InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Tiny Kagome ❯ Powers ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

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My Tiny Kagome
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Chapter Seven, Powers
In his personal library Sesshoumaru is looking over some paper work. The halls were silent until,
This noise is coming from Sesshoumaru's chambers where he had order Jaken to retrieve the non-ordinary human girl.
`What? He's not ugly anymore? Truly he will remain-'
Sesshoumaru decided to go see for what reason they're disturbing the previous quietness and begin his path toward his chambers. `How dare he lie to the girl!? Hum, why do I care?'
“You need an reality recheck!” (No comment --)
When Sesshoumaru came in the room he couldn't believe his own eyes. Jaken, his used to be ugly smelly toad youkai retainer was now a human grown man with black short hair. He's still smelly though.
He looked weird in the brown clothes he usually wears too. “What have you done to my retainer?”
Sesshoumaru says calmly, but on the inside he was mad that she didn't think Jaken to be ugly at the moment. The toad youkai should stay a toad. And on top of that he is still ugly.
“Keep your balls attached, he will be a toad youkai Jaken in a few hours.” Kagome says softly while smiling up at Sesshoumaru and Jaken through the cage.
“And, prey tell, why that long?” Sesshoumaru asks her impassively. He was inwardly happy that Jaken was going to remain his toady smelling self. No! Scratch the smelly part.
“Because he tried to hurt me.” Kagome says staring directly at Sesshoumaru. He nods briefly.
“Is this true Jaken?” Jaken looks guilty and frightened. Sesshoumaru continues. “Never touch what is mine, got it?”
“Yes, Sesshoumaru-sama.”
“Leave and maintain your station with Rin.” Sesshoumaru orders, listening to him leave while staring at the little being within the cage. Opening the golden enchanted cage, Sesshoumaru addresses Kagome. “Do reframe from doing that to anyone in my home.”
“Even if they tries to kill me? It wasn't as if I was trying to kill him! I just changed him for a few moments to warn him!!”
Sesshoumaru picks Kagome up in his right hand lifting her to his eye level. “You need discipline. Do not speak to me in such a manner.”
Kagome begins glowing a soft pink and before Sesshoumaru knew it he was laying on the floor on his back down by a wall. Lifting him self up with his left arm and feeling something tugging on his front cloth.
Looking down he sees Kagome hanging on for dear life. “Sorry.” She says softly. The Tai youkai takes her into his right hand.
“First you will learn control.” Sesshoumaru simply states emotionlessly. Then he notices that he's leaning on his left arm. `She brought my arm back.'
“Ooh. Did I do that?” Kagome asks pointing to his newly formed left arm.
He replies, getting up then walking out of the room and down the halls to come in the personal library he was at earlier. After sitting down and placing Kagome on the oak wooden desk, Sesshoumaru looks over some papers. The room stayed silent, until Kagome couldn't take it any more.
“What was it that you wanted to speak to me about?”
“Did I say anything about speaking to you? No, I did not. You are to stay within my sight.”
“Why is that? It's not like I can run away?”
“Others are wanting to steal you.” Sesshoumaru speaks in a cold monotone voice while lifting his head to look at Kagome sitting on his desk.
A servant steps in and lays a white little pillow on Sesshoumaru's desk. “Anything else, milord?”
“No. You are dismissed.” The servant bows her head than leaves.
“You may lay upon this.” Sesshoumaru says to Kagome. She climbs on the pillow with some difficulty. After falling down a couple of times and pouting Kagome is finally able to get on the soft cushion with making a delightful accomplished sound. Looking up at Sesshoumaru, Kagome finds him with a mild smile of amusement and his eyes shining in full amusement.
“It's not funny. You could of helped, you know.” Kagome says angrily.
Sesshoumaru chuckles lightly. “Where would the fun be in that?”
Then he proceeds to go back to writing something on one of the papers. `Mimi didn't lie about Sesshoumaru. He is cute. What- what am I thinking?!?' Kagome sighs and decided to go to sleep. Laying down she closed her eyes and her breath evens out.
Almost finish with some stuff Sesshoumaru looks at the white fluff where the peacefully sleeping Kagome laid. `She seems to trusting.' When Kagome shivered he picks up a piece of cloth and places it over her. Moving Kagome's raven hair back behind her ear with a claw finger, he ponders what to do with her. `She is much more delicate at the size she is now. No doubt, that scum Naraku already knows and wants to get his hands on her. That is unacceptable.'
Hearing the pitter-patter of feet coming his way Sesshoumaru knew whom before it reaches the door. It stops then knocks on the door. “May Rin come in Sesshoumaru-sama?”
“Yes.” A light cheerful squeal is heard, than the door opens revealing a cute little girl with a right side ponytail. Her shoulder length hair is a very dark brown color that looks black. The child has brown lively eyes with warmth shown. Rin wore an orange and white-checkered kimono. Her feet are bare, meaning she left her sandals somewhere.
“Where is Jaken?” Sesshoumaru speaks blankly. `Stupid toad, hardly do a thing right. I still wonder why I bother to let him stay.'
“Oh, this man said he was Jaken and than he turned into Jaken-sama. I went to come find you lord Sesshoumaru, because lord Jaken kept talking about a really small human that made him human, than said he was ugly. Is it true, Sesshoumaru-sama?”
Rin looked up at him with brown innocent hopeful looking eyes. “Yes, Rin. Do you want to see her?”
Motioning the little girl over, Rin complies and looks to where Sesshoumaru is gazing. Rin looks at the white pillow after coming by her Sesshoumaru-sama. When Rin sees what is there her hands flew over her mouth. She giggles softly with delight, so as not to wake the sleeping tiny body on the pillow, than turns side ways to look up at Sesshoumaru.
“Lord Sesshoumaru, she's pretty.” Rin whispers while smiling at Sesshoumaru. His eyes soften.
“Lord Sesshoumaru, what's her name?” The six or seven years of age human girl asks.
“Lord Sesshoumaru! Lord Sesshoumaru! I can't find the human child!” Jaken squeals, hastening into the room panting. He was back to the old toad youkai smelly Jaken.
“Wha!?” Kagome yelps jumping awake at the noise, making batches of pretty flowers appear on top of Rin and Sesshoumaru's head.
“Jaken.” Sesshoumaru says in a deadpan voice. Rin giggles about the flowers.
“Yes, Sesshoumaru-sama?” Jaken screeches out nervously while cowering back in fear for he knew what mistake he had caused.
“You've frightened the miko awake.”
All you could hear in the halls of the castle are shrieks of terror and threatening growls with beating noises as in being squashed, thrown against walls, and etc.
After that, he might need repairs done. He will.
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Tangerine_Mikan AKA Mala Valvah