were at the pool were drooling all over her. I sighed knowing that this was not going to end well. They both were walking over to me. Sango and I stood up to meet them.

“Look what we have here. Two big losers.” said Kikyo.

“Yea, losers.” Kate said laughing.

“What do you guys want?” asked Sango.

“We’re here to relax and enjoy ourselves.” Rosa said. She looked past me. “Now if you’ll move, I have business to attend too.” I followed her gaze and saw Inuyasha, He was looking good. He was wearing a pair of red swim trunks. Since he came out of the pool, he had water dripping down his chest. He looked like a GOD! My staring was interrupted by Sango who was nudging me.

“Don’t let her get away with this.” Sango said, but it was to late. Kikyo was talking or shall I say flirting with Inuyasha. ‘Not again.’ I thought. I decided to go over there. I had to do something. So I walked over there. I swung my hips a bit and it got Inuyasha’s attention.

“Are you ready to go Inuyasha?” he was still staring at me. I waved my hand across his face. “Hello? Inuyasha?”

“I said are you ready to go?” I never knew I had such a hold on him.

“Yeah.” I turned to Kikyo.

“Well, it was nice seeing you and the wig looks great.” I didn’t know I could be so nasty. Inuyasha went to go get Shippo and Miroku.

“You think you’re so great don’t you. Not this time.” Kikyo said.

“Whatever you say Kikyo.” I turned to leave, but I felt to hands push me in the pool. I tired to gain my balance, but failed. ‘No.’ was my last thought before I fell. End of Kagome’s POV

Inuyasha heard a splash and turned around. He say Kikyo standing where Kagome once was. ‘Don’t tell me…’ before he could finish thought, he dove into the pool. Franticly, he looked around and found Kagome’s body sinking to the bottom. Quickly, he swam over to her and began to pull her body to the surface. When they surfaced, Miroku helped Inuyasha pull Kagome’s body out the water.

“She’s not breathing.” Sango said panicking.

“Sango, take Shippo away from here and call a ambulance.” Inuyasha said.


“Just do it!” Once Sango left, Inuyasha began to perform CPR.

“Kikyo you’ve gone too far! Why would you do this to her?!” Miroku yelled. A crowd was forming around the four.

“It was a accident!”

“Yea right!” Security guards pushed through the crowd.

“Move it. Step aside.” One said. Once they were in the middle, the guard spoke again. “What’s going on?”

“This girl pushed my friend in the pool and now my other friend is trying to get her to breathe.” Miroku said.

“I said it was a accident.”

“Breathe damn it!” Everyone turned their attention to Inuyasha. “Please breathe Kagome.” He began CPR again.

“An ambulance is on their way.” The guard said. There was still no sign of breathing coming from Kagome. Inuyasha kept going.

“I cant lose you mitsukai. Please breathe for me.”

“Young man, let her go.” the guard said.

“No! She’s going to make it.” He continued with the CPR.

“Inuyasha stop.” Miroku pleaded.

“NO!” ‘I cant lose you.’ he thought. ‘I just can’t.’ Some of the security guards began pulling Inuyasha away from Kagome. “Let me go!” he yelled struggling.

“She’s gone young man.”

“No, she can’t be.” he stopped and whispered. When all hope seemed to be lost, a coughing noise was heard. “Kagome!” Inuyasha pulled away from the them and helped Kagome sit up. She began to throw up and shake. “It’s ok, I’m here.” Inuyasha said trying to sooth her. Kagome looked at Inuyasha with wide eyes.




What do you think? Please let me know and review. I need to know if its any good. Also check out my newest story Accepted please. Remember all ideas are welcomed so if you have any for this story or any of my other ones, let me know.