InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My weakness, my strength ❯ Unfolding ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]



What happens when the well closes, leaving Kagome with a dark haired boy instead of a white-haired hanyou? Read and review, please. I/K, M/S.

Disclaimer: Nope, don't own Inu Yasha.

Author's Note: Arigato Gozaimasu to all who reviewed!!! I'm really happy that you guys found this story interesting. By the way, I'd just like to say that I haven't really completed watching the Inu Yasha series. I think I've seen only until episode 50 (this is in my estimation since I don't really keep count), so I'm writing and crafting this story based from that background. For this story, Kagome's already in high school. I'll be assuming other things again in this chapter so if things kinda get hazy or different, it's all part of the plot.

Also, to those who've requested I write longer chaps, I'll try but I might not be able to. I've decided earlier on that each chapter be only as long as 6-10 pages. I could extend it perhaps to 8-12 but that's the limit. Setting the length keeps me from waxing unnecessary prose since I tend to ramble on sometimes. It also makes it faster for me to produce them. Anyway, please review after you've finished this chapter - it's crucial to my peace of mind. Thanks a lot and enjoy!


Chapter 3: Unfolding

Kagome tried hard to concentrate on the play. She was seated in the middle portion of the theater and had a perfect view of the stage and the actors. It was actually a waste, because if it had been any other time, she would have enjoyed it. From what she'd gathered, it was a story about lovers separated continuously throughout time. Her mind wasn't in it but she had read about the play in her high school newspaper's advertisements so she could make out most of it even though her mind continued to wander off.

Hojo was being solicitous, as usual. He had started the date by arriving promptly at six thirty. When she opened the door she found him elegantly dressed even in an obviously rented out dinner jacket. Hojo always managed to make himself look good, no matter what. Well, she had to say the same for Inu Yasha but the hanyou did it effortlessly. He didn't even try to do anything with his appearance but it was impossible to miss his arrestingly handsome features no matter how harsh his expression or how standoffish he was. Maybe she was biased but that was what she saw.

She had worn one of her mother's altered dresses, now being old enough to carry it well. It was a classic white off-the-shoulder gown made of silk, with a tight bodice that fell in graceful folds to her feet. It also had a matching wrap made of a sheer, gauzy material that covered her from neck to waste, albeit insufficiently enough not to detract from the beauty of the gown. She had worn silver sandals to match the only jewelry she wore, a pair of silver drop earrings. Her hair was clipped but left to curl over one shoulder. She had let a few tendrils escape and frame her face for effect and had applied only a little of her mothers cosmetics.

But what set the whole look off was the deep V at the back of the dress that tapered almost to the waist. It showed her creamy skin to full advantage, and the wrap only managed to heighten one's curiosity on whether Kagome's skin was as silky as it looked beneath.

She felt self-conscious but she wouldn't have changed even if she wanted to. She only hoped that Hojo wouldn't get the wrong impression about how she was dressed. She didn't want him to feel flattered that she had obviously wanted to look her best. But she felt resigned considering he would probably take it as such. Well, she was sorry to say that he would be further disillusioned before the night was completely over. She was still going through with her plan to tell him that she didn't see him in the way he did her.

She had worn the dress to prove a point. It was a streak of independence and rebellion that had dictated her wardrobe. But considering how angry she was, and the fact that she couldn't sit Inu Yasha as much as she wanted to given his human form, it was the next best thing.

Kagome remembered her earlier argument with him outside the well's shed. He had gone completely overboard again, which she had expected. They had started arguing with him saying all sorts of things like it was dangerous because they had the well to deal with and she could fall into danger. He had also said that since he was human it would be near impossible to save her if she got herself into trouble again. He had told her that she probably would lose the few remaining shards they had gathered before the evening was out.

