InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Now And Forever ❯ Words Never Thought Of ( Chapter 2 )
A/N: Here's my disclaimer.
As much as I want to I do not own Inuyasha or any of the show's characters.
This is my first fanfic so be gentle with me.
Kagome felt she had cried enough and it was time to go back to camp and get some much needed sleep. She stepped out of the hot spring and wrapped a towel around herself and started to gather her bath things. She heard the rustle of leaves behind her and turned around to see her best and most trusted friend, who just happened to be the reason for her tears.
"Inuyasha? Is something wrong?" She looked around half expecting to be attacked by something that he had come to save her from, but when he still didn't say anything and the way he was looking at her she began to get mad.
"You didn't just come to spy on me did you?" He still said nothing.
"You HENTAI!! You're getting as bad as Miroku, now get away from here before I say the `S' word and break your back!!"
"Kagome…" He started to walk slowly closer to her. The look in his eyes is something she could only describe as lust, that she had hoped he would look at her with one day but this was different, this scared her.
"Kagome I'm going to take you now."
"Take me where?" She started to back up.
Naraku loved it, the look of terrible fear and utter shock in her eyes, he loved it. This was going to be fun for him.
Kagome was about to scream for Sango or Miroku but before she even saw him, he moved faster than she could and was behind her with his hand over her mouth. She could feel his hot breath on her neck and the evidence of his arousal was pressed hard against her hip, and she was beginning to panic.
`Oh Gods!, this can't be happening! Inuyasha please I love you don't do this! Its not supposed to be this why, he's not supposed to be this way! What's happening to him!?'
"I said I'm going to take you bitch, and there's no one to help you"
"Get your hands off of her now Inuyasha!" They both looked up to see Sango and to say she was mad would have to be an understatement.
Sango woke up to get some water when she noticed that Kagome had not returned and it had been a very long time, she got even more worried when she noticed Inuyasha was missing along with Miroku. She left Shippou and Kirara sleeping and set off towards the hot springs wondering where they had all got to, but her musing brought to an abrupt halt when she set foot in the clearing of the hot spring to the sight that was before her now, Inuyasha had his hand over Kagome's mouth and the words he spoke filled her with blind rage.
"You heard what I said Inuyasha, get your damn hands off of her!" Sango pulled out her sword since she had left her boomerang back at the camp.
Naraku threw Kagome aside, he would have to get rid of this annoyance first before he could play with his miko.
"If you think you can take me go ahead and attack." He imitated Inuyasha's smug look just as good as he did his voice.
Sango lounged, he dodged and knocked her sword out of her hand, when she started to attack with her fists he picked her up by the neck and threw her against a tree.
With Sango now lying unconscious on the ground Kagome started to panic, she scrambled to her feet and ran, if she were in her right mind would have known that running from a demon would get her no where fast but in her alarmed state she did the first thing her body told her to do when it released a blast of adrenalin completely forgetting the fact that the only thing she had on was a towel, she only wanted to get as far away as she could.
Naraku was thrilled, he wanted to chase her it only made it more exciting for him just like Sango's attempts to stop him. He thought that with this plan he would only break apart Inuyasha and Kagome it would make I all the better if he shook apart the whole group.
He took off after her with a predatory smile on his new face, and caught her in no time resuming his hold on her waist and mouth. Kagome could do nothing but cry and shake with sobs as her breath came out in rough pants.
"I told you no one could help you Kagome, now I'll do away with your innocents and go to hell with Kikyou."
He laughed at the way her breath caught in her throat and the stunned look on her face, he knew that she had a dislike for her last incarnation and hated seeing the hanyou with her.
"What did you think I would stay with you? No, I only have a little desire to fill with you and then I'll be with Kikyou, you'll be lucky if you can live through me."
He ran his tongue roughly over her neck and slug her over his shoulder and took off to a near by cave. She started to struggle and scream pleading with him to stop and come to his senses, she couldn't `sit' without getting hurt herself so she was stuck with trying to reason with him.
He reached the cave and took her inside needed a way to keep her there until he got back, he slammed her against the wall purposely knocking her unconscious, he still had the real Inuyasha to take care of.
Second chapter is finish!!
Please review people I would love to know what you think!