InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Tiny Kagome ❯ Gift ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

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My Tiny Kagome
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Chapter Six, Gift
In a dark room, a dim light was lit by one kerosene lamp. In that room sat a table shaped as a pillar. On top of it sat a crimson pillow with golden trimming. Lying on it was a light blue crystal clear glowing orb with a soft pink orb glowing in the middle, and in the mist of that laid a sleeping girl, Kagome.
Kagome is dressed in a layered pearl white silky kimono with patterns of soft pink sakura petals and mild yellow butterflies. She is also wearing a golden obi and sandals. Her raven hair is styled in a twist bun -sort of shaped like a flower- that curls into loops. Some curls were loose. Golden sprinkles shined in her curls and a sakura petal adored her hair.
Tai youkai of the east makes he way through the crowd in his ballroom in search of a particular individual. Spotting that someone, he spoke.
“Ah, I thought you would refuse to come. I have something to give you.” Cahido walked up some steps to stand beside his throne. He now has a view of everyone. Cahido sends a servant to bring the gift he held for the other Tai youkai.
“Ahem, Lords and Ladies.” Every one becomes silent.
“I, Lord Cahido of the Eastern Lands, bestow a delicate treasure to Lord Sesshoumaru of the Western Lands for our alliance and he'd accumulated me from the foul evil, Naraku. And after all, today is his birthday.”
The sent servant came into the ballroom carrying a crimson pillow with gold trimming. There on top and in the center of it is a light blue glowing orb around a soft pink orb with a girl resting inside. Some youkai gasped. Some youkai backs away in fear, shock, or for a few other reasons. Every one of them can sense the power that rolled off of it in waves from the glowing slumbering girl.
Once the servant reaches him, Lord Cahido of the Eastern Lands gathers the crimson pillow in his hands while Sesshoumaru steps forward.
“She is no ordinary human that I had reduce to this size. Her powers are great. Miko powers, yes, it will grow beyond so. This is the debt I pay. You must earn her trust. To have her return the height she once was before, you will have to find her chosen mate. Other than that, she is yours.”
The youkai that filled the room went back to what they where doing. This time, most spoke of the gift Sesshoumaru was given by his cousin.
`Though human, she is beautiful. I wouldn't have given her away.' Spoke a male youkai in a whisper.
`He should watch her, others will want her for her power.' Another also spoke low.
`How can some stupid human have that much power?' Whispered angrily a female youkai.
`Now that he have her he will be much stronger.' Replies another.
Sensing a lot of youkai, Kagome wakes up briefly. She looks around to see a grand room full of youkai. They were GIANT youkai in her point of view. Kagome begins to panic when Cahido speaks, “Reticent Kagome, there is no need to worry. This is the gathering I spoke of.”
She looks up to see Cahido looking at her. “Lord Cahido, why did you-”
“Because he is lonely.” Some one made a `hn.' sound.
“Oh.” Looking to where the noise came from with half sleepy eyes her eyes instantly widens.
`Oh please, tell me he didn't give me to HIM?' “Ses-Sesshoumaru's here?!?”
Sesshoumaru turns to look at her. He than recognizes who she is. “You will address me as, Lord Sesshoumaru or Sesshoumaru-sama, not Sesshoumaru.”
She listens as Cahido answers her question smiling the whole time. “Oh! Yes. He is the one I gave you too.”
“You're his birthday gift after all!” His says with mirth.
Kagome pouts because she had found out that she was going to be one of Sesshoumaru's `possessions'. Everyone had left lord Cahido's domain after awhile later. Now, she is with Sesshoumaru in his domain, the western lands. Kagome sat on her specially made bed in a golden enchanted cage on a table in Sesshoumaru's Chamber.
The cage is big. Just about in the center of it sat her round puffy soft red bed. It has four evenly spaced crystal cylinder bars that stood up, which makes the bed look more of a canopy style. A golden ring bar is above the bed connected to each cylinder bar. Thin white see-thru silky cloth draped over the ring as if it is a curtain that could hide her from view.
A green plushy rug is laying on the floor of the cage, coming from the front center to the front of Kagome's bed. On her left is some sort of fairy bath. It looked more of a hot spring. It just wasn't as big as one but it was big to her. Circling it is a green rug in the shape of a ring. If Kagome would have to use the lavatory she was told to fritter away by the green plant with a dark blue flower, some distance away from her bath. She found out, it would magically disappear like it had never existence.
On the left of her warm spring is a low dresser with two doors and three shelves. The top-first one held inside cloths and her size bathing cloth. The second compartment kept a few dishes made of wood, stone, glass, and bone, including the chopsticks. The third held a few sheets, blankets, and the like. An oval full-length body mirror stood some distance away.
On Kagome's right is a chest filled with folded kimonos and other clothes for the day and night occasions. And on the right of the chest sat another low dresser with a lantern on top and three divisions. It adored two drawers at the top and one on the bottom. The top left has ink and writing utensils in it. The top right has hair strings, pins, and etcetera. Kagome was not provided with face paint. HE didn't see the need. Well, she wasn't complaining.
And inside the bottom is paper scrolls, some without writing and some with.
In the front of her right is a low rectangular table. Each long side of the table two red mat-like-pillows sat on the cage floor. The cage floor is marble. The color is dark brown with dark green and black specks.
Kagome sighed as Jaken came in Sesshoumaru's chambers heading in her direction.
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Tangerine_Mikan AKA Mala Valvah