InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Tiny Kagome ❯ Regard ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

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My Tiny Kagome
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Chapter Nine, Regard
Once again Kagome is watching Sesshoumaru from inside the cage while sitting on her bed. She really wanted to go home but she knew it was best to learn how to control ones powers. Sitting down in the middle of her bed she thought of cake. Maybe she could make one appear in front of her or something. That would be stupid. Wouldn't it?
But she was going to try it any way. She sat still with her eyes closed and her legs crossed. Okay, first she had to calm down and stop worrying or rather thinking about things that bothered her. Energy swirled around her as she sat in concentration. Her brows drew together. She bit her bottom lip, thinking about cake.
She opened her eyes to see a little fog of smoke in front of her. As it evaporated a short cylinder size cake sat in its place. It looked like a vanilla cake with decorations. `It was suppose to be chocolate but vanilla's fine.'
The vanilla cake faded away and out of sight. Kagome pouted. `Oh, so it only lasted within a minute. Was it just an illusion? Could I have eaten it?'
Wanting to know and motivated, Kagome tried once more to see if it was edible or an illusion. The question she didn't ask is, `Was it safe?'
She concentrated really hard.
She is standing… wait! Standing? Opening her eyes, Kagome sees an odd view. Kagome is now standing on a sleeping Sesshoumaru's chest. She could feel him breath as his chest rose up than slowly went back down. She tried to keep her footing. `No need to fall on him.' Balance. `But, wouldn't he have woken up by now?' One moment she was sitting on her bed trying to control her powers and next she's standing on Sesshoumaru.
How was she suppose to know that this was going to happen!? Here she is in her nightgown and no means of changing unless she is able to get back into her chambers, and mostly, do that without him knowing. She began to try and concentrate.
“What are you doing?”
A cold voice sliced through her mind making her jump up in the air by surprise. `He woke up! He woke up!' She thought in panic.
“I was… I was…” Kagome is at a lost for words. She knew what she wanted to say but it weren't coming out. She pressed her lips tightly together.
“You were what?” Sesshoumaru demanded as he grabbed Kagome into his left hand while he sat upright.
Kagome whimpered in his hand. He gave her a dark glare. “Your not hurt are you?”
Kagome shook her head. “Then stop it.” She shot him a glare, which didn't faze him at all.
“I was trying to make a cake appear like before and I ended up here!” She shouted at him.
His gaze became so intense it spoke volumes, for example: `Do you want to die wench?' She shivered knowing that he gave her that look of warning because she yelled at him. `It must of hurt his ears. Good.' She unknowingly smirked. Sesshoumaru's gold like eyes narrowed.
`What is the wench smiling about? Wait…'
“You said you made a cake. Show me.” `That way I won't have to ask.'
Kagome sat down in his hand and closed her eyes. Like before, her face showed she was thinking.
Smoke was in front of her on his hand. It left revealing a brown cake with decorations on it. This is the one she wanted before. Kagome smiled a bright smile.
“I did it! I made a chocolate cake!”
“Tell me they are not always that… small.”
Kagome shook her head. “No. I just made it that way.”
She moves forward as to grab the delicious looking treat. “Wait.”
She stopped moving to it and pouted as she saw it leave her view as before. `So, it was a illusion then?' Still confused and not sure, questions remaining unanswered she sat back down to think. Than she remembers that Sesshoumaru made her pause in her pursue of investigating it. That most likely meant he wanted to say something to her.
“Where you even thinking?” vindictive, came the sound of his voice.
Now that Taro thought, as he is with the group, he is to visit Kagome soon. It doesn't seem like he's going to though, because these people are hogging his time. When their not paying attention to him he'd just vanish from sight, he decided.
The fairy boy flew around Sango and says in a cute innocent voice, honestly, “Your cute.” He giggles a childish giggle.
Sango reddens.
Mimi looks at the scene. “What… what about me? Aren't I cute too?”
Everyone listens for his response.
Taro stares at her for a moment, his wings flapping behind him. He puts a finger to his chin in thought. She is getting sort of nervous with those bright red eyes intensely staring at her. Then a smile broke out on his face.
“Well…” He slowly started, trying to be teasing. “Yeah, but not as cute as Sango!” He lightly giggles again, flew quickly away from her and into Sango's Kimono that covered her fighting wear. Sango jumps looking down.
Sigh. “I sure would love to bath with Sango.” He says with a delightful sigh, thinking about the fun he has bathing with his parents.
The guys of the group, minus Shippou and Taro, thought stupidly of that statement, of course.
Once again Kagome is in her cage quarters, which is in Sesshoumaru's large bedroom. Kagome wanted to take a bath but Sesshoumaru is in the room. For some reason he wouldn't leave. He most likely would end up seeing, which she didn't want him to do. She been bathing for the pass days, she liked that. This time though, he was in here. Not wanting him to see her she decided to go to sleep without dipping in that comforting relaxing warm water.
She was getting in bed. “Bath, than sleep.”
Kagome jumped. His voice was so cold and sharp; it was an icy order that boomed out side her chamber. How did he know when he wasn't even looking? See!? That is the reason why she wanted to just sleep. He has been acting weird.
Plus, she had to play it right because with this power she's unable to hurt him. Not because she's weak, it's some type of bond for her being his `gift' that made her unable to harm him. When Seisho came and visited her he told her that. Sesshoumaru must know. He hasn't used her powers or anything. Kagome wondered why. Anyway, she wasn't complaining.
“What are you doing? Clean your self.”
She hastily stripped her clothes off without thought. One problem, he could hurt her. It's doesn't seem like he's going to, which is good. But she wasn't taking any chances, right now that is.
Kagome swiftly slips into the warm welcoming water, like a spring. She looks around the room to find Sesshoumaru not even facing her. She sighs in relief.
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Tangerine_Mikan AKA Mala Valvah