InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Tiny Kagome ❯ Happens ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

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My Tiny Kagome
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Chapter Eleven, Happens
Seisho's back is lying on the bed. He's laying between a nice soft bed and a beautiful lady, a beautiful young lady on top of him and in his arms. Lips locked. Shock and delight is the first things that filter through his body and mind. Such comforting curves she has. She moves to get up. He lets go. Now that he thought about it. When did he take hold of her? Looking up and over at her, he found Kagome's blush is almost dark red.
He blushes faintly and asked for forgiveness. Kagome did the same, bowing as she did so. They kept apologizing to each other.
Sesshoumaru can hear them say they apologize over and over as he walks into his room. He wonders for a spilt second why they were doing that. Not really caring, he plans to ignore them.
But when he heard `Oof', he looked to perceive Kagome on top of that male fairy. `What do they think they're doing?' Anger starts pumping its way through his veins. Is he jealous? No, that couldn't be. Still, she remained there not getting up. Then he decided…
“Get up.” Kagome's body tensed from the sound of his voice. It vibrated the cage. They must have not notice he was in here. To make matters worse, that tiny wimp was holding her against him. A growl escaped him. `Just look at where his hand is!'
“If she falls for a fairy… her life will be that of a fairy.”
Sesshoumaru frowns faintly.
“Your gift could even fall for someone else.” Says Cahido, raising a hand to rest his chin upon.
“I will not let that happen.” The reply was quickly answered without much thought.
Chuckling slightly, Cahido continued. “What of a fairy? You can't stop someone from falling in…”
Sesshoumaru pauses. `Why do I care? I don't. It's not that I… I… No! Truly it is not! She is mine. My possession. I just don't like others touching my property.'
`Yeah. Whatever. Stop kidding your self.'
`You can't shut me up.'
`And why do you assume?'
`Maybe for the fact that I am you.'
`You are not me. I wouldn't sound…'
`Uh huh, I'm your conscious.'
`…so stupid.'
`You know, you just called yourself stupid.'
`I'm not talking to you.'
`What? You feel stupid for calling yourself stupid?'
`Oh, so you're going to stay quiet?'
`Well. I see. Later! I'm always here!'
When Sesshoumaru eyes focused on the golden cage he sees them standing up. His eyes narrowed. They were still holding on to each other. About to interfere, something popped, more like appeared in the cage. A little annoying fairy boy is now in there.
“Hey! Kagome! Kagome! I made it! I made it!” The little turquoise ball yelled zipping over to Kagome. He stopped and stared. He looked from Seisho to Kagome. He looked from one to the other again. A mischievous glint appears in his eyes, he began speaking. “Say,” Taro started slowly. “Are you two going to make little fairs or little lights, by any chance?”
Turning red in the face, they separated from one another. Sesshoumaru was steaming, and so he sharply but gracefully turned on his heels and left. Upset. His possession is in the hands of those fairy lights, `male fairy lights'. He growls again while walking down a hall that leads to his study. He had been losing he control lately, and it's all because of…
“I can't wait til the new moon! This will be great! Special occasions. Special occasions. Oh! I love special occasions!” Taro chanted with delight in his voice. He was excited about something. Kagome watches him with curiosity.
“What's exciting on the coming new moon?” She asked.
“This coming new moon is when we…” Seisho pauses rubbing the back of his head in what Kagome figured embarrassment, because he blushes not looking her in the eye. He composes him self but kept he's eyes averted.
“Taro?” Sango doesn't get a response from the fairy light.
“Has any one seen where Taro went?”
Sango looks down where she slept and found a piece of fawn paper laying on the ground. Going over to it she picks it up.
“I went off to meet Kagome and Seisho today. Don't worry, Kagome's okay! See you, whenever we meet again.
Your Friend, Teddy -”
She kept looking at it. “What the heck!” Sango jumped out of her daze from Inuyasha's loud noisy shout. Than she saw some more written.
“Uh, P.S. Please don't tell anyone.” She read it exactly how it was written. Inuyasha was busy fussing in the background.
Someone was breathing on her neck. Something soft touched her neck, which couldn't be mistaken to be anything else but lips. Someone is kissing her!
“A! Suppose monk? Isn't that my brother kissing Sango?” Mimi says pointing to a couple standing about in the middle of the camp. Yani is standing behind Sango, holding her around the waist. His head on her neck, traveling his lips long her skin. She didn't sleep in her combating gear, leaving her neck exposed. Sango is standing there with her eyes close. If anyone would look directly at her face they could see her brows twitching.
“What?” Miroku sees this, but failed to notice Sango's irritated expression and instead of becoming angry, which he wanted to do, he becomes sad and leaves the camp.
By the time he was out of the camp and hearing range, Sango had previously immediately driven her fist into the guy that was kissing her. Yani lay on the ground by a tree, both feet in the air with one twitching. He looks knocked out with a bump on his head.
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Tangerine_Mikan AKA Mala Valvah