Kagome was fielding off his arguments quite well, claiming that she could protect herself and that there was no evidence that the danger would be coming from this side of the well. She could actually see the credence of what Inu Yasha was saying but she had given her word to Hojo. Still, she was willing to compromise. She would have handed him the shards, trusting him to keep them safe and not use them. And she was actually going to curb her tongue and not mention that it was Kikyou who had taken their large share of the shards in the first place and given them to Naraku. However, his objections had gone way out of hand when he had suddenly started dragging her back to the shed to lock her in. Until now, she still couldn't get that image out of her mind. What was wrong with him? Had he gone temporarily insane? Well, at least she had used her trump card and sat him. She had done so only twice when she realized suddenly that he was in human form and it would definitely hurt worse than before.

Her temper had won their argument for her. He hadn't even allowed her to explain-something that was fast becoming his M.O. At that point, she had stormed off into the house and locked herself in her room, deciding she would dress in her utmost best just to spite him.

Kagome smiled to herself. When she had gone down the stairs in full regalia while her family was having an early dinner, his eyes had bulged and he had started choking. Ji-chan was kind enough to thump him in the back to help him swallow his food. He was about to launch into another protest when the doorbell had timely announced the arrival of her date. Kagome's mother had fussed long enough to divert Inu Yasha from his own intentions and soon, they were off in Hojo-kun's car.

Now, looking at her escort, Kagome felt apprehensive once again that evening. So far, the date was progressing well but she would have to tell him soon about her decision not to see him romantically. It was something she dreaded now more than ever considering the lavishness of this date. Hojo was pulling out all the stops, trying his best to impress her. This was no longer an ordinary evening out. It was like he felt her own misgivings about the whole thing and he wanted to convince her it was right. She only wished now that she had thought things through. This was not the usual movie date he invited her to.

Kagome forced her attention back to watching the play, all the while wondering what Inu Yasha was doing now. Then remembering that her concern was misplaced, she converted her thoughts to perversely hoping that his body was still hurting.


Inu Yasha was pacing in the guest room-his room for the moment. His brows were furrowed and his arms were resolutely crossed in front of his chest. He was counting the minutes as they ticked by. Knowing now how to tell the time, thanks to session two of Mrs. Higurashi's crash course on how to live in the future, he was beginning to worry.

He was worried that something had happened to the girl. However, it was not her safety he was agonizing over, but on whether that Hojo boy was putting the moves on his Kagome. It was funny but he now realized that he thought of her as his. The only things he truly owned and had a claim on were the clothes on his back and the Tetsusaiga. But Kagome had become his and still was. She was the only person he completely trusted. He didn't know how or when that happened but that was how it was now.

And that was why he had felt completely let down when she had told him about her date. That Hojo was the reason why he had refused to allow her to come here in the first place. And now she was honoring a promise she had made when in all honesty, she had already broken it two weeks before.

In Inu Yasha's defense, he had never felt such panic in his life. All the time he was growing up, he had been masking his emotions, schooling his features the way a proud demon was supposed to. He had strived to kill all the hurt inside him with indifference but outside that little cabin that sheltered the well, he had felt completely bare. He wondered if the fact that he kept such a tight reign on his emotions when he was a hanyou was the reason for his excessive overflow of feelings now as a human.

He remembered that there were moments when he felt his human side control his instincts and speculated on whether he was right to assume that his demon side put a damper on his feelings. It seemed other demons were the same, even Kouga, who declared love for Kagome, wasn't without the pride and aloofness of demons to human emotions. He would always claim Kagome for his clan even after he tried to convince her of his personal interest. Yes, to be youkai meant to restrain the heart-something his father had failed to do in his relationship with his mother.

He was getting too attached to Kagome. He wondered if he had ever felt the same for Kikyou but dismissed the thought. He hadn't been with the other miko as long as he had with Kagome. But in the back of his mind, he knew that no matter how long a time he had spent with Kikyou, he would never have felt as free as he did with Kagome. Inu Yasha crushed the thought, focusing instead on what he would do about his current predicament.

He had felt his heart almost stop earlier that evening when he had seen Kagome come down the stairs. He was pole axed. He had started choking on something and then the pain mysteriously eased.

