InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Tiny Kagome ❯ Symbol ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

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I know I'm not that good at writing, but I do have an imagination.
Please read and review.
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My Tiny Kagome
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Chapter Four, Symbol
Sango notice Miroku holding her tightly against him without thought. She blushes than pushes him away from her to greet the youkai girl.
“Hi, Mimi-chan. This is Houshi-sama, Miroku.” Sango says pointing to the monk standing by her left.
“And over there is Inuyasha.” Sango motioned to the right front of her where Inuyasha stood with his arms crossed over his chest looking irritated.
“Over there,” Turning around she points toward the little fox kit standing beside a bush holding something in his hands.
Kirara is sitting upward beside him. “Shippou a Kitsune and in his hands is Kagome.”
Facing the female dragon, Mimi looks the age of a fourteen year old, again she continues. “We were on our way to the Village, elder priestess Kaede resides in.” Yani is now sending death glares at Miroku. Miroku pays him no attention, as if he weren't even there.
The right side of Yani's cheek is bruised, but healing.
“How dare you intrude on my proposal to Lady Sango!!!” Yani exploded, his face showing rage and his eyes slightly red with anger. Miroku narrows his dark blue eyes, giving Yani his own death glare.
“So, Yani-niichan came on to you again, eh?” Sango nodded.
“We need to hurry to the village before night falls.” Inuyasha impatiently announces moving ahead and begin continuing on the path the group had started on.
Yani and Miroku were belligerent toward each other the whole time. The group arrives in Keade's village. Inside Kaede's hut Inuyasha sits by the door. Shippou sat on a mat by the fire and Kagome in Shippou's hands. Miroku and Sango were about to enter.
“Stay away from Sango!” Came an angry reply from behind them.
Yani grabs one of Sango's hands and begins to pull her into the hut. He didn't get far because Sango hits him on top of the head and stops walking to turn around glaring at him. “I can walk on my own! And stop bothering Houshi-sama!”
With that she stocks angrily into the hut. Mimi slowly shakes her head.
“Brother, you never learn.” Then she too moves inside the hut with the males following in behind her.
There is silence in the hut after the group, mostly Miroku told Kaede what had happened. Miroku is seated beside Sango's left across from Kaede. Inuyasha sat cross-legged with Mimi seated some distances from his left. He had the smell of earth, bones, and death on his sent. She had no clue why, but she kept space between them.
Shippou sat between Sango and Yani. Miroku broke the silence.
“Kaede-sama, there was a mark on Kagome's abdomen when her kimono showed skin.” Kagome is leaning in a sit up position against a curled up Kirara in front of Sango.
Kaede looks down at miniature Kagome's petite form. “Child, may we see ye abdomen?”
Blushing scarlet Kagome nods. She unties her obi and moves enough of the kimono to show them her flat tummy. There's a light blue-silver crescent moon. In the center is the shape of a sakura with a heart in the middle of it. Then she covers it back up.
“You belong to someone.” Stated Mimi.
“Yes, as propriety. The one chosen to be with her will be able to break the spell though.” Yani said.
“She will be back to her normal size. And by the symbol it has to be a he.” Replied Mimi.
“How will we know who `he' is?” Asked Sango.
Yani puts a finger on his chin with a thoughtful look. “It's only one out of the whole male population of royalty to find her other half. We don't know if he's human, hanyou, or even a youkai.” He thinks some more. “Ah . . . I think a lick on the symbol will show us.”
“Stupid! Not a LICK on the symbol! The male would have to draw blood or either kisses the symbol! The saliva would never work right. Strange. Don't ask, mother told me that. ” Mimi corrected him crossly.
“Plus,” She added standing up and moving from Inuyasha to stretch.
“The other way to reverse the spell is to have her bath in a certain type of potion. But there is a chance the potion might not work.” She begins fiddling with her kimono.
“Why is that Mimi?” Piped up Shippou.
“Huh? Oh! You see, who ever did this might have made sure the spell could not be reversed two ways but only one.”
Mimi replies pulling out a little scroll from her soft pink kimono sleeve. She was about to say something else when Inuyasha interrupts her.
“Sesshoumaru must have some thing to do with this.” He looks deep in thought. Mimi looks at him like she just noticed him for the first time.
“Your wrong. What was your name again? Oh yes, Inutrasha. Your-” He interrupts her again.
“Inuyasha.” Mimi went on as if she didn't hear Inuyasha.
“Lord Sesshoumaru's half brother. Inutrasha, I knew your name sounded familiar. And, you kind of look like him but his more handsome.” Inuyasha looked as if he was about to say something. Mimi expression turns dreamy. She holds the scroll close to her heart with both hands in front of her.
“No,” She started breathlessly.
“His gorgeous, attractive, stylish, refine, deadly, sexy, His hair so straight unlike yours, Inutrasha.”
Inuyasha's face turns red from anger, embarrassment, or jealousy. No one really knows. It's probably all of them.
“It looks so silky soft, my fingers itch to run through its long strands. His tall well muscular body is not wimpy like yours-” /Inuyasha turns even redder. / “Or bulky, but it screams to be touched. He has a nice butt too. Oh! I saw him naked once with water dipping along his creamy silky smooth skin. And his eyes, oh and his-“
“MIMI!” bawled her elder brother.
Mimi stops speaking to look down with a very deep red tinting her cheeks to all over her in a full-bodied embarrassment.
“. . .”
“Sorry. She is very fond of lord Sesshoumaru. What,” He says glaring at her.
“Mimi was trying to say is that the symbol has nothing to do with him. It could be another lord of another land or something. Please don't bring him up or she,” He said, pointing to his still blushing sister. “Will embarrass herself again.”
After composing herself the best she could Mimi walks toward Kaede. “Uh . . . sorry. Here are the ingredients to the potion.” She said softly handing the scroll to Kaede. Then the two left to collect the herbs and other stuff they needed.
When they returned, Kagome was sleeping by Kirara. Kaede picks Kagome up in her right hand. “Ye must wake up now, Kagome.” She spoke softly. But the weirdest thing is that Kagome didn't awake but started to glow a soft pink-blue light and it began to envelope Kaede as well.
The others could only watch, as the glowing got brighter until they couldn't see Kaede or Kagome. The light became so bright that they had to shield their eyes. All they could hear are whimpering noises coming from Kaede. They just hope that the power from Kagome would not kill her. As soon as the light got brighter it began to fade away.
The sound of gasps and expressions' of awe struck faces are given away at what is made known.
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Tangerine_Mikan AKA Mala Valvah