InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My true protector ❯ Inuyasha's blow up ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha
Kagome stood there, unmoving as she looked upon the face of the Thunder Brother she had thought to be dead. `RUN! Get out of here! He's probably going to kill you to avenge Manten!' her mind was screamed. But all Kagome could do was stand absolutely still and stare. Having had enough of the silence, Hiten decided to be the first to speak.
“Don't be afraid of me. I'm not going to hurt you, so just relax.”
Now out of her stupor, Kagome looked at him with a growing suspicion.
“Why should I believe that? You haven't exactly given me a reason to trust you. You've tried to kill me before, so what has change between then and now?”
“Are you saying that you want me to kill you?”
“No, no, no. I'm just curious. That's all. So, why are you here?”
“The one who brought me back to life said that I must protect you at all costs. She said you have an important role in the future that you must fulfill. So, in other words, I'm joining your little shard hunting group, so I'll be able to keep you form any harm. Got it.”
“What! You can't just join our group. Inuyasha would go off the deep end. Not to mention Hippo would be scare out of his wits. Plus, as soon as you step foot inside our camp, Inuyasha would kill you again. So you can't come with us.”
“I'm coming whether you like it or not. Inuyasha can't kill me because as long as you are alive I can't be killed. It's one of the bonuses I get for protecting you. But, don't worry. Just because he can't kill me, doesn't me that I'll harm any of your friends. You have my word on that.”
`Well there is apparently nothing I can do to stop him. Oh man! Inuyasha going to be ranting for months' she thought.
“Alright you can come, but remember, you can't hurt any of my friends.”
“I won't. Shouldn't we be going now? The sun is about to set.”
She nodded and began walking towards the village. She kept on trying to think of a way to explain this to everyone. But, it was doing her no good. When they reached the edge of the forest, she stopped.
“Um, Hiten. Could you wait here until I explain this to everyone? I'd like not to have a fight with any of them.”
“Sure. Just don't take all night. I'll be right here when you're done.”
“Thank you. I never knew you were so understanding.”
“Well, it's not like we really got to know each other during our first encounter.”
She walked into the hut and everyone was sitting around the fire.
“Hi everyone. I'm back.”
“Hey Kagome.” They all said in unison.
“Um, I have to tell you guys something but, I don't know if you'll like it.”
“What is it? You can tell us anything and we'll understand” said Sango.
“Well, you see, someone brought this guy back to life so he could protect me because I supposedly have some important role to play in the future. He says that he is going t join our group wheatear we like it or not. But, I would appreciate it if all of us got along. He promises he won't harm any one.”
“Well, I don't see anything wrong with that. If you think that it is for the best” said Miroku.
“Hey since when does she get t make all the decisions around here? I say hell no! We don't need someone else tagging along with us. And because what I say goes, he can't come and that's finally.” Inuyasha proclaimed while crossing his arms and sticking his nose up in the air with an arrogant smirk on hi face.
“Inuyasha……SIT! How dare you tell me what I can and can't do. Everybody else doesn't mind so you're just going t have to deal with it.”
“So Kagome, Who is this guy?” said Sango.
“Well, I'd rather show you than tell you. He's waiting on the edge of Inuyasha's forest. I'll go get him but, please don't freak out when you see him. He's not going to hurt anyone unless they try to hurt me and since no of you would ever try to hurt me, you have nothing t worry about.” And with that she left to go get Hiten.
“Who do you think he is?” Sango ask Miroku while pouring herself some tea.
“I don't know but, if Kagome thinks he ok then I'm sure he's fine.” Then Miroku's cursed hand traveled a bit too far.
Inuyasha watch as the scene unfolded while sitting in a corner seething.
She ran from the hut to the edge of the forest where Hiten was waiting. She found him sitting under a tree looking at the stars. His gaze turned to look at her as she approached.
“So are you ready to meet everyone?”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
“Just remember, no fighting.”
Alright already. Can we just go.”
They walked up to the hut and Kagome took a deep breath.
“Well here goes nothing.”
They walked into the hut and everyone turn their attention to the pair. Miroku just waved politely. Sango just stared as a blush creep on her face as she wondered who this extremely handsome guy was. Shippo just sat there nervously and wait to see if Manten would walk in to. When he didn't, Shippo relaxed a little bit. Inuyasha jumped up, drew his sword, and screamed “What the hell is Hiten doing here and how is he alive?”
“Inuyasha, calm down! He's not going t hurt anyone. Put the sword away.”
“Kagome, are you nuts?! That's Hiten of the Thunder Brothers. He tried to kill us. What the hell is going though you mind?”
“He's just here to protect me. I just got through explaining why he's here and he's coming with us wheatear we like it or not.”
“Oh no he's not. There is no way I'm letting him come with us. The only place he's going is back to hell.”
Inuyasha started to advance towards Hiten when everyone was blinded by a bright light. When the light dissipated, the same woman that approached Hiten before was standing in the middle of the hut.
“That is enough. I am the immortal known as Lady and I am the one who brought Hiten back from the dead. I have given him the task of protecting Kagome. Trying to kill him will do nothing because as long as Kagome lives, he can not be killed. So don't waste your energy. He will follow Kagome until her destiny is fulfilled. But, until then you all must deal with it. I will be watching all of you, so try and get along.”
And with that she disappeared in a flash of light. Everyone in the hut sat there in a stupor as all of the information was processing in their minds. Getting tired of the silence, Hiten decided to speak.
“Well, now that that's settled, I suggest we all get some sleep. It's getting late.”
“I agree with him. We got along way to go tomorrow.” Sango said while laying down on her bedroll with Kilala in her arms. Kagome walked to the corner and laid out her sleeping bag. Shippo come over and huddled against her.
“Shippo, are you going to be ok with Hiten traveling with us?”
“Yeah. I'll be fine. I mean it was Manten who killed my father, not Hiten. As long as he doesn't do anything to hurt you, Kagome.”
“Well, as long as you are ok with it. Now let's get some sleep.”
Kagome and Shippo laid down on the sleeping bag and with to sleep. Hiten walked over and sat next to Kagome , leaning against the wall. Seeing this, Inuyasha just stormed out of the hut to seethe. Tomorrow was going to be an interesting day.