InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mysterious Fate ❯ Just Another Day, Or So I Thought ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: It's on the Prologue if you want to read it.
A/N: The next few chapters will be mostly explaining what's going on. It'll be a while before Inuyasha and the gang will show up, so be patient. If you have any questions and/or comments, please don't hesitate to e-mail me or review. Okay, I've kept you from the story long enough. Enjoy!
It all started with Midoriko. Before she met her fate, she summoned five mysterious Guardians. Now, jump eight hundred years to Kagome's time. What happens when the Guardians of the cycle of life return? And what does Naraku want with them? Come with me on this wild journey through fate and time, to see what happens when the final battle takes place, and loyalties are tested. Will true love surpass the destruction of Naraku? Or, will fate seem to repeat itself?
Mysterious Fate
Chapter 1: Just Another Day, Or So I Thought
~800 years later in Kagome's time~
“I'm off to school!” Kagome shouted as she tugged her overstuffed backpack onto her shoulder.
“Okay dear, have a nice day!” Her mother waved. Kagome nodded and ran out the door.
“Oh no, I'm gonna be late!” she groaned as her high school came into view. Stopping at the edge of the steps, she paused. Looking at the grand high school, she couldn't believe that she had made it this far.
`This is my last year. I can't believe it.' She thought to herself as she made her way up the steep stairs. `I don't know what I'm gonna do after this…' she waved to her long time friend Eri as she passed, `I mean, with me traveling through time. How am I supposed to finish college, when I barely made it through middle school AND I'm barely making it through high school.' She sighed. Before she knew it she was at her first class. Eyeing the door tiredly, Kagome reached for the handle. The door opened, and a loud male voice echoed into the halls.
“Higurashi! This makes the eighth time you've been late this semester.” Mr. Tamamari scolded. Bowing, Kagome apologized.
“I'm sorry Tamamari-sama, its just I've been sick…”
“There is no excuse for missing Algebra class, miss Higurashi.” The algebra teacher snapped rudely. Bowing again, Kagome made her way past her unfriendly teacher, and, took her seat next to Yuri. Sighing in defeat, Kagome sat her large bag on the floor.
“Now,” Boomed Mr. Tamamari, “If you all would kindly turn in your books to page two hundred and eleven. We will begin today's lesson in distributing polynomials…” Mr. Tamamari turned to face the board. Picking up a piece of chalk, he began to scribble unrecognizable words across the top half of the board. Yuri leaned over her chair.
“Hey, Kagome.” Kagome turned. “Why are you late today?” Yuri whispered. Sighing, Kagome gave an excuse as usual.
“I woke up sick, again.”
“That's not good, Kagome. You should really go and see a doctor. I mean…” Yuri quickly sat up when Mr. Tamamari turned to face the class.
“While we are on the subject of homework. Do any of you have today's assignment done?” Groans filtered throughout the students. Kagome smacked her hand against her head.
`I knew there was something I forgot to do last night!' Kagome closed her eyes, and laid her head on her desk. `Stupid, stupid, stupid. How could I forget…I did everything else.' Kagome stilled. She sat up, her eyes wide. `Oh no,' she groaned again, `I left everything at home.' Putting her head in her hands, she sighed. `As if this day could get any worse.'
“Miss Higurashi.” Kagome smirked.
`Great.' She thought as she glanced up to see her teacher standing over her.
“My class isn't a time for sleep. I've heard of your infamous conditions in middle school, and well I suggest you get better soon or you will not pass this class.” Mr. Tamamari glared. Kagome sank lower in her seat. Her face flushed bright red from embarrassment. She smiled weakly.
“Yes, Tamamari-sama.” The teacher turned, a triumphant smile graced his dried lips.
“Class dismissed.” He spoke happily. The students rose, bowed then left the hellhole they called math. Picking up her heavy bag, Kagome walked defeated out of the classroom. Yuri was waiting for her.
“Don't let it get to you, Kagome. That man is a jerk. He is always looking for ways to get to his students.” Yuri piped.
“I know, but man, that was embarrassing.” Yuri shrugged.
“Just ignore him, just about everything he says is crap anyways.” Kagome looked to her friend and laughed.
“True, very true.” Together, they walked down the hallway to their next class, while; other students scrambled to get to their classes before the bell sounded.
`Two o' clock, just thirty more minutes and I will have the weekend all to myself.' Kagome thought as she impatiently watched the time. Her science teacher droned on about how excited she was to finally get a good, quiet class. `Ugh, come on. It's already six weeks in the second semester and your still going on about that. Uh, Kami help me. It's ten after. Please, go faster.' She whined. Sighing, she decided to turn her attention to the window. She noticed two birds chasing each other; one would land on a branch while the other would swoop in from behind. This went on for a few minutes longer, until there was a loud beep that sounded from the intercom.
“Mrs. Khert, would you send Higurashi, Kagome to the front office please.” The woman from the intercom asked.
“Of course.” Mrs. Khert looked to Kagome and smiled. “Miss Higurashi, you may leave.” Standing, Kagome bowed then gathered her things. On the way out she waved goodbye to Yuri. Kagome made her way down to the front office. Once she entered, a young woman with long wavy blonde hair and blue eyes, dressed in jeans and a light pink t-shirt greeted her.
“Hi!” The woman spoke, “You must be Kagome, right?” Kagome nodded. “That's great! I'm Ripley Mc Calister. Nice to meet you.” Ripley held out her hand, and Kagome took it. “Well, are you ready?” Ripley asked. Kagome looked confused.
“Ready? For what?”
“I'm supposed to give you a tour of Tokyo University College.” Ripley smiled.
“OH! I forgot about that. My apologies.” Kagome bowed. Ripley just shook her head.
