InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Myouga's Angels ❯ Meetings ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER:I don't Inuyasha or any of it's characters.

Chapter 1:New assignment


Kagome groaned as she flipped on her back to answer the phone on her nightstand.She silently cursed as she read the caller I.D.

"What do you want?" There was a slight chuckle on the other side of line.

"Oh Kagome.Is that how you're going to greet your best friend? The cute little shippou?" Kagome rolled her eyes.

"FYI...Once you're over the age of three all that cute crap is down the drain.You're WAAAAYYY over three Shippou."

Shippou chuckled."Yeah yeah.Anyway I wanted to tell you that you're going to be late." "For what? What time is it?" Kagome groaned.

"For one...It's 7:50 a.m." Kagome glanced at her clock to see that he was right."Yeah...and..?"

"Kagome? You seriously don't remember?" "No.Or otherwised I wouldn't be pissed beyond hell right now trying to figure it out." "Damn are you on your period? Evil bitch much." "Just get to what you were saying smartass." Kagome sneered.

"The meeting? The boss is just about to come in.Kagome...If you don't get down here you're going to be kicked from the Taisho case or worse!"

Kagome's eyes widened as she sat up apruptly."You mean the one that I've practicly shed blood,sweat,and tears to be on?!" "Yeah....pretty much that."

"SHIT! I'll be there.Stall him." "But-How?!" "I don't know! Just do it!" Kagome immediately hung up and dashed for the bathroom to get ready.


Ship pou growled as he slammed his phone shut."Damn Kagome...." He jumped out of his chair and dashed out of his office hoping to stall the boss before Kagome showed up.

Shippou ran into the hallway.He looked down both ways and spotted Myouga heading towards the elavator.Just as Myouga was about to enter the elevator,Shippou called after him.

"Mr.Myouga!" Being distracted for a minute,Myouga looked over to Shippou as the elavator doors shut in front of him.Shippou let out a breath of relief, Myouga had a look of displeasure.

"What is it Shippou? You've made me miss the elavator." Myouga said as he crossed his arms over his chest,his suitcase tucked under his left arm.
Shippou scratched the back of his head nervously."'s about the case." "Why now? We were going to have a meeting in a minute anyway.Just ask me then." Myouga moved to press the bottom to call the elevator.Shippiu grabbed his hand. "What now?" "It's really important though." "Okay Shippou just spit it out." "My question was....When do you want me to have the files in on Sesshoumauru and Inuyasha Taisho?"

Myouga raised an eyebrow."I already old you.Tomorrow at noon.No later." Shippou laughed tensly."Sorry...I-I guess I sorta kinda forgot." Myouga raised both eyebrows."You kids these days...." Right then the elevator doors slid open,allowing it's passengers to rush out one-by-one.

"Well Shippou.Time for the meeting." Shippou sighed.'Please get here fast Kagome....' "Yes sir..." Shippou mumbled as he trailed behind.

Once inside,Myouga pressed the button for the fourth floor.As the doors slid closed Myouga chuckled."Hopefully Higurashi isn't late." His tone changed suddenly taking on a dangerous tone."If she does....this is going to be the last case she has for a while."

Shippou shook his head as it lowered,taking a sudden interest to the carpeted floor.

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Kagom e rushed through the office door."Hello Ms.Higurashi!" Kagome turned and smiled at the secretary at the front office."Hey Sakura.Hand me my pass please? I'm kinda runnin' a little late." Kagome gave an embarrased smile.

Sakura smirked and rolled her eyes as she handed Kagome her I.D pass."You are one of a kind Kagome..." Kagome winked as she ran away."I better be!"

Sakura shook her head laughing as Kagome disappeared into another hallway."You truly are one of a kind....."

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Shippou fidgeted with his fingers as Myouga stepped foot into the meeting room.Shippou began to panic when Kagome's seat at the end of the table next to his was empty.Hesitantly,Shippou sat down and straightened out his suit as Myouga got ready.

"Shippou!" A voice whispered.Shippou looked around to see if anyone was calling him.All the people there were either doing paperwork or talking to another co-working.

"Shippou!" The voice whispered a little louder than before.Shippou looked again. 'Oh great.I'm going crazy!'

