InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Myouga's Angels ❯ Run-ins ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer:I don't own Inuyasha

Chapter 2

Kagome skipped down the hall towards her third period. According to her schedule she had martial arts with Ms. Kaede which made her especially happy seeing as how fighting was one of her strong points.

Of course when you're an agent you have to be able to kick serious ass right?

Without warning, she felt a hand caress her bottom.

With quick speed, Kagome turned around, grabbed the palm off her backside and flipped the person backwards making them land on the floor on their back with a loud "thud."

"Don't ever touch me again!" Kagome screamed to the person now identified as a male as she held him up into a sitting position by the collar. "Now...who the hell do you think you are grabbing my ass like that perve?!" Kagome screamed.

The guy coughed and grabbed his color, hoping to loosen it. "I am s-sorry..(cough,cough)...I didn't mean if you get just let g-go we ar-are drawing at-atention...(cough,cough)..." He nodded over to the growing crowd to the right of them.

Kagome's narrowed eye manuevered over to them. "Fine.." she muttered releasing him letting him drop to the floor. Kagome stood up and dusted off her skirt and looked down in pity. Feeling sorry for embarrasing him, Kagome offered his hand.

"Sorry about that. Just a little paranoid." The boy gave her a disbelieving look. "A little?"

"Do you want me to leave you here? Because I know that hurt, seeing as how you weren't expecting that." Kagom smirked. The boy sat up and grabbed Kagome's hand, allowing her to pull him up.

"For a girl you're pretty strong..No offense." He held up his hands in defense. Kagome shook her head, "Don't worry I get that all the time. No harm done."

"Good. By the way whats your name?" he asked. "Kagome Higurashi. What about you?" "Miroukou Houshi. Sorry about earlier." he scratched the back of his neck andsmiled sheepishly.

"As long as you understand that the next time you touch me like that it will be worse that what I just did."

"Next time?" Kagome nodded. "Yeah, unless you don't want to be my friend." "No! I do. I was just surprised." "Okay, well I have to get to class or I'll be la-"


Kagome sighed heavily. "Too late." Mirokou laughed. "Don't worry. Now that you're late you won't have to rush."

"But I like martial arts. I don't want to be late for my soon-to-be favorite class!" Kagome whined. "Wait Martial Arts? I'm in that too." Kagome smiled. "Cool. I guess that we can go in together." Mirokou grabbed her hand and led her down the hallway.

Kagome blushed as she looked down at their enterwined hands. "When we get to the gym..." Kagome held up their hands."...we will speak nothing of this. Got it?"

Mirokou nodded. "Already forgotten." "Good."

"Mirokou?" "Yeah?" Mirokou peered over at her from the corner of his eye.

"Can you tell me about Inuyasha?...and his parents?" "Inuyasha?" "Yeah. I heard that, you know, his parents had recently....passed...and I was wondering if you knew anything about it...or them."

Mirokou sighed. "It's not excatly my place to tell you..." "Oh.." "But I can tell you about them."

"Okay. Shoot."

Mirokou once again sighed and tightened his grip on Kagome's hand. "Inuyasha's dad, or as I called him, Inu Taisho, he was a great man. Raised a great family, had a beautiful wife, and had every man's dream job. He was wise and loyal to his friends and family." Mirokou smiled. Kagome was beggining to think if Mirokou realized he was talking to her of if he was drifted into his own thoughts.

"And Izayoi..." "His mom right?" of course Kagome knew their names, but she wanted to be as clueless as possible if she was going to get anything out of him.

"Yes. She was a kind-hearted woman. She put everyone before herself which I found to be one of her greatest traits. She could light up a room with her smile. Inu Taisho would always get jealous. So many men would flock around her, admiring her beauty. When I was a kid I would always come over to play with her sons Inuaysha and Sesshomauru. She would lay out snacks and games for us to play. She was even kind enough to look out after me when my parents were out of town."

Kagome smiled sadly. "She sounds wonderful." Mirokou flashed her a smile."She was." Mirokou looked back up and stopped causing Kagome to look up at him in wonder.

"Why'd you stop?" Mirokou chuckled."We're here." Kagome looked forward and saw that they were in the gym. "Oh..." Mirokou chuckled and pulled her by the hand.

