InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Will ❯ Chapter two:night - time thoughts ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hi!I'm back .With chapter two.Sorry about the summary. At first I got some visits because, the summary sucked and made it sound like a Hojo/Kagome fic by accident.(I'm the worst.Will you ever find it in you hearts to forgive me?*makes puppy dog eyes*)Then I changed the summary to make it classic pairings because, that's what the fic is.InuyashaxKagome and SangoxMiroku.When I corrected it I had about triple times the visits.Now I have 190 visits!I have four reviews!I'm grateful for them. More reviews make me update more often.No, I'm not trying to bribe you people with reviews!(I know that you were thinking that)I just told you what will happen when if I get more reviews. I just love loopholes.hehe.I'm sorry for the mean cliffhanger.It was 1: 30 in the mourning.Sorry again.
Shigure-san - You actually liked it?!*glomps*Yeah, the motivation for this fic was your five part chain.You my insperation.Of course, I'll never be as good as you.You're like the kami or kami-sama.(yeah I know Japanese.So-so.I know an amount of words.I just don't use them in my fic cause I think it's a little unfiar for people who don't know Japanese.Not everyone is as Inuyasha obsessed as I am.)I'm sorry for the cliffhanger.I'll try to be nicer.(sound familiar?*smirkes*)No, it's not payback.Don't worry.These questions will be answered soon : What is the red dust and what deos it do?Why deos Kagome's head hurt?And what is Naraku's plan?Thanks for the advice.Feel free to give some when you think I need it.You are the all-knowing guru/siant/kami.What deos wuved mean?I'm glad that you feel that way.Even if I'm not completly sure what it means.You welcome.Good luck with your fics.
hime kagome 28 - Don't worry.Here it is.Thank you so much for your review.I'm glad you liked it that much.I hope you enjoy this chapter as well.I kinda like this chapter a little bit more than the one before.But, feel free to disagree.
DriftingRaven - Hey DriftingRaven!Thanks for giving my work a look.I am overjoyed to see that you think it's really good.Yeah, I feel like a big meanie.I'll try to be nice.Here's the update.Hope you like.
Disclaimer:Inuyasha and characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi.Not me.
Chapter two : night-time thoughts
After treating Miroku's poison, Inuyasha and the others decided to set up camp for the evening.The sun was setting.The horizon was a mixture of pink,red,orange and purple.They made a fire and sat around it.
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Night fall had long past.The star-studded sky was a dark cerulean color.The moon was only quarter full.Everyone was sleeping around the blazing flames of the fire.Except Inuyasha and Kagome.Inuyasha always sat with his legs crossed and arms folded.He often slept that way too, when he wasn't sleeping on the branch of a tree.But, so far he hadn't even closed his eyes.Thoughout the whole night he just sat there motionless.Staring at the fire.Inuyasha was to lost in deep thought about Naraku to do anything else.
Kagome couldn't get herself to sleep either.At first she tried to in her sleeping bag but, just couldn't.Her head still ached a little.The unusual part of it was, she woke up quite early in the mourning that day.She was somewhat exhuasted.Once Kagome shut her eyes, all she could do was lie there in her sleeping bag waiting to drift off into slumber.After about an hour of trying she gave up, went to the blazing fire and sat near it, next to Inuyasha.
Kagome was getting bored.She kept thinking to preoccupie herself.`I still have that headache.If my head still hurts by tomorrow afternoon then I'll go home to get some decent sleep.Mabye medicine for my head too.Will Inuyasha let me go?She smiled a little.`What am I thinking?He won't.I'm still going,No matter how many sits it takes.'She thought determinely.
Inuyasha kept on staring blankly at the orange warmth.`Why did I let Naraku get away again?'He asked himself repeatitly.After a while he let it go.Inuyasha let himself drift off.Dazed.Never removeing his gaze from the yellow,glowing flames.He didn't even notice Kagome was awake until she got up and took a seat next to him.Inuyasha kept his gaze.Kagome seemed lost in thought.A few seconds past.”Couldn't fall asleep, huh?”Inuyasha asked.Kagome only nodded in return.”Same with me.”Kagome was looking off into a different direction.Suddenly the next sentence he said just came out of his mouth.Inuyasha didn't mean to tell Kagome what was on his mind.”Do you think we'll ever kill Naraku?”Inuyasha turned his head to look at Kagome, surprised that he let it slip.She did the same.”Well, I honestly don't know.I think so.We make a pretty good team.We will defeat him.One day.”`I'm surprised Inuyasha was so open.So, that's why he couldn't sleep.'
”I'm going to sleep.”He leaned back against the trunk of a tree that was behind him.He closed his eyes in an attempt to sleep.`I should also try to get some sleep.'Kagome thought.`Wait, my head hardly hurts now.Thank goodness.I'm still going home though.I need to some good sleep in my nice,comfy bed for once.Even thinking about it makes me sleepy.'She yawned.Kagome crawled into her sleeping bag.Then she heard a voice in her head.*I wonder if we will one day defeat him.That's enough thinking for now.I should get some sleep.*
The voice was Inuyasha's!”Did you say something?”Kagome asked.Inuyasha opened one of his eyes.”No, why?” ”Oh, no reason.”`That was wierd.'Kagome thought before she went to sleep.
”Naraku, why did I have to blow that dust onto the priestess? ”Kagura asked Naraku.”I might as well tell you.The red dust was acually a potion.When it comes in contact with one allows the person to read other's thoughts.”`How interesting.'Kagura thought.”The potion won't take affect until tomorrow.”`I guess that's all I'm going to get out of him.'There was a brief silence.Kagura left the confines of the dark,mysterouis room.She flew off into the night on her feather.`What could his plan be?'
Did you like it?I'm sorry I didn't update untill now.I had to focuse on my art for once.I'm sorry for the shortness of it, too.Was this chapter better than the last?Review if you want.I would appreciate it though.K?