"Damnit! Shippou answer me!" Shippou whipped around to the door.There was Kagome! She had on a women's business suit...Kind of.

She wore a mid-thigh black skirt,black 3-inch heels,and a tan, v-neck tank top with a black sash under her chest that tied in the back. Her I.D pass hung loosely around her neck as her hair was up in a high ponytail.

"Kagome?!" Shippou whispered.Myouga looked up at Shippou."Yes?" "Oh...Nothing! Nothing at all!" Myouga nodded and looked back down at his suitcase while examing and taking out important documents.

Shippou jumped up and went to the door."See! I said you were going to be late!" he said in a hushed tone.Kagome rolled her eyes."Just get me in there!" "Okay come on." Shippou turned his back to her.Kagome ducked down a little.Shippou moved stiffely to his seat as too not cause too much attention.Once he made it close to his seat, Myouga began.

"OH NO!" was the thought that ran through both Shippou's and Kagome's mind.

"Okay everyone.As you all know...We are here to discuss the matters concerning the Taisho case." Myouga pulled out the Taisho family portait and placed it on the see-through board."First...I need to take roll.That way I know everyone is here.Whoever is not here will be immediately cut from this case.This is a very important case and I do not need any slackers."

Shippou became more nervous.

"Cary Shinjo?"


"Metsuki Chang?"


"Tom Ling?"


"Shippou Li?"

"Umm...h-here sir."

"Kouga Ookami?"

"Right here."

"Kagome Higurashi?"


"Kagome Higurashi?"

Shippou looked over to see that Kagome had snuck into her seat which was inbetween him and Kouga.She had a triumphant smile as she saw the dumb-struck look on Shippou's face.Shippou scowled and sat down,finally noticing that he was the only one standing.

"Okay.Now that I know that everyone is here.Lets get down to business." Myouga stood proudly as he grabbed a silver pointer and turned off the lights.The only light was the one emanating from the board."Okay.At exactly 9:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Taisho were found dead in their two-story home on the twenty-secound of January.Investigation says that there were no weapons involved besides a silver pistol." He placed a picture of the gun on the board.

"All over the gun are the fingerprints of Mr.Taisho with the exception of a few that were unidenified.They found a bullet lodged in the heart of Mrs.Taisho and one going through the temples of Mr.Taisho.Also, there are bite marks along the wife's neck." Myouga placed an autopsy picture of Mrs.Taisho on the board with bite marks along her neck jaw that looked to be inches deep.Next to it was an autopsy picture of Mr.Taisho on the board.His eyes were closed and his skin was a ghostly pale; his lips were blue with his fangs hanging over his bottom lip."Now as you can see...Mr.Taisho has traces of blood along the edges of his fangs."

"Dental records show that the jagged punctures on the wife's neck match that of Mr.Taisho's fangs.Based on the evidence discovered, considering the evidence still processing now, there are two theories.The first was that Mr.Taisho was overcome by his demon and attacked Mrs.Taisho without any idea.When he came to his senses he was too agonized with grief he killed himself.The secound was that it was a setup.Any questions?"

Kouga raised his hand."How can that be possible for it to be a setup? I mean if Mr.Taisho killed himself then who killed the wife? How did Mr.Taisho kill the wife exactly?" "Well...some of the DNA on the gun does not match either Mr.Taisho so they believe that there was another at the scene of the crime but it's not exact.As for the setup the crime scene has a few things out of place.Therefore they believe that it was faulty trickory."

"Is there any other proof of a setup?" "Yes.As I said before it's still processing.They say it will be ready tomorrow." Kouga nodded.

Kagome shook her head. There was definately something fishy going on. A man with that much power and control could not have lost his temper like that. To get a person like Mr.Taisho to lose his cool...... would take a whole lot of planning.

Kagome raised her hand."Yes Higurashi?" "I was wondering...could it be possible for both to happen?" Myouga eyed her and crossed her arms."Perhaps...what are your ideas?" Kagome tapped her chin."Okay say...that this was an accidental homicide and suicide...But! what would possibly make Mr.Taisho mad enough to turn full youkai without control?"

