InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Tiny Kagome ❯ Actions ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

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My Tiny Kagome
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Chapter Five, Actions
There! In Kaede's place is a young lady that appeared to be Sango's age. Her clothes are hanging off her body awkwardly. Miroku is drooling even though her breasts weren't showing. Yani eyes seem as if they are going to pop out of his head. Kagome is lying in the woman's right hand.
“What has happened to me?” Kaede asks.
Her free hand flew up to her smooth throat and than traced over young soft pink lips because of her voice. Keade's eyes widen in shock at the feel of soft smooth skin underneath her fingertips. Only one eye was covered with a black patch. Moving her hand to her eye level Kaede takes in a sharp breath by looking at well-toned young defined fingers.
“How- how can this be?” Kaede whispers in disbelief.
`No ordinary miko is capable of this.' She looks up at every one in the room. Her silky raven like brown color hair came a little above her buttocks while still wore in a miko hairstyle. Kaede was able to observe through two eyes but one is still covered with the black patch. Kaede gasps because she could see through two eyes. Removing the patch she reveals two brown lively eyes.
Tears of joy rolled down the cheeks from her young healthy eyes. Waking up, Kagome looks up to see a young woman holding her, crying. “Who are you?”
“Ye made me young again, Kagome.” Kaede said.
Kagome looks shocked. “I did? Wow! Your really pretty Lady Kaede.”
Kaede's cheeks turned pink from the compliment. “Thank you.”
“I guess calling you old hag won't fit you any more.” Replies Inuyasha, starching the back of his head.
“Pretty. Feh.” He muttered to himself before walking out of the hut. After a while Shippou went to sleep.
“Miroku and I will go get you a proper fitting Kimono, Lady Kaede.” Sango says holding Kirara.
After hearing that, Miroku pulls Sango out of the hut with him. Mimi shoves Yani out of the hut. Mimi came back in the hut carrying a bowl with purplish green gooey potion. She sits the bowl down by Kaede.
“Remove your clothes and bath in this.” Spoke Mimi pointing to the stuff she just laid out.
“Ewe, It smells awful.” But Kagome did as she was told. Once she was finish and got dried off they waited for about three minutes. Mimi sighed.
“Nothings changed! We waited how long we were supposed to and she still hasn't grown an inch. That means there's only one-way to break the spell.” Mimi sat a mild hot bowl of water on the floor.
After Kagome cleaned her person of the potion she dries off and gets dressed in another kimono. It was soft sky blue with white butterflies going diagonal from her left shoulder to her right hip. The obi Kagome tied around her waist is white. Then Kagome tied her hair in a miko style with a light blue silky string.
The next day was a little different. No! Actually it was a LOT different.
Kagome woke up by the sound of water dripping and voices speaking. Non-was familiar.
“Ira-chan, how did she get here?” Spoke a female.
“I told you! She just appeared there. As in POOF!” Replied another female with enthusiasm in her voice, identified as Ira.
“Seisho-sama is not going to like this.” The other female responded dolefully.
“Moriya-chan, we have to tell him!” Exclaims Ira.
“I know, I know.”
Kagome kept her eyes closed. `What? I just appeared here? They are talking about me right?' The sound of a door being swung open is heard. The echo of patting little feet lightly vibrates the floor. Coming through the open door a young voice yells in panic, “She vanished! She vanished! Oh, what are we going to do?! What are we goin- Eh?” Kagome opens her eyes to see a little boy Shippou's size hovering over . . . her?
Well, Shippou was that size to her, before she got shrunk. “That's her! How did she get here?”
Kagome looks at him. He jumps back than smiles at her. “Hi?”
That was all Kagome could think of to say at the moment. The young boy has turquoise short hair that is chin length. He has bright red eyes. His outfit is brown. A black-sheathed sword hung from his right side and he wore black armor. Fangs would show when he talk. Coming from his back were snow-white see-through wings that were the size of his body. Behind him stood two girls that seem to be her age.
He blinks then smiles again. “They call me Teddy, but my real name is Taro.” The boy exclaimed with his arms extended out in the air. Then he gives one quick bow. Taro then points to the girl behind him on his left. “She is Moriya.” Moriya has light purple short hair that is close to a sky blue, which barely brushed against her shoulders and pink eyes. Moriya is wearing a short pink kimono; actually it looks like a kimono but a shorts outfit. White cloth is wrapped from her ankles to come below her knees. Some are wrapped covering her breasts under the kimono and a little more around her wrists. And a white obi is around her waist.
