InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mysterious Fate ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inu Yasha or any of its characters…although I would love to… -_^ But the characters that I have created are mine…so please don't steal.
It all started with Midoriko. Before she met her fate, she sumoned five mysterious Guardians. Now, jump eight-hundred years to Kagome's time. What happens when the Guardians of the cycle of life return? And what does Naraku want with them? Come with me on this wild journey through fate and time, to see what happens when the final battle takes place, and loyalties are tested. Will true love surpass the distruction of Naraku? Or, will fate seem to repeat itself?
Mysterious Fate
`Rain…How it sooths the mind.' A woman thought as she stood in front of her looking glass. Her long black hair fell around her face, making her light blue eyes look even lighter. Her lips were pressed into a thin line. Looking to her right, she gazed at her attire. A black bodice complete with armor, black pants, kneepads, boots, sword belt, and sword. Sighing softly, she began the process of getting dressed. Looking at herself one last time in the mirror, the woman let out a shaky breath. Turning she paced calmly to the door, pausing for only a moment she opened it and went out. The rain had turned the dirt road into a sticky mud hole. The villagers stood inside their huts, fear evident on their faces. Taking one last glance around the woman stepped into the rain.
“Milady Midoriko!” a young woman cried out. Midoriko stopped.
“Go back inside Kira. Before death becomes you.” Midoriko stated firmly.
“Milady, must you go? Must you fight the demons?” Kira asked pleadingly. Closing her eyes Midoriko sighed.
“I have no other choice, Kira. It is my obligation as a priestess.” the priestess turned, “Go back inside Kira. I will not tell you again.” Midoriko's voice was soft but left no room for questions. Kira bowed and retuned to her hut. Once Midoriko was outside the village, she glanced up at the darkening sky.
“Guardians, help me through this battle.” Midoriko returned her attention to the forest ahead. The forest was dark; rain clouds still covered the sky. Midoriko weaved her way through the winding trees, branches grabbed at her armor. In the distance, she could hear the growling of the demons. The very demons that had caused so much havoc and destruction were but a few paces further. She wasn't dumb; Midoriko knew she would most likely die trying to destroy these things. The same demons she had been fighting all her life. Midoriko paused. The growls were becoming louder. There, at the edge of the forest she could make out figures.
She took a step closer, and, recognized her surroundings.
~Flash Back~
“Concentrate Midoriko. You'll never master a binding spell if you don't put your whole body and soul into it!” Spoke an elderly woman dressed in priestess garb. The old woman had long silvery hair that was pulled back at the nape of her neck, and, tied off with a black ribbon. Her face showed years of dedication and responsibility, while her eyes held the wisdom and kindness of a priestess. Her voice, firm and demanding called out again.
“Enough take a break. It is clear you are distracted.” She sighed. The young girl turned to her tutor.
“Please, Shira-sama I want to learn this.” Midoriko pleaded. The old woman frowned, but her eyes held back the mirth she felt.
“You're a contradiction, young Midoriko. Your mind wants to learn; yet your body refuses to concentrate. Until you can control your body you'll never master the binding spell.” Shira announced. Midoriko straitened.
“I will master it! You'll see, Shira-sama.” With that the young girl took off into the woods.
“Stay within the barrier, Midoriko!” Shira shouted after her pupil. Midoriko hearing the old woman's command waved her hand.
“I will!” Midoriko ran until she came to a clearing. Stopping in the center, she positioned herself to fire an arrow. Aiming at a distant tree, she concentrated about her teachings. Taking a deep breath, she notched the arrow. Her arms were shaking under the pressure of the bow. Her brow crinkled in determination. Then she summoned her power.
She waited.
Nothing happened. So, she tried again.
Again, nothing happened. Sighing, Midoriko lowered her bow.
“This is useless. What am I doing wrong?” she sighed, pausing she tapped a finger against her bow.
“Okay, Shira-sama said to concentrate on feeling my power.”
“Okay…what does my power feel like anyway?” she wondered. As she thought, she began to feel a slight tingling sensation run up her back and stop at the nape of her neck.
“What was that?” she thought as her body reacted by shivering lightly.
“Is this my power? Is this what it feels like?”
“Hmm, funny, I would have thought it felt different. Oh well.” With that said, she once again raised her bow, and, pulled the arrow back. This time she summoned her power much easier.
“That's better.” She smiled, as she again found her target.
“Now, all I have to do is make a hit.” Midoriko said, as she let the arrow fly. It soared through the air like a bird of prey and hit the target with a thud, but, much to the disappointment of the priestess in training, nothing happened.
“Damn. It didn't work. Now what did I do wrong?” she thought, placing a hand on her hip.