Inu Yasha had always thought Kagome beautiful but the woman slowly walking towards him was not the gangly girl he had first seen when he had awakened. No, this woman was an intoxicating mixture of seductive worldliness and serene innocence. How in hell had she managed that? He had felt his heart pounding as she continued to walk towards him. He was almost about to reach for her hand when she brushed past. But then suddenly a gong had sounded. It somehow seemed wrong in the setting. He had expected perhaps breezy wind chimes or the light sound of a bell. A gong was too forceful, too abrupt. Then the sound repeated itself, giving him a wake up call.

"Kagome, that must be Hojo. Souta, please answer the door and ask him to wait in the living room."


"Mama, you don't think I overdid it, did I?"

"No, dear, it looks just right. I remember when I wore that gown. It was for a benefit your father and I attended before Souta was born. Your Ji-chan had agreed to baby sit you and I had one of the best nights of my life." A look of sorrow passed over Mrs. Higurashi's features but it was quelled by the arrival of Souta.

"He's here." Souta resumed his seat beside Inu Yasha and whispered suddenly, "Inu-oni-chan, why don't you tell Ne-chan's date to go away? Then you can take her out instead."

Blushing a bit, he was just about ready to do that, but Kagome's mother had ushered her into the living room, intent on taking pictures. A hand was trying to pull him down into his seat. Inu Yasha glanced at the old man, about ready to pounce on anything that got in his way. But the look on the old man's face wasn't angry or condescending. Instead, it was curious. It felt like the old geezer was trying to read his thoughts. Then, something amazing happened. Ji-chan let go.

Inu Yasha scrambled to his feet, ready to confront the other boy. But when he opened the kitchen door, he heard only the sound of one of those modern carriages spring to life and then Kagome was gone.

"Well, that's that. Inu Yasha, would you like to help me with the dishes? I could teach you how to use the dishwasher and other kitchen equipment."

"I…iie. I think I'll just go to my room for now." He felt defeated. Kagome was going of who-knew-where with that boy. He wanted to chase after her but he knew he wouldn't manage in his human form.

"I thought so. You boys are all the same no matter what time period. I guess I better get to it then. By the way, I've placed some of my husband's old clothes in the closet for you. I was thinking you could use them for a while then I could take you shopping with Kagome tomorrow. Since it would be Sunday tomorrow she can come with us."

"Hai." Not bothering to ask what shopping was or what it was for, Inu Yasha woodenly climbed the stairs. Inside his room, he alternated between lying down and gazing at the ceiling and pacing the floor.

A seventh glance at the clock told him that now it was already nine fifteen. She had been gone for over two and a half hours. He was getting more and more restless. He imagined that boy having Kagome all to himself and clenched his fists at the implications.

"Inu Yasha? Can I come in?"

The sound of Higurashi-san's voice permeated his depressed thoughts. Sitting on the bed, he allowed the woman to enter.

"Inu Yasha, I need to ask a favor. Kagome left her purse, I'm worried that in her rush to leave she forgot something so important." At his blank look, she remembered that he wouldn't know what she was talking about. She continued. "A purse or wallet is something you put your money in and other important things. I've told my children to never leave the house without their wallets and it seems Kagome forgot hers. Would you mind taking it to her?" Mrs. Higurashi suddenly started laying out clothes from the closet and a pair of shoes and socks.


"I've drawn a map for you and written the address of the restaurant their eating at. It isn't that far. They're probably there right now. I can't take it to her because Souta wanted me to help him with his homework and I don't have the time to help him tomorrow, what with the shopping and groceries we have to accomplish. Kagome might want to pay for herself. I don't really know how dates are these days. Will you take it to her?"


"Arigato, Inu Yasha-kun. I'll leave you to change then." And with that, Mrs. Higurashi left his room.

Inu Yasha was still seated as if in a daze. He sometimes felt that Higurashi-san was more whirlwind than human but then he suddenly remembered what she had asked him to do. It started small, but then the grin got wider. Soon he was giving out a full smile and laughing to himself. He rushed in changing his clothes, remembering how each item was put on as instructed earlier that afternoon by Higurashi-san. Well, now he would have his chance to confront the boy. He would give in to the urge to lash out and punch that Hojo. But may be he had to be a bit cautious, he didn't want to anger Kagome again. Inu Yasha began thinking it over. Yes, a little control and self-restraint couldn't hurt.