Myouga nodded."Good question Ms.Higurashi.Care to explain." Shippou smiled as he saw what Kagome was getting at.'Show off.'

Kagome walked over to the board."May I see this please?" Kagome said indicating to the pointer.Myouga nodded and handed it to her. "Okay.Now what could possibly make this man do something as serious as that? This man has more money and power than anyone I know.He's a perfect buisness man and father.His wife was loving and loyal and even if his wife did something wrong that still wouldn't be enough to make him turn like that or cause him to hurt her to this extent." Kagome pointed to the marks on the wife's neck.

Myouga nodded."You have a point there Higurashi...but how can you be so sure?" "I'm a priestess.I'm supposed to know this; from what I've learned a demon this powerful has to be provoked a good deal for this to happen." Kagome said as a-matter-of-factly.

"I'm not entirely sure if my theories are correct but I say that it was a setup to make it an accidental homicide to intentionally kill both Mr and Mrs Taisho." Myouga smirked."You might be getting at something Higurashi." Kagome smiled.She handed him back the pointer and took her seat.

Shippou nudged Kagome on the shoulder and smiled."Show off." he whispered.Kagome flung her hair over her shoulder."I know." They laughed.

30 minutes later

"Thank you everyone.You may take your leave." Myouga ordered.As Kagome gathered up her materials she felt a hand on her shoulder.She spun around to see Kouga smirking at her.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Kagome asked."You just had to go and show-off huh?" Kagome sighed and turned back to the table gathering her stuff."It's my job Kouga.I may be only 17 but that doesn't mean I'm stupid.I know exactly what I'm doing." Kagome snapped.She picked her file up off of the table and headed for the door leaving behind a stunned Kouga.

(A/N:I'm sorry.I just HAD To do that! Don't worry Kouga lovers! He won't be sapped at in theis story....sometimes.JK! JK! --or am I?--)

At the door, Shippou awaited her along with Myouga."Mr.Myouga? What are you doing here? Don't you have ahother meeting to attend?" "Well, I was thinking about your little show earlier.I'm quite impressed." "Just doing what I do best sir." "And I'm quit happy about that, but thats not what I wanted to talk to you about."

"Then what is it?" "Well since you are the only that seems to have this case almost figured out,I want you to go undercover for me." Kagome gaped."Y-You sure?" Myouga nodded."Yep.Shippou will be going with you too.As your bodygaurd and partner mostly.He will also be reporting your progress."
Kagome was exstatic inside.She wanted to jump up and down with joy,but she kept her cool to look good in front of her boss."Okay.What do you need me to do?"

Myouga handed her another folder."I need you to keep an eye on Mr.Taisho's younger son.Inuyasha Taisho.There's a good chance that the killer could come for him."

"What about His older half brother Sesshomauru Taisho?" Kagome said as she skimmed the files.

"Don't worry.You leave him to us.In the mean time I need you and Shippou to disguse yourselves as high school students at Shikon High and keep a close eye on Inuyasha."

Kagome raised an eyebrow."You talk as if we aren't high schoolers." "Well we're not..." Shippou said.Kagome rolled her eyes. "Well we are still young enough to be seniors." Kagome said as she smacked Shippou in the arm."Ow!" "Oh come on! Ho in the world could that hurt?!" Kagome asked incrediously.

"Since thats taken care of...time for you two to g-get to it." Myouga said holding back his laughter,clearly amused by the two. "What?" Shippou and Kagome commented."Well you have to start today.It's still early..the school doesn't start until 9:00." Myouga took a look at his watch.

"Alright.Well come on Kagome.Lets go." Shippou groaned."Yeah just can't wait to get to school." Kagome said sarcastically."Wait a minute!" Shippou stopped.He jogged back up to Myouga."Car keys please?" Shippou smirked."I thought you would have forgotten.Now it looks like I have to let you have it."

"Duh! What are two undercover high school agents without cool cars?" Shippou asked as if it was the most simplist thing in the world.

Myouga laughed as he handed Shippou the keys. "And don't forget that everything you'll need is in the car.Got it?"

"Yes sir!" Shippou saluted and ran off.