“Now, none of that bowing stuff. Where I come from a simple apology is quite fine.” Ripley laughed. Kagome smiled, she could tell she was going to like this Ripley.
“Alright, I'm ready.” Ripley led the way out of the office and out of the school. Once they were outside Ripley turned to Kagome.
“So Kagome, What do you plan on majoring in? If you don't mind me asking?”
“I don't really know yet. Is that bad?”
“Nope. You actually have plenty of time to decide what you wanna be. So don't worry about it.” Ripley said with a laugh. Kagome smiled and nodded. They walked down to the parking lot, and stopped when they came to a blue car.
“Jump in, and well head for the college.”
“Okay.” Ripley slid the key in and turned, the engine roared to life.
“Is this a Mustang?” Kagome asked. Ripley smiled.
“Yep. It's the only way to drive.” She said with a laugh. “Unfortunately, it's not mine.”
“If it's not yours then who's is it?” Kagome asked curiously.
“My room mates. She's in class and said I could borrow it. You'll probably get to meet her.” Ripley stated as she pulled out of the parking space.
“Oh, what's your room mate's name?”
“Haha, I guess I should've told you. I have more than one roommate. But the one who owns this car is named Elizabeth.”
“How many roommates do you have?” Kagome asked.
“Oh about four, not including me, of course.” Ripley replied. They pulled out onto the road, and headed towards town.
“Could you reach under your seat and pull out the cd carrier?”
“Sure.” Kagome reached under her seat as she was told, and pulled out a long blue cd carrier. “Thank ya ma'am, now could you open it and look for a black cd that says Atreyu?” Kagome opened it up and began flipping through the pockets for the desired cd.
“Is this it?” Kagome asked, holding up a black cd with silver writing.
“Yep, that's the one.” Ripley said as she took the cd and placed it in the CD player.
“Oh, I guess I should warn you before it starts playing, this band, Atreyu is mostly a screaming band. So if it starts to get on your nerves, just pick a different cd.” Kagome nodded.
“I've never heard of them, are they popular where you're from? Where are you from, anyways? If you don't mind me asking?”
“From the good old US of A. And yeah, they're fairly popular.” Ripley replied as the music began.
“Are all your roommates from America?”
“No, not all of them. There is only one other her name is Anna. The rest are from Greece and Ireland.”
“Cool. How did you all meet?”
“By coming here, actually. We met about four years ago. So we're all pretty close.” Ripley said coming to a stop at a red light.
After driving a few ways into town, they made a right turn into the main campus parking lot.
“Here we are.” Ripley said, pulling into a park.
“Wow, I didn't expect it to be this big.” Kagome said mostly to herself, as she scanned the large campus as far as she could see. The parking lot itself was massive; she could only imagine what the buildings looked like.
“Yeah, but you get used to it.” Ripley replied, getting out of the car. Kagome followed. After locking the doors, they made their way to the main campus entrance.
“So where do ya wanna start first?”
“Uh, I have no idea.” Kagome said laughing.
“Haha, okay. This place is really big, almost to big to cover in one day.” Ripley said looking around, “So what do you say, I just show you as much as I can before it gets dark.”
“Sounds good to me.”
“Great! This way.” Ripley smiled, and led Kagome up the stairs of the main building. Once inside, Ripley made a left. The hallways were narrow and dimly lit. The walls were blain of color, there were a few bright colored bulletins alerting students of up coming events.
“It's not much to look at, but really what school is?” Ripley stated. The walked a little further until they came to two worn looking doors. Pushing open one of the doors, Ripley motioned for Kagome to enter.
“This is the councilors office. If you ever need help with choosing a class, this is the place to go. Or if you just need help in general.” Ripley walked in behind Kagome.
“Afternoon Mrs. Greenman. How are you today?” Ripley asked, as she walked up to the counter.
“Busy, very busy. And yourself?” Mrs. Greenman asked as she carried a stack of papers to her desk.
“Just showing a high school student around. Say, Mrs. Greenman do you by chance have any registration forms left?” Ripley asked searching through papers on the desk. Mrs. Greenman sat the stack down on her desk, and walked over to the counter.
“Umm, I believe so. Can you come back in about twenty minutes, give me a chance to straighten up around here?”
“Yeah, sure. No problem.” Ripley nodded, turning she opened the door and let Kagome walk through first. Back out into the hallway, they turned and went back the way they came.
“There is really not much in this building, except for a few special education classes.” Ripley stated as she opened the door that led outside. “Do you know what classes you wanna take next year?”
“Yeah, I think so. I want to take history and the myths/lore class.”
“That's a good start. Of course, you'll have to get your core classes out of the way.” Ripley nodded. “So you'll want to look at the history building, as well as the literature building. That gives us a start on where to go, at least.”
“Where are the history and literature buildings?”
“Across the street over there.” Ripley pointed to two gray buildings standing next to each other. Ripley gave the tour of each of the buildings. Afterwards, they made there way back over to the main building to retrieve a registration form.
“Thank you for showing me around today.” Kagome smiled.
“No problem.” Ripley replied as she started the car. “Do you want me to run you, since it's starting to get dark?”
“If you wouldn't mind.”
“Not at all.” They pulled out of the parking space, and left the lot. “You'll just have to tell me where you live.”
“Okay.” Kagome directed which way was her house. Pulling to the side, Kagome got out of the car. Rolling down her window, Ripley shouted after Kagome.
“Hey Kagome!” Kagome turned.
“Would you like to meet the rest of girls tomorrow?”
“Great, we'll pick you up about twelve. We always go out on Saturdays.”
“I'll be waiting.” With that said, Ripley waved goodbye and drove off.
A/N: Again I apologize if the chapter seems to be going slow, but I promise it is vital to the story. Thanks for reading, and don't forget to review!