"Come on. We have to get you a uniform. Seeing as how there's no one in here, we're having it outiside today."
Mirokou jogged, still holding Kagome's hand, across the gym and out into a courtyard filled with converesing teens in uniforms of red shorts and white shirts.

"Kaede! Kaede!" Mirokou called out. Kagome rolled her eyes and groaned as more eyes turned to them. 'First, I flip him in the hall, an dnow this? I know he is just trying to get back at me.'

"Yes child?" Kagome saw an old woman with grey hair in a low ponytail, red pants, and a white long sleeved shirt with a black eyepatch over her eye.

"This is Kagome Ms.Kaede. She's new. We were kinda late because we were caught in a...situation...before we got here."

"Situation of his hand on my ass..." Kagome muttered. Kaede nodded. "It is okay. Kagome was it? Heres your uniform. Just go and change in the girl's locker room and come back and be ready to spar." Kaede said as she picked up a pair of shorts and a shirt from the cardboard box near her feet. "And then when we are done with class you will change back and put your stuff in the cardbaord box. Got it."

Kagome nodded. "Yes ma'm." "Okay. You may go now." Kagome went to grab her clothes but her hand wouldn'y budge."Mirokou? My hand?"

Mirokou looked down and blushed letting go of her hand. "Sorry." Kagome grabbed the clothes from Kaede's arms and ran off.

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"Oooh Sango. Looks like you have some competition." Yuka pointed out as she watched Mirokou walk into the courtyard holding hands with another girl.

Sango rolled her eyes and got up from stretching."What Yuka?" "Look." Yuka pointed over to where she saw Mirokou still holding hands with some girl and talking to Kaede.

Sango's eyes narrowed."I've never seen her before. Is she new?" Yuka shrugged. "Probably. But what I do know is that you have a problem here."

'Is she Mirokou's girlfriend?..wait...Why do I even care? the guys nothing but a perve. -sighs- I really do want to know though.'

Sango took the chance to speak to Kagome alone when she saw that she was heading to go and change.

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A certain apir of golden eyes darken when he saw his best friend walk out holding Kagome's hand. It was a strange feeling to see them together. Maybe it was...jealousy?

Inuyasha shook his head. 'No. I can't possibly be jealous of him. I just met the girl an dMirokou is nothing but a perve. I?'

"Hey Inuyasha,Dude. You okay? You're starting to space out on me." Bankutso waved his hand in Inuyasha's face. Inuyasha shook his head. "Yeah I'm fine." Inuyasha muttered as he looked away with heated cheeks.

"What were you looking at anyway?" Bakutso searched the horizon in hopes of catching a glimpse of what got his friend so flustered.

"Nothing." "Sure didn't seem like nothing." Bakutso resumed searching."I said it was nothing!" Inuyasha shouted at Bankutso's persistence.

"Oh ho ho! So its that Kagome girl is it?" Bankutso smirked. "Looks as if the monk got to her." Inuaysha growled. "Shut up Bankutso." "Sorry man. Didn't mean to make you mad or anything."

"Just drop it okay?!" Inuyasha asked. "Fine." 'He likes her.'


Sango slowly krept through the locker rooms looking down each hall searching for the girl Mirokou was with.

'Where is she?'

Sango heard the rustling of clothes and went to investigate.

Sango tip-toed to the next hall of lockers and saw the girl from combing out her hair with her fingers. Sango stared enviously at how good the uniform looked on her. 'No wonder Mirokou is with her.'

"Uh hello?" the girl said peering at Sango. Sango blushed and looked down to the floor in embarrasment from being caught.

"Is there something you need?" she asked. "Well, umm... just wanted to know if you are dating...Mirokou..."

The girl's eyes widened. "That perve? I'm sorry but no. Me and him are just friends. Why do you ask? You his girlfriend or something?"

Sango blushed and looked down. "No..not exactly." "Oh! You have a crush on him huh?" The girl smirked. "No! No! It's just..."

The girl waved her off. "Don't worry I won't tell anyone." Sango sighed seeing at how there was no way to convince her otherwise. "Whats your name?" Sango asked. "It's Kagome Higurashi. You?"

"Sango Tajiya. Nice to meet you." Sango held out her hand. Kagome gladly took it. "It's nice to meet you to. Now lets go before we loose any more class time."

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