"Crazy kids."

"We try our best sir!" He heard them reply.

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Kagome squealed as she opened the door to her shiny new sports car.The car had a very dark blue paint job with a silver glint.Painted on the car was a red dragon.The tail started at the hood of the car,the body went all the way around and the head ended it at the hood.On the hood was a picture of a moon entagled in the dragon's tail and the dragon's head was facing it with it's jaws wide open and a menacing look.

Shippou's car was glossy a black.On the hood of the car it had the Yin and Yang symbol in black and silver.On the left side of the car it had the word "YIN" and on the right side of the car it had the word "YANG".Both were written in a funky design in black and outlined with silver so you could see them.

"Myouga said that these were specially designed for us." "AWESOME!!!!" Kagome hopped into her car.She was even more thankful when she saw that her car had red leather interior with black carpeting. Shippou's car had silver car interior with black carpeting.

"Wow this is so freakin' awesome." Kagome turned the engine on and her eyes lit with admiration."This is defianetly one of the better days of my life.

"Kagome! Kagome you there?" Kagome heard Shippou's voice. "What the-Shippou?" "Check your headboard!" Kagome looked up at her headborad and was surprised to see Shippou waving to her on a small silver screen.

"OMG! This is the best car ever! I can actually talk to you now when we're in different cars without the cell phones." Kagome began clapping and cheering to herself.

"Agreed!" Shippou said with the same enthusiasm without the clapping and cheering.

"We can even watch stuff on here too Kagome!" Shippou said interrupting Kagome's parade.

"We can?" "Yeah! Check you steering wheel." Kagome looked down at the steering wheel.She saw a button in the middle that said 'HORN' and two buttons off to the left side that said 'OPEN' and 'CLOSE'.On the right side,it had four buttons.They said 'PLAY', 'PAUSE', 'REWIND', and 'FAST FORWARD'.

"I'm guessing these buttons have something to do with a DVD player right?"


"Wheres the DVD player?"

"It's built into the screen." Kagome examined the screen and saw that there was a little slot at the bottom that had ''DVD'' carved into the left side.

"Cool! Does it come with regular T.V too?" "Yeah.There's a remote built in on the driver's side of the door." Kagome was star-struck when she saw that Shippou was right.

"Is there anything else I should know about?" Kagome asked.

"Yeah.Myouga said he still needed to get GPS built in.There's also plenty more but we'll discuss that later. Right now just look for a green florescent button on the back of the steering wheel." Shippou said through the screen.

Kagome moved her hands up and down on the wheel.She stopped when she felt something hard and square under her fingers.She bent over a little to see the button Shippou was refering to.

"I found it."

"Okay now press it."


"Just do it."

"Okay Bossy boots."

"Bossy boots? Is someone still living in the 3rd grade?" Kagome stuck her tounge out at Shippou's laughing face on the screen.Kagome pressed the button and watched as the hood of the car began to slowly make it's way back.

When she saw it completely gone,she saw that Shippou had his down too.With an evil idea Kagome smirked.

"Hey ship?" "Yeah?" "Hows about we have a little fun and break these cars in huh?" Shippou smirked.He started up his car."Oh yeah." Kagome started up her car."Okay....One....two....three!" They took off.


Kagome sped off out of the parking lot.She swirved passed cars that were either trying to park or were trying to leave.

(It's on of those parking lots that have like 5 storis and you have to pay to get in.)

She swirved down the slope to the last floor.She slowed down as she came to the exit.Once she was out on the road,she looked behind her to see Shippou gaining on her."Shit..." Kagome mumbled.

She turned back to the front and pressed harder on the gas pedal.She swirved in and out of lines.She panicked when she saw that the light up ahead turn red.

"Oh crap....." Kagome whispered.


"Oh hell no!" Shippou was amazed at how fast she was going.He pressed harder on the gas pedal.

Shippou saw a taxi come into his eyesight as Kagome turned into the left lane.Just as Shippou was about to hit it,he made a sharp turn to the left and pushed a car out of it's lane.He sped past the taxi and back in front of it.

"What is she doing?" Shippou said.He turned on his screen and paged for Kagome.