“Her,” Taro said directing to the female on the right behind him. “Ira.” Ira's hair is a little longer than Moriya's. It's pink and her eyes are the same color as Moriya's hair, a soft purple that is close to a sky blue. The kimono Ira wore matched the color of her eyes and it came down to her ankles. It has short sleeves. Black clothe wrapped around her ankles, covering her breasts under the kimono, and some reaching from her wrists to her elbows. A slit is on both sides of the kimono from below her knees going down to her ankles.
Moriya and Ira bow in unison. “Nice to meet you, Lady Kagome.” And they also said the greeting in unison.
Kagome gets off of the futon to stand up and say something. Before she could even utter a word, the door to the room that looks more like a hut burst open for the second time that day. The one that came in looks familiar.
“Lady Kagome, follow me.” Seisho ordered.
Everyone looked puzzled. “You- you brought me here, didn't you?!?!” Kagome yelled angrily at him while stuttering to get the words out.
The three other fairies in the room shrink back because they thought he might hurt her. Seisho only nods ignoring her outburst and turns to the door waiting for her to follow. Kagome stays rooted to where she is with her arms crossed over her breast and huffs to show that she has decided to be stubborn. Seisho turns to face Kagome and glares.
“Leave us.” Seisho curtly told the others in the room with a dark calmness to his voice.
Teddy was cut to protest when Ira and Moriya covers his mouth and grabs his arms, dragging him out of the room.
Once they had gone out the door and out of hearing range he spoke again. “Are you planning to make this difficult?”
“Why did you bring me here?” Kagome asked a question of her own, ignoring his.
“If you come your answers will be revealed.”
`What dose this guy think I am? Stupid?' “Then I am not going!” `There! Lets see how he will reacts to that!'
Before Kagome could even blink she was haul up into the air and laying onto his right shoulder.
`Huh? I didn't know he could move that fast.' Seisho moves out the door and into a forest where stoops of grass were.
Kagome begins to struggle and bang on his back until she notices he had no wings. “Wha-what happened to your wings?” The teen stuttered because of the awkward position on his shoulder.
“Oh, those? They only appear when I want them to.” Seisho says casually as if he wasn't carrying Kagome on his shoulder and taking her some where by force. Then his wings appeared.
“We have arrived.”
They had entered a huge castle a few hours ago. Now they were in a huge room. Big pillows after big pillows are in the room. Seisho lands on a low table near a green pile of pillows where a youkai sat. Seisho sat Kagome on her feet gently beside his left. The youkai in front of them has long golden-blonde tresses that were pulled into a braid. His bangs brushed against his forehead.
He is wearing silky white yukata. On his forehead adores a sun and on each cheek is one blue strip. If one could get a closer look they would be able to see a tiny heart at the left corner of the sun on his forehead. The eyes staring at her are a bright aqua. Kagome unconsciously moves partly behind Seisho.
To Kagome, in her current size HE and the CASTLE are like over giant size to her. She wonders if that's how Seisho and his people feel.
He, the youkai lifts his right hand and a servant enters with her head bowed.
“Bring me the Enchanted Rose.” Then she left to do he bidding.
He turns his attention back to them. “I am Cahido. Lord of the Eastern lands.” Then his gaze directed on only Kagome.
“Are you, Kagome, child that possesses great spiritual powers, sure you're a mortal?”
“I . . . yes, I'm human.” He nods.
The same servant comes back in carrying a green silky pillow with a golden-red rose on it. The Tai youkai Cahido picks it up with his right hand and opens his left hand palm up on the table. Kagome moves fully behind Seisho and peeks over at Cahido.
“Come, Kagome, I will not hurt you.” She hears Cahido say softly.
Kagome hesitates, and looks to Seisho. He nods briefly as if saying it is okay. Kagome slowly treads upon his hand. `Please! Don't be lying to me.' She pleaded in her mind.
Cahido lifts the Enchanted Rose over her head. A golden petal touches the top of her head.
“The rose says that you are immortal.”
“I am?”
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Tangerine_Mikan AKA Mala Valvah