InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Now And Forever ❯ The Shocking Truth ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


A/N: The more I say it the more depressed I get. I do not own Inuyasha

I'm glad that you guys like my story, but come on you have to admit that I update faster than most Authors.


"Sango are you sure?" Shippou had started to sob, the news he was hearing from Sango was too much for him. It was very hard to believe that Inuyasha would do something like this.

"I know this is hard for you Shippou but it's the truth, now we've got to find Miroku and stop Inuyasha."

"I-I don't know where he went."

"Kirara can you find Miroku's scent?" Kirara transformed into her larger shape and started to sniff. She seemed to have caught onto it and started to lead the way into the forest.

They didn't have to walk far because soon they saw Inuyasha heading their way with a solemn look on his face and Miroku close behind.

Sango grabbed the strap of her boomerang and got ready to fight.

"Kirara protect Miroku and Shippou!" Kirara jumped between them, back facing Miroku and began to growl at Inuyasha.

Miroku was confused to say the least, what the hell was going on with everyone?

"Sango what are you doing!?" His question went unheard as Sango started to attack the hanyou with her Hiraikotsu

"Shippou what is going on tonight?" Shippou had been intently watching the fight, when he was suddenly snatched up by the tail to come face- to- face with a baffled monk.

"Inuyasha attacked Kagome at the hot springs and when Sango tried to save her he knocked her unconscious and took off with Kagome."

Miroku was so completely astounded he couldn't speak and his hand lost all grip and roughly dropped the little kit to the ground. When he finally came back to his senses he remembered that there was a fight going on that he had to stop before someone really got hurt.

Inuyasha was dodging Sango's attacks but for the life of him he couldn't understand why she was attacking him.

`Maybe she really hates me too.'

He jumped up and landed on a branch that was not among those Hiraikotsu had chopped off.

`Well I don't really have reason to live so I might as well just let her take me out.'

He jumped down from the branch and stood there as Sango threw her boomerang at him, for what he was sure would be the finial time.

Sango didn't notice that the hanyou was not trying to dodge her attack now so she threw her boomerang without thought, but it missed it's target thanks to a certain monk who pulled him out of the way.

"Miroku what the hell do you think you're doing!?" Miroku stood in front of Inuyasha shielding him from anymore assault.

"Move Miroku, let me finish him!"

"I'm afraid I can't do that Sango, I have a feeling that you are about to make a terrible mistake."

"No I'm not he needs to be stopped!"

"Tell me why you are attacking Inuyasha Sango, I heard it from Shippou but it was too much, I have to hear it from your lips."

"Fine I'll tell you, he attacked Kagome while she was at the hot spring, when I happened upon the scene and tried to stop him he knocked me unconscious and kidnapped her. Now do you see he needs to be dealt with! He betrayed us!"

Inuyasha, who was listening to all this had his mouth gapped open at what Sango said.

`Me, attack Kagome! ? kidnap her!?'

"Sango you are wrong, Inuyasha was with me the whole time. We got up while you slept to follow Kagura's scent and she lead us to believe that Kagome was the one who betrayed us. She even had Kagome's jewel shards and took us to Kagome herself where she freely told us that she was joining with Naraku."

Shippou was the only one who could speak, he ran over and jumped onto Miroku's shoulder.

"So you guys saw a different Kagome and Sango saw a different Inuyasha, and they both tricked you?"

"Yes Shippou that seems to be the case."

The baby fox was ecstatic, he jumped to Inuyasha and latched onto his neck in a hug and started to cry again.

"I'm so glad that you didn't betray us Inuyasha, I didn't want Sango to kill you, I knew you never do something like that to Kagome!"

The hanyou was still in shock and could only rub the kit's head, and then his gears started working again and piecing together everything.

`Fake Kagome, Fake me, tricked, Kagura helped…Wait!'


All eyes turned to Inuyasha who was trembling with rage and complete hate. He had done it again, tried to trick him into hating someone he loved.

"That's exactly what I was thinking he tried to trick us all like he'd done Inuyasha and Kikyou fifty years ago, but this time its worse he also took Kagome too."

No one else had a chance to say anything because at those words Inuyasha dropped Shippou and began speeding back to the hot springs to track Kagome's scent.

`If he hurts or touches her I will not only kill him but completely butcher him!'

Sango was taken aback, she had been tricked, but not only her all of them. How could she have believed that Inuyasha would do something like that?

`I'm going to kill Naraku!'

The rest of them got onto Kirara and tried to catch up with Inuyasha.


Kagome woke up dazed and confused, then her memory came rushing back. Inuyasha had kidnapped her, taken her here to this cave, knocked her out, and also hurt Sango for trying to save her.


She sat up and winced at the throbbing pain in the back of her head. It was still dark outside but she knew the sun would be up soon, she also knew he would be back for her, to rape and possibly kill her.

`No, that's not Inuyasha, it can't be and I know how to prove it'

She stood up and re-wrapped her towel around herself, she would be more calm if she had on more clothes but at least she was covered at all. She would prove that this person was not Inuyasha, and knew the perfect way to do it, the thing pretending to be Inuyasha had copied his clothes and everything precisely even the rosary necklace.


Another chapter done!

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