Ususally,Kagome loved feeling the wind rush through her hair as she sped down the streets of Tokyo,but right now that red light was just ruining it for her.

Kagome saw a taxi before her and swirved into the left lane to avoid it.She looked behind her and saw Shippou wasn't there.

"Kagome!" Kagome looked at her screen and saw Shippou with a confused look."What are you doing? I ran someone off the road just now?"

"Sorry! There's a red light up ahead!" Kagome pointed out.She saw Shippou look up ahead."Damn! Kagome look ahead!"

She looked and saw that she was coming close to the school and also a construction site ahead of her.

"What do I do?! I'm going to fast!" Kagome swirved in the lanes as the cars began to slow.

Suddenly,She heard roaring behind her.She saw Shippou coming up next to her and riding at the the same alarming speed she was using."What do we do?! She shouted at him.

"Follow me!" Shippou responded over the roaring of their engines.


When the site came to view,both of their eyes widened.Shippou swirved in front of Kagome.He made a sharp turn to the left and Kagome made a sharp turn to the left.They were able to dodge the cement truck.

"That was close!" Shippou shouted."You said it!" Kagome shouted.

Kagome and Shippou spun into the parking lot in front of the schoolThey sighed in relief as they came into the High school parking lot speeding.The noice they were making caused a crowd.Making a hard stop both Kag and Ship stopped side-by-side breathing heavily.

They looked back at each other.

"That was the most exciting CAR RACE EVER!" Sihippou and Kagome shouted at the same time.

They jumped out of their cars.Kagome frowned at Shippou's clothing."You look like James Bond..." Shippou rolled his eyes."I've noticed." "....Except not american.We have to get you out of those work clothes." "Well what about you? You're still in your work clothes!" "Yes but I can still pull it off.All I need to do is change my shoes.You on the other hand,I don't think they get many students who come dressed in a Tux on a regular basis." "Whatever.

"Well there has to be something.Ah ha! Maybe Myouga left us a change of clothes." "And why exactly would he do that?" "He wouldn't send us undercover in our work clothes.Especialy when we have to go to a high school.Also we wouldn't have that much time to go back and dress." "Good point."

Kagome scrambled to the car.She pressed a button on the dashboard that had a picture of a car with an arrow pointing to the back and the trunk opened."Myouga had to have given us some more clothes if he wanted us to start today."
"Well what do you know? He did!! And look, black convereses! I can defiantely wear these." Kagome said as she took off her heels and put on the converses.Shippou gave a look of pure disbelief. "What? I guess he was right when he said everything we needed would be in here but the fact that you knew it was in here is still a little scary."

"I know.It's a gift I guess. Now come on.Lets go and get you changed."


"Come ON! Come out so I can see you!" Kagome banged on the boy's bathroom door.

"NO!" "You better come out here before I make you!" Kagome yelled at the door.

"No! No! No! I'm not coming out!" Shippou yelled from inside.

As Shippou continued his ranting teenagers passing gave Kagome wierd looks.Kagome only smiled and waved embarrasingly.

"If you don't get your ass out of there I'm leaving you here.Besides people are starting to stare." Kagome whispered viscously against the door knowing full well that Shippou heard.

A long silent pause came."Shippou?" Kagome heard him sigh."Okay I'm coming out." When Shippou stepped out of the bathroom Kagome gaped.

"You look soooo HOT!" Kagome exclaimed.Shippou rubbed the back of his neck nervously."" Shippou said coming from the boy's bathroom.He had on an orange tank top showing off his perfect muscles.He had on baggy jeans thank had a fox sprayed-painted in orange and yellow on the right pants leg.For shoes he had on white Vans. His orange hair was in a ponytail in the back.

"Aww Shippou! You look so hot. If only Kiara was here to see you!" Kagome said.Shippou rolled his eyes and crossed his arms as pink began to tinge his cheeks. "Don't start this.Lets just get our schedule and get to class.We're already late."

Kagome rolled her eyes."Damn Ship.You're worse than my mother.Are you sure you weren't a woman in a past life?"


After they had gotten their schedules they learned that they had to go to math for 2nd period.

