InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Now And Forever ❯ Words Never Thought Of Part 2 ( Chapter 3 )
A/N: I've cried over this night after night but I do not own Inuyasha!
Okay chapter 3 is ready and waiting for you to read and review so go to it!
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The camp sight one hour earlier…
Inuyasha's eyes were starting to droop and he decided it was time to go and get Kagome. He jumped down from his perch and started to walk in the direction of the hot spring when a sound from behind him caught his attention. He turned around to see Miroku waking up from his unconsciousness.
"Where are you going Inuyasha?" Miroku asked with a sly smile on his face since he had notice that Kagome had yet to return from the hot spring and that was obviously where the hanyou was heading.
"I'm going to get Kagome, she's been at the spring too long."
Miroku jumped up and ran to Inuyasha's side at that.
"Then I shall assist you, she may not want to leave and we might have to hall her out, naked or no we cannot let that lovely body prune."
"Take your ass back to sleep!, your not laying one eye on her you per…*sniff* *sniff*
"Inuyasha? What's wrong?" Miroku was on guard at the way his friend suddenly snapped to attention and started sniffing. He started growling and gripped Tetsusaiga's hilt, at that Miroku grabbed his staff.
"Its Kagura's scent, lets go I don't want her near the hot spring with Kagome there."
"Should we wake Sango?"
"No, me and you can handle that bitch alone."
They set off in search of the wind sorceress.
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Kagura's job was to change the course of the wind to keep both her's and Naraku's scents hidden from the inu hanyou until she was in position, then reveal herself and lead him into the second part of the trap.
Kagura was sick of taking Naraku's orders and being made to do his dirty work, but hopefully this foolish plan of his would be his undoing, then she would be free of him.
Inuyasha and Miroku ran deep into the forest until coming upon Kagura in a small clearing. She had her back turned to them but they knew she was fully aware of their presence.
" What are you doing here Kagura?" Inuyasha pulled out Tetsusiaga and it blazed to life.
" I am here to deliver a message to you Inuyasha, from Kagome" At the visible shock on their faces she was grinning wickedly.
"What have you done to her?" Miroku said as he took his fighting stance.
" I have not done anything to her, but you should be more concerned with what she's done to you."
She whipped out her fan and snapped it open. At the sight of her weapon Inuyasha and Miroku readied to defined themselves, but Kagura only began to gently fan herself as she continued.
"Kagome has betrayed you Inuyasha."
"What are you talking about you lying wench, Kagome would never betray me!"
"Oh Inuyasha you're so trusting and gullible, well if you won't believe me believe your own eyes."
She pulled out the fake duplicates of Kagome's jewel shards and held them out in the palm of her hand for them to see.
"She gave these to Naraku of her own free will, and if you still do not believe then I will take you to her myself."
They walked for what seemed to be ages, their feet were starting to hurt and Inuyasha was getting restless. Kagura had to lead them on until Naraku was finished dealing with the miko, but was not sure if she had the patience for the dog-demon's mouth.
"This had better not be a trick, wench or I'll slice you in half."
Kagura was actually relived when she got the mental signal from Naraku to stop.
"It is no trick see for yourselves we are here, come out Kagome."
Naraku had taken on Kagome's slim form and masked his true scent and stepped out of the background. He was loving every minute of this and the look on Inuyasha's face as priceless.
Inuyasha was frozen to the spot, this could not be happening it had to be a trick, his first friend and the woman he loved had betrayed him.
"Kagome?" He took a step forward.
"Kagome please tell me she's lying, you wouldn't go to Naraku, you wouldn't leave me."
"Get away from me!!" The fake Kagome shouted and took a step back.
"You completely disgust me, you chose a dead bitch over me and think you still have the right to speak my name?"
"What are you talking about, I never said…"
"Shout your filthy mouth I don't want to hear it, I'm sick of acting like I care for you, I've found someone more powerful for me, the man I love."
"You can't be talking about Naraku!!"
"Good, your not as stupid as you look" she started clapping to mock him.
"It was all a lie Inuyasha, I want nothing to do with a nasty, weak half-breed like yourself."
"Kagome you can't mean that!!" Inuyasha's eyes were filled with unshed tears that threaten to fall any moment.
"Of course she doesn't mean it, Naraku probably has her under a spell." Miroku walked up and put a reassuring hand on his friend's trembling shoulder.
"I'm perfectly myself monk, I'm just telling him the truth."
"No!! our Kagome would never say anything like this!" Miroku was livid, this could not be happening!
"That Kagome is gone, I'm sick of being all nice and sweet anymore, Naraku and I are going to rule the world together..." She turned to look Inuyasha in the eyes.
"Right after we kill Kikyou… again!"
"No!" Inuyasha ran towards her but she and Kagura quickly got onto her feather and flew any.
"NO!!! KAGOME!!!!"
Inuyasha was on his knees fully crying not caring who saw, he wanted to die, he wanted the pain to stop. He stood up and walked back to camp with his head low and bangs covering his eyes, he had made his decision.
`I will go back and tell the others what happened, I'm going after Naraku and killing him, then I will kill myself.'
Sango walked heavily back to camp, having woke from being knocked out. She had to tell Shippou and the others, they had to stop Inuyasha, she wouldn't let him take her new little sister. She reached the camp and fell to her knees waking Shippou and Kirara for the first time that night. They were at her side in a flash.
"Sango what happened, where is everyone?" Shippou was scared, what had happened while he was asleep?
Sango looked at the little fox, there was no smooth way to put this.
"Inuyasha has betrayed us."
Another ciffie, sorry I couldn't resist!
Review and let me hear your thoughts!