InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Will ❯ Chapter three:phone calls and other surprises ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hi!I know that this chapter is late.I wanted to wait until after graduation to start working on it.Graduation was on the last day of school for me.Which was on Wednesday, June 20th.I'm gonna miss a lot of my friends.*teardrops*Almost makes me wish I had been held back.Acually it deos.Careful what you wish for.Some people even cried.I almost did.On the outside I wasn't but on the inside I was.Looks can be decieving.I know I'm just rambling on about my life.(I'll try not to do it again.)But, I finally realized that I'll never see almost all of them ever again.It finally sinked in.It just makes me so sad.*sobs*And the other reason I am just doing this now is that I have a cold.Anyways, down to business.If any of you are wondering, yes I'm a night owl.Always have been, always will be.For me to fall asleep before midnight is impossible.(not exaggerateing here.the only time I ever went to sleep early was when I was jet-lagged.And once when I was 8.But, I swear that wasn't my fault!)Almost all of the updates if not all of them will be made at night.If any of you who even bother reading have a problem with it then say something.No!I'm not trying to force you people to review!I'm just giving you one more reason to review.Like I siad I love loopholes.hehe.I know that I said chapter one sucked but, now that I think about it was acually ok.Now chapter two wasn't all that and was short.I garrontee that this chapter will be better n longer than the last.I'm dedicating this chapter to Shigure-san.
Shigure-san - Heres chapter three.And I'm dedicating it to you.I hope it helps you with all your stress and stuff.I LUVED your new chapter.So kawaii desu.Your fic is ROCKIN!!!I ADORE it!I understand.I get booked all the time.It can be stressful.Don't worry I forgive you.*forgivness hug*Thanks for the luck and glomps.*sends them right back at ya 4 x more*Wish A.L.O.T. of L.U.C.K. to u!
Kumike - Thanks for reviewing.Here it is.I'm glad you liked it.I hope you enjoy.
alex hart - Glad you liked it.Here is the update.I think you'll like like this one too.
*Tell me what you think, K Shigure-san?*
Discliamer:Inuyasha and characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi.Not me.
(oh yeah n * * means that kagome is reading there thoughts)
Chapter three:phone calls and other surprises
Kagome woke up to the sun beam shining brightly upon her.She slowly opened her eyes.She closed them immidiatly when the sun's brilliant rays shined right into her eyes.She turned over on her stomach and pulled her sleeping bag fabric over her head.`How long did I sleep?I wasn't even that sleepy last'-*Kagome finally woke up.At least she got some good rest.*
It was Inuyasha's voice again.In her head!Kagome shot up into a sitting position within a blink of an eye.`That sure woke me up.'Kagome thought.She accidently knocked off her sleeping bag that was covering her head moments ago.Now it was at her waist.`What was that?!Am I hearing things?'She calmed down.`I'll let it go.It was nothing.'Kagome looked around.The fire that had once been dim embers was burnt out.Nothing was left but ashes.Shippou was sleeping next to Kirara.Sango was sitting on the far left side of the burnt out fire.She had the same enraged pout on her face she always has after a certian lecherous monk gropes her bum.Sango glared menacingly at Miroku.Miroku sat on the far right side of the ashes.He had a pink hand mark on his face.He was rubbing it.Miroku had an unreadable expression on his face.It was clear what had happened.Sango sat in silence.Her death stare focused on Miroku.She let her look do all the talking.
*That monk!*It was Sango's voice!`Okay I'm sure that I am going home today.'Kagome sat there staring off into space for the next few seconds until....
”Are you going to tell me why you woke up so suddenly or are you going to keep staring at the air for the rest of the day?”Inuyasha asked sarcasticly.Kagome turned around.She was still sitting in her sleeping bag.Inuyasha was in the same spot as last night.Sitting against the tree's trunk.Staring at her, with an demanding look, as if expecting Kagome to say ”I think I sensed a sacred jewel shard!”.”Uh, I just little itch.”`Oh yeah?'Inuyasha thought.Inuyasha knew she was lying.”Then why didn't you scratch it?”He smirked.
Kagome sat there for the next two seconds thinking of an answer.”After I sat up it stopped.”*She's good.*`It's almost like I can read everyone else's minds.Yeah right.He isn't bad either.'
Everyone spent the rest of the mourning doing normal daily tasks and such.Kagome kept reffering to the `voices' in her head as mind reading.She was correct but, she wasn't aware of that.Kagome was also thinking of ways to tell Inuyasha about her going home for some time.`By the end of the day I'll be sleeping in my own bed at home and there is nothing Inuyasha can do about it!'Kagome thought.
`When I get there I will tell him.Hopefully I'll get home in time for dinner.'Kagome was thinking of how to tell Inuyasha that she's going home without starting an arguement.She was walking back thier campsite.Kagome left earlier to refill on water from a nearby riverbank.She was carrying a few waterbottles.The sun was about an hour away from setting.