"They just had to give us math? Don't they know I'm horrible in that?" Kagome complained."At least you have gym for 4th period.I have history for 4th period." Shippou said showing Kagome his schedule.

"Oooh tough luck.Look on the bright side,at least lunch is afterwards.That way we don't have to be gone for long." "I guess you're right."

"Now what room number is math?" "It's...202." Kagome looked at the doors on her right."Alright if these are 180-210 then we are on the right path."

Shippou nodded."199...200...201...202!" Kagome cheered when she found the right door.

Shippou knocked on the door and the two waited until it could be answered.

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"Wow.I swear that teacher gets up for nothing." Mirokou said as they stared at the bald man at the desk sleeping in his chair."Which is why I like my 2nd period." Inuyasha smirked while Mirokou laughed. Mirokiu's frown instantly made way upon his face when he saw a familiar girl walk over to a group of boys.

"Inuyasha?" "Yeah Mirokou?" "What's up with you and Kikyou?" Inuyasha looked over to Mirokou.He saw that he was staring a group of boys huddled around his 'girlfriend' Kikyou.It looked like she was flirting with them....again.

"Mirokou...we're just on break."

"Doesn't look like that to me." Inuyasha sighed.He really did like Kikyou,but he couldn't escape it.He didn't feel the same when he first met her.

"Hey! Whats up?" said Bankusto as he walked over with Hojou by his side.They sat in the seats across from Mirokou and Inuyasha.

"Nothin'.Hey Hojou,Bankutso." Inuyasha nodded."Did you guys hear about the dance coming up?" Hojou asked.Mirokou nodded."Yeah.The Valentines day dance.Are you guys going with anyone?" Bankusto shrugged."I might take that cutie...umm whats her name?...Oh yeah! It was Jasmine!" Inuyasha snorted and rolled his eyes.

"Wow.Can't even remember her name." "Well...who are you taking Inuaysha?" Inuyasha shrugged."What about Kikyou?" Mirokou asked."Why? She'll probably have some other guy take her." Inuyasha grumbled.

"Well I might not go." Hojou said.All the guys turned to him."What? Couldn't find anyone?" Bankutso asked."Nope.It's just..." "Wait.Didn't you used to have a girlfriend Hojou?" Inuyasha asked "Umm...Yeah why" Hojou said hesitantly.

There was silence until it was broken by laughter."Come on guys! Don't laugh! I have had a girlfriend before!" "Who?" Mirokou aske chuckling."Kagome Higurashi.See." He pulled out a picture from his back pocket.It was him and a girl hugging under a sakura tree.

"I guess you weren't lying." Bankutso said."But..why do you still have a picture if you guys aren't together anymore?" Inuyasha asked."I was always hoping that I'd be getting back with her." "Aww..." Mirokou cooed."That's so sweet!" "SHUT UP!" Hojou yelled.

"What I wanna know is why did you guys break up? If you are carrying around a picture of her and hoping to get back together with her what caused you to break up in the first place?" Bankutso asked.

"It was because I..." Hojou muttered the last part."What?" Mirokou said."Icheatedonherwithherbestfriend." "Excuse me?" Inuyasha asked."I cheated on her with her best friend okay?!"

"Damn.Never thought you had it in you." Bankutso said."Yeah.You don't seem like the 'cheating' type." Mirokou commented.Hojou rolled his eyes and sat his head on his desk."Thanks guys."


"Wonder who that is." Mirokou said. "Maybe they're new kids." Inuyasha muttered as he watched the teacher spring up to answer the door.

The teacher shot up with half lidded eyes."I'll get it!" He yawned as he disapperead in the doorway and walked back in 2 minutes later.

"Class." They ignored him."Class!" They still didn't pay attention."CLASS!" The teacher smirked as he got their full attention."Now that I finally have your attention I would like to introduce you to our new students." Everyone remained silent as a boy and a girl walked in.

Inuyasha was blown away by the girl's looks.She had the perfect legs,perfect curves,perfect body,perfect everything! Her skirt showed off her creamy legs and the tan tank top complimented her chest perfectly.

Hojou stared in shock.When he saw her turn to the guy beside her,he got a good look at her face."K-Kagome?!" he whispered.