“You didn't place your power inside of the arrow.” Shira's voice came from behind. Midoriko jumped and turned around, placing her hand over her fluttering heart.
“Shira-sama! You frightened me.” She said shakily.
“You should always be aware of your surroundings, Midoriko.” Shira scolded. Blushing, Midoriko smiled sheepishly.
“Now try it again.” Shira commanded. Nodding, Midoriko notched another arrow. This time, she imagined her power seeping from her hand down into the arrow. Setting her sights on her target, she let the arrow fly. Only to be knocked down by a bird demon. Midoriko's eye's widened at the sight of the massive bird. It's scaly beak opened, and, a terrible screech was set loose. Midoriko covered her offended ears.
“Shira-sama!” she cried, when the demon swiped at her. Shira notched an arrow quickly, and, fired. The arrow flew through the air hitting its target right in the chest. The bird exploded into dust.
“That's strange, how could a demon get passed my barrier.” Shira thought aloud.
“Shira-sama! Look!” Midoriko screamed, as more demons invaded the clearing.
“Midoriko, get out of the way!” Shira ordered. The old priestess tossed her bow aside, and, unsheathed her katana.
“Get behind me!” The elderly priestess commanded. Midoriko did as she was told. Shira held out her katana in front of her. The first demon stomped forward. Its stringy fur shook from the weight of the creature. Its eyes were a putrid yellow. Drool poured from its massive jaws, and, with a great heave of its chest; let out an obnoxious roar. Shira took a startled step back, while Midoriko dropped to her knees in fear.
“Midoriko, I want you to run back to the village.” Shira spoke suddenly. Midoriko raised her head, her eyes wide with fear.
“What?” she asked confused. Still looking ahead, Shira spoke again. This time her voice was void of emotion.
“GO Midoriko! Back to the Village!” again, Midoriko looked on confused and terrified, “I will not tell you again child! Go.” Midoriko nodded. She stood on trembling legs. Turning, she was met with a fowl looking lizard demon. Its face held scares from previous battles. Drool cascaded out of its razor jaws. Its yellow green eyes looked hungrily at the young girl. Gasping, Midoriko took a step back. She bumped into shira.
“Child, you are trying my patience, now GO!” Shira growled angrily. Turning her head she saw what was behind them.
“Damn!” the old woman cursed, “Here, take this quickly.” She commanded, as she pulled a shorter katana from her belt and handed it to Midoriko. Midoriko took it.
“But I don't know how to use…”
“There is no time, girl! Use it.” Shira shouted. Midoriko unsheathed the blade.
“Go for the throat, or the heart. Quickly child!” Midoriko licked her dry lips, and stepped forward. Her hands were shaking, and, her breath was rapid. The beast in front of her screeched at the challenge. Her throat was dry, and, swallowing was suddenly becoming hard. The lizard's eyes narrowed, as it stepped forward. It took a long clawed hand and raised it, ready to strike. As the razor claws swooped down towards her, she paled. Then without warning, Midoriko shoved her blade in front of her. A sickening sound filled her ears, as the blade sliced through the scaly skin of the demon. The lizard thrashed and screeched, trying desperately to get away from the pain. Pulling the blade back out of the oozing wound, Midoriko slashed through the neck of the creature, silencing it horrid cry.
~Back to present~
`Just how many are there?' she thought, scanning over the large group of gathered demons.
Another step. She was almost to the clearing.
The figures came into view. Hundreds of demons waited, there were too many for one woman to fight. Her heart was in her throat, now. She stood frozen to the spot. She couldn't think. What was she going to do? How was she supposed to win this war?
“By the Gods.” She said closing her wide eyes.
`What am I going to do?' she thought in a panic.
~Return to flash back~
Turning around, Midoriko was met with a terrifying sight. Shira was wounded; the demons surrounded her licking their lips in hunger.
“SHIRA-SAMA!” Midoriko cried, as she rushed forward trying desperately to get to her mistress. She thrashed blindly at the demons; her only thought was of Shira caught in the middle of the horde of monsters.
`I have to get to her, I have to!' Midoriko was roughly pushed to the ground, her blade thrown out of hand. Looking up she saw a growling demon standing over her. Quickly, she searched for her mentor, finding her on her knees blocking a demon's blow. Midoriko's eyes widened, she knew she had to get to her and soon. Her attention was brought back by a jolt of searing pain. Crying out, the young girl looked to her attacker. The demon standing over her raised its claws again. Letting a fierce scream flow from her mouth, Midoriko exploded with light. The demons that were around her evaporated and their ashes drifted away in the wind, while the rest of the demons halted. Looking at one another, the demons ran. Standing, Midoriko swayed over to Shira. Her bloody body was motionless. Letting a strained cry, the young priestess dropped to her knees.
