InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Will ❯ chapter four :back in the fuedal era ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hey.It's me.miley.I revised chapter three.I fixed the last paragraphs.I'm sorry about that.It was 4:00 in the mourning.What I said about updates being slower after chapters 4 or 5.When I posted chapter 1, I had four chapters done on paper.And I knew what chapter 5 is about even if it isn't finished yet(I only have part of it on paper).I pretty much know where the story is going.First I write down a chapter on paper.First the rough draft then I edit.Lastly I type it.Oh yeah n post it.That's why.Since I'm an artist I'm used to paper and pencil.To make sure I have the least amount of mistakes that's how I do it.Right now I'm kinda confused.I have nearly 600 visits but 8 reviews.That's like 1 or 2 percent.Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for them.But, I'm still a little confused.I guees I'm not that much of a good writer.I should stick to my drawings.Some people are artists and others are authors.Don't worry, I'll keep the story running.I won't let my feelings get in the way.If I start something, then I finish it.No matter what.If I'm more confident or get more reviews in then I'll write a sequel.Mabye.Oh yeah n, review.It boosts my confidence.I clearly need it.Here it is.
Shigure-san - You don't have to read this shit assed fanfic of mine if you don't want to.Even the best chapters are gonna be crap.I haven't written them yet.I can already tell.My fic is not worthy for your eyes to gaze upon.You are the allpowerfull Hime Shigure-san/Oujo Shigure-san/Kami Shigure-san/Kamisama Shigure-san/Shigure-sama/Guru Shigure-san(sama).I am but a humble, loyal reader/fan.And I always will be.Personally, I think I suck at writing.I wouldn't bother reading if I was you.No wonder you haven't reviewed.I wouldn't either in your place.Anyways I wish you all the luck I could.(I'm basically saying that I'm not mad at you for not reviewing.I'll still be a loyal reader.I don't expect you to read mine because I red yours.Mine sucks.)<n can you do me a favor?whenever you write my name can you write it with a small `m' from now on?ex.miley.I write it that way on purpose.Is it ok if I call you Shigure-sama?srry 4 all this negativity.It's not my week.And I have a slight tendency to be over dramatic when I'm feeling like this(sad).srry 4 that, too.>
DriftingRaven - Hey DriftingRaven!Do you know my birthday was the day before you registered on.February 1st.I just noticed that.Do you like drawing, too.I luv drawing.It's been a hobbie of mine ever since I was able to hold a pencil.I understand.It's not like you have all the time in the world.You really like my fic. YOU REALLY THINK IT'S GOOD!Yours is coming out good.You got to the good chapter.I fixed the last chapter so, I hope your not confused anymore.Thank u Soooo much for saying you like it!!!!You made my day that much better.I need some positive energy.Just one of them days.Ya know.Love ya!
Silver Dog of the Snow - I know.It was wierd.And out of character for Inuyasha to not be stubborn.But, it's an important detail.It will help make a piont a little later on in the story.Thank you.I needed that compliment.You don't think it's bad?Thank you(again).I hope you enjoy this chapter.
Disclaimer:Inuyasha and characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi.Not me.But I can wish and dream.Can't I?
Chapter four:back in the Fuedal Era
Inuyasha was sleeping in the same tree, on the same brach as when Kagome left.Hours had passed since.Inuyasha didn't come down from that tree, not even once.It was dark now.The cerulean night sky was covered in purple clouds.A few scattered stars here and there.Inuyasha decided that this time he won't go get Kagome the very next day like he usually does.He'd wait a few days.Before Inuyasha knew it, he fell asleep while in deep thought.
Everyone else was around the glowing,yellow heat of the fire.Shippou was sleeping.Kirara in her kitten form was curled in a ball with her crimson red eyes closed.Sango and Miroku were sitting next to each other in front of the orange warmth.They were sitting across from Shippou and Kirara.On the other side of the fire.They figured they should let Shippou and Kirara get some peaceful sleep.
`I wonder what Kohaku is doing right now.'Sango sat on the grass with with her legs stretched out and knees slightly raised.There was enough space between Sango and the fire for her to spread out her legs a little bit in front of her.Sango's arms were leaned back and her palms were against the surface of the soft grass.Sango's head was towards the heavens as her gaze was fixed on the sky.All she could think about was her brother Kohaku.
Miroku was sitting with his legs crossed.He was leaning on his left with his elbow, with his head in his hand.Miroku was staring at his right hand.`How long until my wind tunnel sucks me intoit's depths of nothingness?Will it happen before I marry Sango?'Miroku kept looking at his wind tunnel(kazaana).
Sango eventually managed to put her thoughts about Kohaku to a hault.She preffered not to give it to much thought.Like she often does.`What is Miroku doing?'Sango thought.
Sango looked to the right to see Miroku, with his head in his hands.All Sango could see was the back of his head.Sango attempted to see around his head to see what he was looking at.After a few tries she saw that his eyes were glued to his right hand, and he was thinking.Thinking about his wind tunnel.`So that's what he is thinking about.Mabye he will tell me what else he's thinking about.I can tell he's thinking about something else, too.Not just the wind tunnel.'”Miroku.Miroku sat up straight with his legs still crossed and looked at Sango.Yes, Sango?”`Just say it.'Sango told herself.What are you thinking about?Sango asked.
The wind tunnel that will one day unfortunantly devour me whole.”`What else would I be thinking about?'Miroku thought it was obvious.Then he saw that look in Sango's eyes.Like she knew he was not telling her all of it.Sango was determined to get it out of him.To make him tell.And?She asked sarcastically.`How does she know that?Is it that clear I havn't told her everything that was on my mind?I will tell her eitherway.Sango will know if I lie.'
