InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Someone ❯ Never let you go ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N I’m on a roll so I decided to post another chapter. Enjoy!

Chapter 10: Never let you go

“Kagome, it’s me, Inuyasha.” No matter how many times Inuyasha said it, she didn’t care. She kept on screaming and pulling away from him, but he held on to her. Sango ran up to them.

“Inuyasha move, you’re only making it worst.” Sango said. Inuyasha looked back at Kagome and saw her crying. Slowly he let go of her and Sango took his place. She wrapped her arms around Kagome.

“It’s ok Kagome,” she whispered. “He won’t ever hurt you again. I’m here for you.” Slowly Kagome began to calm down. Sango looked at Inuyasha. “My dad took Shippo home with him.”

“Ok,” Sango helped Kagome stand up. A stretcher was brought over and Kagome was placed on it.

“I’ll meet you guys at the hospital.” As they left, police arrived and questioned everyone. Inuyasha was still shocked at what happened.

‘Why was she so scared of me?’ he thought. Inuyasha watched as the police talked to Miroku and Kikyo. They were arguing again. Inuyasha walked over to them.

“I did not know she couldn’t swim. We were just playing around.” Kikyo said.

“That’s a lie and you know it. You don’t even like Kagome. I saw you push her.” said Miroku.

“Is this true? Did you push her?” said the officer.

“I bumped into her.”

“You Liar!”

“Well, I think you need to come with us. You are being held until we can get in touch with your parents.” The officer took Kikyo away. When Inuyasha reached Miroku, he shook his head.

“Why would Kikyo do such a thing? That was uncalled for.” Inuyasha said.

“I know. I hope she get what she deserves. Let’s get to the hospital. I want to know why Kagome reacted the way she did.”



Inuyasha and Miroku walked to the front desk.

“Can you tell us what room Kagome Higurashi is in.” asked Inuyasha.

“And you two are?” asked the secretary.

“Inuyasha Takahashi and Miroku Coles.” she checked the list.

“You two are expected in room A-3.”

“Thank you.” Inuyasha and Miroku ran down the hall until they found the room. Sango was sitting in one of the chairs.

“I was waiting for you guys. Did the police charge Kikyo?” asked Sango.

“We don’t know. All we know is that she is being held until her parents are called and informed about what happened.” said Miroku.

“Is Kagome ok?” asked Inuyasha.

“Yea, she’s fine. She doesn’t want to tell her dad what happened. I think she should though.” They were quiet for a while, taking in everything that happened.

“Am I allowed to see her?”

“Yea, but…”Sango gazed at the door.


“She doesn’t want to see anyone.”

“Why not?!”

“She doesn’t want you to see her like this.” whispered Sango. Inuyasha and Miroku sat down.

“Sango, do you know why Kagome flipped out?” asked Miroku.

“Yea.” There was silence.

“Aren’t you going to tell us why?”

“I can’t. Only she can tell you.” They sat in more silence and watched as doctors and nurses walked by. After sitting for about ten minutes, Inuyasha spoke.

“Miroku, could you take Sango home. I doubt they are going to release Kagome tonight.”

“What about you?”

“I’m going to stay. Don’t worry about me.”

“Are you sure?” Miroku said frowning.

“I’m sure.”

“Okay, Sango lets go.”

“Okay.” Once they were out of site, Inuyasha went to Kagome’s door.

‘I need to speak to her.’ he slowly opened the door and searched the room. There was a dim light coming from the top of the hospital bed. Kagome was sitting up with her knees drawn up and her face buried. Inuyasha quietly walked over to the bed. ‘She looks so fragile.’ he thought.

“Kagome.” he called out gently. Kagome lifted her head up.



“Please leave.”



“You need someone to be here with you.” he reached out to her. She didn’t pull away from his hand. Tears were pouring down Kagome’s face. She turned away form his gaze.

“Don’t look at me. I don’t want you to see me like this.” Kagome tired to wipe the tears away, but they continued to fall.

“Well, no matter what you say, I’m not going to leave. Please let me stay.” Kagome was quiet, so Inuyasha sat down in a chair that was next to the bed. He held her hand and gently stroked it. “Please tell me what’s wrong Kagome.” she didn’t say anything.

“Did I do something wrong? Are you mad at me?” Still she didn’t answer him. She didn’t even look at him. “I want to make things better. I don’t want you like this.” he reached out and wiped her tears away. Unexpectedly, Kagome leaned against Inuyasha and cried. He sat on the edge of her bed and held her. She continued to cry for the next ten minutes. When she was done, Inuyasha wiped the remaining tears away.

“Thank you Inuyasha for being here.” he smiled.

“No problem.” he continued to hold her.


“Yes.” she was quiet for awhile before she spoke again.

“When I was ten, my mother’s boyfriend pushed me into the ocean. Ever since than, I have been scared of large bodies of water. When Kikyo pushed me, I froze and remembered him. When I came to, I saw his face and screamed.”

“So you thought I was him?” she nodded. “That’s not the only reason is it.”

“Well…., he tried to rape me too.”

“That bastard!” Kagome griped Inuyasha tightly.

“Please calm down. Its over.” Inuyasha took a couple of deep breaths to calm his self. Once he was calm, Kagome spoke again. “Do you hate me?”

“No, why would I?”

“I just thought that…” she trailed off. Inuyasha laughed.

“I could never be mad at you.” he lifted her chin up and slowly leaned down and kissed her. He meant for the kiss to be gentle, but it didn’t last. The kiss turned from gentle to passionate. They pulled away to catch their breath. Inuyasha rested his forehead against Kagome’s. “I thought I was going to lose you.”

“I’m right here now. Thank you for saving me.”

“I will always protect and save you mitsukai.” Kagome smiled.

“You’re the second person I told that to.”

“Sango was the first?”


“Why don’t you tell your parents?”

“I’m scared. I’m just…..scared.” Inuyasha and Kagome laid back on the bed. Kagome curled up next to him.



“Everyone has a fear, but it can always be over come. All you need is someone who will help you and be by your side.”

“Like you?” she said smiling.

“Yea, I’ll help you, if that’s what you want.”

“That’s what I want.”

“I never met someone so brave as you.”

“I’m not brave.”

“You are, you put other people before you. That’s what I like about you.” Kagome yawned. “You should get some sleep.”

“You promise not to leave.”

“I promise.” Kagome drifted off to sleep. “I promise I’ll never let you go.” with that said, Inuyasha drifted off.

What do you think. Review and let me know!!!!