"That's Kagome?" Inuyasha asked."Yes!" Hojou exclaimed."Wow! The picture didn't show all that!" "That's because when I met her Mirokou...she wasn't all that filled out! Her chest didn't look like...that!...and she didn't have alot of curves..But now..." "But now she has curves in all the right places my friend. She has the ody of Mariah Carey dude." Bankutso slapped Hojou on the back."You have defiantely screwed up my fine fellow."

The teacher walked over to his desk chair and sat down."Okay class.This is Kagome Higurashi and Shippou Li. Please make them feel at home while I just go sit over here and take a little...nap..." The teacher faded off as he layed his head on the desk and slept.

The alledged Kagome and Shippou walked over to 2 desks in the front near Hojou and the others. Hojou started to fidget in his seat and twiddle his fingers.

"Whats wrong with you hojou? Stick up your ass?" Inuyasha asked. (A/N:Theres that Inuyasha charm we all know and love.)

"No! I'm just....I don't know wether to go there or not." "Just go.It's not like anything bad will happen." "But...I don't know." Inuyasha rolled his eyes."Just get your ass up there and go talk to her!" When Hojou didn't move Inuyasha jumped up.

"If you won't talk to her I'll do it for you." Inuyasha walked away.
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Kagome sat down with Shippou next to her."Hey Kagome?" "Yeah?" "How did you come to that idea at the office?" "It wasn't hard actually.If you just think about it you'd understand."

"How?" "Look...Mr.Taisho is a powerful demon.He's been around for like...what...500 years? A demon like him should be able to adapt within that long of a time.You can't tell me a demon of his age with incredible strength and knowledge beyond this world would lost his cool so easily.Also like Myouga said, not all the fingerprints on the pistol belonged to him nor Mrs.Taisho which means someone else must have been there."

"How can you explain the teeth marks on Mrs.Taisho's neck?" "Well that could be anything.Theres no doubt one of those marks is the mating marks but the others could be from anything.They could be from trying to get her to give in to something,When she's disobedient,or when he's trying to get her aroused.Even then none of those marks could kill her much less put her in danger."

"Good thinking. I have one more." "Shoot." "If you believe someone else would have been there that night...then who?" Kagome tapped her chin."Hmm...It would have to be someone that hates him or someone trying to take him down." "Like a rival? Enemy?" "Exactly.All that we need now are suspects."

Shippou smiled."If I didn't know better,I would say you are actually close to solving this case." "You know how I do." Kagome flipped her hair and smiled.

"Hey I'll be right back.I need to go to the bathroom." "Won't you get in trouble?" "With who? The teacher? Please that teacher is dead asleep.Once I come back it will be like I never left." Shippou got up and took off.

"Excuse me?" Kagome looked to her right to see a boy with silver hair,dog ears,fangs,and the most gorgeous golden eyes.He had baggy blue jeans,a short-sleeved red shirt with white and blue nikes.What even made him more sexy was the jacket he wore. It was red and it had a hood in the back."Y-Yes?" Kagome choked out."Are you Kagome Higurashi?" "Yes.Why do you ask?"

"Well I'm Inuyasha Taisho and I was wondering do you know a boy by the name of Hojou?" "Yeah I do actu-Did you say Taisho?" 'That must mean he's the sun of...oh my god...'

Inuyasha groaned on the inside."Yes I am." "Oh...I'm sorry about your parents." "Yes.So am I." "Glad to know you're alright." "Thanks." "No prob.But back to what you said...why do you want to know if I knew Hojou?"

Inuyasha blinked.Usually when girls found out he was a Taisho,they would try to cling to him like desperate leeches.Inuyasha definately knew about that first hand.Seeing as how he was dating one of the 'bloodsuckers'.

"Umm...I just wanted to know because he's a friend of mine." "And?" "Well he's too chicken to come over." Kagome raised an eyebrow and looked over his shoulder.She was surprised to see Hojou staring back at her.Kagoome's eyes narrowed.

"I see.What has he done now huh? Act all nice and shy like he was innocent? Did he play that nice guy roll?" Kagome asked taking her eyes off of Hojou.