Sango,Miroku and Shippou were sitting in the center of a clearing, deep within the forest.Kirara was in Sango's lap sleeping.Miroku and Sango were having a conversation.Kagome was not within earshot.From where she was, it looked like thier lips were moving and speaking to each other as she entered the clearing but, without any sound at all.Shippou said something and jumped on Miroku's shoulder.They all laugh.Kagome spotted Inuyasha on the high branch of a tree.His gaze downward.`Inuyasha is thinking again.'She sighed.`Guees it's now or never.'Kagome thought.
Kagome walked over to the tree stopping a few feet in front of it.*She finally came back.*”Inuyasha!”Kagome called.”Yeah?”He shouted back.Then he jumped down from the tree and landed next to Kagome.`Probably wants to go home.' ”I was thinking I want to go to my Era for a bit.”`I knew it.'Inuyasha thought.”We have to look for the jewel shards.”`Just as stubborn as usual.'Kagome thought.”But I don't sense any jewel shards.” ”What if one comes up and you're not here to sense them?”Inuyasha argued.*Naraku will get them, that's what.*Inuyasha thought and Kagome heard him.`I hadn't considered that.'She admitted.”I'm still going, Inuyasha.”
”Inuyasha I havn't been home in a long time.”Kagome said.The volume of her voice rising.She had to resort to this.She had no choice.”Don't make me say.”Inuyasha's eyes widend in nervousness.*I should have seen this coming!*Kagome's mind reading powers were getting stronger.Now she can control them to her will.Except Kagome can't turn them off.She has tried.She can read everyone's thoughts.All of thier thoughts.If she wanted to.Including Inuyasha's.
”Fine!Go!See if I care!”Inuyasha said.Inuyasha jumped back into the tree onto the same branch, folded his arms and pouted.”Bye everyone!I'm going to my era!”” Just make sure you are not gone to long.”Sango said.”Yeah Kagome.We can't do much without you around.”Shippou added.Inuyasha kehed.Kagome grabbed her yellow bag and started walking to the bone eater's well.The well was a short walk away.
”Mom, the sushi you made is really good.” ”Thank you, Kagome.”*I'm glad Kagome likes it.*Mrs.Hirgurashi thought.
Kagome's disagreement with Inuyasha was shorter than she had expected it to be.The fact that there were no sits involved was shocking as well.
Now Kagome was having dinner with Mrs.Hirgurashi,grandpa and her little brother Souta.Sunset had passed and it was getting dark outside.As he was picking up a piece of sushi with his chopsticks, Souta asked.”Sis, how long are you planning to stay this time?”*I bet less than three days.*He thought.”I don't know.”Kagome anwsered.
The phone rang.”I'll get it.”Kagome volunteered.She got up and went to the phone.She stopped infront of it and wondered who could it be.Then Kagome picked it up and lifted it to her ear.”Hello?”She said into the phone. ”Hello,Kagome?Is that you?”The voice on the other line asked.”Are you feeling better?”It was Eri.”Yeah.” ”Are you coming to school tomorrow?” ”Yeah.” ”Good.You've missed alot.” ”Why did you call Eri?”Kagome wondered.”Kagome, you won't believe it!The school is making a sequel play to the one you starred in since it was such a success!” ”The play?!”Kagome nearly shouted.Her eyes were the size of dinner plates.”Yup.”Eri smiled on the other side of the line.”And guees what?!They want you and Houjo to play the lead roles again!” ”I don't know.”Kagome said unsure.”Please?”Eri begged.After about about five minutes and two dozen pleas from Eri ,Kagome gave in and siad she would do it.Eri thought it was a good chance for Kagome.She might come to like Houjo and go out with him after spending some time rehearsing thier lines together or something.But, that's what Eri thought.Eri along with the rest of Kagome's school friends were always trying to get Kagome to go out on a date with Houjo.
Kagome said bye to Eri then hung up.She went back to having dinner with her family after that.Dinner was silent.Kagome was only able to think of the play.After finishing her sushi Kagome excused herself.She would usually take a bath and then go to bed after dinner.But, she was so tired that she decided to go to bed instead.Besides, she had one in the Fuedal Era the day before.Kagome changed into her pajamas.Kagome turned the lights in her room off.She made her way to her bed.Kagome laid down on her back.Buyo was sleeping next to Kagome's ankle at the end of the bed.She fel asleep not knowing just what the next day had in store for her.
I was thinking about doing a sequel.I know it's kinda early to be thinking of that but don't get ur hopes up.I am not promising any thing.Who knows.I might.I hope I will.Oh yeah and updates might be slower after chapter 4 or 5.Bear with me people.Sorry for again for the lateness of this chapter.K?Bye.