InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Will ❯ chapter five:back in Kagome's era ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hi!It's me miley!I'm so sorry for what I said before.I don't have much to say(for once).n this is a pretty good chapter.Enjoy!
Shigure-san - sorry about what I said.Will you ever find it in your heart to forgive me?If you want me to delete that part just say so.K?I'm so sorry for assuming that you were lying to be nice.I thought that you were avoiding my fic on purpose.It's just in the past, my friends(including my best friend) have lied to me like that.They always say ”Wow.That's a great drawing.Where'd you learn to draw like that?”Every time I show them a drawing of mine.Even to this very day.Onetime, I accidently made an ugly doodle when I was 9.And guees what they said.”you're so good.i wish was as good as you.”I have made many mistakes in my pictures over the years.Practice makes perfect.I appreciate that they don't want to hurt my feelings.But, I wish that they could understand I can take some constructive critism and the truth.I'm sorry for rambling.I'm just tired of it.You read' em all and you loved it.Thankyou!now I know how u felt when I said it.when was the first time I reviewed for you?aw, don't feel guilty.*forgiveness hug*you think I'm good.thankyou.You don't know how much that means to me.(n did u try asking)luck to ya whenever you may need it.*glomps*byes.*_*miley
Disclaimer:I don't own InuYasha and characters.Rumiko Takahashi does.
Chapter five:Kagome's era
When Kagome woke up she was sitting in front of the fire.It was already night time.`How long -*Wow.I thought she'd never wake up!*She noticed Inuyasha sitting next to her.Finally.You woke up.Inuyasha said.In a much softer tone than usual.There's something I have to tell you.Inuyasha turned to face Kagome.He moved closer and closer.His face was drawing nearer to Kagome's face.`Oh kami!Is Inuyasha going to kiss me?!'Kagome thought nervously.Thier lips met.Kagome was speechless.She got over the shock and kissed him back.Kagome locked her arms around Inuyasha's neck.Inuyasha pulled Kagome closer by her waist.Inuyasha pulled away.Inuyasha stared at Kagome with a look of compassion.Kagome, I lo-
Everything went black.There was a voice echoing throughout the emptiness.It seemed to be saying something.
`If you love him, tell him because hearts are often broken by words left unspoken.'
The voice was somewhat god-like and angeletic. Definaintly a women's voice.Kagome heard a faint,distant,insesent ringing.Becoming less faint and distant by the second.Until it was as loud as a siren.
(end of Kagome's dream)
The alarm clock showed 7:30 on Kagome's nightstand.Kagome opened her eyes and sat up.Kagome hit the snooze button on the alarm clock.`I wonder why I had that dream.'Kagome thought.Kagome stood up.Buyo was sleeping on the floor next to the bed.
Kagome walked to her closet and took out a hanger with a school uniform on it.She took out a white towel, with a soap and shampoo, too.Kagome went to the bathroom.Kagome always had the bathroom first in the mourning.Since grandpa and Mrs.Hirgurashi didn't go to work, they didn't need to wake up to early.Souta usualy wakes up a hour after Kagome.
After Kagome took a shower,got dressed and had breakfast, she began walking to school.
Kagome was on her way to school.Kagome!Eri,Yuka and Ayumi were behind Kagome in a second.Hi guys!Kagome smiled.Eri said that you agreed to be in the play!Ayumi chimed.Wait!Don't I need to audition first?””The director said if you agree to be in the play, there is no need for an audition.Yuka said.When can I talk to him and tell him?””Eri already told him.Ayumi said nervously while looking the other way innocently.Ayumi and Yuka got behind Eri.They pushed her until she was face to face with Kagome.Eri gulped.Why?Kagome asked with an exasperated expression on her face.Since you said yes on the phone, I told him.It deosn't matter because, you were going to tell him anyway.Eri was twisting the edge of her shirt around her finger.Kagome sighed.I guees.Next time, don't make my descions for me.When do rehersals start?””Rehersals start in four days.The play is in two or three weeks.They hadn't said when.”`I got off the hook.Must be a lucky break.Good thing I told Ayumi and Yuka to not talk about Kagome's bad ass boyfriend or Houjo until the play is over.Or else she might not have said yes due to her boyfriend being jealous.'
Classes ended.Students rushed out of the school.Kagome found Eri, Ayumi and Yuka on her way out.They walked home.All the while Eri, Yuka and Ayumi felt nervous but, they didn't say anything.They talked about shool, music and some gossip.
Bye!Got to get home.I have a lot of homework.Kagome left.Bye!Ayumi said.See you tommorow.Yuka said.Eri, Ayumi and Yuka watched her leave.Once she was out ear shot, Ayumi said.You think we should have told Kagome her character has to kiss Houjo's character in the play?””No.Then she would't have agreed to do it.Eri debated.Won't she be mad?Ayumi asked.Yeah, what if she quites?What if she changes her mind and refuses to play the role?Yuka argued.Kagome's going to find out sooner or later.It will also be trouble if her boyfriend finds out.Ayumi stated.If someone participates in the play, they get extra marks.Kagome is not doing so good.She needs it.Plus, mabye the kiss will lead to Kagome liking or even going out with Houjo.Eri explained.Okay, if you say so.Ayumi and Yuka said in unison.
As they were walking home, they all had an unsure feeling.Each one of them were wondering if they should've told Kagome, even Eri.
I got a chapter done on time (for once again).I know it was short.The next chappie might be late, srry.Please don't be mad.I know what it is about.I already mostly planned out what happens in the next chapter.Review if you want, K?