On the other side of the door, Mrs. Higurashi was smiling to herself as she heard Inu yasha start to move around the room. It would cause trouble for her daughter but she believed that it would be for the best. Mrs. Higurashi had known since before that her daughter had tender feelings for the hanyou. Maybe it was not love yet but she could foresee that it was blossoming into it. Youngsters these days always made it hard for themselves.

She sighed as she moved away from the door, and into her own room. She could see in both teenagers that each felt the same way as the other did. Their own denials would probably undo any chances they had. It was up to her to make sure things went right. She had always liked Inu Yasha, and his protection of her daughter had completely endeared him to her. She had often wondered how she would react if those two ended up together and she found the idea delightful. She trusted her daughter's judgment. What's more, she felt like a surrogate mother to the boy and she could see that beneath his tough exterior, he felt lost and often alone. Maybe the well closing off was just a chance for those two to take a break from their stressful life in feudal Japan and try to get in touch with their feelings. Well, she wouldn't push them into anything. Just give them a nudge or two in the right direction.


It was an elegant place. Kagome could see why this was the restaurant the college acting troupe had booked for the postproduction party. Candlelit dinners would always hold an appeal to the romantic. And Kagome was just about as romantic as anyone could get. If only a different boy was seated across from her on the table, everything would have been perfect. Kagome tried to erase those thoughts the same way she tried to remove Inu Yasha from her mind earlier.

When she had given her full concentration on the play, she had been hooked into the intricate world of love and intrigue that they had woven. It was hard not to imagine her own life and wish that happily-ever-after suited her as well. Instead, demons and bloody fighting seemed more synonymous.

It was about nine forty. Hojo had promised to take her home by ten because Kagome said she had to get up early the next day. It was a ruse, of course. But she couldn't think of any other excuse. They were already having dessert and Kagome felt that the dreaded time had come. Releasing a breath she didn't know she was holding, she turned to the boy

"Ano… Hojo-kun…"


"Um, I hope you don't take this too badly but, I'm happy we went on this date but it's not for the more obvious reasons." He looked at her and encouraged her by his expression to go on. "Well, we're friends of course but I don't think we'll ever progress beyond that. Tonight's date has convinced me of that."

"But Higurashi-chan, I thought you enjoyed our date…"

"I did. It's not that, Hojo-kun. It's just that I don't see you that way. I'm thankful for all the help you've given me not only with school but with my illnesses as well. I just don't think it would work out."

"But this is just our second date. I think you should give it more time, give me more time to convince you otherwise."

"That's just it, Hojo-kun. If I really wanted to, I wouldn't need convincing. Maybe you've often gotten the wrong impression from my friends or from me but I see you as a friend and nothing more. I've often felt guilty about not returning the feelings you seem to have for me and I've tried looking at it from that point of view but it just doesn't work. The truth is, maybe I don't want it to. You see, I have someone else in my mind and in my heart already, and I can't switch just like that."

"Is this the two-timer you talked to your friends about?"

"I see that they've been nosy in involving you as well. Yes, it's the same boy. And no, he isn't a two-timer. The love I feel may be one-sided but it's not his fault he doesn't feel the same."

"If he doesn't see you for the kind and beautiful woman you are then he's a fool. But I understand, Kagome-chan." Hojo reverted to a more personal form of addressing her and it didn't go unnoticed by the young miko. "Maybe that's why it took me a long while before I could call you by your given name. We are friends but then my feelings were in the way. I hoped I could call you 'Kagome-chan' as your boyfriend and not just as your friend, but I guess there's no helping it now."

"Arigato, Hojo-kun, I'm glad to have you as one of my close friends. And if I may be so bold, you know those three girlfriends of mine have a huge crush on you. Any one of them would welcome the attention."

"Kagome-chan, we haven't even been 'close friends' for a day and you'rr already matchmaking."

"A..ano…" Tactless, Kagome, utterly tactless.

His sudden laughter assured her it was alright and she smiled and laughed in turn. That was how Inu Yasha found them, dressed in baggy outdated clothes that would have suited an elder and stockier man. His hair was in a low ponytail and his feet were encased in leather shoes that were quite uncomfortable.