“NOOO!” She sobbed. She gathered her tutor and friend in her arms, and began to rock to and fro.
~End flash back~
`This is suicide. I don't want to die.' She thought again frantic to keep her breathing down. Midoriko moved behind a tree. Resting her head against it she released a shaky breath. If she ran, she would live. If she stayed, she would surely die. Her mind was reeling on what to do.
“If I run, then more innocent people will die.” She thought rationally.
“But, if I stay…then…then I will die.” She weighed the pros and cons. She wanted to live, not die. Why was she cursed with this obligation?
`Obligation' she remembered her own words to Kira. Her obligation.
“I have no other choice, Kira. It's my obligation as a priestess.” She had said that. She didn't have a choice. It was her duty to protect her people.
“So it is decided.” Midoriko stated, “I fight and die with honor.” With that said, Midoriko pushed herself away from the tree, and, with her head held high, walked into the clearing. Upon seeing the priestess, the demon's roars became louder. They charged at her with an unbelievable amount of force. Midoriko was forced to change her tactic. Pushing off the demons, she summoned her power. Her light blue light glowed around her. As she stepped forward the demons surrounding her melted away in her brilliant light. Raising her sword, she began her attack.
`Three hours, I've been fighting for three hours, now.' The priestess thought tiredly, `They just keep coming!' she thought again, dogging a swinging claw. Her power had already begun to weaken; she could barely concentrate. Raising her sword she blocked another attack from behind. A demon charged to her left, and, before she could block it the demon sideswiped her to the ground.
“I have to get out of here.” She concluded. Struggling to her feet, Midoriko sprinted away. Through the forest she made her way across a small stream. Tripping over an unearthed root, Midoriko let out a strained cry of pain. Pushing herself up she glanced behind her. The demons were following close, too close for her liking. Limping she made her way through the rest of the forest and into a small cave. She sat, waiting for her hunters to come. Catching her breath, Midoriko looked around. There was no way out of the cave, except for the way she came. She knew that this would be her last stand.
“It looks like I shall be joining you soon, Shira-sama.” She smiled.
“How ironic.” She thought aloud, “To be killed by next to your grave, Shira-sama.” She spoke again, looking to her left at a mound with a small headstone. A low growl came from the entrance. Closing her eyes, she stood. As her hunters attacked, she cried out from the depth of her soul. Calling fourth the last of her power to contain the battle that was raging on. A bright light engulfed the cave, and, with her last breath she cried out.
“Guardians of the cycle of life…” The light died down, and in the darkness of the cave Midoriko's last words echoed.
“Watch over my soul.”
When the echoes ceased, five figures appeared. Clothed in hooded robes, their eyes watched as a small round object appeared next to Midoriko's stone body. Moving as one they circled around the jewel. One of the robed figures bent down and grasped the jewel in their hands. It's light pink glow brightened in the figure's grasp.
“What shall we do now, sister?” one of the Guardians asked.
“We are to hand this jewel over to the next priestess in line.” the one holding the jewel replied.
“Why?” another questioned.
“Were we not the ones the priestess summoned?” asked another.
“Indeed, we were.” The jewel holder replied.
“So shouldn't we watch over the jewel, sister?”
“Because, dear sisters, we were summoned only to watch over the soul of the priestess. Not to keep it.” Turning as one, the cloaked figures made their way to Midoriko's village.
“Who are you?” Kira asked timidly. The figure holding the jewel spoke first.
“We are the guardians.”
“Guardians of what?” an elderly man spoke up.
“Of the cycle of life…” another guardian spoke.
“…And death.” The jewel holder finished. Gasps were heard throughout the crowd.
“Why are you here?” a younger woman asked.
“We were summoned by the priestess Midoriko.”
“Where is the priestess Midoriko?” Kira asked softly. The guardian that held the jewel raised her hand for the villagers to see. The villagers stared curiously.
“What is that?” a small boy asked.
“The jewel of four souls.” Stated the one holding it.
“Where is the priestess next in line?”
“I am the next priestess in line.” Kira stepped forward. The jewel holder placed the jewel in Kira's hands.
“The Shikon No Tama is to always be in the protection of a priestess. Never let it out of your sight.” with that said the guardians disappeared leaving fate to do her work.
A/N: I apologize if it's a little hard to follow but believe me…it is critical to the story that I get this out. PLEASE read and review. Let me know how I'm doing with the story. This is my first fanfic for inuyasha, so be easy on me. I'm always up for advice, so feel free to drop a line or two. -_^