InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Tiny Kagome ❯ Findings ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

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My Tiny Kagome
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Chapter Ten, Findings
`Uhgah. The bed feels hard like a wooden floor.' Kagome rolls on her side, but the sensation maintain as before. `AHH! What gives!' Cracking an eye open, all she can see is black. No, actually there is a little fire light from some other area. She must have transported here or something.
It looks as if she's in a hall, a dark hall, while around the corner there is maybe a torch hanging on a wall. That might be from where the light is coming. Everywhere around the area is dark. Just that slight orange made her think some fire lit the next hall. There is another question.
`Where am l?' Standing up, Kagome wobbled for a moment. `What!' A strange familiar aura filled the place, most likely the whole building.
Then Kagome noticed.
That strange familiar aura gives off evil an impression and it belongs to none other than…
Kagome shuddered.
Voices. She can hear voices. They are saying something, but she will have to get closer to hear what's being said. Kagome slowly creeps closer to the corner of the wall in front of her. The voices came louder. They quieted down and she couldn't hear what was being said. `Humph!'
She peeks her head around the corner to see…
Sesshoumaru is aggravated for Kagome leaving without his permission. An understatement. He already left his home to speak with his cousin. Not because the girl left, but because he wonder what his simple cousin could be up to, handing him a human with power no less! He didn't like it, but at least that power is in his claws, power for him to control.
He growl's lowly and it resonance threatening. That power -as was suppose to be his- is now somewhere, where someone else might get his or her dirty hands or claws on it. `She better not have found her way back to that half-breed.' His fingers twitched, itching to hurt something or more precisely someone. Walking pass some idiots in the hall, he made his way in front of a set of large double doors. Opening them he could see his cousin sitting behind his red oak desk writing on a scroll.
“Ah yes, what may I do for you. I've been expecting you, you know?” His voiced sort of calm and cheerful.
Sesshoumaru just stood there not looking surprised or anything. He was thinking about what that annoying guy in front of him said on his birthday.
“She is no ordinary human that I had reduce to this size. Her powers are great. Miko powers, yes, it will grow beyond so. This is the debt I pay. You must earn her trust. To have her return the height she once was before, you will have to find her chosen mate. Other than that, she is yours.”
His golden eyes narrowed.
Sigh. “I presume you've come to speak to me about the endowment I gave you.” Cahido looks at Sesshoumaru, tilting his head.
The room is silent as Sesshoumaru nods.
“Tsk, If only she and that someone were to fall in love with each other…”
“You're not implying…” He voice hint slight anger.
Shaking his head, Cahido replied. “…She'd return to her normal height. She'll stay that way if…”
“I don't care!” It wasn't loud, just him sounding annoyed.
“If she falls for a fairy… her life will be that of a fairy.”
Sesshoumaru frowns faintly.
“Your gift could even fall for someone else.” Says Cahido, raising a hand to rest his chine upon.
“I will not let that happen.” The reply was quickly answered without much thought.
Chuckling slightly, Cahido continued. “What of a fairy? You can't stop someone from falling in…” He stopped talking. Sesshoumaru is sending him a rather nasty glare. No, he's not afraid. He didn't stopped out of fear. He stopped just to watch the one standing in front him, his reaction. `No. You can not stopped someone or your self.' An amused expression appeared on his face.
Than his face became thoughtful once Sesshoumaru turned sharply around and left out of the room. `If she falls in love with a fairy she'll remain like that forever. Only on special occasions are the fairies allowed to be our size. Humph, Stupid stubborn idiot of a cousin.' Leaning back in his cushioned chair he lift a hand and snap two together. A servant came in with her head bowed.
“Yes, my lord.” She spoke in a small calm voice.
“Bring me Seisho.”
“Yes, is there something you want to say?” He responded impatiently and not threatening.
She nodded answering. “His gone to visit Lady Kagome today.” Oh, yes, how could he forget?
Naraku and Kagura. Kagura didn't look happy being near him. He's holding something while she's down on her knees. Her hands are holding the clothing over her chest area as if her chest hurt. `Does her heart hurt that badly? And what is he holding?' Than she's able hear him when his mouth moves.
“Kagura.” He glares down at the pained female. “You still want to disobey me, yet I hold your heart?” Kagura's breathing hard and her body shook slightly. “All but a simple squeeze and your in pain. You want me to crush IT?”
Kagura tries to prevent herself from recurrent crying. Quivering barely, she spoke shakily. “N-no. P-pl-ease. I'm so-sorr-y.” The words came out through clench teeth.
“How should I know if you're truly regretful? Kanna doesn't disobey me. You are my `children' Kagura.” Whatever it was in his hand disappeared and Kagura fall flat on the ground breathing in sharply, trying to forget the pain that was there.
“I'll lock you up again.” He said as his long wavy dark hair slid down, as he looked further down at Kagura. She didn't say anything, afraid that if she did, he would act more quickly into doing so. The last time she was down in the basement, was with him and those terrifying moving body parts of his. Her chin is grabbed in a hand of his, forcing her face roughly upward. Her face practically touches his. Her body shook, trembling even.
Those creepy blood red eyes look fixedly into her glowing scared red eyes. “What do you say Kagura?” He whispers non-to gently. His breathe smoothing over her lips. Her eyes widens in horror. “Come Kagura.” He said, standing up taking the girl by her neck and pulling her up also. Letting her go, he begins to walk in Kagome's direction. Kagura slowly begins following him.
Someone touches her shoulder. Without thinking she opens her mouth to scream. A hand is already over her face covering her mouth. “Shh… don't even think of uttering a word. You must leave this place.” Whispered a familiar voice in her ear. Kagome relaxed knowing whom it belong to. Before she was able to do anything about leaving a white golden color light flashed. Naraku and Kagura walked pass, not detecting sparkles of golden dust-light vanishing slowly in the air.
Kagome found her self once again in the cage, her room. This time she has Seisho for company. She looks around and sees no Sesshoumaru. He is sitting on her bed, not the middle of her bed and his feet not touching the floor. He is staring intently at her, examining her. She stood away from him fidgeting. “What were you doing there?”
His silky voice spoke asking her a question she wanted an answer to. Kagome shrugged. “I don't know. I just woke up there.” She inclined her head to the side and looked at him for a moment. “How did you know I was there?” He studied Kagome for another instant before answering her question. “Your like a fairy now. Since I'm leader of the fairies I can sense where anyone of my people are.”
“Oh.” She comes toward him. She trips on her own feet and lands right on top of him. Something soft is on her lips and arms embraced her. Kagome notices that the softness on her mouth is his lips.
They are all a sleep. Now is his chance! This is the best time to make his move and leave. Taro lays a message by Sango and a little flower he had plucked. He didn't want her to worry about him. Taro move stealthily threw the air and disappears in the dark forest.
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Tangerine_Mikan AKA Mala Valvah