When he arrived, he asked where Higurashi Kagome was seated. When they pointed him to a table he had walked purposely towards the couple, ready to face the scorn of one or the both of them and defend himself in turn. Instead, he arrived just in time as the other two stood up to leave.

"Oi, Kagome, you left your purse thingy."

Kagome's gasp was the only indication that she acknowledged his presence. The other boy seemed reluctant but he inclined his head towards the young miko, a question in his eyes.

Kagome nodded. "Hojo-kun, this is my friend, Inu Yasha." She moved closer to the hanyou through her introduction. The other boy noticed this and extended his hand. So did Inu Yasha, after Kagome's elbow hit his stomach, of course. The handshake was firm and brief, each boy thoroughly assessing the other. Hojo reacted with a smile and Inu Yasha did so with a glare. Kagome didn't understand just what happened but she felt relieved that the two wouldn't be coming to blows.

"Hojo…is it alright with you if Inu Yasha took me home instead. He's kind of staying at our house." I might as well go with him since I can't avoid him forever. And I don't think I can impose on Hojo-kun anymore now. I'm sure he'd want to be alone for a while.

"Of course, Kagome-chan. It was nice meeting you Inu Yasha. I hope you take good care of her." The words had a double meaning to it that thankfully passed by Inu Yasha's head. Kagome smiled thankfully again at the other boy and turned to leave. Inu Yasha followed and as they stepped into the sidewalk outside the restaurant, he didn't make a move to walk beside her. This got on Kagome's nerves and she suddenly walked more slowly to let him catch up.

It seemed Inu Yasha wasn't taking the hint. Her feet were killing her, and she wanted to go home. If he wanted to be sulky, well, she'd let him sulk. Finally, she stopped just below their shrine.

To her surprise, he stopped, too.

"Inu Yasha, daijoubu ka?"

", Kagome, your dress…"

"Hai, what about it?" She had walked back a few steps to stand beside him.

"It's just that, well, it's got a gaping hole behind it. I don't know, I just noticed." More like noticed her skin and how tiny her waist seemed with the dress draped over her figure like that. He wanted to span it with his hands and feel her delicate back, now that it was unhindered by clothing.

Her skin looked so inviting, it was smooth and pale in the moonlight. Why hadn't he noticed it before? Maybe he was too shocked to see Kagome dressed in such a way that he failed to notice the whole of it, or more like the hole in it. It made her look provocative and Inu Yasha felt saddened and a little angered again because it wasn't for him that she had dressed that way.

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a giggle. Kagome was laughing at him. She turned and resumed her pace. He had to jog a little to catch up.

"Baka. It's supposed to be this way." Looking at him now, Kagome felt her anger melting away. Inu Yasha really was quite clueless to how things were done here in her time. He might have been shocked by her dress but her earlier plan to spite him or make him jealous seemed a lost cause. No, her plan didn't seem to have worked, which was just as well. Subtlety was lost on him. He seemed to only notice the obvious or the dramatic, case in point the back of her dress.

"Um…Kagome…gomen ne, for before…"

She couldn't believe her ears. Inu Yasha was apologizing???

"Oi, don't look at me like that. When I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Just don't mention to anyone that I said that, and especially not to Miroku." She laughed again and noticed a grin playing about his lips.

She was happy. For this brief moment, she was with the boy she cared for and he had said he was sorry. It made her feel that things weren't completely hopeless between them. For now, she would hold on to this moment and cherish it. She would remind herself of this instant when she had felt her heart become light and carefree, without the heavy weight of her hidden feelings. Things would turn out fine, even if they face the problem of the well and Inu Yasha being trapped in his human form, she knew things would work out fine. She had her hanyou, and for now, she was certain that she was the only thing on his mind.


Sengoku Jidai

Dusk, the first day after the new moon

Something had gone wrong. She had sensed that some magic or presence had altered the well but she couldn't seek it out until she had made sure that no one was there. It was almost evening, the next night after the new moon. Kikyou moved through Inu Yasha's forest and made her way towards the clearing where the well was located.