"What do you mean?" "I mean that Hojou is a fake.If he was so damn shy and innocent his ass would have haven't slept with this girl Kikyou behind my back." Inuyasha's eyes widened.'She has to be wrong.Kikyou may be a flirt,,,but she wouldn't do that? Would she?'

"Sorry to say this but Kikyou is my girlfriend." Inuyasha said sternly.

Kagome went into momentary shock."Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't know! Trust me If I did I wouldn't have said a thing!"

Inuyasha laughed."Don't worry.I'm on thin ice with her as it is.She's been flirting with almost all the guys I know."
"That's Kikyou I guess." Kagome sighed.

"What do you mean? What has Kikyou done to you?" "She was this girl who wanted anything I had.When we were little she wanted to be friends with me.I said sure and just like that we were best friends.But...once we got in middle school,she just all of a sudden changed.When I say change I meant she hung out with the wrong crowd.She became the most popular girl in shool because of them.She dumped me for the so-called 'in' crowd."

Kagome locked gazes with the seat of the desk,(a/n:she's sitting on it), as her expression became blank.As if remembering the old times.

"Well the problem was she wasn't popular at all, just rich.She didn't notice people giving her dirty looks and gossiping about her like it was an everyday thing.She was even the topic in the Girl's bathroom.Trust me,at my old school if they were talking about you that was the 'it' conversation." Kagome giggled.Inuyasha smiled seeing her happy again."Anyway I really started hating her when I found out that my boyfriend Hojou was cheating on me with her.We only went out for three months and he cheated on me for two.I feel so stupid now."


"Because of all the times that it was obvious that he was cheating.I guess I was too wrapped up in having my first boyfriend to notice."

"Everyone has their problems.I guess you just have to get over them" Kagome smiled."Thanks.It's nice to have someone to talk to in a while."

Inuyasha raised a brow."What about that other person that just left.Isn't he your boyfriend?" Kagome shook her head no and laughed."He's just a long-time friend.He already has a girlfriend."

"I'm surprised you don't have a boyfriend.You're really hot." Inuyasha smirked as he leaned on the desk in front of hers.Kagome giggled."Why Inuyasha Taisho are you flirting with me when you already have a girlfriend?"

"What girlfriend?" Kagome raised her eyebrows."You aren't serious right? You are playing..right?" Inuyasha shrugged. "Maybe I am maybe I'm not.Besides,I don't even think it's working out with me and her.I mean she's just....different."

"I see....Do you plan on breaking up with her?" "Not sure but I really am leaning on it." "You know,you're easy to talk to." "You two." "I was wondering that maybe if you have the time today you could show me and Shippou around." "I could.What other classes do you have today?" Kagome reached in her backpack and took out her schedule."Wow.Looks like we have the same classes together except for 6th." "Thats great.Now you can help me to my classes." Kagome beamed.


"There goes the bell." Inuyasha said."So it was." Kagome got up and dusted off her skirt. "It was nice to meet you Kagome." I was nice meeting you too Inuyasha." Kagome wrapped her arms around his neck. "Oh yeah and tell Hojou....he's an ass." Kagome whispered in his ear. Inuyasha laughed as he hugged her back. "Don't worry I will." "Thanks." Kagome glared at Hojou a quick secound but not before kissing Inuyasha on the cheek. Kagome grabbed her backpack before taking her leave.

Inuyasha's lips curled up into a smug grin as he walked back over to the guys.

'What was up with that?" Hojou asked,obviously angered."What? I didn't do anything?" "Then why did she kiss you?" Inuyasha laughed."You mean when she kissed me on the cheek? Anyway,why should you be mad.You're the one that cheated on her with MY girlfriend." Hojou immediately paled.

"Yes I know." Inuaysha started walking towards the door. "Oh and by the way...Kagome says you're an ass." Inuyasha called over his shoulder.

A/N:If anyone didn't fiqure this out this is a spin-off of Charlie's Angel's-which I don't own-.Hence the name Myouga's ANGELS!!!!

Next time:

Shippou gets shocking news

Inuyasha and Kikyou break-up

Kagome confronts Hojou

Someone hooks up

Kagome gets 4 new partners