And I was wondering if the wind tunnel will pull me in before we defeat Naraku and before we get married.””Wha-Sango was so surprised, she wasn't even able to speak complete words.`Did Miroku just say that?'”I want you to move on and forget about me.”`I finally let her know.'All Sango was doing was staring at Miroku.`He did say that.'Sango wasn't aware she had been gawking at Miroku for two whole minutes.Sango are you alright?”`Is what I said that shocking?”Miroku thought.She snapped out of her staring trance.Mirou, i- is what you said true?””Yes.
It took Sango a few seconds to get over the shock.Miroku, why are you thinking things like that?!Sango practically shouted while asking.Then Sango's expression softened.She looked at Miroku with eyes that held understanding in them.Miroku, don't think things like that.Have some faith.We'll suceed in vanquishing Naraku,find Kohaku,and we'll get married afterwards.Promise me you won't think about anymore.Alright?””You have my word Sango.I promise.”`He really means it.I will trust him to keep his promise.'After thier conversation ended they stared at the fire.Wondering if the moment they just had really happened.
`I don't like listening in on thier conversation.It's not like I had a choice.I can't just get up and leave in the middle of thier conversation and interrupt them.I guees it doesn't matter as long as I keep quit about it.'Shippou heard every word Sango and Miroku had said to each other.He didn't want to disturb thier moment, that's why he pretended to be asleep.Shippou promised himself that he wouldn't tell anyone.It was a promise he planned on keeping.
Inuyasha woke up feeling calm,relaxed and soothed.Not one bit of worry nor nervousness in him.When Inuyasha opened his amber eyes he saw Kagome sitting next to him.He was lieing on his back.He sat up and looked at his surroundings.There were hills covered in green grass.The grassy hills stretched on for miles.There were some yellow wild flowers.The sun was shining brightly.The sky was a faded blue color.With a few puffy clouds.The grass on the hills were waving in the breeze.
Kagome smiled.I'm glad your up.She said cheerfully.Where are we and how did we get here?”`I've never been to a spot like this.'Inuyasha thought.I sensed a sacred jewel shard.We tried to wake you up, but we couldn't.We put you on Kirara and left.It was a false alarm.We stopped here.Inuyasha looked to see where the rest of thier group could be.As if to answer his question Kagome explained.Sango went to her village to sharpen her Hiriakotsu and reload on poison gases.Miroku went to see his Master.Sango asked Shippou to go along with Miroku to make sure he really goes to visit Master Mushi and not womanize in some nearby village or something.Inuyasha sat there and stared at the scenery for the next minute or so.
Inuyasha's stomach started growling madly.`When was the last time I ate?'Kagome noticed.Do you want something to eat?””Sure.He anwered, pretending not to be as famished as he really was.Kagome took her back pack from where it was laying.She looked through it.Then she pulled out an empty bowl and a box wrapped in a blanket.Kagome unwrapped it and put some of the food in the bowl.She handed the bowl to Inuyasha.Inuyasha would normally argue and want to eat packaged Ramen.But, he was practically starved.Inuyasha shoved the food in to his mouth as if he hadn't had a meal in years.Your that hungry?Kagome asked.Ia guash tou.Merprizes nam fou.Inuyasha was tiping the bowl so you couldn't see his face while he ate.When he spoke you couldn't understand what he was saying.He ate it all within seconds.Inuyasha put down the bowl.I guees so.He said.Inuyasha handed the empty bowl back to Kagome.Are you thirsty? Yeah.Kagome reached over to her back pack and pulled out a bottle of water.Kagome took off the cap.As she was handing the water bottle to Inuyasha, Kagome dropped it.The water bottle hit the gound.The water spilled out.Inuyasha and Kagome both reached for it to pick it up.At the same time.
Inuyasha was bending to pick up the water bottle.Kagome was on her knees with her arms infront of her.Then, suddenly everything turned black.Everything melted into nothing.It was only Kagome and him.They looked each other in the eyes.In a second, they were both on a cliff in each other's arms.The cliff was over looking a series of rock cliffs and mountains,meadow and a sunset on the horizon.Inuyasha and Kagome kissed.They thought they were in heaven.It seemed like a fantasy.But, Inuyasha was to caught up in the kiss to care.All of a sudden, Inuyasha had a falling feeling.
(end of Inuyasha's dream)
Inuyasha moved to the edge of the tree branch he was in.While smiling contently.To much to the edge.He fell off and didn't wake up until he hit the ground.He landed with a big thump.What the hell!Inuyasha shouted.`One minute I'm in dreaming and the next, I'm on the ground!'
The noise woke up Miroku,Sango and Shippou.They went to where Inuyasha landed.What happened?Miroku asked.Before Inuyasha had a chance to answer Shippou said Inuyasha fell out of his tree.That's what happened!Shippou burst out laughing.Come here you little brat!Inuyasha jumped up and chased Shippou in circles for a few minutes.When he finally caught Shippou, he gave him at least 15 hits on the head.Leaving a bump.Serves ya right.Inuyasha said.Can't you take a joke?I'm just a kid.Shippou stated pleadingly.Night.Inuyasha said before he jumped back into his tree branch.Night.Miroku and Sango said in unision as they walked back to thier camp.Shippou was following close behind.Pouting until they got there.Everyone eventually fell asleep under the stars of the night time sky.
I'm sorry for what I said before.At first I felt that way about this fic.Then, I got more reviews and I didn't feel that way any more.What I really am is home sick and country sick.I moved months ago.Now I live in a different city.I got over it by now.But, what I really am is country sick then.I haven't been to Hungary in 15 months.I miss that place so much.Everything reminds me of it.I have so many memories there.I also miss my grandma, cousins, and some of my realatives and friends.Anyways, I'll try to get the next chapter up a.s.a.p.K?Until then, review if you want.