It felt warm to the touch, as if it vibrated with a life of its own. She extended her hands and tried to feel the well with her power. She centered on the warmth, hoping that this small sign would lead her to its source. Closing her eyes, she concentrated. After several minutes had passed she came to the realization that something was blocking her energy.

Going around to the other side of the well, Kikyou felt the ground for the broken arrow she had embedded there before. She had pierced the ground surrounding the well with one of her miko arrows, ensuring that whenever the well was used, she would know of it. It was another of her precautions against her copy, Kagome.

With her right hand, she found it. And once again closing her eyes, she focused her power into the arrow, hoping to reveal the secrets hidden in the well.

It had taken a while before she traced how exactly her copy was able to travel from this world to the future. But her constant spying had proven successful. It seemed that whenever she and Inu Yasha had a falling out, she would come to this well, jump in and disappear. These occasions presented her with the opportunity to lure Inu Yasha to her side. The arrow would tell her when Inu Yasha was without that pesky Kagome, then she would be there to offer her love to him just like before.

But then Inu Yasha seemed to have changed. Not only was the haunted look almost gone from his eyes but it also seemed that he was starting to care for the girl as more than just her copy. He also seemed to spend a great deal of time on the other side of the well, doing only kami-knows-what with that girl. This had enraged her enough that she had sought Naraku's aid once again. But that stupid demon had only laughed in her face once more, saying he'd think of something. She doubted he would, so it was up to her to rid this world of Kagome Higurashi.

Kikyou always studied her opponents well. Kagome was her strongest rival for Inu Yasha's affections and that made the young girl her primary target. She had almost convinced Inu Yasha to join her in death but that copy of hers had managed to foil that attempt. Now, she, one of the greatest mikos, was relegated to hiding in the woods, waiting for her servants to collect souls that would keep her alive. Even Naraku had commented on how a simple girl had brought Kikyou to her knees.

Seeing both the desire and the hatred in Naraku's eyes for her, Kikyou mocked him in return. But she needed that abomination, that creature that had once been Onigumo. She needed him to defeat Kagome and if that meant she would have to control her hatred for him, then she would. She had not forgotten what he had done to her and Inu Yasha before. But if she wanted to survive, she needed his help. Kagome's powers had not yet awakened. And judging by the aura she gave off, her powers seemed to be stronger than even the undead miko's.

Kikyou lived in fear of the day Kagome was strong enough to take her soul back. That would be the end of her own life. But if Naraku did not kill Kagome before this happened, then she would ensure that when she did die, she would take Inu Yasha with her.

Releasing her hold on the arrow, Kikyou let herself come back from where it had brought her. So far, she had only learned one thing: a sealing spell had activated the moment both Kagome and Inu Yasha had gone through the well.

Kikyou began looking for other signs that would give her a better picture of what was happening. As she continued her search, she noted that there were some markings on the side of the well a little farther off from where her arrow had been. They were almost completely indistinct unless one was looking for something unusual. Kikyou bent close to read the message.

"Let time swallow time…" She let the words slide of her tongue, trying to remember if she had ever encountered a spell with those words before. She stood there for a while, gazing down at the depths of the well. Inu Yasha was on the other side. And if her arrow was correct, he had gone to Kagome's world on the night of the new moon. That fact in itself was insignificant, Inu Yasha wouldn't be human now. But this knowledge could work in her favor when she attempted to break the spell, as was her wont.

Hearing a sound coming from the forest, Kikyou remembered where she was and rushed away from the well. She hid behind a copse of trees that afforded her both concealment and the chance to look at who had intruded on her investigation.

She made out the figure of the monk, accompanied by the kitsune child. Might be a nightly ritual…

Turning away from the direction of those two, she made her way back. There was no sense in returning to the well now. She wasn't taking any chances. Whoever had created that spell had managed to seal it with both Inu Yasha and Kagome on the other side. Kikyou had felt a different kind of magic surrounding that well. It radiated neither good nor malicious energy. But whatever it was, it was an unknown. Kikyou walked on deep in thought-vowing that she would come back the next night to further probe the new mystery of the Bone Eater's Well.
